序号 |
标题 |
期刊 |
出版年 |
类型 |
1 |
THzResNet: A Physics-inspired Two-Stream Residual Network for thermal Barrier Coating Thickness Measurement |
IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics |
2023 |
高被引 |
2 |
Advances in terahertz technology for cancer detection applications |
Optical and Quantum Electronics |
2023 |
高被引 |
3 |
An Overview of Signal Processing Techniques for Terahertz Communications |
Proceedings of the IEEE |
2021 |
高被引 |
4 |
Ultra-narrowband terahertz circular dichroism driven by planar metasurface supporting chiral quasi bound states in continuum |
Optics and Laser Technology |
2023 |
高被引 |
5 |
Next Generation Terahertz Communications: A Rendezvous of Sensing, Imaging, and Localization |
IEEE Communications Magazine |
2020 |
高被引 |
6 |
Highly sensitive terahertz sensor based on graphene metamaterial absorber |
Optics Communications |
2023 |
高被引 |
7 |
Broadband Spintronic Terahertz Source with Peak Electric Fields Exceeding 1.5 MV/cm |
Physical Review Applied |
2023 |
高被引 |
8 |
Matter manipulation with extreme terahertz light: Progress in the enabling THz technology |
Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters |
2019 |
高被引 |
9 |
Qualitative and Quantitative Recognition of Volatile Organic Compounds in their Liquid Phase Based on Terahertz Microfluidic EIT Meta-Sensors |
IEEE Sensors Journal |
2023 |
高被引 |
10 |
the 2023 terahertz science and technology roadmap |
Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics |
2023 |
高被引 |
11 |
Terahertz Multi-User Massive MIMO With intelligent Reflecting Surface: Beam Training and Hybrid Beamforming |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
2021 |
高被引 |
12 |
A high-speed programmable and scalable terahertz holographic metasurface based on tiled CMOS chips |
Nature Electronics |
2020 |
高被引 |
13 |
Graphene Multi-Frequency Broadband and Ultra-Broadband Terahertz Absorber Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance |
Electronics |
2023 |
高被引 |
14 |
Terahertz generations of transmissive deflection, focusing, and orbital angular momentum with polarization conversion |
Optics and Laser Technology |
2023 |
高被引 |
15 |
Terahertz switching between broadband absorption and narrowband absorption |
Optics Express |
2020 |
高被引 |
16 |
interaction of spatial-Gaussian lasers with the magnetized CNTs in the presence of DC electric field and enhanced THz emission |
Physica Scripta |
2023 |
高被引 |
17 |
Efficiency adjustable terahertz circular polarization anomalous refraction and planar focusing based on a bi-layered complementary Z-shaped graphene metasurface |
Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics |
2022 |
高被引 |
18 |
Ultrathin and Ultra-Broadband Terahertz Single-Layer Metasurface Based on Double-Arrow-Shaped Resonator Structure for Full-Space Wavefront Manipulation |
Advanced theory and Simulations |
2023 |
高被引 |
19 |
Machine learning assisted hepta band THz metamaterial absorber for biomedical applications |
Scientific Reports |
2023 |
高被引 |
20 |
6G: A survey on technologies, scenarios, challenges, and the related issues |
Journal of industrial information integration |
2020 |
高被引 |
21 |
Temporal and spectral fingerprints of ultrafast all-coherent spin switching |
Nature |
2019 |
高被引 |
22 |
6G for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communications: Enabling Technologies, Challenges, and Opportunities |
Proceedings of the IEEE |
2022 |
高被引 |
23 |
IRS-Based MEC for Delay-Constrained QoS Over RF-Powered 6G Mobile Wireless Networks |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
2023 |
高被引 |
24 |
Terahertz ultrasensitive biosensor based on wide-area and intense light-matter interaction supported by QBIC |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
2023 |
高被引 |
25 |
the 2022 magneto-optics roadmap |
Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics |
2022 |
热点 |
26 |
Gate-tunable negative refraction of mid-infrared polaritons |
Science |
2023 |
高被引 |
27 |
All-optical switching of an epsilon-near-zero plasmon resonance in indium tin oxide |
Nature Communications |
2021 |
高被引 |
28 |
Mid-infrared single-pixel imaging at the single-photon level |
Nature Communications |
2023 |
高被引 |