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1.Shi, Qiwu; Huang, Wanxia; Zhang, Yaxin; Yan, Jiazhen; Zhang, Yubo; Mao, Mao; Zhang, Yang; Tu, Mingjing., Giant phase transition properties at terahertz range in VO2 films deposited by sol-gel method. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. vol 3, no 9, pp 3523-3527, September 28, 2011

2.Park, Hyeong-Ryeol; Bahk, Young-Mi; Ahn, Kwang Jun; Park, Q-Han; Kim, Dai-Sik; Martín-Moreno, Luis; García-Vidal, Francisco J. Bravo-Abad, Jorge., Controlling terahertz radiation with nanoscale metal barriers embedded in nano slot antennas. ACS Nano, vol 5, no 10, pp 8340-8345, October 25, 2011

3.Palka, N.,THz Reflection spectroscopy of explosives measured by time domain spectroscopy. Acta Physica Polonica A, vol 120, no 4, pp 713-715, October 2011, Optical and Acoustical Methods in Science and Technology

4.Piszczek, M.; Kowalski, M.; Szustakowski, M.,Measurement stand for TeraEYE inspection. Acta Physica Polonica A, vol 120, no 4, pp 720-724, October 2011

5.Ren, Mengxin; Jia, Baohua; Ou, Jun-Yu; Plum, Eric; Zhang, Jianfa; MacDonald, Kevin F.; Nikolaenko, Andrey E.; Xu, Jingjun; Gu, Min; Zheludev, Nikolay I. ,Nanostructured plasmonic medium for terahertz bandwidth all-optical switching. Advanced Materials, vol 23, no 46, pp 5540-5544, December 8, 2011

6.Kamata, Kaori; Suzuki, Soichiro; Ohtsuka, Masayuki; Nakagawa, Masaru; Iyoda, Tomokazu; Yamada, Atsushi.,Fabrication of left-handed metal microcoil from spiral vessel of vascular plant. Advanced Materials, vol 23, no 46, pp 5509-5513, December 8, 2011

7.Ivanov, V.G.; Ivanov, G.V., New type far IR and THz schottky barrier detectors for scientific and civil application. Advances in OptoElectronics, v 2011, 2011

8.Tang, Min; Chen, Zai Chun; Huang, Zhi Qiang; Choo, Yoo Sang; Hong, Ming Hui .,Maskless multiple-beam laser lithography for largearea nanostructure/ microstructure fabrication.. Applied Optics, vol 50, no 35, pp 6536-6542, December 10, 2011

9.Wang, Yingxin; Zhao, Ziran; Chen, Zhiqiang; Zhang, Li; Kang, Kejun; Deng, Jingkang., Continuous-wave terahertz phase imaging using a far-infrared laser interferometer. Applied Optics, vol 50, no 35, pp 6452-6460, December 10, 2011

10.Voisiat, B.; Biciunas, A.; Kašalynas, I.; Raciukaitis, G. Band-pass filters for THz spectral range fabricated by laser ablation. Applied Physics A. Materials Science and Processing, vol 104, no 3, pp 953-958, September 2011, Photo-Excited Processes and Applications

11.Labaune, Julien; Jackson, J. Bianca; Fukunaga, Kaori; White, Jeffrey; D'Alessandro, Laura; Whyte, Alison; Menu, Michel; Mourou, Gerard ,Investigation of Terra Cotta artefacts with terahertz. Applied Physics A. Materials Science and Processing, vol 105, no 1, pp 5-9, October 2011

12.Liu, Zhifeng; Jin, Guojun ,Extraordinary THz transmission through subwavelength semiconductor slits under antiparallel external magnetic fields. Applied Physics A. Materials Science and Processing, vol 105, no 4, pp 819-825, December 2011

13.Hindle, F.; Mouret, G.; Eliet, S.; Guinet, M.; Cuisset, A.; Bocquet, R.; Yasui, T.; Rovera, D. ,Widely tunable THz synthesizer. Applied Physics B. Lasers and Optics, vol 104, no 4, pp 763-768, September 2011

14.Monnai, Y.; Shinoda, H.; Hillmer, H., Focused terahertz radiation formed by coherently scattered surface plasmon polaritons from partially uncorrugated metal surfaces. Applied Physics B. Lasers and Optics, vol 104, no 4, p 913-917, September 2011

15.Spevak, I.S.; Timchenko, M.A.; Gavrikov, V.K.; Shulga, V.M.; Feng, J.; Sun, H.B.; Kats, A.V. ,High quality resonances for terahertz radiation diffraction at periodically corrugated semiconductor interfaces. Applied Physics B. Lasers and Optics, vol 104, no 4, pp 925-930, September 2011

16.Bakunov, M.I.; Mikhaylovskiy, R.V.; Tani, M.; Que, C.T. ,A structure for enhanced terahertz emission from a photoexcited semiconductor surface. Applied Physics B. Lasers and Optics, vol 100, no 4, pp 695-698, September 2010

17.Morita, Ken; Katoh, Sho; Takimoto, Toshikazu; Tanaka, Fumiya; Nakagawa, Yoshinori; Saito, Shingo; Kitada, Takahiro; Isu, Toshiro ,Generation of terahertz radiation from two cavity modes of a GaAs/AlAs coupled multilayer cavity. Applied Physics Express, vol 4, no 10, October 2011

18.Morishita, Kohei; Nakajima, Kazuo; Fujii, Takashi; Shiinoki, Masakazu ,Near-net shaping of single-crystal silicon for optical lens by one-shot pressing at temperature just below silicon melting point and its demonstration of optical properties. Applied Physics Express, vol 4, no 10, October 2011

19.Ulisse, Giacomo; Brunetti, Francesca; Vomiero, Alberto; Natile, Marta M.; Sberveglieri, Giorgio; Di Carlo, Aldo, Hybrid thermal-field emission of ZnO nanowires. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 24, December 12, 2011

20.Pallas, Florent; Herault, Emilie; Zhou, Jie; Roux, Jean-Francois; Vitrant, Guy ,Stable dual-wavelength microlaser controlled by the output mirror tilt angle. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 24, December 12, 2011

21.Hauri, Christoph P.; Ruchert, Clemens; Vicario, Carlo; Ardana, Fernando ,Strong-field single-cycle THz pulses generated in an organic crystal. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 16, October 17, 2011

22.Jahangiri, Fazel; Hashida, Masaki; Tokita, Shigeki; Nagashima, Takeshi; Hangyo, Masanori; Sakabe, Shuji ,Directional elliptically polarized terahertz emission from air plasma produced by circularly polarized intense femtosecond laser pulses. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 16, October 17, 2011

23.Turcinkova, Dana;  Scalari, Giacomo;  Castellano, Fabrizio;  Amanti, Maria I.;  Beck, Mattias;  Faist, Jerome; ,Ultra-broadband heterogeneous quantum cascade laser emitting from 2.2 to 3.2 THz. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 19, November 7, 2011

24.Mangeney, J.; Laurent, T.; Martin, M.; Harmand, J.C.; Travers, L.; Mauguin, O., Picosecond carrier lifetimes in dilute GaInNAs grown on InP substrate. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 14, October 3, 2011

25.Minkevicius, Linas;  Tamosiunas, Vincas;  Kasalynas, Irmantas;  Seliuta, Dalius;  Valusis, Gintaras;  Lisauskas, Alvydas;  Boppel, Sebastian;  Roskos, Hartmut G.;  Kohler, Klaus; , Terahertz heterodyne imaging with InGaAs-based bow-tie diodes. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 13, September 26, 2011

26.Roy Chowdhury, Dibakar; Singh, Ranjan; O'Hara, John F.; Chen, Hou-Tong; Taylor, Antoinette J.; Azad, Abul K. , Dynamically reconfigurable terahertz metamaterial through photo-doped semiconductor. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 23, December 5, 2011

27.Feiginov, Michael; Sydlo, Cezary; Cojocari, Oleg; Meissner, Peter, Resonant-tunnelling-diode oscillators operating at frequencies above 1.1 THz. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 23, December 5, 2011

