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发布时间:2011-07-26 21:20:23 阅读:38284


1.Van Vugt, LK; Piccione, B; Cho, CH; Nukala, P; Agarwal, R. One-dimensional polaritons with size-tunable and enhanced coupling strengths in semiconductor nanowires .PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE

2.Cole, JM; Burgi, HB; McIntyre, GJ. Distinction of disorder, classical and quantum vibrational contributions to atomic mean-square amplitudes in dielectric pentachloronitrobenzene .  PHYSICAL REVIEW B2011,83 (22): 224202

3.Rogalski, A; Sizov, F. Terahertz detectors and focal plane arrays .OPTO-ELECTRONICS REVIEW2011,19 (3): 346-404

4.Shekhter, RI; Kadigrobov, AM; Jonson, M; Smotrova, EI; Nosich, AI; Korenivski, V. Subwavelength terahertz spin-flip laser based on a magnetic point-contact array .OPTICS LETTERS2011,36 (12): 2381-2383


6.Andrianov, AV; Aleshin, AN;  Truchin, VN; Bobylev, AV;. Electrical and optical properties of polyfluorene thin films studied by THz time-domain spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS. 2011,44(26): 265101

7.Zerov, VY; Malyarov, VG; Khrebtov, IA. Antenna-coupled microbolometers .JOURNAL OF OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY2011,78(5): 308-316

8.Ma, Z; Ma, HM; Yang, CT; Feng, KM . Modeling of terahertz pulse generation from LT-GaAs ultrafast photoconductive switches .JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS. 2011,22 (3): 373-380

9.Gayen, DK; Chattopadhyay, T; Pal, RK; Roy, JN. All-optical prefix tree adder with the help of terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer..CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS. 2011,9(6): 062001

10.Ren, Y; Hovenier, JN; Higgins, R; Gao, JR; Klapwijk, TM; Shi, SC; Klein, B; Kao, TY; Hu, Q; Reno, JL. High-resolution heterodyne spectroscopy using a tunable quantum cascade laser around 3.5 THz .APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,2011,98 (23): 231109

11.Peng, XY; Zhang, XH; Teng, JH; Guo, HC; Foo, YL. To realize the optimal probe pulse length for detection of pulsed terahertz signal with spectral-encoding technique. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,98 (23): 231111

12.Moldovan-Doyen, IC; Xu, G; Greusard, L; Sevin, G; Strupiechonski, E; Beaudoin, G; Sagnes, I; Khanna, SP ; Linfield, EH; Davies, AG; Colombelli, R; De Wilde, Y. Low temperature near-field scanning optical microscopy on infrared and terahertz photonic-crystal quantum cascade lasers .APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,98 (23): 231112

13.Liu, JB; Mendis, R); Mittleman, DM. The transition from a TEM-like mode to a plasmonic mode in parallel-plate waveguides.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,98 (23): 231113 ,Publication year: 2011

14.Radovanovic, J; Danici, A; Milanovic, V; Indjin, D; Ikonic, Z. Inter-Landau Level Scattering Processes in Magnetic Field Assisted THz Quantum Cascade Laser. ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A. 2011,120 (2): 227-230

15.Ulbricht, R; Hendry, E; Shan, J; Heinz, TF; Bonn, M. Carrier dynamics in semiconductors studied with time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy. REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS. 2011,83 (2): 543-586

16.Beyer, M; Stadter, D; Beck, M; Schafer, H; Kabanov, VV; Logvenov, G; Bozovic, I; Koren, G; Demsar, J. Photoinduced melting of superconductivity in the high-T-c superconductor La2-xSrxCuO4 probed by time-resolved optical and terahertz techniques. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (21): 214515


18.Kuroda, R; Yasumoto, M; Toyokawa, H; Sei, N; Koike, M; Yamada, K. Development of a coherent THz radiation source based on the ultra-short electron beam and its applications. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. 2011,637(S30-S32 )

19.Hajima, R; Shimada, M; Nakamura, N. Generation and applications of ultra-short electron beams in energy-recovery linacs. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. 2011,637(S37-S42)

20.Ferrario, M; Alesini, D; Bacci, A; Bellaveglia, M; Boni, R; Boscolo, M; Calvani, P; Castellano, M; Chiadroni, E; Cianchi, A; Cultrera, L; Di Pirro, G; Ficcadenti, L; Filippetto, D; Gallo, A; Gatti, G; Giannessi, L; Labat, M; Lupi, S; Marchetti, B; Marrelli, C; Migliorati, M; Mostacci, A; Nicoletti, D; Pace, E; Palumbo, L; Petrillo, V; Quattromini, M; Ronsivalle, C; Rossi, AR; Rosenzweig, J; Serafini, L; Serluca, M; Spataro, B; Tomizawa, H ; Vaccarezza, C; Vicario, C. Laser comb with velocity bunching: Preliminary results at SPARC. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. 2011,637(S43-S46)

21.Hama, H; Yasuda, M; Kawai, M; Hinode, F  Nanbu, K; Miyahara, F. Intense coherent terahertz generation from accelerator-based sources. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. 2011,637(S57-S61)

22.Hinode, F; Kawai, M; Nanbu, K; Miyahara, F ; Hama, H. Expected performance of a planar undulator designed for the terahertz source project at Tohoku University. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. 2011,637(S72-S75)

23.Higashimura, K; Ueda, S ; Yoshida, K; Kinjo, R; Bakr, MA; Sonobe, T; Masuda, K; Kii, T; Ohgaki, H. Short bunch effect on tabletop THz FEL amplification. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. 2011,637(S83-S86)

24.Saisut, J; Kusoljariyakul, K; Rimjaem, S; Kangrang, N; Wichaisirimongkol, P; Thamboon, P; Rhodes, MW; Thongbai, C. Construction and performance of the magnetic bunch compressor for the THz facility at Chiang Mai University. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. 2011,637(S99-S106)

25.Yamamoto, N; Shimada, M; Adachi, M; Zen, H; Tanikawa, T; Taira, Y; Kimura, S; Hosaka, M; Takashima, Y; Takahashi, T; Katoh, M. Ultra-short coherent terahertz radiation from ultra-short dips in electron bunches circulating in a storage ring . NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. 2011,637(S112-S115)


27.Thamboon, P; Buaphad, P; Thongbai, C; Saisud, J; Kusoljariyakul, K; Rhodes, MW; Vilaithong, T. Investigation of water distribution in proton exchange membrane fuel cells via Terahertz imaging. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. 2011,637(S161-S164)

28.Yang, J; Fan, WH; Xue, B. Biased electric field analysis of a photoconductive antenna for terahertz generation. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. 2011,637(S165-S167)

29.Liu, SG; Huang, YC. Generation of pre-bunched electron beams in photocathode RF gun for THz-FEL superradiation. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. 2011,637(S172-S176)

30.Brenier, A. Tunable THz frequency difference from a diode-pumped dual-wavelength Yb3+:KGd(WO4)(2) laser with chirped volume Bragg gratings. LASER PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,8(7): 520-524

31.Dressel, M; Wu, D; Barisic, N; Gorshunov, B. Looking at the superconducting gap of iron pnictides.JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS. 2011,72 (5): 514-518

32.Zhang, W; Ding, N; Li, YX. Synthesis and biological evaluation of analogues of the marine cyclic depsipeptide obyanamide .JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE. 2011,17(7): 533-539

33.Nakajima, K; Isobe, M; Chiba, T; Yamada, H. Cavity Resonance Effects on Phase-Locking of the Flux-Flow in Bi-2212 Intrinsic Josephson Junctions. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2011,21(3): 738-740

34.Merbold, H; Brunner, F; Cannizzo, A; Feurer, T. Near Field Enhancement for THz Switching and THz Nonlinear Spectroscopy Applications .CHIMIA. 2011,65 (5): 316-319

35.Ruchert, C; Ardana, F; Trisorio, A; Vicario, C; Hauri, CP. Towards High-power Single-cycle THz Laser for Initiating High-field-sensitive Phenomena.CHIMIA. 2011,65 (5): 320-322

36.Patterson, BD; Sa, J; Ichsanow, A; Hauri, CP; Vicario, C; Ruchert, C; Czekaj, I; Gehrig, R; Sigg, HC; van Bokhoven, JA; Pedrini, B; Abela, R. Can Energetic Terahertz Pulses Initiate Surface Catalytic Reactions on the Picosecond Time Scale?.CHIMIA. 2011,65(5): 323-325

37.Punzi, A; Brauer, JC; Marchioro, A; Ghadiri, E; de Jonghe, J ; Moser, JE. Photoinduced Interfacial Electron Transfer and Lateral Charge Transport in Molecular Donor-Acceptor Photovoltaic Systems .CHIMIA. 2011,65 (5): 353-355

38.Santavicca, DF; Chudow, JD; Prober, DE; Purewal, MS; Kim, P. Bolometric and nonbolometric radio frequency detection in a metallic single-walled carbon nanotube. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,98 (22):223503

39.Shiraishi, M; Shibayama, H; Ishigaki, K; Suzuki, S; Asada, M; Sugiyama, H; Yokoyama, H. High Output Power (similar to 400 mu W) Oscillators at around 550GHz Using Resonant Tunneling Diodes with Graded Emitter and Thin Barriers. APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS. 2011,4 (6): 064101

40.Vakil, A; Engheta, N. Transformation Optics Using Graphene. SCIENCE. 2011,332 (6035): 1291-1294

41.Wang, CY; Adhikari, S. ZnO-CNT composite nanotubes as nanoresonators. PHYSICS LETTERS A. 2011,375(22): 2171-2175

42.Williams, MRC; True, AB; Izmaylov, AF; French, TA; Schroeck, K; Schmuttenmaer, CA. Terahertz spectroscopy of enantiopure and racemic polycrystalline valine. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 2011,13 (24): 11719-11730

43.Kim, JO; Lee, SJ; Yee, DS; Noh, SK; Shin, JH; Park, KH; Kang, C; Kee, CS; Park, DW; Kim, JS; Kim, JS. THz Generation Characteristics of Low-temperature-grown InGaAs Emitters. JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY. 2011,58 (5): 1334-1338

44.Bennett, DB; Taylor, ZD; Tewari, P; Singh, RS; Culjat, MO; Grundfest, WS; Sassoon, DJ; Johnson, RD; Hubschman, JP; Brown, ER. Terahertz sensing in corneal tissues. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS. 2011,16 (5): 057003

45.Gulyaev, YV; Zil'berman, PE; Malikov, IV; Mikhailov, GM; Panas, AI; Chigarev, SG; Epshtein, EM. Current-induced spin injection and terahertz radiation in ferromagnetic junctions. DOKLADY PHYSICS. 2011,56(5): 265-267

46.Li, DH; Ma, JJ; Zhou, W; Liu, SG. Terahertz Waveforms Manipulation by Two Orthogonal-Polarized Femtosecond Pulses. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011, 28 (6): 064205