28.Popov, V.V.; Fateev, D.V.; Otsuji, T.; Meziani, Y.M.; Coquillat, D.; Knap, W., Plasmonic terahertz detection by a double-grating-gate field-effect transistor structure with an asymmetric unit cell. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 24, December 12, 2011

29.Sharma, R.; Schrottke, L.; Wienold, M.; Biermann, K.; Hey, R.; Grahn, H.T. ,Effect of stimulated emission on the transport characteristics of terahertz quantum-cascade lasers. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 15, October 10, 2011

30.Zhang, Li-Ping; Xue, Ju-Kui ,Terahertz instability of field effect transistor in quantum regime. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 16, October 17, 2011

31.Benz, A.; Brandstetter, M.; Deutsch, C.; Unterrainer, K.; Detz, H.; Andrews, A.M.; Klang, P.; Schrenk, W.; Strasser, G., Photonic bandstructure engineering of THz quantum-cascade lasers. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 20, November 14, 2011

32.Hoyer, Patrick;  Matthaus, Gabor;  Blumroder, Ulrike;  Fuchsel, Kevin;  Nolte, Stefan; ,Induced terahertz emission as a probe for semiconductor devices. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 22, November 28, 2011

33.Yamashita, Masatsugu; Otani, Chiko; Shimizu, Masahiro; Okuzaki, Hidenori ,Effect of solvent on carrier transport in poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/ poly(4-styrenesulfonate) studied by terahertz and infrared-ultraviolet spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 14, October 3, 2011

34.Alshehri, Ali H.; Jakubowska, Malgorzata; Sloma, Marcin; Horaczek, Michal; Rudka, Diana; Free, Charles; David Carey, J., Electrical performance of carbon nanotube-polymer composites at frequencies up to 220 GHz. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 15, October 10, 2011

35.Nogajewski, K.; Usakowski, J.; Knap, W.; Popov, V.V.; Teppe, F.; Rumyantsev, S.L.; Shur, M.S., Localized and collective magnetoplasmon excitations in AlGaN/GaN-based grating-gate terahertz modulators. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 21, November 21, 2011

36.Singh, Ranjan; Al-Naib, Ibraheem A. I.; Yang, Yuping; Roy Chowdhury, Dibakar; Cao, Wei; Rockstuhl, Carsten; Ozaki, Tsuneyuki; Morandotti, Roberto; Zhang, Weili ,Observing metamaterial induced transparency in individual Fano resonators with broken symmetry. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 20, November 14, 2011

37.Sounas, Dimitrios L.; Caloz, Christophe ,Edge surface modes in magnetically biased chemically doped graphene strips. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 23, December 5, 2011

38.Zhukavin, R.K.H.; Kovalevsky, K.A.; Tsyplenkov, V.V.; Shastin, V.N.; Pavlov, S.G.; Hbers, H.-W.; Riemann, H.; Abrosimov, N.V.; Ramdas, A.K. ,Spin-orbit coupling effect on bismuth donor lasing in stressed silicon. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 17, October 24, 2011

39.Huynh, A.;  Perrin, B.;  Jusserand, B.;  Lemaitre, A., Terahertz coherent acoustic experiments with semiconductor superlattices. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 19, November 7, 2011

40.Lu, Q.Y.; Bandyopadhyay, N.; Slivken, S.; Bai, Y.; Razeghi, M., Room temperature single-mode terahertz sources based on intracavity difference-frequency generation in quantum cascade lasers. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 13, September 26, 2011

41.Füser, Heiko; Judaschke, Rolf; Bieler, Mark ,High-precision frequency measurements in the THz spectral region using an unstabilized femtosecond laser. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 12, September 19, 2011

42.Keun Yoo, Hyung; Kang, Chul; Yoon, Youngwoon; Lee, Hanju; Wook Lee, Joong; Lee, Kiejin; Kee, Chul-Sik ,Erratum. Organic conjugated material-based broadband terahertz wave modulators (Applied Physics Letters (2011) 99 (061108)). Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 15, October 10, 2011

43.Yang, Lin'An; He, Hanbing; Mao, Wei; Hao, Yue, Quantitative analysis of the trapping effect on terahertz AlGaN/GaN resonant tunneling diode. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 15, October 10, 2011

44.Beruete, M.; Serebryannikov, A.E.; Torres, V.; Navarro-Ca, M.; Sorolla, M. ,Toward compact millimeter-wave diode in thin stacked-hole array assisted by a dielectric grating. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 15, October 10, 2011

45.Eichholz, R.; Richter, H.; Pavlov, S.G.; Wienold, M.; Schrottke, L.; Hey, R.; Grahn, H.T.; Hübers, H.-W., Multi-channel terahertz grating spectrometer with quantum-cascade laser and microbolometer array. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 14, October 3, 2011

46.Feiginov, Michael; Sydlo, Cezary; Cojocari, Oleg; Meissner, Peter, High-frequency nonlinear characteristics of resonant-tunnelling diodes. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 13, September 26, 2011

47.Ginzburg, N.S.; Malkin, A.M.; Sergeev, A.S.; Zaslavsky, V. Yu., Quasi-optical theory of relativistic submillimeter surface-wave oscillators. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 12, September 19, 2011

48.Gerhardt, N.C.; Li, M.Y.; Jhme, H.; Hpfner, H.; Ackemann, T.; Hofmann, M.R. Ultrafast spin-induced polarization oscillations with tunable lifetime in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 15, October 10, 2011

49.Khurgin, Jacob B.; Sun, Greg, Scaling of losses with size and wavelength in nanoplasmonics and metamaterials. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 21, November 21, 2011

50.Peytavit, E.; Lepilliet, S.; Hindle, F.; Coinon, C.; Akalin, T.; Ducournau, G.; Mouret, G.; Lampin, J.-F., Milliwatt-level output power in the sub-terahertz range generated by photomixing in a GaAs photoconductor. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 22, November 28, 2011

51.Tavallaee, Amir A.; Williams, Benjamin S.; Hon, Philip W. C.; Itoh, Tatsuo; Chen, Qi-Sheng ,Terahertz quantum-cascade laser with active leaky-wave antenna. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 14, October 3, 2011

52.Bartelt, Andreas F.; Strothkmper, Christian; Schindler, Wolfram; Fostiropoulos, Konstantinos; Eichberger, Rainer Morphology effects on charge generation and recombination dynamics at ZnPc.C60 bulk hetero-junctions using time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy . Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 14, October 3, 2011

53.Grillot, F.; Naderi, N.A.; Wright, J.B.; Raghunathan, R.; Crowley, M.T.; Lester, L.F., A dual-mode quantum dot laser operating in the excited state. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 23, December 5, 2011

54.Kan, K.; Yang, J.; Ogata, A.; Kondoh, T.; Norizawa, K.; Yoshida, Y., Multimode terahertz-wave generation using coherent Cherenkov radiation. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 23, December 5, 2011

55.Island, J.O.; Tayari, V.; Yigen, S.; McRae, A.C.; Champagne, A.R., Ultra-short suspended single-wall carbon nanotube transistors. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 24, December 12, 2011

56.Ortolani, Michele; Stehr, Dominik; Wagner, Martin; Helm, Manfred; Pizzi, Giovanni; Virgilio, Michele; Grosso, Giuseppe; Capellini, Giovanni; De Seta, Monica, Long intersubband relaxation times in n-type germanium quantum wells. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 20, November 14, 2011

57.Scheuch, M.; Kampfrath, T.; Wolf, M.; Von Volkmann, K.; Frischkorn, C.; Perfetti, L., Temperature dependence of ultrafast phonon dynamics in graphite. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 21, November 21, 2011

58.Zhu, W.M.; Liu, A.Q.; Zhang, W.; Tao, J.F.; Bourouina, T.; Teng, J.H.; Zhang, X.H.; Wu, Q.Y.; Tanoto, H.; Guo, H.C.; Lo, G.Q.; Kwong, D.L., Polarization dependent state to polarization independent state change in THz metamaterials. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 22, November 28, 2011