47.Li, ZY; Yao, JQ; Lue, D; Xu, DG; Wang, JL; Bing, PB. High-Power Terahertz Radiation Based on a Compact Eudipleural THz-Wave Parametric Oscillator. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,28 (6): 064209

48.Pedersen, KS; Dreiser, J; Nehrkorn, J; Gysler, M; Schau-Magnussen, M; Schnegg, A; Holldack, K; Bittl, R; Piligkos, S; Weihe, H; Tregenna-Piggott, P; Waldmann, O; Bendix, J. A linear single-molecule magnet based on [Ru-III(CN)(6)](3-) . CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2011,47 (24): 6918-6920

49.Yahiaoui, R; Nemec, H; Kuzel, P; Kadlec, F; Kadlec, C; Mounaix, P. Tunable THz metamaterials based on an array of paraelectric SrTiO3 rods. APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING. 2011,103 (3): 689-692

50.Scherger, B; Scheller, M; Jansen, C; Koch, M; Wiesauer, K. Terahertz lenses made by compression molding of micropowders. APPLIED OPTICS. 2011,50 (15): 2256-2262

51.Zhang, R; Guo, XG; Cao, JC. Simulation and optimization of grating optical coupling of terahertz quantum well photodetector.ACTA PHYSICA SINICA. 2011,60 (5): 050705

52.Tan, XL; Geng, YF; Zhou, J; Yao, JQ. Theoretical and experimental study on transmission properties of THz wave in metal-coated hollow waveguide. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA. 2011,60 (5): 054101

53.Wang, Y; Wu, Q; Wu, YM; Fu, JH; Wang, DX; Wang, Y; Le, LW. Theoretical study and numerical verification of terahertz radiation emitted by carbon nanotubes. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA. 2011,60(5): 057801

54.van Mechelen, JLM; van der Marel, D; Crassee, I; Kolodiazhnyi, T. Spin Resonance in EuTiO3 Probed by Time-Domain Gigahertz Ellipsometr . PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2011,106 (21): 217601

55.Krasnov, VM. Terahertz electromagnetic radiation from intrinsic Josephson junctions at zero magnetic field via breather-type self-oscillations. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (17): 174517

56.Lanzillotti-Kimura, ND; Fainstein, A; Perrin, B; Jusserand, B; Largeau, L; Mauguin, O; Lemaitre, A. Enhanced optical generation and detection of acoustic nanowaves in microcavities. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (20): 201103

57.Rosa, L; Sun, K; Juodkazis, S. Sierpinski fractal plasmonic nanoantennas. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI-RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS. 2011,5( 5-6): 175-177

58.Coppinger, MJ; Sustersic, NA; Kolodzey, J; Allik, TH. Sensitivity of a vanadium oxide uncooled microbolometer array for terahertz imaging. OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2011,50 (5): 053206

59.Lees, RM; Xu, LH; Billinghurst, BE; Appadoo, DRT. Weeding the Cosmos - FIR synchrotron spectroscopy of methanol at the Canadian Light Source. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE. 2011,993 (1-3): 269-276

60.Lueck, MR; Malta, DM; Gilchrist, KH; Kory, CL; Mearini, GT; Dayton, JA. Microfabrication of diamond-based slow-wave circuits for mm-wave and THz vacuum electronic sources. JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING. 2011,21 (6): 065022

61.Wilmink, GJ; Ibey, BL; Tongue, T; Schulkin, B; Laman, N; Peralta, XG; Roth, CC; Cerna, CZ; Rivest, BD; Grundt, JE; Roach, WP. Development of a compact terahertz time-domain spectrometer for the measurement of the optical properties of biological tissues. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS.2011,16 ( 4): 047006

62.Rauter, P; Mussler, G; Grutzmacher, D; Fromherz. Tensile strained SiGe quantum well infrared photodetectors based on a light-hole ground state. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,98 (21): 211106

63.Yatsugi, K ; Matsumoto, N; Nagashima, T; Hangyo, M. Transport properties of free carriers in semiconductors studied by terahertz time-domain magneto-optical ellipsometry. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,98 (21): 212108

64.De Michele, A; Moretti, A; Pereira, D. Optically pumped (CD3I)-C-13: new TeraHertz laser transitions. APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS. 2011,103(3): 659-662

65.Puzzarini. Rotational spectroscopy for astrophysical investigations. RENDICONTI LINCEI-SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI. 2011,22 (2): 165-172

66.Pearson, AJ; Palastro, J; Antonsen, TM. Simulation of terahertz generation in corrugated plasma waveguides.PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2011,83 (5): 056403

67.del Valle, E; Kavokin, A. Terahertz lasing in a polariton system: Quantum theory. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (19): 193303

68.Ekmekci, E; Strikwerda, AC; Fan, K; Keiser, G; Zhang, X ; Turhan-Sayan, G; Averitt, RD. Frequency tunable terahertz metamaterials using broadside coupled split-ring resonators. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (19): 193103

69.Valavanis, A; Dinh, TV; Lever, LJM; Ikonic, Z; Kelsall, RW. Material configurations for n-type silicon-based terahertz quantum cascade lasers. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (19): 195321

70.Schins, JM. Interpretation of ultrafast pump-probe terahertz experiments in the time domain: How to exploit two-dimensional correlations. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (20): 205111

71.Wang, Z; Schmidt, M; Gunther, A; Schaile, S; Pascher, N; Mayr, F; Goncharov, Y; Quintero-Castro, DL; Islam, ATMN; Lake, B; von Nidda, HAK; Loidl, A; Deisenhofer, J. Orbital fluctuations and orbital order below the Jahn-Teller transition in Sr3Cr2O8. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (20): 201102

72.Mack, M; Karlewski, F; Hattermann, H; Hockh, S; Jessen, F; Cano, D Fortagh, J. Measurement of absolute transition frequencies of Rb-87 to nS and nD Rydberg states by means of electromagnetically induced transparency. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 2011,83(5): 052515

73.McMahon, DP; Troisi, A. Persistence time of charge carriers in defect states of molecular semiconductors. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 2011,13 (21): 10241-10248

74.Thunich, S; Ruppert, C; Holleitner, AW; Betz, M. Field-resolved characterization of femtosecond electromagnetic pulses with 400 THz bandwidth. OPTICS LETTERS. 2011,36 (10): 1791-1793

75.Chowdhury, DR; Singh, R; Reiten, M; Zhou, JF; Taylor, AJ; O'Hara, JF . Tailored resonator coupling for modifying the terahertz metamaterial response. OPTICS EXPRESS. 2011,19 (11): 10679-10685

76.Chauhan, J; Guo, J. Assessment of high-frequency performance limits of graphene field-effect transistors.NANO RESEARCH. 2011,4 (6): 571-579

77.Ikeda, T; Tadaki, Y; Funajima, R; Tatewaki, Y; Okada, S. Aminostilbazolium Derivatives Substituted by Hydroxyethyl Groups for Second-Order Nonlinear Optics. MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS.2011,(539): 142-147

78.Wahlstrand, J Dekorsy, T; Klatt, G; Cundiff, S. Photoconductive emitters advance ultrafast terahertz sources . LASER FOCUS WORLD. 2011,47 (5): 77-80

79.Cunsolo, A; Leu, BM; Said, AH; Cai, YQ. Structural and microscopic relaxations in glycerol: An inelastic x-ray scattering study. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 2011,134 (18): 184502

80.Xu, GB; Sun, G; Ding, YJJ; Zotova, IB; Jamil, M; Ferguson, IT. Mechanism for THz generation from InN micropyramid emitters. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2011,109 (9): 093111

81.Le Floch, JM; Bara, R; Hartnett, JG; Tobar, ME; Mouneyrac, D; Passerieux, D; Cros, D; Krupka, J; Goy, P; Caroopen, S. Electromagnetic properties of polycrystalline diamond from 35 K to room temperature and microwave to terahertz frequencies. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2011,109 (9): 094103

82.Schecklman, S; Zurk, LM; Henry, S; Kniffin, GP . Terahertz material detection from diffuse surface scattering. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2011,109(9): 094902

83.Tassev, V; Bliss, D; Snure, M; Bryant, G; Peterson, R; Bedford, R; Yapp, C Goodhue, W; Termkoa, K. HVPE growth and characterization of GaP on different substrates and patterned templates for frequency conversion devices. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS. 2011,6): 11017

84.Lee, DK  Kim, H; Kim, T; Cho, B; Lee, K; Son, JH. Characteristics of Gadolinium Oxide Nanoparticles as Contrast Agents for Terahertz Imagin. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES. 2011,32 (4): 506-512

85.Teti, AJ; Rodriguez, DE; Federici, JF; Brisson, C. Non-Destructive Measurement of Water Diffusion in Natural Cork Enclosures Using Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES. 2011,32 (4): 513-527

86.Sardarly, R; Samedov, O; Abdullayev, A; Salmanov, F; Urbanovic, A; Garet, F; Coutaz, JL. Superionic Conductivity in One-Dimensional Nanofibrous TlGaTe2 Crystals. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2011,50 (5): 05FC09

87.Ishihara, N; Amakawa, S; Masu, K. RF CMOS Integrated Circuit: History, Current Status and Future Prospects.IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES. 2011,E94A(2): 556-567

88.Feiginov, M; Sydlo, C; Cojocari, O; Meissner, P. Operation of resonant-tunnelling oscillators beyond tunnel lifetime limit. EPL. 2011,94 ( 4): 48007

89.Boppel, S; Lisauskas, A; Krozer, V ; Roskos, HG. Performance and performance variations of sub-1 THz detectors fabricated with 0.15 mu m CMOS foundry process. ELECTRONICS LETTERS. 2011,47 (11): 661-662

90.Vidal, S; Degert, J Tondusson, M; Oberle, J; Freysz, E. Impact of dispersion, free carriers, and two-photon absorption on the generation of intense terahertz pulses in ZnTe crystals. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,98 (19): 191103

91.Shi, YL; Zhou, QL; Liu, W; Liu, JF; Zhang, CL. Anomalous transmission of terahertz waves in arrays of double-ring resonators induced by a 400 nm pump pulse. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,98 (19): 191112

92.Gabbay, A; Reno, J; Wendt, JR; Gin, A; Wanke, MC; Sinclair, MB  Shaner, E ; Brener, I. Interaction between metamaterial resonators and intersubband transitions in semiconductor quantum wells. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,98 (20):203103

93.Marinchio, H; Millithaler, JF ; Palermo, C \; Varani, L \; Reggiani, L \; Shiktorov, P \; Starikov, E \; Gruzinskis, V. Plasma resonances in a gated semiconductor slab of arbitrary thickness. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,98 (20): 203504

94.Bai, JJ; Li, JN; Zhang, H; Fang, H; Chang, SJ. A porous terahertz fiber with randomly distributed air holes. APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS. 2011,103 (2): 381-386