59.Daranciang, Dan; Goodfellow, John; Fuchs, Matthias; Wen, Haidan; Ghimire, Shambhu; Reis, David A.; Loos, Henrik; Fisher, Alan S.; Lindenberg, Aaron M., Single-cycle terahertz pulses with >0.2 V/Å field amplitudes via coherent transition radiation. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 14, October 3, 2011

60.Ahn, H.; Chia, J.-W.; Lee, H.-M.; Hong, Y.-L.; Gwo, S., Mg-induced terahertz transparency of indium nitride films. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 23, December 5, 2011

61.Leyman, R.; Nikitichev, D.I.; Bazieva, N.; Rafailov, E.U., Multimodal spectral control of a quantum-dot diode laser for THz difference frequency generation. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 17, October 24, 2011

62.Iarrea, Jess, The two dimensional electron system as a nanoantenna in the microwave and terahertz bands. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 23, December 5, 2011

63.Freeman, Joshua R.; Brewer, Anthony; Madeo, Julien; Cavalie, Pierrick; Dhillon, Sukhdeep S.; Tignon, Jerome; Beere, Harvey E.; Ritchie, David A., Broad gain in a bound-to-continuum quantum cascade laser with heterogeneous active region. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 24, December 12, 2011

64.Chiang, Yi-Ju; Yang, Chan-Shan; Yang, Yu-Hang; Pan, Ci-Ling; Yen, Ta-Jen, An ultrabroad terahertz bandpass filter based on multiple-resonance excitation of a composite metamaterial. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 19, November 7, 2011

65.Wagner, M.; Helm, M.; Sherwin, M.S.; Stehr, D.. Coherent control of a THz intersubband polarization in a voltage controlled single quantum well. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 13, September 26, 2011

66.Qiu, M.X.; Ruan, S.C.; Su, H.; Wang, C.D.; Zhang, M.; Wang, R.L.; Liang, H.W. ,Enhanced transmission of THz radiation through sub-wavelength, asymmetry metallic hole arrays. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 15, October 10, 2011

67.Wu, Jingbo; Jin, Biaobing; Wan, Jie; Liang, Lanju; Zhang, Yonggang; Jia, Tao; Cao, Chunhai; Kang, Lin; Xu, Weiwei; Chen, Jian; Wu, Peiheng ,Superconducting terahertz metamaterials mimicking electromagnetically induced transparency. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 16, October 17, 2011

68.Takano, Keisuke; Chiyoda, Yui; Nishida, Tsubasa; Miyamaru, Fumiaki; Kawabata, Taku; Sasaki, Hirofumi; Takeda, Mitsuo W.; Hangyo, Masanori, Optical switching of terahertz radiation from meta-atom-loaded photoconductive antennas. Applied Physics Letters, vol 99, no 16, October 17, 2011

69.A. Abergel, P. A. R. Ade, N. Aghanim, M. Arnaud, M. Ashdown, J. Aumont, C. Baccigalupi, A. Balbi, A. J. Banday, R. B. Barreiro, J. G. Bartlett, E. Battaner, K. Benabed, A. Benoît, J.-P. Bernard, M. Bersanelli, R. Bhatia, J. J. Bock, A. Bonaldi, J. R. Bond, J. Borrill, F. R. Bouchet, F. Boulanger, M. Bucher, C. Burigana, P. Cabella, J.-F. Cardoso, A. Catalano, L. Cayón, A. Challinor, A. Chamballu, L.-Y Chiang, C. Chiang, P. R. Christensen, S. Colombi, F. Couchot, A. Coulais, B. P. Crill, F. Cuttaia, T. M. Dame, L. Danese, R. D. Davies, R. J. Davis, P. de Bernardis, G. de Gasperis, A. de Rosa, G. de Zotti, J. Delabrouille, J.-M. Delouis, F.-X. Désert, C. Dickinson, S. Donzelli, O. Doré, U. Dörl, M. Douspis, X. Dupac, G. Efstathiou, T. A. Enßlin, F. Finelli, O. Forni, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, S. Galeotta, K. Ganga, M. Giard, G. Giardino, Y. Giraud-Héraud, J. González-Nuevo, K. M. Górski, S. Gratton, A. Gregorio, I. A. Grenier, A. Gruppuso, F. K. Hansen, D. Harrison, S. Henrot-Versillé, D. Herranz, S. R. Hildebrandt, E. Hivon, M. Hobson, W. A. Holmes, W. Hovest, R. J. Hoyland, K. M. Huffenberger, T. R. Jaffe, A. H. Jaffe, W. C. Jones, M. Juvela, E. Keihänen, R. Keskitalo, T. S. Kisner, R. Kneissl, L. Knox, H. Kurki-Suonio, G. Lagache, A. Lähteenmäki, J.-M. Lamarre, A. Lasenby, R. J. Laureijs, C. R. Lawrence, S. Leach, R. Leonardi, C. Leroy, P. B. Lilje, M. Linden-Vørnle, M. López-Caniego, P. M. Lubin, J. F. Macías-Pérez, C. J. MacTavish, B. Maffei, N. Mandolesi, R. Mann, M. Maris, D. J. Marshall, E. Martínez-González, S. Masi, S. Matarrese, F. Matthai, P. Mazzotta, P. McGehee, P. R. Meinhold, A. Melchiorri, L. Mendes, A. Mennella, M.-A. Miville-Deschênes, A. Moneti, L. Montier, G. Morgante, D. Mortlock, D. Munshi, A. Murphy, P. Naselsky, P. Natoli, C. B. Netterfield, H. U. Nørgaard-Nielsen, F. Noviello, D. Novikov, I. Novikov, S. Osborne, F. Pajot, R. Paladini, F. Pasian, G. Patanchon, O. Perdereau, L. Perotto, F. Perrotta, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, S. Plaszczynski, E. Pointecouteau, G. Polenta, N. Ponthieu, T. Poutanen, G. Prézeau, S. Prunet, J.-L. Puget, J. P. Rachen, W. T. Reach, R. Rebolo, W. Reich, C. Renault, S. Ricciardi, T. Riller, I. Ristorcelli, G. Rocha, C. Rosset, J. A. Rubiño-Martín, B. Rusholme, M. Sandri, D. Santos, G. Savini, D. Scott, M. D. Seiffert, P. Shellard, G. F. Smoot, J.-L. Starck, F. Stivoli, V. Stolyarov, R. Stompor, R. Sudiwala, J.-F. Sygnet, J. A. Tauber, L. Terenzi, L. Toffolatti, M. Tomasi, J.-P. Torre, M. Tristram, J. Tuovinen, G. Umana, L. Valenziano, J. Varis, P. Vielva, F. Villa, N. Vittorio, L. A. Wade, B. D. Wandelt, A. Wilkinson, N. Ysard, D. Yvon, A. Zacchei and A. Zonca, Planck early results. XXI. Properties of the interstellar medium in the Galactic plane. Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol 536, 2011

70.Wang, Xiu-Min ,Reducing the noise impact during extracting materials' optical parameter from terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Beijing Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Technology, vol 37, no 10, pp 1592-1596, October 2011

71.Huang, Ping; Shi, Wei-Fan; Qian, Xin-Ming; Liu, Zhen-Yi; Qin, Pei-Yao, Study on tera-hertz time-domain spectroscopy of three kinds of pyrotechnic oxidants. Beijing Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Transaction of Beijing Institute of Technology, vol 31, no 11, pp 1370-1374, November 2011

72.Wilk, R., All fiber THz spectrometer for plastics industry. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences, vol 59, no 3, pp 283-286, 2011

73.Katsounaros, A.; Mann, M.; Naftaly, M.; Rajab, K.Z.; Hao, Y.; Milne, W.I., Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy characterization of vertically aligned carbon nanotube films. Carbon, vol 50, no 3, pp 939-942, March 2012