94.Lu, Y; Wang, X; Miao, L; Zuo, D; Cheng, Z. Efficient and widely step-tunable terahertz generation with a dual-wavelength CO2 laser. APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS. 2011,103 (2): 387-390 ,Publication year: 2011

95.Navarro-Cia, M; Beruete, M; Sorolla, M; Maier, SA. Enhancing the Dual-Band Guiding Capabilities of Coaxial Spoof Plasmons via use of Transmission Line Concepts. PLASMONICS. 2011,6 (2): 295-299

96.LF; Chen, XD; Zhang, XF ; Agarwal, K. Guiding Terahertz Waves by a Single Row of Periodic Holes on a Planar Metal Surface Shen, .PLASMONICS. 2011,6 (2): 301-305

97.Komandin, GA; Prokhorov, AS; Torgashev, VI; Zhukova, ES; Gorshunov, BP; Bush, AA. Polarization Modes in the Ba2Mg2Fe12O22 Multiferroic. PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE. 2011,53 (4): 736-744

98.Gorshunov, BP; Pronin, AV; Prokhorov, AS. Terahertz Spectroscopy of Quantum Phase Transitions and the Temperature-Frequency Scaling . PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE. 2011,53 (4): 830-833

99.Melnikov, AA; Misochko, OV; Chekalin, SV. Generation of coherent phonons in bismuth by ultrashort laser pulses in the visible and NIR: Displacive versus impulsive excitation mechanism. PHYSICS LETTERS A.2011,375 (19): 2017-2022

100.Baldi, G; Giordano, VM; Monaco, G. Elastic anomalies at terahertz frequencies and excess density of vibrational states in silica glass. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83( 17): 174203

101.Pashkin, A; Kubler, C; Ehrke, H; Lopez, R; Halabica, A; Haglund, RF; Huber, R; Leitenstorfer, A. Ultrafast insulator-metal phase transition in VO2 studied by multiterahertz spectroscopy. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (19): 195120

102.Agudelo-Arango, C; Mejia-Salazar, JR; Porras-Montenegro, N; Reyes-Gomez, E; Oliveira, LE. Zero-< n > non-Bragg gap plasmon-polariton modes and omni-reflectance in 1D metamaterial photonic superlattices. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 2011,23 (21): 215003

103.Trukhin, VN; Andrianov, AV; Bykov, VA; Golubok, AO; Zinov'ev, NN; Samoilov, LL; Sapozhnikov, ID; Trukhin, AV; Fel'shtyn, ML. Interaction of Terahertz Electromagnetic Radiation with a Probe-Object System in a Terahertz Apertureless Near-Field Microscope. JETP LETTERS. 2011,93 (3): 119-123

104.Savinov, SA; Murzin, VN. Energy Filtration Effect and the Possibility of the Generation of Terahertz Radiation in Resonant Tunneling Structures with Several Quantum Wells. JETP LETTERS. 2011,93 (3): 155-160

105.Wang, L; Xiong, YZ; Zhang, B; Hu, SM; Lim, TG. Millimeter-Wave Frequency Doubler With Transistor Grounded-Shielding Structure in 0.13-mu m SiGe BiCMOS Technology..IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. 2011,59 (5): 1304-1310

106.Chen, LH; Arsenovic, A Stanec, JR; Reck, TJ; Lichtenberger, AW; Weikle, RM; Barker, NS. A Micromachined Terahertz Waveguide 90 degrees Twist. IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS. 2011,21 (5): 234-236

107.Cao, ZS; Pan, J; Chen, Z; Zhan, P; Min, NB; Wang, ZL. Pure Electric and Pure Magnetic Resonances in Near-Infrared Metal Double-Triangle Metamaterial Arrays. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,28 (5): 057302

108.Das, A; Megaridis, CM; Liu, L; Wang, T; Biswas, A. Design and synthesis of superhydrophobic carbon nanofiber composite coatings for terahertz frequency shielding and attenuation. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,98 (17): 174101

109.Takano, K; Kawabata, T; Hsieh, CF; Akiyama, K; Miyamaru, F; Abe, Y; Tokuda, Y; Pan, RP; Pan, CL; Hangyo, M. Fabrication of Terahertz Planar Metamaterials Using a Super-Fine Ink-Jet Printer. APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS. 2011,4 (5): 016701

110.Miura, Y; Kamataki, A; Uzuki, M; Sasaki, T; Nishizawa, J; Sawai, T. Terahertz-Wave Spectroscopy for Precise Histopathological Imaging of Tumor and Non-tumor Lesions in Paraffin Sections.TOHOKU JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE. 2011,223 (4): 291-296

111.Hintzsche, H; Jastrow, C; Kleine-Ostmann, T; Stopper, H; Schmid, E; Schrader, T. Terahertz Radiation Induces Spindle Disturbances in Human-Hamster Hybrid Cells. RADIATION RESEARCH. 2011,175 (5): 569-574

112.Smeenk, CTL; Arissian, L; Zhou, B; Mysyrowicz, A; Villeneuve, DM; Staudte, A; Corkum, PB. Partitioning of the Linear Photon Momentum in Multiphoton Ionization. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2011,106 (19): 193002

113.Horng, J; Chen, CF; Geng, BS; Girit, C; Zhang, YB; Hao, Z ; Bechtel, HA; Martin, M; Zettl, A; Crommie, MF; Shen, YR; Wang, F . Drude conductivity of Dirac fermions in grapheme. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (16): 165113

114.Shubina, TV; Gippius, NA; Shalygin, VA; Andrianov, AV; Ivanov, SV. Terahertz radiation due to random grating coupled surface plasmon polaritons.PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83(16): 165312

115.Olbrich, P; Karch, J; Ivchenko, EL; Kamann, J; Marz, B; Fehrenbacher, M; Weiss, D; Ganichev, SD. Classical ratchet effects in heterostructures with a lateral periodic potential. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (16): 165320

116.Yurgens, A. Temperature distribution in a large Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta mesa. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (18): 184501

117.Hoshina, H; Morisawa, Y; Sato, H; Minamide, H; Noda, I; Ozaki, Y; Otani, C. Polarization and temperature dependent spectra of poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate)s measured at terahertz frequencies. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 2011,13 (20): 9173-9179

118.Chen, ZY; Li, JF; Li, J; Peng, QX. Microwave radiation mechanism in a pulse-laser-irradiated Cu foil target revisited. PHYSICA SCRIPTA. 2011,83(5): 055503

119.Chieng, N; Rades, T; Aaltonen, J. An overview of recent studies on the analysis of pharmaceutical polymorphs. JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS. 2011,55 (4): 618-644

120.Angeluts, AA; Golubkov, AA; Makarov, VA; Shkurinov, AP. Reconstruction of the Spectrum of the Relative Permittivity of the Plane-Parallel Plate from the Angular Dependences of Its Transmission Coefficients. JETP LETTERS. 2011,93(4): 191-194

121.Gulyaev, YV; Zilberman, PE; Malikov, IV; Mikhailov, GM; Panas, AI; Chigarev, SG; Epshtein, EM. Spin-injection terahertz radiation in magnetic junctions. JETP LETTERS. 2011,93 (5): 259-262


123.Wang, TJ; Daigle, JF; Yuan, S; Theberge, F; Chateauneuf, M; Dubois, J; Roy, G; Zeng, H; Chin, SL. Remote generation of high-energy terahertz pulses from two-color femtosecond laser filamentation in air. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 2011,83 (5): 053801

124.Gibbs, HM; Khitrova, G ; Koch, SW. Exciton-polariton light-semiconductor coupling effects. NATURE PHOTONICS. 2011,5 (5): 275-282

125.Barbieri, S; Ravaro, M; Gellie, P; Santarelli, G; Manquest, C; Sirtori, C; Khanna, SP; Linfield, EH; Davies, AG. Coherent sampling of active mode-locked terahertz quantum cascade lasers and frequency synthesis. NATURE PHOTONICS. 2011,5 (5): 306-313

126.Yeh, CH; Chow, CW Liu, YF; Pan, CL. Using dual-mode self-locked semiconductor laser for optical millimeter-wave application. LASER PHYSICS. 2011,21 (3): 496-499

127.Cruz, H; Luis, D. Coulomb effects and sub-band tunneling in quantum wells. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2011,109 (7): 073725

128.Gol'denberg, BG; Abramskii, AY; Zelinskii, AG; Maslii, AI; Maksimovskii, EA; Kondrat'ev, VI; Korol'kov, VP; Kuper, KE; Petrova, EV; Pindyurin, VF. Features of the Manufacture of Deep X-Ray Lithography Masks in the Siberian Synchrotron and Terahertz Radiation Center. JOURNAL OF SURFACE INVESTIGATION-X-RAY SYNCHROTRON AND NEUTRON TECHNIQUES. 2011,5 (1): 159-165

129.Koseoglu, H; Turkoglu, F; Simsek, Y; Ozyuzer, L. The Fabrication of THz Emitting Mesas by Reactive Ion-Beam Etching of Superconducting Bi2212 with Multilayer Masks. JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM. 2011,24 (1-2): 1083-1086

130.Bartkowska, JA. Dynamical Magnetoelectric Coupling in Multiferroic BiFeO3. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS. 2011,32 (4): 739-745

131.Hirano, M; Yotsutani, R; Morimoto, A. Generation of Flat Optical Frequency Comb Based on FM Laser Operation of Fiber Ring Laser. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS. 2011,E94C (1): 32-133

132.Sano, A; Kobayashi, T; Yoshida, E; Miyamoto, Y. Ultra-High Capacity Optical Transmission Technologies for 100 Tbit/s Optical Transport Networks. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 2011,E94B(2): 400-408

133.C; Qu, SB; Pei, ZB ; Xu, Z. A metamaterial absorber with direction-selective and polarisation-insensitive properties Gu. CHINESE PHYSICS B. 2011,20 (3): 037801

134.Didenko, AN; Rashchikov, VI; Fortov, VE. On possibility of high-power terahertz emission from target under the action of powerful laser pulses. TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,37 (3): 256-258

135.Kovalev, SP; Kitaeva, GK; Ilyin, NA; Ilyakov, IE; Mishina, ED; Penin, AN; Sigov, AS. Nonlinear optical detection of terahertz-frequency radiation in crystals with periodic domain structure. MOSCOW UNIVERSITY PHYSICS BULLETIN. 2011,66 (1): 12-18

136.Shumyatsky, P; Alfano, RR. Terahertz sources. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS. 2011,16 (3): 033001

137.Jackson, M; Milne, JA; Zink, LR. Measurement of Optically Pumped (CH3OH)-O-18 Laser Frequencies Between 3 and 9 THz. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.2011,47 (3): 386-389

138.Marani, R; Perri, AG. A Compact, Semi-empirical Model of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors Oriented to Simulation Software. CURRENT NANOSCIENCE. 2011,7 (2): 245-253

139.Liu, YM; Zhang, X. Metamaterials: a new frontier of science and technology. CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS. 2011,40 (5): 2494-2507

140.Hisazumi, J; Suzuki, T; Nakagami, H; Terada, K. Quantification of Pharmaceutical Polymorphs and Prediction of Dissolution Rate Using Theophylline Tablet by Terahertz Spectroscopy. CHEMICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN. 2011,59 (4): 442-446

141.Lanz, L; Bliss, A; Kraft, RP; Birkinshaw, M; Lal, DV; Forman, WR; Jones, C; Worrall, DM. THE INFRARED JET IN 3C 31. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 2011,731 (1): 52

142.Ueno, Y; Ajito, K; Kukutsu, N; Tamechika, E. Quantitative Analysis of Amino Acids in Dietary Supplements Using Terahertz Time-domain Spectroscopy. ANALYTICAL SCIENCES, 2011, 27 (4): 351-356

143.Wang, HY; Zhao, GZ; Wang, XQ. Terahertz radiations from narrow band gap of semiconductor irradiated by femtosecond pulses with different pump intensities. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA. 2011,60 (4):043202

144.Martin, IPS; Rehm, G; Thomas, C; Bartolini, R. Experience with low-alpha lattices at the Diamond Light Source. PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS-ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS. 2011,14 (4): 040705

145.Ginzburg, NS; Malkin, AM; Peskov, NY; Sergeev, AS; Zaslavsky, VY; Zotova, IV. Powerful terahertz free electron lasers with hybrid Bragg reflectors. PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS-ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS. 2011,14 (4): 042001

146.Comez, L; Monaco, G; Masciovecchio, C; Paciaroni, A; Gessini, A; Scarponi, F; Ruocco, G; Fioretto, D. Acoustic Dissipation and Density of States in Liquid, Supercooled, and Glassy Glycerol. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2011,106 (15): 155701

147.Hishida, M; Tanaka, K. Long-Range Hydration Effect of Lipid Membrane Studied by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2011,106 (15): 158102

148.Gayen, DK; Roy, JN; Taraphdar, C; Pal, RK. All-optical reconfigurable logic operations with the help of terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer. OPTIK. 2011,122 (8): 711-718

149.Wang, F; Guo, XG; Cao, JC. Dephasing Effect on the Carrier-light Interaction in Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers. JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY. 2011,58 (4): 924-926

150.Lee, HJ; Yook, JG. Negative Magnetic Response of Magnetic Metamaterial Elements in a High-Impedance Microstrip Line. JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY. 2011,58 (4): 826-830

151.Jha, P; Saroch, A; Mishra, RK. Generation of wakefields and terahertz radiation in laser-magnetized plasma interaction. EPL. 2011,94 (1): 15001

152.Dmitrievskii, AN; Konov, VI; Volodin, IA; Degtyareva, OV; Terpugov, EL; Terpugova, SE  Savranskii, VV. Study of reaction of a viscous oil structure on actions by a physical field. DOKLADY EARTH SCIENCES. 2011,437 (1): 401-406

153.Negel, JP; Hegenbarth, R; Steinmann, A; Metzger, B; Hoos, F; Giessen, H. Compact and cost-effective scheme for THz generation via optical rectification in GaP and GaAs using novel fs laser oscillators. APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS. 2011,103(1): 45-50

154.Arslanov, DD; Spunei, M; Ngai, AKY; Cristescu, SM; Lindsay, ID; Persijn, ST; Boller, KJ; Harren, FJM. Rapid and sensitive trace gas detection with continuous wave Optical Parametric Oscillator-based Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy. APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS. 2011,103 (1): 223-228

155.Wang, GQ; Wang, JG; Tong, CJ; Li, XZ; Wang, XF. Analysis and design of semiconductor detector for high-power terahertz pulse. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA. 2011,60 (3): 030702

156.Zhong, K; Yao, JQ; Xu, DG; Zhang, HY ; Wang, P. Theoretical research on cascaded difference frequency generation of terahertz radiation. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA. 2011,60 (3): 034210

157.Gu, C; Qu, SB; Pei, ZB; Xu, Z; Liu, J; Gu, W. The design of a quasi-omnidirectional tabulate metamaterial absorber. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA. 2011,60 (3): 037801

158.Swanson, ES. Modeling DNA response to terahertz radiation. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2011,83 (4): 040901

159.Kamaraju, N; Kumar, S; Saha, S; Singh, S ; Suryanarayanan, R; Revcolevschi, A; Sood, AK. Coherent phonons in pyrochlore titanates A(2)Ti(2)O(7) (A = Dy, Gd, Tb): A phase transition in Dy2Ti2O7 at 110 K. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (13): 134104

160.Yasui, T; Takahashi, H; Kawamoto, K; Iwamoto, Y; Arai, K; Araki, T; Inaba, H; Minoshima, K. Widely and continuously tunable terahertz synthesizer traceable to a microwave frequency standard. OPTICS EXPRESS. 2011,19 (5): 4428-4437

161.Lin, SZ; Hu, XA. Radiation of Terahertz Electromagnetic Waves from Build-In Nano Josephson Junctions of Cuprate High-T-c Superconductors. JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY. 2011,11 ( 4): 2916-2921

162.Jiao, ZJ; Liu, JR; Lu, ZG; Zhang, XP; Poole, PJ; Barrios, PJ ; Poitras, D. A C-Band InAs/InP Quantum Dot Semiconductor Mode-Locked Laser Emitting 403-GHz Repetition Rate Pulses. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 2011,23 ( 9): 543-545

163.Chen, Y; Qian, LJ ; Zhu, HY; Fan, DY. Suppression of FM-to-AM Conversion in Broadband Third-Harmonic Generation of Nd:Glass Laser. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,28 ( 4): 044209

164.Prabhakar, PK; Doble, M. Interaction of phytochemicals with hypoglycemic drugs on glucose uptake in L6 myotubes. PHYTOMEDICINE. 2011,18 ( 4): 285-291

165.Radhanpura, K; Hargreaves, S; Lewis, RA. Bulk and surface field-induced optical rectification from (11N) zincblende crystals in a quasireflection geometry. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (12):125322

166.Yamaki, K; Tsujimoto, M; Yamamoto, T; Furukawa, A; Kashiwagi, T; Minami, H; Kadowaki, K. High-power terahertz electromagnetic wave emission from high-T-c superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta mesa structures. OPTICS EXPRESS. 2011,19 (4): 3193-3201

167.Mueckstein, R; Mitrofanov, O. Imaging of terahertz surface plasmon waves excited on a gold surface by a focused beam.OPTICS EXPRESS. 2011,19 (4): 3212-3217

168.Zapata-Nava, OJ; Rodriguez-Montero, P; Iturbe-Castillo, MD; Trevino-Palacios, CG. Grating cavity dual wavelength dye laser. OPTICS EXPRESS. 2011,19 (4): 3483-3493

169.Chen, HM; Su, JA; Wang, JL; Zhao, XY. Optically-controlled high-speed terahertz wave modulator based on nonlinear photonic crystals.PTICS EXPRESS. 2011,19 (4): 3599-3603

170.Bilbro, LS; Aguilar, RV; Logvenov, G; Pelleg, O; Bozovic, I; Armitage, NP. Temporal correlations of superconductivity above the transition temperature in La2-xSrxCuO4 probed by terahertz spectroscopy.NATURE PHYSICS. 2011,7 (4): 298-302

171.Turton, DA; Hunger, J; Stoppa, A; Thoman, A; Candelaresi, M; Hefter, G; Walther, M; Buchner, R; Wynne, K. Rattling the cage: Micro- to mesoscopic structure in liquids as simple as argon and as complicated as water. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS. 2011,159 (1): 2-8

172.Akimov, AV; Scherbakov, AV; Yakovlev, DR; Bayer, M; Kent, A. Optical and photocurrent spectroscopy with picosecond strain pulses. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE. 2011,131 (3): 404-408

173.Iwai, S. Ultrafast IR and THz spectroscopy of photo-induced insulator to metal transition in highly correlated organic system. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE. 2011,131 (3): 409-414

174.Takeuchi, H; Yanagisawa, J; Tsuruta, S; Yamada, H; Hata, M; Nakayama, M. Frequency-tunable terahertz electromagnetic wave emitters based on undopal GaAs/n-type GaAs epitaxial layer structures utilizing sub-picosecond-range carrier-transport processes. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE. 2011,131 (3): 531-534

175.Churchley, D; Lynch, RJM Lippert, F; Eder, JSO; Alton, J; Gonzalez-Cabezas, C. Terahertz pulsed imaging study to assess remineralization of artificial caries lesions. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS. 2011,16 (2): 026001

176.Tych, KM; Burnett, AD; Wood, CD; Cunningham, JE; Pearson, AR; Davies, AG; Linfield, EH. Applying broadband terahertz time-domain spectroscopy to the analysis of crystalline proteins: a dehydration study. JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. 2011,44): 129-133

177.Kim, Y; Ahn, J; Kim, BG; Yee, DS. Terahertz Birefringence in Zinc Oxide. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2011,50 (3): 030203

178.Peng, WW; Roy, P; Favaro, L; Amzallag, E; Brubach, JB; Congeduti, A; Guidi-Cestelli, MA; Huntz, AM; Barros, J; Tetot, R. Experimental and ab initio study of vibrational modes of stressed alumina films formed by oxidation of aluminium alloys under different atmospheres. ACTA MATERIALIA. 2011,59 (7): 2723-2730

179.Ginzburg, NS; Zaslavskii, VY; Zotova, IV; Malkin, AM; Peskov, NY; Sergeev, AS. Nonlinear Dynamics of Free Electron Terahertz Lasers with Bragg Mirrors Based on Coupling of Traveling and Quasi-Critical Waves.TECHNICAL PHYSICS. 2011,56 (2): 155-163

180.Ginzburg, NS; Zotova, IV; Murav'ev, AA; Sergeev, AS. Formation of the transverse field structure in terahertz planar free-electron lasers. TECHNICAL PHYSICS. 2011,56(3): 400-405

181.Di Sia, P; Dallacasa, V. Anomalous Charge Transport: A New "Time Domain" Generalization of the Drude Model. PLASMONICS. 2011,6 (1): 99-104

182.Feikes, J; von Hartrott, M; Ries, M; Schmid, P; Wuestefeld, G; Hoehl, A (Hoehl, A.); Klein, R; Mueller, R; Ulm, G. Metrology Light .The first electron storage ring optimized for generating coherent THz radiation. PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS-ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS. 2011,14 (3): 030705

183.Priyadarshi, S; Pierz, K; Siegner, U; Dawson, P; Bieler, M . All-optical generation of coherent in-plane charge oscillations in GaAs quantum wells. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (12): 121307

184.Bogdanov, AA; Suris, RA. Mode structure of a quantum cascade laser. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (12): 125316 

185.Wagner, M; Schneider, H; Stehr, D; Winnerl, S; Andrews, AM; Schartner, S; Strasser, G; Helm, M. Terahertz nonlinear optics using intra-excitonic quantum well transitions: Sideband generation and AC Stark splitting. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS. 2011,248 (4): 859-862