74.Murakami, H.; Toyota, Y.; Nishi, T.; Nashima, S., Terahertz absorption spectroscopy of protein-containing reverse micellar solution. Chemical Physics Letters, vol 519-520, pp 105-109, January 5, 2012

75.Pereverzev, Andrey; Sewell, Thomas D., Molecular dynamics study of the effect of pressure on the terahertz-region infrared spectrum of crystalline pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Chemical Physics Letters, vol 515, no 1-3, pp 32-36, October 17, 2011

76.Zhang, Xueqian; Li, Quan; Cao, Wei; Yue, Weisheng; Gu, Jianqiang; Tian, Zhen; Han, Jiaguang; Zhang, Weili ,Equivalent circuit analysis of terahertz metamaterial filters. Chinese Optics Letters, vol 9, no 11, November 2011

77.Du, Qiujiao; Liu, Jinsong; Yang, Hongwu, Compact multiband left-handed metamaterial at terahertz frequencies. Chinese Optics Letters, vol 9, no 11, November 2011

78.Tannouri, P.; Peccianti, M.; Lavertu, P.L.; Vidal, F.; Morandotti, R., Quasi-TEM mode propagation in twin-wire THz waveguides. Chinese Optics Letters, vol 9, no 11, November 2011

79.Zhu, Yiming; Zhuang, Songlin, Terahertz electromagnetic waves emitted from semiconductor investigated using terahertz time domain spectroscopy. Chinese Optics Letters, vol 9, no 11, November 2011

80.Wang, Weimin; Sheng, Zhengming; Li, Yutong; Chen, Liming; Dong, Quanli; Lu, Xin; Ma, Jinglong; Zhang, Jie, Studies on the mechanisms of powerful terahertz radiations from laser plasmas. Chinese Optics Letters, vol 9, no 11, November 2011

81.Kumar, Sushil,  Quantum cascade lasers operating from 1.4 to 4 THz. Chinese Optics Letters, vol 9, no 11, November 2011

82.Zhang, Yichen; Berrier, Audrey; Rivas, Jaime Gomez Rivas, Long-range surface plasmon polaritons at THz frequencies in thin semiconductor layers. Chinese Optics Letters, vol 9, no 11, November 2011

83.Wang, Huali; Wang, Qiang, Modeling the THz spectrum of the bentazon. Chinese Optics Letters, vol 9, no 11, November 2011

84.Tian, Lu; Zhao, Kun; Zhou, Qingli; Shi, Yulei; Zhao, Dongmei; Zhang, Cunlin; Zhao, Songqing,Diffusion interaction and quantitative analysis of zinc dialkyldithiophosphate content in lube base oils in terahertz regime. Chinese Optics Letters, vol 9, no 11, November 2011

85.Zhou, Qingli; Zhang, Xicheng,Applications of time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy in ultrafast carrier dynamics. Chinese Optics Letters, vol 9, no 11, November 2011

86.Liu, Feng; Hu, Xiaokun; Li, Jiang; Wang, Changlei; Li, Yi; Li, Yanfeng; Song, Youjian; Liu, Bowen; Hu, Minglie; Chai, Lu; Xing, Qirong; Wang, Chingyue; Zhang, Weili, Compact and high-power broadband terahertz source based on femtosecond photonic crystal fiber amplifier. Chinese Optics Letters, vol 9, no 11, November 2011

87.Ding, Yujie J.; Zhao, Pu; Ragam, Srinivasa; Li, Da; Zotova, Ioulia B., Recent progress on terahertz generation based on difference frequency generation. From power scaling to compact and portable sources. Chinese Optics Letters, vol 9, no 11, November 2011

88.Fan, Wenhui ,Broadband terahertz spectroscopy. Chinese Optics Letters, vol 9, no 11, November 2011

89.Kim, Seongsin M.; Baughman, William; Wilbert, David S.; Butler, Lee; Bolus, Michael; Balci, Soner; Kung, Patrick, High sensitivity and high selectivity terahertz biomedical imaging. Chinese Optics Letters, vol 9, no 11, November 2011

90.Wang, Wei-Ning; Wang, Guo; Zhang, Yan, Low-frequency vibrational modes of glutamine. Chinese Physics B, vol 20, no 12, December 2011

91.Tian, Xiao-Guang; Ling, Fu-Ri; He, Jian; Liu, Jin-Song; Yao, Jian-Quan ,Choice of optimal crystal-orientation for terahertz transceiver with zincblende crystal. Chinese Physics B, vol 20, no 12, December 2011

92.Lü, Ying-Jin; Xu, De-Gang; Liu, Peng-Xiang; Lü, Da; Wen, Qi-Ye; Zhang, Huai-Wu; Yao, Jian-Quan ,Simulation of continuous terahertz wave transient state thermal effects on static water. Chinese Physics B, vol 20, no 10, October 2011

93.Lopato, Przemyslaw; Chady, Tomasz;Sikora, Ryszard., Testing of composite materials using advanced NDT methods. COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol 30, no 4, pp 1260-1270, 2011

94.King, Matthew D.; Blanton, Thomas N.; Misture, Scott T.; Korter, Timothy M., Prediction of the unknown crystal structure of creatine using fully quantum mechanical methods. Crystal Growth and Design, vol 11, no 12, pp 5733-5740, December 7, 2011

95.Sabah, Cumali; Roskos, Hartmut G., Dual-band polarization-independent sub-terahertz fishnet metamaterial. Current Applied Physics, vol 12, no 2, pp 443-450, March 2012

96.Wang, Cheng; Lin, Chang-Xing; Deng, Xian-Jin; Xiao, Shi-Wei, 140 GHz data rate wireless communication technology research. Dianzi Yu Xinxi Xuebao/Journal of Electronics and Information Technology, vol 33, no 9, pp 2263-2267, September 2011

97.Balzer, J.C.; Schlauch, T.; Hoffmann, Th.; Klehr, A.; Erbert, G.; Hofmann, M.R., Modelocked semiconductor laser system with pulse picking for variable repetition rate. Electronics Letters, vol 47, no 25, pp 1387-1388, December 8, 2011

98.Fice, M.J.; Rouvalis, E.; Ponnampalam, L.; Renaud, C.C.; Seeds, A.J. Telecommunications technology-based terahertz sources. Electronics Letters, vol 46, no 26, pp S28-S31, December 23, 2010

99.Dyball, H., A new phase for THz. Electronics Letters, vol 47, no 23, pp 1255, November 10, 2011

100.Davies, G.; Linfield, E., Editorial. Electronics Letters, vol 46, no 26, pp S1-S3, December 23, 2010

101.Shur, M., Plasma wave terahertz electronics. Electronics Letters, vol 46, no 26, pp S18-S21, December 23, 2010

102.Yu, N.; Wang, Q.J.; Kats, M.A.; Fan, J.A.; Capasso, F.; Khanna, S.P.; Li, L.; Davies, A.G.; Linfield, E.H., Terahertz plasmonics. Electronics Letters, vol 46, no 26, pp S52-S57, December 23, 2010

103.Gellie, P.; Lampin, J.-F.; Sirtori, C.; Barbieri, S., RF injection-locking of terahertz quantum cascade lasers. Electronics Letters, vol 46, no 26, pp S60-S64, December 23, 2010

104.Boppel, S.; Lisauskas, A.; Krozer, V.; Roskos, H.G., Performance and performance variations of sub-1THz detectors fabricated with 0.15μm CMOS foundry process. Electronics Letters, vol 47, no 11, pp 661-662, May 26, 2011

105.Kawase, K.; Hoshina, H.; Iwasaki, A.; Sasaki, Y.; Shibuya, T., Mail screening applications of terahertz radiation. Electronics Letters, vol 46, no 26, pp S66-S68, December 23, 2010

106.Cunningham, J.; Byrne, M.B.; Wood, C.D.; Dazhang, L., On-chip terahertz systems for spectroscopy and imaging. Electronics Letters, vol 46, no 26, pp S34-S37, December 23, 2010