186.Golde, D; Kira, M; Meier, T; Koch, SW. Microscopic theory of the extremely nonlinear terahertz response of semiconductors.PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS. 2011,248 (4): 863-866

187.Wang, TJ; Yuan, S; Sun, ZD; Marceau, C; Chen, Y; Theberge, F; Chateauneuf, M; Dubois, J; Chin, SL. Molecular alignment control of terahertz emission from a two-color filament in air. LASER PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,8 (4): 295-300

188.Mogildea, M; Mogildea, G; Leca, A; Apostol, D; Ghenescu, V; Piso, M. Imagistic and spectral observation of the hidden objects with terahertz radiation. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS. 2011,13 (1-2): 94-97

189.Chattopadhyay, T; Das, MK; Roy, JN; Chakraborty, AK; Gayen, DK. Interferometric switch based all optical scheme for conversion of binary number to its quaternary-signed digit form . IET CIRCUITS DEVICES & SYSTEMS. 2011,5 (2): 132-142

190.Redo-Sanchez, A ; Salvatella, G; Galceran, R; Roldos, E; Garcia-Reguero, JA; Castellari, M; Tejada, J. Assessment of terahertz spectroscopy to detect antibiotic residues in food and feed matrices.ANALYST. 2011,136 (8): 1733-1738

191.Muljarov, EA; Poolman, RH; Ivanov, AL. Resonant acousto-optics in the terahertz range: TO-phonon polaritons driven by an ultrasonic wave.PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (11): 115204

192.May, RK; Evans, MJ; Zhong, SC; Warr, I; Gladden, LF; Shen, YC; Zeitler, JA. Terahertz In-Line Sensor for Direct Coating Thickness Measurement of Individual Tablets During Film Coating in Real-Time.JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES. 2011,100(4): 1535-1544

193.Dobner, S; Brauckmann, N; Kues, M); Gross, P; Fallnich, C. Broadband spectral shearing interferometry for amplitude and phase measurement of supercontinua.APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS. 2011,102 (4): 795-802

194.Ginzburg, NS; Zotova, IV; Zaslavskii, VY; Sergeev, AS; Zheleznov, IV. Submillimeter Planar Gyrotrons with Transverse Diffraction Output of Radiation.TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS2011,37(1): 79-82

195.Sotnikov, GV; Marshall, TC. Improved ramped bunch train to increase the transformer ratio of a two-channel multimode dielectric wakefield accelerator .PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS-ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS. 2011,14 (3Pages 031302

196.Newson, RW; Green, AA; Hersam, MC; van Driel, HM. Coherent injection and control of ballistic charge currents in single-walled carbon nanotubes and graphite .PHYSICAL REVIEW B.2011,83 (11): 115421

197.Navarro-Cia, M; Beruete, M; Campillo, I; Sorolla, M. Enhanced lens by epsilon and mu near-zero metamaterial boosted by extraordinary optical transmission .PHYSICAL REVIEW B.2011,83 (11): 115112

198.Talbayev, D; Trugman, SA; Lee, S); Yi, HT; Cheong, SW; Taylor, AJ. Long-wavelength magnetic and magnetoelectric excitations in the ferroelectric antiferromagnet BiFeO3 .PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (9): 094403

199.Rouvalis, E; Fice, MJ; Renaud, CC; Seeds, AJ. Optoelectronic detection of millimetre-wave signals with travelling-wave uni-travelling carrier photodiodes .OPTICS EXPRESS. 2011,19 (3): 2079-2084

200.Wilmink, GJ; Rivest, BD; Roth, CC; Ibey, BL; Payne, JA; Cundin, LX; Grundt, JE; Peralta, X; Mixon, DG; Roach, WP. In Vitro Investigation of the Biological Effects Associated With Human Dermal Fibroblasts Exposed to 2.52 THz Radiation .LASERS IN SURGERY AND MEDICINE. 2011,43 (2): 152-163

201.Xie, SX; Li, HJ; Zhou, X; Xu, HQ; Liu, ZM. Tunable optical transmission through gold slit arrays with Z-shaped channels .JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION. 2011,28 (3): 441-447

202.Lu, YZ; Wang, XB; Miao, LA; Zuo, DL; Cheng, ZH. Terahertz Generation in Nonlinear Crystals with Mid-Infrared CO2 Laser .CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS.2011,28 (3): 034201

203.Belonenko, MB Lebedev, NG; Sochneva, EV. Dissipative Solitons in Carbon Nanotubes .PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE.2011,53 (1): 209-214

204.Kida, N; Kumakura, S; Ishiwata, S; Taguchi, Y; Tokura, Y. Gigantic terahertz magnetochromism via electromagnons in the hexaferrite magnet Ba2Mg2Fe12O22 .PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2011,83 (6): 064422

205.Vieweg, N; Shakfa, MK; Koch, M. BL037: A nematic mixture with high terahertz birefringence .OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS.2011,284 (7): 1887-1889

206.Wang, TJ; Marceau, C; Yuan, S; Chen, Y; Wang, Q; Theberge, F; Chateauneuf, M; Dubois, J; Chin, SL . External focusing effect on terahertz emission from a two-color femtosecond laser-induced filament in air.LASER PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011,8 (1): 57-61

207.King, MD; Buchanan, WD; Korter, TM. Understanding the Terahertz Spectra of Crystalline Pharmaceuticals: Terahertz Spectroscopy and Solid-State Density Functional Theory Study of (S)-(+)-Ibuprofen and (RS)-Ibuprofen .JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES. 2011,100(3): 1116-1129


209.Shim, D; Mao, CY; Sankaran, S; Kenneth, KO. 150 GHz Complementary Anti-Parallel Diode Frequency Tripler in 130 nm CMOS .IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS.2011,21(1): 43-45

210.Chan, HS; Hsieh, ZM; Liang, WH; Kung, AH; Lee, CK; Lai, CJ; Pan, RP; Peng, LH. Synthesis and Measurement of Ultrafast Waveforms from Five Discrete Optical Harmonics.SCIENCE.2011,331 (6021): 1165-1168

211.Miao, GX; Munzenberg, M; Moodera, JS . Tunneling path toward spintronics .REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 2011,74 (3): 036501


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266.Rahani, Ehsan Kabiri ; Kundu, Tribikram ; Wu, Ziran ; Xin, Hao . Heat Induced Damage Detection by Terahertz (THz) Radiation. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves.2011,P:1-9

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278.He, Xiaoyong ; Zhong, Xu . Investigation of terahertz waves propagating through subwavelength metal-dielectric-metal structure. Infrared Physics and Technology. 2011, 54(4),P:331-336.

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280.Nguyen, Truong Khang ; Han, Haewook ; Park, Ikmo . Numerical Study of a Full-wavelength Dipole Antenna on a GaAs Membrane Structure at Terahertz Frequency. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves.2011 ,P:1-15

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287.Kr;ger, Matthias ; Funkner, Stefan ; Br&#252;ndermann, Erik ; Havenith, Martina . Uncertainty and ambiguity in terahertz parameter extraction and data analysis. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011.

288.Takeya, Kei ; Takemoto, Yoshiaki ; Kawayama, Iwao ; Murakami, Hironaru ; Matsukawa, Takeshi ; Yoshimura, Masashi ; Mori, Yusuke ; Tonouchi, Masayoshi . Terahertz generation and optical properties of lithium ternary chalcogenide crystals. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011, 32(4)P:426-433.

289.Gao, Yaohui ; Chen, Meng-Ku ; Yin, Stuart ; Ruffin, Paul ; Brantley, Christina ; Edwards, Eugene . Terahertz enhancement from terahertz-radiation-assisted large aperture photoconductive antenna. Journal of Applied Physics. 2011,109(3).

290.Wilmink, Gerald J. ; Grundt, Jessica E. Invited Review Article: Current State of Research on Biological Effects of Terahertz Radiation. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,P:1-49.

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294.Ding, Sheng-Hui ; Li, Qi ; Li, Yun-Da ; Wang, Qi . Continuous-wave terahertz digital holography by use of a pyroelectric array camera. Optics Letter. 2011,36(11),P:1993-1995.

295.Bennett, David B. ; Li, Wenzao ; Taylor, Zachary D. ; Grundfest, Warren S. ; Brown, Elliott R. . Stratified media model for Terahertz reflectometry of the skin. IEEE Sensors Journal.2011,11(5),P:1253-1262.

296.Petersen, Eliot B. ; Shi, Wei ; Chavez-Pirson, Arturo ; Peyghambarian, N. ; Cooney, Adam T. . Efficient parametric terahertz generation in quasi-phase-matched GaP through cavity enhanced difference-frequency generation. Applied Physics Letters. 2011,98(12).

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299.Laurette, S. ; Treizebre, A. ; Bocquet, B. Co-integrated microfluidic and THz functions for biochip devices. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2011,21(6).

300.Tao, Hu ; Padilla, Willie J. ; Zhang, Xin ; Averitt, Richard D. Recent progress in electromagnetic metamaterial devices for Terahertz applications. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 2011,17(1),P:92-101.

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302.Kim, Youngchan ; Ahn, Jaewook ; Kim, Bog G. ; Yee, Dae-Su. Terahertz birefringence in zinc oxide. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2011,50(3).

303.Dubinov, A.A. ; Aleshkin, V. Ya ; Mitin, V. ; Otsuji, T. (4); Ryzhii, V. Terahertz surface plasmons in optically pumped graphene structures. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 2011,23(14).

304.Shrekenhamer, David ; Rout, Saroj ; Strikwerda, Andrew C. ; Bingham, Chris ; Averitt, Richard D. ; Sonkusale, Sameer ; Padilla, Willie J. High speed terahertz modulation from metamaterials with embedded high electron mobility transistors. Optics Express. 2011, 19(10),P:9968-9975.

305.Teti, Anthony J. ; Rodriguez, David E. ; Federici, John F. ; Brisson, Caroline. Non-destructive measurement of water diffusion in natural cork enclosures using terahertz spectroscopy and imaging. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,32(4),P:513-527.

306.Salman, M. ; Gouider, F. ; Schmidt, H. ; Vasilyev, Yu. B. (4); Haug, R.J. ; Nachtwei, G.. Terahertz photoresponse dependence on magnetic and electric fields in graphene-based devices. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics. 2011,4,P:1208-1210.

307.Sun, Bo ; Li, Sanxing ; Liu, Jinsong ; Li, Enbang ; Yao, Jianquan. Terahertz-wave parametric oscillator with a misalignment-resistant tuning cavity. Optics Letters. 2011,36(10),P:1845-1847.

308.Li, Qi ; Xia, Zhiwei ; Yao, Rui ; Ding, Shenghui ; Wang, Qi. Analysis of a terahertz array imaging system using optical design software. Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers. 2011,38(4)

309.Gerasimov, V.V. ; Knyazev, B.A. ; Nikitin, A.K. ; Zhizhin, G.N. A way to determine the permittivity of metallized surfaces at terahertz frequencies. Applied Physics Letters. 2011,98(17)

310.D;rrschmidt, Stefan F. ; Stecher, Matthias ; Koch, Martin. Terahertz quasi-time-domain spectroscopy imaging. Applied Optics. 2011,50(13),P:1884-1888.

311.Li, Dong ; Shu, Shiwei ; Li, Fangfang ; Ma, Guohong ; Dai, Ye ; Ma, Hongliang.   Anomalous transmission of terahertz wave through one-dimensional lamellar metallic grating. Optics Communications. 2011,284(10-11),P:2415-2419.

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313.Fan, Fei ; Guo, Zhan ; Bai, Jin-Jun ; Wang, Xiang-Hui ; Chang, Sheng-Jiang. Magnetic photonic crystals for terahertz tunable filter and multifunctional polarization controller. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2011,28(4),P:697-702.

314.Larsen, Casper ; Cooke, David G. ; Jepsen, Peter Uhd. Finite-difference time-domain analysis of time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy experiments. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2011,28(5),P:1308-1316.

315.H;rault, Emilie ; Coutaz, Jean-Louis ; Siemion, Agnieszka ; Siemion, Andrzej ; Makowski, Micha ; Sypek, MacIej. Prism-like behavior at terahertz frequencies of a 2D metallic grid with a varying periodicity. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,32(4),P:403-406.

316.Dubey, Ashish ; Shami, T.C. ; Bhasker Rao, K.U. ; Prabhu, S.S. Ultra wideband terahertz absorbers. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 2011,53(7),P:1463-1464.

317.Chakraborty, Anjan ; Inagaki, Takashi ; Banno, Motohiro ; Mochida, Tomoyuki ; Tominaga, Keisuke. Low-frequency spectra of metallocenium ionic liquids studied by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2011,115(8),P:1313-1319.

318.Lueck, M.R. ; Malta, D.M. ; Gilchrist, K.H. ; Kory, C.L. ; Mearini, G.T. ; Dayton, J.A. Microfabrication of diamond-based slow-wave circuits for mm-wave and THz vacuum electronic sources. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2011,21(6).

319.Chen, Xi-Liang ; Ma, Ming-Wang ; Song, Yu-Feng ; Ji, Te ; Wu, Sheng-Wei ; Zhang, Zeng-Yan ; Zhu, Zhi-Yong. THz time-domain spectroscopic study of composites filled with different carbon black. Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2011,31(4),P:906-910.

320.Gerecht, Eyal ; Douglass, Kevin O. ; Plusquellic, David F. Chirped-pulse terahertz spectroscopy for broadband trace gas sensing. Optics Express. 2011,19(9),P:8973-8984.

321.Daghestani, N.S. ; Persheyev, S. ; Cataluna, M.A. ; Ross, G. ; Rose, M.J. THz generation from a nanocrystalline silicon-based photoconductive device. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 2011,26(7).

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324.Heimbeck, Martin S. ; Kim, Myung K. ; Gregory, Don A. ; Everitt, Henry O. Terahertz digital holography using angular spectrum and dual wavelength reconstruction methods.  Optics Express. 2011,19(10),P:9192-9200.

325.Shimano, Ryo ; Suzuki, Takeshi. Exciton Mott transition in Si studied by terahertz spectroscopy. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics. 2011,8(4),P:1153-1156.

326.ochev, Dimitar ; Desmaris, Vincent ; Meledin, Denis ; Pavolotsky, Alexey ; Belitsky, Victor. A technology demonstrator for 1.6-2.0 THz waveguide HEB receiver with a novel mixer layout. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,32(4),P:451-465.

327.King, Matthew D. ; Korter, Timothy M. Application of London-type dispersion corrections in solid-state density functional theory for predicting the temperature-dependence of crystal structures and terahertz spectra. Crystal Growth and Design. 2011,11(5),P:2006-2010.

328.Wang, Z. ; Ye, L. ; Zhang, Y. ; Xu, R. ; Lin, W. Investigation of terahertz wave propagation along parallel-plate dielectric waveguide using various metal conductivity models. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 2011,25(8-9),P:1231-1242.

329.Zhang, Wen (0); Gao, Jian-Rong (0); Hajenius, Merlijn (0); Miao, Wei (0); Khosropanah, Pourya (0); Klapwijk, Teun M. (0); Shi, Sheng-Cai (0). Twin-Slot Antenna Coupled NbN Hot Electron Bolometer Mixer at 2.5 THz. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. May 16, 2011.

330.Roz;, Mathieu ; Ung, Bora ; Mazhorova, Anna ; Walther, Markus ; Skorobogatiy, Maksim. Suspended core subwavelength fibers: Towards practical designs for low-loss terahertz guidance. Optics Express.2011,19(10),P:9127-9138.

331.Shiraishi, Kazuo ; Oyama, Satoshi ; Tsai, Chen S. A polizer using thin metallic-film subwavelength grating for infred to terahertz region. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 2011,29(5),P:670-676.

332.Li, Zhongyang ; Yao, Jianquan ; Xu, Degang ; Zhong, Kai ; Bing, Pibin ; Wang, Jingli. Experimental investigation of high-power tunable THz-wave parametric oscillator based upon MgO:LiNbO3 crystal. Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers. 2011,38(4).

333.Takida, Yuma ; Maeda, Shingo ; Ohira, Tatsuya ; Kumagai, Hiroshi ; Nashima, Shigeki. Noncascading THz-wave parametric oscillator synchronously pumped by mode-locked picosecond Ti:sapphire laser in doubly-resonant external cavity. Optics Communications. 2011.

334.Kumar, Manoj ; Tripathi, V.K. Title:Terahertz generation by nonlinear mixing of laser pulses in a clustered gas. Physics of Plasmas. 2011,18(5),.

335.Si, Li-Ming ; Sun, Hou-Jun ; Lv, Xin. Theoretical investigation of terahertz amplifier by carbon nanotubes within transmission line metamaterials. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 2011,53(4),P:815-818.

336.King, Matthew D. ; Buchanan, William D. ; Korter, Timothy M.  Identification and quantification of polymorphism in the pharmaceutical compound diclofenac acid by terahertz spectroscopy and solid-state density functional theory. Analytical Chemistry. 2011,83(10),P:3786-3792.

337.Choi, S.B. ; Kyoung, J.S. ; Kim, H.S. ; Park, H.R. ; Park, D.J. ; Kim, Bong-Jun ; Ahn, Y.H. ; Rotermund, F. ; Kim, Hyun-Tak ; Ahn, K.J. ; Kim, D.S. Nanopattern enabled terahertz all-optical switching on vanadium dioxide thin film. Applied Physics Letters. 2011,98(7).

338.Dupuis, Alexandre ; Stoeffler, Karen ; Ung, Bora ; Dubois, Charles ; Skorobogatiy, Maksim. Transmission measurements of hollow-core THz Bragg fibers. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2011,28(4),P:896-907.

339.Anthony, Jessienta ; Leonhardt, Rainer ; Argyros, Alexander ; Large, Maryanne C.J.  Characterization of a microstructured Zeonex terahertz fiber. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2011,28(5),P:1013-1018.

340.Daghestani, N.S. ; Cataluna, M.A. ; Berry, G. ; Ross, G. ; Rose, M.J. Terahertz emission from InAs/GaAs quantum dot based photoconductive devices. Applied Physics Letters. 2011,98(18).

341.Yuan, Cheng-Xun (0); Zhou, Zhong-Xiang (0); Zhang, Jingwen W. (0); Xiang, Xiao-Li (0); Yue, Feng (0); Sun, Hong-Guo (0). FDTD Analysis of Terahertz Wave Propagation in a High-Temperature Unmagnetized Plasma Slab. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. May 27, 2011.

342.Mandal, Pankaj ; Speck, Andrew ; Ko, Changhyun ; Ramanathan, Shriram.  Terahertz spectroscopy studies on epitaxial vanadium dioxide thin films across the metal-insulator transition. Optics Letters. 2011,36(10),P:1927-1929.

343.Jiang, Yi ; Li, Da ; Ding, Yujie J. ; Zotova, Ioulia B. Terahertz generation based on parametric conversion: From saturation of conversion efficiency to back conversion.  Optics Letters. May 1, 2011, (9),P:1608-1610.

344.Samal, N. ; Sadofyev, Y.G. ; Annamalai, S. ; Chen, L. ; Samal, A. ; Johnson, S.R. Wavelength tuning of GaAs/AlGaAs terahertz quantum cascade lasers by controlling aluminum content in barriers. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2011,323(1),P:477-479.

345.Han, N.R. ; Chen, Z.C. ; Lim, C.S. ; Ng, B. ; Hon, M.H. Broadband multi-layer terahertz metamaterials fabrication and characterization on flexible substrates. Optics Express. 2011,19(8),P:6990-6998.

346.Rahani, Ehsan Kabiri ; Kundu, Tribikram ; Wu, Ziran ; Xin, Hao. Mechanical damage detection in polymer tiles by THz radiation. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2011,11(8),P:1720-1725.

347.G..Voisiat, B. ; Biciunas, A. ; Ka&#353;alynas, I. ; Raciukaitis. Band-pass filters for THz spectral range fabricated by laser ablation. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 2011,P:1-6.

348.Spevak, I.S. ; Timchenko, M.A. ; Gavrikov, V.K. ; Shulga, V.M. ; Feng, J. ; Sun, H.B. ; Kats, A.V.  Article in PressTitle:High quality resonances for terahertz radiation diffraction at periodically corrugated semiconductor interfaces. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 2011,P:1-6.

349.Andres-Garcia, B. ; Garcia-Mu1;oz, L.E. ; Segovia-Vargas, D. ; Camara-Mayorga, I. ; G;sten, R. Ultrawideband antenna excited by a photomixer for terahertz band. Progress in Electromagnetics Research. 2011,114,P:1-15.

350.Grant, J. ; Ma, Y. ; Saha, S. ; Lok, L.B. ; Khalid, A. ; Cumming, D.R.S. Polarization insensitive terahertz metamaterial absorber. Optics Letters. 2011,36(8),P:1524-1526.

351.Blanchard, F. ; Doi, A. ; Tanaka, T. ; Hirori, H. ; Tanaka, H. ; Kadoya, Y. ; Tanaka, K. Real-time terahertz near-field microscope. Optics Express. 2011,19(9),P:8277-8284.

352.Asada, Masahiro ; Suzuki, Safumi. Room-temperature terahertz oscillation of electron devices. IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials. 2011,131(1),P:21-24.

353.Kawase, Kodo ; Ichino, Shingo ; Suizu, Koji ; Shibuya, Takayuk. Half Cycle Terahertz Pulse Generation by Prism-Coupled Cherenkov Phase-Matching Method. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,P:1-10.

354.Kitaeva, G.Kh. ; Kovalev, S.P. ; Penin, A.N. ; Tuchak, A.N. ; Yakunin, P.V. A Method of Calibration of Terahertz Wave Brightness Under Nonlinear-Optical Detection. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,P:1-13.