107.Mendis, R.; Mittleman, D.M., Multifaceted terahertz applications of parallel-plate waveguide. TE 1 mode. Electronics Letters, vol 46, no 26, pp S40-S44, December 23, 2010

108.Il'in, K.S.; Semenov, A.D.; Hubers, H.-W.; Siegel, M., Hot-electron bolometer mixers for terahertz radiation. Electronics Letters, vol 46, no 26, pp S14-S16, December 23, 2010

109.Stanze, D.; Gobel, T.; Dietz, R.J.B.; Sartorius, B.; Schell, M., High-speed coherent CW terahertz spectrometer. Electronics Letters, vol 47, no 23, pp 1292-1294, November 10, 2011

110.Eisele, H., State of the art and future of electronic sources at terahertz frequencies. Electronics Letters, vol 46, no 26, pp S8-S11, December 23, 2010

111.Klatt, G.; Stephan, D.; Beck, M.; Demsar, J.; Dekorsy, T., Large-area laser-driven terahertz emitters. Electronics Letters, vol 46, no 26, pp S24-S26, December 23, 2010

112.Faist, J.; Scalari, G., Unified description of resonant tunnelling diodes and terahertz quantum cascade lasers. Electronics Letters, vol 46, no 26, pp S46-S49, December 23, 2010

113.Suzuki, Tetsuhito; Ogawa, Yuichi; Kondo, Naoshi, Characterization of pesticide residue, Cis-permethrin by terahertz spectroscopy. Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food, vol 4, no 4, pp 90-94, 2011

114.Kim, Namje; Leem, Young Ahn; Ko, Hyunsung; Jeon, Min Yong; Lee, Chul Wook; Han, Sang-Pil; Lee, Donghun; Park, Kyung Hyun, Widely tunable 1.55-μm detuned dual-mode laser diode for compact continuous-wave thz emitter. ETRI Journal, vol 33, no 5, pp 810-813, October 2011

115.Chung, Tae Jin; Lee, Won-Hui, A 1.485-Gbit/s video signal transmission system at carrier frequencies of 240 GHz and 300 GHz. ETRI Journal, vol 33, no 6, pp 965-968, December 2011

116.Wu, Ke , Substrate integrated circuits (SICs) for terahertz electronics and photonics. Current status and future outlook. Frequenz, vol 65, no 9-10, pp 255-259, September 2011

117.Liu, Chang; Wang, Xin-Ke; Sun, Wen-Feng; Zhang, Yan, Accurate optical parameters extracting of non-polar organic solvents in the terahertz range. Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, vol 31, no 11, pp 2886-2890, November 2011

118.Chen, Xi-Ai; Hou, Di-Bo; Huang, Ping-Jie; Kang, Xu-Sheng; Zhang, Guang-Xin; Zhou, Ze-Kui. Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of Clenbuterol hydrochloride. Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, vol 31, no 12, pp 3206-3209, December 2011

119.Kang, Xu-Sheng; Zhang, Guang-Xin; Chen, Xi-Ai; Huang, Ping-Jie; Hou, Di-Bo; Zhou, Ze-Kui, Terahertz spectroscopic investigation of elaidic acid. Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, vol 31, no 10, pp 2629-2633, October 2011

120.Feng, Xiu-Jun; Huang, Wan-Xia; Shi, Qi-Wu; Zhang, Yu-Bo; Luo, Yi; Zhang, Ya-Xin, Terahertz spectroscopic investigation of lanthanide-doped nano-TiO2. Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, vol 31, no 10, pp 2624-2628, October 2011

121.Chen, Tao; Hu, Ming; Liang, Ji-Ran; Hou, Shun-Bao; Lu;, Zhijun; Li, Li, Study on frequency characteristics of VOx thin films in THz band. Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, vol 22, no 9, pp 1348-1351, September 2011

122.Yang, Fangqing; Li, Jie; Wang, Zhan; Dong, Jianfeng ,Characteristics of the twisted conjugated gammadion chiral structure. Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica, vol 31, no 10, pp 1016002-1-1016002-5, October 2011

123.Wang, Reng; Lin, Xing-Cao; Zhang, Li-Ping; Zhang, Ke-Feng; Jiao, Cui-Ling; Lu, Ye; Shao, Xiu-Hua; Li, Xiang-Yang; Ge, Jin; Hu, Shu-Hong; Dai, Ning, Growth and terahertz characterization of Hg_ (1-x) Cd_x Te crystal. Hongwai Yu Haomibo Xuebao/Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol 30, no 5, pp 401-405+462, October 2011

124.Wu, Xiang; Pei, Zhi-Bin; Qu, Shao-Bo; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Jie-Qiu; Ma, Hua; Wang, Jia-Fu; Wang, Xin-Hua, Design and experimental verification of band-pass frequency selective surface based on metamaterial effective medium theory. Hongwai Yu Haomibo Xuebao/Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol 30, no 5, pp 469-474, October 2011

125.Gruden, Mathias; Jobs, Magnus; Rydberg, Anders ,Measurements and simulations of wave propagation for wireless sensor networks in jet engine turbines. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol 10, pp 1139-1142, 2011

126.Donati, Silvano , Responsivity and noise of self-mixing photodetection schemes. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol 47, no 11, pp 1428-1433, 2011

127.Van Der Westhuizen, Gys; Nilsson, Johan, Fiber optical parametric oscillator for large frequency-shift wavelength conversion. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol 47, no 11, pp 1396-1403, 2011

128.Constantin, Florin Lucian Phase-coherent heterodyne detection in the terahertz regime with a photomixer. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol 47, no 11, pp 1458-1462, 2011

129.Kudlinski, Alexandre; Mussot, Arnaud; Habert, R; Sylvestre, Thibaut, Widely tunable parametric amplification and pulse train generation by heating a photonic crystal fiber. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol 47, no 12, pp 1514-1518, 2011

130.Fortin, Gilles; McCarthy, Nathalie, Continuous tuning of a diode laser over 8.4 THz near 1550 nm with a chirped grating. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol 17, no 6, pp 1499-1504, 2011

131.Nedeljkovic, Milos; Soref, Richard; Mashanovich, Goran Z., Free-carrier electrorefraction and electroabsorption modulation predictions for silicon over the 1-14-   infrared wavelength range. IEEE Photonics Journal, vol 3, no 6, pp 1171-1180, 2011

132.Rahman, B.M.A.; Quadir, Anita; Tanvir, Huda; Grattan, K.T.V., Characterization of plasmonic modes in a low-loss dielectric-coated hollow core rectangular waveguide at terahertz frequency. IEEE Photonics Journal, vol 3, no 6, pp 1054-1066, 2011

133.Tanvir, Huda; Rahman, B.M.A.; Grattan, K.T.V. Impact of "ghost" mode interaction in terahertz quantum cascade lasers. IEEE Photonics Journal, vol 3, no 5, pp 926-935, 2011

134.Nelson, C.W.; Hati, A.; Howe, D.A., Common-arm counterpropagating interferometer for measurement of vibration-induced noise in fibers. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol 23, no 21, pp 1633-1635, 2011

135.York, Trevor; McCann, Hugh; Ozanyan, Krikor B., Agile sensing systems for tomography. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol 11, no 12, pp 3086-3105, 2011

136.Schroter, Michael; Wedel, Gerald; Heinemann, Bernd; Jungemann, Christoph; Krause, Julia; Chevalier, Pascal; Chantre, Alain, Physical and electrical performance limits of high-speed SiGeC HBTs- Part I. Vertical scaling. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol 58, no 11, pp 3687-3696, November 2011

137.Schroter, Michael; Krause, Julia; Rinaldi, Niccol; Wedel, Gerald; Heinemann, Bernd; Chevalier, Pascal; Chantre, Alain, Physical and electrical performance limits of high-speed SiGeC HBTs - Part II. Lateral scaling. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol 58, no 11, pp 3697-3706, November 2011