355.Yoshioka, Takashi ; Takatori, Satoru ; Minh, Pham Hong ; Cadatal-Raduban, Marilou ; Nakazato, Tomoharu ; Shimizu, Toshihiko ; Sarukura, Nobuhiko ; Estacio, Elmer ; Misa, John Vincent ; Jaculbia, Rafael ; Defensor, Michael ; Somintac, Armando ; Salvador, Arnel. Terahertz emission from GaAs films on Si(100) and Si(111) substrates grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,32(4),P:418-425.

356.Lee, Dong-Kyu ; Kim, Hyeongmun ; Kim, Taekhoon ; Cho, Byungkyu ; Lee, Kwangyeol ; Son, Joo-Hiuk. Characteristics of gadolinium oxide nanoparticles as contrast agents for terahertz imaging. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,32(4),P:506-512.

357.Takeuchi, Hideo ; Tsuruta, Syuichi ; Nakayama, Masaaki. Emission of the terahertz electromagnetic wave from coherent longitudinal optical phonons in a GaAs buffer layer optically masked by a GaSb top epitaxial layer. Applied Physics Letters. 2011,98(15),15.

358.Schuster, Franz ; Coquillat, Dominique ; Videlier, Hadley ; Sakowicz, MacIej ; Teppe, Fr;d;ric ; Dussopt, Laurent ; Giffard, Beno;t ; Skotnicki, Thomas ; Knap, Wojciech. Broadband terahertz imaging with highly sensitive silicon CMOS detectors. Optics Express. 2011,19(8),P:7827-7832.

359.Nguema, Edwin ; F&#233;rachou, Denis ; Humbert, Georges ; Auguste, Jean-Louis ; Blondy, Jean-Marc. Broadband terahertz transmission within the air channel of thin-wall pipe. Optics Letters. 2011,36(10),P:1782-1784.

360.Popov, V.V. ; Ermolaev, D.M. ; Maremyanin, K.V. ; Maleev, N.A. (4); Zemlyakov, V.E. ; Gavrilenko, V.I. ; Shapoval, S. Yu. High-responsivity terahertz detection by on-chip InGaAs/GaAs field-effect-transistor array. Applied Physics Letters. 2011,98(15).

361.Kawada, Yoichi ; Yasuda, Takashi ; Nakanishi, Atsushi ; Akiyama, Koichiro ; Takahashi, Hironori. Single-shot terahertz spectroscopy using pulse-front tilting of an ultra-short probe pulse. Optics Express. 2011,19(12),P:11228-11235.

362.Bhasin, Lalita ; Tripathi, Deepak ; Uma, R. ; Tripathi, V.K. Laser beat wave terahertz generation in a clustered plasma in an azimuthal magnetic field. Physics of Plasmas. 2011,18(5),5

363.Li, Gaofang ; Li, Dong ; Ma, Guohong ; Liu, Weimin ; Tang, Sing Hai.  Influence of magnetic field on terahertz wave generation in photorefractive periodically poled lithium niobate crystal. Applied Optics. 2011,50(8),P:1082-1086.

364.Koch, Stephan W. ; Golde, Daniel ; Kira, Mackillo. Interaction of terahertz radiation with semiconductors. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics. 2011,8(4),P:1198-1203.

365.Seliuta, D. ; MacUtkevic, J. ; Adomavicius, R. ; Ka&#353;alynas, I. ; Tamo&#353;iunas, V. ; Krotkus, A. ; Valu&#353;is, G. ; Me&#353;kinis, S?. ; Tamulevicius, S. ; &#352;lapikas, K. ; Gudonyte, A. Modulation of monochromatic terahertz radiation in transmission and reflection modes using planar metamaterial. Electronics Letters. 2011,47(8),P:503-505.

366.Lu, Xiaofei ; Zhang, X.-C. Balanced terahertz wave air-biased-coherent-detection.  Applied Physics Letters. 2011,98(15),15.

367.Scherger, Benedikt ; Scheller, Maik ; Jansen, Christian ; Koch, Martin ; Wiesauer, Karin.  Terahertz lenses made by compression molding of micropowders. Applied Optics. 2011,50(15),P:2256-2262.

368.Llombart, Nuria ; Chattopadhyay, Goutam ; Skalare, Anders ; Mehdi, Imran. Novel terahertz antenna based on a silicon lens fed by a leaky wave enhanced waveguide. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2011,59(6),P:2160-2168.

369.Ung, Bora ; Dupuis, Alexandre ; Stoeffler, Karen ; Dubois, Charles ; Skorobogatiy, Maksim. High-refractive-index composite materials for terahertz waveguides: Trade-off between index contrast and absorption loss. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2011,28(4),P:917-921.

370.Liu, Dong-Feng. Terahertz lasers based on optically pumped four-level asymmetrical double quantum wells. Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 2011,43(8),P:1445-1448.

371.Jameson, A.D. ; Kevek, J.W. ; Tomaino, J.L. ; Hemphill-Johnston, M. ; Paul, M.J. ; Koretsky, M. ; Minot, E.D. ; Lee, Yun-Shik. Terahertz spectroscopy of Ni-Ti alloy thin films. Applied Physics Letters. 2011,98(22).

372.Budkin, G.V. ; Tarasenko, S.A. Heating and cooling of a two-dimensional electron gas by terahertz radiation. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2011,112(4),P:656-663.

373.Song, Fengbin ; M&#252;ller, Franz ; Scheller, Thomas ; Semenov, Alexei ; He, Ming (4); Fang, Lan (4); H&#252;bers, Heinz-Wilhelm ; Klushin, Alexander M.  Compact tunable sub-terahertz oscillators based on Josephson junctions. Applied Physics Letters. 2011,98(14),14

374.Moon, Kiwon ; Jung, Euna ; Lim, Meehyun ; Do, Youngwoong ; Han, Haewook. Quantitative analysis and measurements of near-field interactions in terahertz microscopes. Optics Express. 2011,19(12),P:11539-11544.

375.Ranjan Jha, Kumud ; Singh, G.  Performance analysis of an open-loop resonator loaded terahertz microstrip antenna. Microelectronics Journal. 2011,42(7),P:950-956.

376.Jha, Kumud Ranjan ; Singh, G.  Analysis of narrow terahertz microstrip transmission-line on multilayered substrate. Journal of Computational Electronics. 2011,10(1-2),P:186-194.

377.Giovine, E. ; Casini, R. ; Dominijanni, D. ; Notargiacomo, A. ; Ortolani, M. ; Foglietti, V.  Fabrication of Schottky diodes for terahertz imaging. Microelectronic Engineering.

378.Torii, Hajime. Title:Intermolecular electron density modulations in water and their effects on the far-infrared spectral profiles at 6 THz. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2011,115(20),P:6636-6643.

379.Wang, Z. ; Zhang, Y. ; Xu, R.M. ; Lin, W.G. A novel broadband coaxial probe to conical wire transition at THz frequency. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M. 2011,16,P:31-45.

380.Wang, Jingli ; Yao, Jianquan ; Chen, Heming ; Zhong, Kai ; Li, Zhongyang. 117.  Title:Ultrahigh birefringent polymer terahertz fiber based on a near-tie unit. Journal of Optics. 2011,13(5).

381.Ito, R. ; Kumagai, T. ; Yoshida, H. ; Takeya, K. ; Ozaki, M. ; Tonouch, M. ; Nose, T.  THz nematic liquid crystal devices using stacked membrane film layers. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 2011,543,P:77-84.

382.Kyoung, J.S. ; Seo, M.A. ; Koo, S.M. ; Park, H.R. ; Kim, H.S. ; Kim, B.J. ; Kim, H.T. ; Park, N.K. ; Kim, D.S. ; Ahn, K.J. Active terahertz metamaterials: Nano-slot antennas on VO2 thin films.  Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics. 2011,8(4), P:1227-1230.

383.Nusinovich, G.S. ; Sprangle, P. ; Romero-Talamas, C.A. ; Granatstein, V.L. Range, resolution and power of THz systems for remote detection of concealed radioactive materials. Journal of Applied Physics. 2011,109(8).

384.Yang, Cheng-Liang ; Wu, Qiang ; Yu, Xuan-Yi ; Zhang, Xin-Zheng ; Kong, Yong-Fa ; Xu, Jing-Jun. Dynamic processes of diffraction and interference for THz phonon polarization in structured LiNbO3 slab using time resolved imaging. Rengong Jingti Xuebao/Journal of Synthetic Crystals. 2011,40(2),P:309-313+333.

385.Cohen, Edward A. ; Drouin, Brian J. THz spectra of formyl fluoride, HFCO. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. 2011,267(1-2),P:67-70.

386.Bachar, N. ; Zhukova, E. (4); Gorshunov, B. (4); Farber, E. ; Roth, M. Anomaly in the complex conductivity of overdoped Y1-x Ca x Ba2Cu3O7-&delta; thin films from thz spectroscopy. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. 2011,24(3),P:1225-1228.

387.Balocco, Claudio ; Kasjoo, Shahrir R. ; Lu, Xiaofeng F. ; Zhang, Linqing Q. ; Alimi, Yasaman ; Winnerl, Stephan ; Song, Aimin M. Room-temperature operation of a unipolar nanodiode at terahertz frequencies. Applied Physics Letters. 2011,98(22),22.

388.Magno, R. ; Champlain, J.G. ; Newman, H.S. ; Park, D. Antimonide-based pN terahertz mixer diodes. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 2011,29(3).

389.Bratman, V.L. (0); Kalynov, Yu. K. (0); Manuilov, V.N. (0). Electron-optical system of terahertz gyrotron. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2011,56(4),P:500-507.

390.Zhang, W.-D. ; Woolard, D.L. Far-infrared and terahertz lasing based upon resonant and interband tunneling in InAs/GaSb heterostructures. Applied Physics Letters. 2011,98(20)

391.Sizov, Fiodor F. ; Reva, Vladimir P. ; Golenkov, Alexandr G. ; Zabudsky, Vyacheslav V.  Uncooled Detectors Challenges for THz/sub-THz Arrays Imaging. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,P:1-15.

392.Wahlstrand, Jared ; Dekorsy, Thomas ; Klatt, Gregor ; Cundiff, Steven. Photoconductive emitters advance ultrafast terahertz sources. Laser Focus World. 2011,47(5),5P:77-80.

393.Liu, Jingle ; Dai, Jianming ; Zhang, X.-C. Ultrafast broadband terahertz waveform measurement utilizing ultraviolet plasma photoemission. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2011,28(4),P:796-804.

394.Lin, Hungyen ; Fumeaux, Christophe ; Ung, Benjamin Seam Yu ; Abbott, Derek. Title:Comprehensive modeling of THz microscope with a sub-wavelength source. Optics Express. 2011,19(6),P:5327-5338.

395.Zhou, Ping ; Fan, Dianyuan. Terahertz-wave generation by surface-emitted four-wave mixing in optical fiber. Chinese Optics Letters. 2011,9(5).