138.Leal-Sevillano, Carlos A.; Ruiz-Cruz, Jorge A.; Montejo-Garai, José R.; Rebollar, Jess M., Field propagation in circular hollow waveguides with non-ideal metallic conductors from microwaves to terahertz frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol 59, no 12 PART 1, pp 3013-3022, December 2011

139.Xu, Feng; Wu, Ke, Substrate integrated nonradiative dielectric waveguide structures directly fabricated on printed circuit boards and metallized dielectric layers. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol 59, no 12 PART 1, pp 3076-3086, December 2011

140.Konoplev, I.V.; Cross, A.W.; Phelps, A.D.R., Relativistic electron beam excitation of surface fields in artificial materials based on one- and two-dimensional periodic structures. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol 39, no 11 PART 1, pp 2610-2611, November 2011

141.Hailu, Daniel M.; Ehtezazi, Iraj A.; Neshat, Mohammad; Shaker, George S. A.; Safavi-Naeini, Safieddin, Hybrid spectral-domain ray tracing method for fast analysis of millimeter-wave and terahertz-integrated antennas. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 425-434, November 2011

142.Khavasi, Amin; Miri, Mehdi; Mehrany, Khashayar, Enhanced reflection in one-dimensional mostly-hollow metallic gratings at terahertz frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 435-440, November 2011

143.Cherednichenko, Sergey; Hammar, Arvid; Bevilacqua, Stella; Drakinskiy, Vladimir; Stake, Jan; Kalabukhov, Alexey, A room temperature bolometer for terahertz coherent and incoherent detection. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 395-402, November 2011

144.Kallfass, Ingmar; Antes, Jochen; Schneider, Thomas; Kurz, Fabian; Lopez-Diaz, Daniel; Diebold, Sebastian; Massler, Hermann; Leuther, Arnulf; Tessmann, Axel ,All active MMIC-based wireless communication at 220 GHz. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 477-487, November 2011

145.Zhang, Wen; Gao, Jian-Rong; Hajenius, Merlijn; Miao, Wei; Khosropanah, Pourya; Klapwijk, Teun M.; Shi, Sheng-Cai ,Twin-slot antenna coupled NbN hot electron bolometer mixer at 2.5 THz. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 378-382, November 2011

146.Siegel, Peter H., Terahertz pioneers. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 341, November 2011

147.Liu, Shuchang; Shou, Xiang; Nahata, Ajay ,Coherent detection of multiband terahertz radiation using a surface plasmon-polariton based photoconductive antenna. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 412-415, November 2011

148.Dickie, Raymond; Cahill, Robert; Fusco, Vincent; Gamble, Harold S.; Mitchell, Neil, THz frequency selective surface filters for earth observation remote sensing instruments. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 450-461, November 2011

149.Williams, Dylan F., 500 GHz-750 GHz rectangular-waveguide vector-network-analyzer calibrations. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 364-377, November 2011

150.Gonzalez, Alvaro; Uzawa, Yoshinori; Fujii, Yasunori; Kaneko, Keiko; Kuroiwa, Koichi, A horn-to-horn power transmission system at Terahertz frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 416-424, November 2011

151.Sobis, Peter J.; Emrich, Anders; Stake, Jan ,A low VSWR 2SB Schottky receiver. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 403-411, November 2011

152.Siegel, Peter H., Editorial. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 337-340, November 2011

153.Kollberg, Erik L.; Yngvesson, K. Sigfrid; Ren, Yuan; Zhang, Wen; Khosropanah, Pourya; Gao, Jian-Rong ,Impedance of hot-electron bolometer mixers at terahertz frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 383-389, November 2011

154.Reck, Theodore J.; Chen, Lihan; Zhang, Chunhu; Arsenovic, Alex; Groppi, Christopher; Lichtenberger, Arthur; Weikle, Robert M.; Barker, N. Scott ,Micromachined probes for submillimeter-wave on-wafer measurements - Part II. RF design and characterization. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 357-363, November 2011

155.Jansen, Christian; Priebe, Sebastian; Moller, Christoph; Jacob, Martin; Dierke, Hanno; Koch, Martin; Kurner, Thomas, Diffuse scattering from rough surfaces in THz communication channels. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 462-472, November 2011

156.Nickel, Daniel V.; Pearce, Jeremy; Tortorici, Paul; Navarrete, Reinaldo; Mittleman, Daniel M., One-dimensional terahertz imaging of surfactant-stabilized dodecane-brine emulsions . IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 473-476, November 2011

157.Hammar, Arvid; Cherednichenko, Sergey; Bevilacqua, Stella; Drakinskiy, Vladimir; Stake, Jan ,Terahertz direct detection in YBa2Cu3O7 microbolometers. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 390-394, November 2011

158.Reck, Theodore J.; Chen, Lihan; Zhang, Chunhu; Arsenovic, Alex; Groppi, Christopher; Lichtenberger, Arthur W.; Weikle, Robert M.; Barker, N. Scott ,Micromachined probes for submillimeter-wave on-wafer measurements - Part I. Mechanical design and characterization. IEEE Computer Society Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 349-356, November 2011

159.Minowa, Yosuke; Nagai, Masaya; Tao, Hu; Fan, Kebin; Strikwerda, A.C.; Zhang, Xin; Averitt, Richard D.; Tanaka, Koichiro ,Extremely thin metamaterial as slab waveguide at terahertz frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol 1, no 2, pp 441-449, November 2011

160.Kang, Seung Beom; Kwak, Min Hwan; Choi, Muhan; Kim, Sungil; Kim, Taeyong; Cha, Eun Jong; Kang, Kwang Yong ,Terahertz Dielectric Response of Ferroelectric BaxSr1-xTiO3 Thin Films. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol 58, no 11, pp 2276-2280, November 2011

161.Jornet, Josep Miquel; Akyildiz, Ian F. ,Channel modeling and capacity analysis for electromagnetic wireless nanonetworks in the terahertz band. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol 10, no 10, pp 3211-3221, October 2011

162.Nishimura, Nobuaki; Ogura, Ryuichi; Matsumoto, Satoshi; Mizuno, Maya; Fukunaga, Kaori ,Study on molecular behavior in oxidation of insulating oil using terahertz spectroscopy. IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, vol 131, no 11, pp 943-948, 2011 Language. Japanese

163.Basha, M.A.; Chaudhuri, S.; Safavi-Naeini, S. ,Generalised formulation for electromagnetic scattering from finite arbitrarily shaped grooves in a perfect conducting plane. IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol 5, no 12, pp 1455-1462, 16 September 2011

164.Garai, S.K. ,Novel method of designing all optical frequency-encoded Fredkin and Toffoli logic gates using semiconductor optical amplifiers. IET Optoelectronics, vol 5, no 6, pp 247-254, December 2011

165.Gonzalez, Alvaro; Uzawa, Yoshinori; Fujii, Yasunori; Kaneko, Keiko ,ALMA Band 10 tertiary optics. Infrared Physics and Technology, vol 54, no 6, pp 488-496, November 2011

166.Vorobjev, G.S.; Zhurba, V.O.; Petrovsky, M.V.; Rybalko, A.A. ,A setup for measuring spatial and waveguide characteristics of periodic metal-dielectric structures. Instruments and Experimental Techniques, vol 53, no 4, pp 536-538, July 2010

167.Iida, Hitoshi; Shimada, Yozo; Kinoshita, Moto; Kuroda, Hideki; Kitagishi, Keiko; Izutani, Yusuke ,Power linearity measurement in terahertz time-domain spectroscopy using metalized film attenuators. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol 50, no 12, December 2011

168.Ito, Hiroshi; Yamamoto, Hiroshi; Muramoto, Yoshifumi; Ishibashi, Tadao ,Planar circulator for sub-terahertz-wave reflection-geometry imaging. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v 50, n 11 PART 1, November 2011

169.Ryzhii, V.; Ryzhii, M.; Mitin, V.; Otsuji, T. ,Toward the creation of terahertz graphene injection laser. Journal of Applied Physics, vol 110, no 9, November 1, 2011

170.Li, Ying; Xiang, Yuanjiang; Wen, Shuangchun; Yong, Junhai; Fan, Dianyuan ,Tunable terahertz-mirror and multi-channel terahertz-filter based on one-dimensional photonic crystals containing semiconductors. Journal of Applied Physics, vol 110, no 7, October 1, 2011

171.Lee, Sun-Goo; Su Lee, Eui; Jeon, Tae-In; Kee, Chul-Sik ,Properties of defected one-dimensional terahertz plasmonic crystal films in a metal air-gap waveguide. Journal of Applied Physics, vol 110, no 9, November 1, 2011

172.Huang, Tsung-Yu; Chen, Chia-Yun; Yen, Ta-Jen ,Mid-infrared artificial magnetism directly from magnetic field coupling. Journal of Applied Physics, vol 110, no 9, November 1, 2011

173.Willis, K.J.; Hagness, S.C.; Knezevic, I.,Multiphysics simulation of high-frequency carrier dynamics in conductive materials. Journal of Applied Physics, vol 110, no 6, September 15, 2011

174.Raymond Ooi, C.H.; Gong, Qihuang ,Temperature dependent resonances in superconductor photonic crystal. Journal of Applied Physics, vol 110, no 6, September 15, 2011

175.Liu, Hai-Ying; Liang, Sen; Dai, Qiao-Feng; Wu, Li-Jun; Lan, Sheng; Venu Gopal, Achanta; Trofimov, Vyacheslav A.; Lysak, Tatiana M. ,Transmission of terahertz wave through one-dimensional photonic crystals containing single and multiple metallic defects. Journal of Applied Physics, vol 110, no 7, October 1, 2011

176.Vitiello, Miriam S.; Xu, Ji-Hua; Beltram, Fabio; Tredicucci, Alessandro; Mitrofanov, Oleg; Harrington, James A.; E. Beere, Harvey; Ritchie, David A. ,Guiding a terahertz quantum cascade laser into a flexible silver-coated waveguide. Journal of Applied Physics, vol 110, no 6, September 15, 2011

177.Sabah, Cumali; Thomson, Mark D.; Meng, Fanzhen; Tzanova, Slava; Roskos, Hartmut G.,Terahertz propagation properties of free-standing woven-steel-mesh metamaterials. Pass-bands and signatures of abnormal group velocities. Journal of Applied Physics, vol 110, no 6, September 15, 2011

178.Goian, V.; Kamba, S.; Greicius, S.; Nuzhnyy, D.; Karimi, S.; Reaney, I.M. ,Terahertz and infrared studies of antiferroelectric phase transition in multiferroic Bi0.85Nd0.15FeO3. Journal of Applied Physics, vol 110, no 7, October 1, 2011

179.Ando, Ayumi; Kurose, Tomoko; Reymond, Vivien; Kitano, Katsuhisa; Kitahara, Hideaki; Takano, Keisuke; Tani, Masahiko; Hangyo, Masanori; Hamaguchi, Satoshi ,Electron density measurement of inductively coupled plasmas by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). Journal of Applied Physics, vol 110, no 7, October 1, 2011

180.Morikawa, O.; Fujita, M.; Takano, K.; Hangyo, M. ,Sub-terahertz spectroscopic system using a continuous-wave broad-area laser diode and a spatial filter. Journal of Applied Physics, vol 110, no 6, September 15, 2011

181.Liu, W.; Valdés Aguilar, R.; Hao, Yufeng; Ruoff, R.S.; Armitage, N.P. ,Broadband microwave and time-domain terahertz spectroscopy of chemical vapor deposition grown graphene. Journal of Applied Physics, vol 110, no 8, October 15, 2011

182.Hung, Hui-Chuan; Wu, Chien-Jang; Chang, Shoou-Jinn ,Terahertz temperature-dependent defect mode in a semiconductor-dielectric photonic crystal. Journal of Applied Physics, vol 110, no 9, November 1, 2011

183.Sun, Yiwen; Fischer, Bernd M.; Pickwell-MacPherson, Emma ,Effects of formalin fixing on the terahertz properties of biological tissues. Journal of Biomedical Optics, vol 14, no 6, 2009

184.Kasseck, Christoph; Kratz, Marita; Torcasio, Antonia; Gerhardt, Nils C.; Van Lenthe, G. Harry; Gambichler, Thilo; Hoffmann, Klaus; Jones, David B.; Hofmann, Martin R. ,Comparison of optical coherence tomography, microcomputed tomography, and histology at a three-dimensionally imaged trabecular bone sample. Journal of Biomedical Optics, vol 15, no 4, July-August 2010

185.Bennett, David B.; Taylor, Zachary D.; Tewari, Pria; Singh, Rahul S.; Culjat, Martin O.; Grundfest, Warren S.; Sassoon, Daniel J.; Johnson, R. Duncan; Hubschman, Jean-Pierre; Brownc, Elliott R. ,Terahertz sensing in corneal tissues. Journal of Biomedical Optics, vol 16, no 5, May 2011

186.Ney, Michael; Abdulhalim, Ibrahim ,Modeling of reflectometric and ellipsometric spectra from the skin in the terahertz and submillimeter waves region. Journal of Biomedical Optics, vol 16, no 6, June 2011

187.Wilmink, Gerald J.; Ibey, Bennett L.; Tongue, Thomas; Schulkin, Brian; Laman, Norman; Peralta, Xomalin G.; Roth, Caleb C.; Cerna, Cesario Z.; Rivest, Benjamin D.; Grundt, Jessica E.; Roach, William P., Development of a compact terahertz time-domain spectrometer for the measurement of the optical properties of biological tissues. Journal of Biomedical Optics, vol 16, no 4, April 2011

188.Churchley, David; Lynch, Richard J. M.; Lippert, Frank; Eder, Jennifer Susan O'Bryan; Alton, Jesse; Gonzalez-Cabezas, Carlos ,Terahertz pulsed imaging study to assess remineralization of artificial caries lesions. Journal of Biomedical Optics, vol 16, no 2, February 2011

189.Shumyatsky, Pavel; Alfano, Robert R. ,Terahertz sources. Journal of Biomedical Optics, vol 16, no 3, March 2011

190.Parrott, Edward P. J.; Sy, Stanley M. Y.; Blu, Thierry; Wallace, Vincent P.; Pickwell-MacPherson, Emma ,Terahertz pulsed imaging in vivo. Measurements and processing methods. Journal of Biomedical Optics, vol 16, no 10, October 2011

191.Hunger, Johannes; Liu, Liyuan; Tielrooij, Klaas-Jan; Bonn, Mischa; Bakker, Huib ,Vibrational and orientational dynamics of water in aqueous hydroxide solutions. Journal of Chemical Physics, vol 135, n o12, September 28, 2011

192.Arsenin, A.V.; Gladun, A.D.; Leiman, V.G.; Semenenko, V.L.; Ryzhii, V.I., Parametric instability in the resonance detector of terahertz radiation based on FET with cylindrical gate electrode. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, vol 56, no 10, pp 1242-1248, October 2011

193.Gulyaev, Yu. V.; Chigarev, S.G.; Malikov, I.V.; Mikhailov, G.M.; Zil'Berman, P.E.; Epshtein, E.M., Efficiency of the terahertz spin-injection emitter. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, vol 56, no 11, pp 1363-1366, November 2011

194.Hasar, U.C.; Abusoglu, A., Using millimeter and terahertz frequencies for complex permittivity retrieval of low-loss materials. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol 25, no 17-18, pp 2389-2398, 2011

195.Hasar, U.C.; Ozbek, I.Y., Complex permittivity determination of lossy materials at millimeter and terahertz frequencies using free-space amplitude measurements. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol 25, no 14-15, pp 2100-2109, 2011