396.Monnai, Y. ; Shinoda, H. ; Hillmer, H. Focused terahertz radiation formed by coherently scattered surface plasmon polaritons from partially uncorrugated metal surfaces.  Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 2011,P:1-5

397.Byrne, M.B. ; Shaukat, M.U. ; Cunningham, J.E. ; Linfield, E.H. ; Davies, A.G. Simultaneous measurement of orthogonal components of polarization in a free-space propagating terahertz signal using electro-optic detection. Applied Physics Letters. 2011,98(15),15.

398.Chen, Yang ; Sun, Yiwen ; Pickwell-MacPherson, Emma. Total variation deconvolution for terahertz pulsed imaging. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering. 2011,19(2),P:223-232.

399.Ueba, Yosuke ; Takahara, Junichi ; Nagatsuma, Tadao. Thermal radiation control in the terahertz region using the spoof surface plasmon mode. Optics Letters. 2011,36(6),P:909-911.

400.Adams, Robert W. ; Vizbaras, Augustinas ; Jang, Min ; Grasse, Christian ; Katz, Simeon ; Boehm, Gerhard ; Amann, Markus C. ; Belkin, Mikhail A. Terahertz sources based on intracavity frequency mixing in mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers with passive nonlinear sections. Applied Physics Letters. 2011,98(15).

401.Li, Zhongyang ; Ma, Yingfang ; Huang, Ran ; Singh, Ranjan ; Gu, Jianqiang ; Tian, Zhen ; Han, Jiaguang ; Zhang, Weili. Manipulating the plasmon-induced transparency in terahertz metamaterials. Optics Express. 2011,19(9),P:8912-8919.

402.Siemion, Agnieszka ; Siemion, Andrzej ; Makowski, Michal ; Sypek, Maciej ; H&#233;rault, Emilie ; Garet, Fr&#233;d&#233;ric ; Coutaz, Jean-Louis. Off-axis metallic diffractive lens for terahertz beams. Optics Letters. 2011,36(11),P:1960-1962.

403.Dai, Houmei ; Liu, Jinsong. Phase dependence of the generation of terahertz waves from two-color laser-induced gas plasma. Journal of Optics. 2011,13(5).

404.Knyazev, Boris A. ; Cherkassky, Valery S. ; Choporova, Yulia Yu. ; Gerasimov, Vasily V. ; Vlasenko, Maxim G. ; Dem'yanenko, Mikhail A. (4); Esaev, Dmitry G. Real-Time Imaging Using a High-Power Monochromatic Terahertz Source: Comparative Description of Imaging Techniques with Examples of Application. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. P:1-16.

405.Reklaitis, Antanas. Crossover between surface field and photo-Dember effect induced terahertz emission. Journal of Applied Physics. 2011,109(8).

406.Pahlevaninezhad, H. ; Heshmat, B. ; Darcie, T.E.  Advances in terahertz waveguides and sources.  IEEE Photonics Journal. 2011,3(2),P:307-310.

407.Chen, Lihan ; Arsenovic, Alex ; Stanec, James R. ; Reck, Theodore J. ; Lichtenberger, Arthur W. ; Weikle, Robert M. ; Barker, N. Scott. A micromachined terahertz waveguide 90 twist. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 2011,21(5),P:234-236.

408.Hagmann, Mark J. ; Kumar, Gagan ; Pandey, Shashank ; Nahata, Ajay. Analysis and simulation of generating terahertz surface waves on a tapered field emission tip. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 2011,29(2).

409.Fuse, Norikazu ; Takahashi, Tsuguhiro ; Ohki, Yoshimichi ; Sato, Ryo ; Mizuno, Maya ; Fukunaga, Kaori. Terahertz spectroscopy as a new tool for insulating material analysis and condition monitoring. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine. 2011,27(3),P:26-35.

410.Sanz-Fernandez, Juan Jos&#233; ; Cheung, Rebecca ; Goussetis, George ; Mateo-Segura, Carolina. Power stored and quality factors in frequency selective surfaces at THz frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2011,59(6),P:2205-2216.

411.Singh, Ranjan ; Azad, Abul K. ; Jia, Q.X. ; Taylor, Antoinette J. ; Chen, Hou-Tong. Thermal tunability in terahertz metamaterials fabricated on strontium titanate single-crystal substrates. Optics Letters. 2011,36(7),P:1230-1232.

412.Zhu, Jun ; Han, Jiaguang ; Tian, Zhen ; Gu, Jianqiang ; Chen, Zhongyong ; Zhang, Weili. Thermal broadband tunable Terahertz metamaterials. Optics Communications. 2011,284(12),P:3129-3133.

413.Yu, Yang ; Yang, Zhenyu ; Zhao, Ming ; Lu, Peixiang. Broadband optical circular polarizers in the terahertz region using helical metamaterials. Journal of Optics. 2011,13(5).

414.Darmo, J. ; Dietze, D. ; Martl, M. ; Unterrainer, K. Nonorthodox heterodyne electro-optic detection for terahertz optical systems. Applied Physics Letters. 2011,98(16).

415.Du, Hong-Chuan ; Wang, Hui-Qiao ; Hu, Bi-Tao. Supercontinuous high harmonic generation from asymmetric molecules in the presence of a terahertz field. Chinese Physics B. 2011,20(4).

416.Wilk, Rafal ; Hochrein, Thomas ; Koch, Martin ; Mei, Michael ; Holzwarth, Ronald. Terahertz spectrometer operation by laser repetition frequency tuning. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2011,28(4),P:592-595.

417.Zhang, Hua ; Scalari, Giacomo ; Beck, Mattias ; Faist, J&#233;r&#244;me ; Houdr;, Romuald. Complex-coupled photonic crystal THz lasers with independent loss and refractive index modulation. Optics Express. 2011,19(11),P:10707-10713.

418.Astley, Victoria ; McCracken, Blake ; Mendis, Rajind ; Mittleman, Daniel M. Analysis of rectangular resonant cavities in terahertz parallel-plate waveguides. Optics Letters. 2011,36(8),P:1452-1454.

419.Razeghi, M. III-nitride optoelectronic devices: From ultraviolet toward terahertz. IEEE Photonics Journal. 2011,3(2),P:263-267.

420.Kiani, Ghaffer I. ; Bird, Trevor S.  ASK modulator based on switchable FSS for THz applications.  Radio Science. 2011,46(2).

421.Hsieh, Bing-Yu ; Jarrahi, Mona. Analysis of periodic metallic nano-slits for efficient interaction of terahertz and optical waves at nano-scale dimensions. Journal of Applied Physics. 2011,109(8).

422.Yang, Lin-An ; Hao, Yue ; Yao, Qingyang ; Zhang, Jincheng. Improved negative differential mobility model of GaN and AlGaN for a terahertz Gunn diode.  IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2011,58(4),P:1076-1083.

423.Gozzelino, Laura ; Gerbaldo, Roberto ; Ghigo, Gianluca ; Laviano, Francesco ; Mezzetti, Enrica ; Cherubini, Roberto ; Minetti, Bruno. Fast neutron irradiation of high-T c superconducting materials engineered for magnetic field and THz photon detection. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms.

424.Yodokawa, Shinichi ; Fujieda, Yutaka ; Obunai, Tetsuo.  Nonreciprocal propagation characteristics of 2.5 THz submillimeter wave in two-layer parallel-plate waveguide containing n-InSb slab at room temperature. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2011,50(4).

425.Mukherjee, Moumita ; Mazumder, Nilratan ; Roy, Sitesh Kumar. Prospects of photo-sensitive indium phosphide based top-mounted and flip-chip IMPATT oscillators for application in terahertz regime. International Journal of Electronics. 2011,98(4),P:449-458.

426.He, X.-J. ; Wang, Y. ; Wang, J.-M. ; Gui, T.-L. ; Wu, Q. Dual-band terahertz metamaterial absorber with polarization insensitivity and wide incident angle. Progress in Electromagnetics Research. 2011,115,P:381-397.

427.Ducournau, G. ; Szriftgiser, P. ; Akalin, T. ; Beck, A. ; Bacquet, D. ; Peytavit, E. ; Lampin, J.F.. Highly coherent terahertz wave generation with a dual-frequency Brillouin fiber laser and a 1:55 &mu;m photomixer. Optics Letters. 2011,36(11),P:2044-2046.

428.Gayen, Dilip Kumar ; Roy, Jitendra Nath ; Pal, Rajat Kumar. All-optical carry lookahead adder with the help of terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer. Optik. 2011

429.Walther, Markus ; Bitzer, Andreas. Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Close to Microstructures Studied by Time and Phase-Resolved THz Near-Field Imaging. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,P:1-11

430.Tachiki, T. ; Uchida, T. Influence of thermal noise on terahertz-wave radiation from intrinsic Josephson junctions. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications. 2011.

431.Yang, Yu-Ping ; Wang, Wen-Zhong ; Zhang, Zhen-Wei ; Zhang, Liang-Liang ; Zhang, Cun-Lin. Dielectric and lattice vibrational spectra of Cu2O hollow spheres in the range of 1-10 THz. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2011,115(21),P:10333-10337.

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545.Aripin, Haji ; Mitsudo, Seitaro ; Sudiana, I.Nyoman ; Tani, Shinji ; Sako, Katsuhide ; Fujii, Yutaka ; Saito, Teruo ; Idehara, Toshitaka ; Sabchevski, Sliven. Rapid Sintering of Silica Xerogel Ceramic Derived from Sago Waste Ash Using Sub-millimeter Wave Heating with a 300GHz CW Gyrotron. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,P:1-10.

546.Navarro-Cia, Miguel ; Beruete, Miguel ; Campillo, Igor ; Ayza, Mario Sorolla. Beamforming by left-handed extraordinary transmission metamaterial Bi- and plano-concave lens at millimeter-waves. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2011,59(6),P:2141-2151.

547.Mizuno, Maya ; Fukunaga, Kaori ; Suzuki, Masaki ; Saito, Shingo ; Fujii, Katsumi ; Hosako, Iwao ; Yamanaka, Yukio. Millimeter wave imaging system using monopole antenna with cylindrical reflector and silicon lens. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,32(4),P:541-549.

548.Wang, Hui ; Li, Hongfu ; Luo, Yong ; Yan, Ran. Theoretical and experimental investigation of a Ka-band gyro-TWT with lossy interaction structure. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,32(2),P:172-185.

549.Nehra, Ashok ; Joshi, L.M. ; Gupta, R.K. ; Sharma, Shivani ; Choyal, Y. ; Sharma, R.K. Design and Simulation of Pole Piece for Focusing of Multi-beam Electron Gun. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,P:1-8.

550.Mou, Jinchao ; Yu, Weihua ; Yuan, Yong ; Lv, Xin. Design of a compact Ka-band balanced mixer based on a novel wide-band equivalent circuit of the schottky diode. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011,32(4),P:466-481.

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