196.Diao, J.M.; Du, L.; Ouyang, J.; Yang, P.; Nie, Z.P. ,Enhanced center frequency of terahertz pulse emission from photoconductive antenna. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol 25, no 16, pp 2236-2243, 2011

197.Kumar, Nitin; Singh, Udaybir; Singh, T.P.; Sinha, A.K. ,A review on the applications of high power, high frequency microwave source. Gyrotron. Journal of Fusion Energy, vol 30, no 4, pp 257-276, August 2011

198.Yang, Xiaofan; Fan, Yong; Zhang, Bo; Ye, Longfang; Xu, Xiong A novel terahertz rat-race hybrid coupler based on ppdw. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 11, pp 1291-1298, November 2011

199.Theuer, Michael; Melinger, Joseph S. ,High resolution waveguide terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 11, pp 1267-1284, November 2011

200.Kubarev, V.V.; Kulipanov, G.N.; Shevchenko, O.A.; Vinokurov, N.A. ,Third harmonic lasing on terahertz NovoFEL. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 10, pp 1236-1242, October 2011

201.Mueckstein, Raimund; Graham, Chris; Renaud, Cyril C.; Seeds, Alwyn J.; Harrington, James A.; Mitrofanov, Oleg ,Imaging and analysis of THz surface plasmon polariton waves with the integrated sub-wavelength aperture probe. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 8-9, pp 1031-1042, September 2011

202.Kapilevich, Boris; Pinhasi, Yosef; Litvak, Boris ,Measurement of complex permittivity of lossy materials in free space using matched THz power meter. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 12, pp 1446-1456, December 2011

203.Sizov, Fiodor F.; Reva, Vladimir P.; Golenkov, Alexandr G.; Zabudsky, Vyacheslav V. ,Uncooled detectors challenges for THz/sub-THz arrays imaging. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 10, pp 1192-1206, October 2011

204.Walther, Markus; Bitzer, Andreas, Electromagnetic wave propagation close to microstructures studied by time and phase-resolved THz near-field imaging. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 8-9, pp 1020-1030, September 2011

205.Jianhua, Guo; Sheng, Yu; Xiang, Li; Hongfu, Li ,Study on nonlinear theory and code of beam-wave interaction for gyroklystron. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 12, pp 1382-1393, December 2011

206.Erschens, Dines Nddegaard; Turchinovich, Dmitry; Jepsen, Peter Uhd ,Optimized optical rectification and electro-optic sampling in ZnTe crystals with chirped femtosecond laser pulses. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 12, pp 1371-1381, December 2011

207.Novozhilova, Yulia Vladimirovna; Ishenko, Alexey Sergeevich ,Analytical theory of an RF generator phase-locked by the resonant load with delayed reflection. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 12, pp 1394-1406, December 2011

208.Suvorov, Evgeny; Akhmedzhanov, Rinat; Fadeev, Daniil; Ilyakov, Igor; Mironov, Vyacheslav; Shishkin, Boris ,On the peculiarities of THz radiation generation in a laser induced plasmas. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 10, pp 1243-1252, October 2011

209.Sukhorukov, A.P.; Ignatyeva, D.O.; Kalish, A.N., Terahertz and infrared surface wave beams and pulses on gyrotropic, nonlinear and metamaterial interfaces. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 10, pp 1223-1235, October 2011

210.Wang, Yongshuai; Cai, Zhongbin; Kang, Xiaoke; Liu, Yueling ,Design of a new wide bandwidth TE01-mode converter. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 11, pp 1307-1313, November 2011

211.Adam, Aurele Joseph Louis ,Review of near-field Terahertz measurement methods and their applications. How to achieve sub-wavelength resolution at THz frequencies. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 8-9, pp 976-1019, September 2011

212.Roy, Rajesh; Kush, Abhimanyue Kumar; Dixit, Rajendra Prasad ,Design and development of thermistor based power meter at 140 GHz frequency band. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 12, pp 1407-1414, December 2011

213.Wagner, Dietmar; Kasparek, Walter; Leuterer, Fritz; Monaco, Francesco; Münich, Max; Schütz, Harald; Stange, Torsten; Stober,Jörg; Thumm, Manfred ,Bragg reflection band stop filter for ECE on wega. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 12, pp 1424-1433, December 2011

214.Xu, Zhengbin; Guo, Jian; Qian, Cheng; Dou, Wenbin ,Analysis and design of a novel W-band SPST switch by employing full-wave em simulator. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 12, pp 1434-1445, December 2011

215.Gao, Xiang; Li, Chao; Gu, Shengming; Fang, Guangyou ,Design, analysis and measurement of a millimeter wave antenna suitable for stand off imaging at checkpoints. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 11, pp 1314-1327, November 2011

216.Popov, Viacheslav V., Plasmon excitation and plasmonic detection of terahertz radiation in the grating-gate field-effect-transistor structures. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 10, pp 1178-1191, October 2011

217.Kulipanov, G.N.; Knyazev, B.A.; Shkurinov, A.P. ,Introductory remarks from the guest editors. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 10,pp 1053, October 2011

218.Knyazev, Boris A.; Cherkassky, Valery S.; Choporova, Yulia Yu; Gerasimov, Vasily V.; Vlasenko, Maxim G.; Dem'yanenko, Mikhail A.; Esaev, Dmitry G. ,Real-time imaging using a high-power monochromatic terahertz source. Comparative description of imaging techniques with examples of application. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 10, pp 1207-1222, October 2011

219.Kawase, Kodo; Ichino, Shingo; Suizu, Koji; Shibuya, Takayuki ,Half cycle terahertz pulse generation by prism-coupled cherenkov phase-matching method. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 10, pp 1168-1177, October 2011

220.Vieweg, N.; Shakfa, M.K.; Koch, M. ,Molecular terahertz polarizability of PCH5, PCH7, and 5OCB. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 12, pp 1367-1370, December 2011

221.Benkouda,Siham;Amir, Mounir; Fortaki, Tarek; Benghalia, Abdelmadjid ,Dual-frequency behavior of stacked high T c superconducting microstrip patches. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 11, pp 1350-1366, November 2011

222.Straatsma, C.J.E.; Elezzabi, A.Y. ,A dual-mode terahertz filter based on a metallic resonator design. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 11, pp 1299-1306, November 2011

223.Kosareva, Olga G.; Panov, Nikolay A.; Volkov, Roman V.; Andreeva, Vera A.; Borodin, Aleksey V.; Esaulkov, Mikhail N.; Chen, Yanping; Marceau, Claude; Makarov, Vladimir A.; Shkurinov, Alexander P.; Savel'ev, Andrey B.; Chin, See Leang ,Analysis of dual frequency interaction in the filament with the purpose of efficiency control of THz pulse generation. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 10, pp 1157-1167, October 2011

224.Hirakawa, Yasuyuki; Ohno, Yoshitomo; Gondoh, Toyohiko; Mori, Tetsuo; Takeya, Kei; Tonouchi, Masayoshi; Ohtake, Hideyuki; Hirosumi, Tomoya ,Nondestructive evaluation of rubber compounds by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 12, pp 1457-1463, December 2011

225.Kumar, Niraj; Pal, U.N.; Verma, D.K.; Prajapati, J.; Kumar, M.; Meena, B.L.; Tyagi, M.S.; Srivastava, V., Experimental analysis of Pseudospark sourced electron beam. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 12, pp 1415-1423, December 2011

226.Brenner, Carsten; Friedrich, Claus-Stefan; Hofmann, Martin Rudolf, Semiconductor diode lasers for terahertz technology. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 11, pp 1253-1266, November 2011

227.Maraghechi, Pouya; Elezzabi, Abdulhakem Y., The role of self-similarity in fractal photoconductive THz emitters. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 11, pp 1285-1290, November 2011

228.McCloy, John S.; Crum, Jarrod V.; Sundaram, S.K.; Slaugh, Ryan; Woskov, Paul P., High temperature millimeter wave radiometric and interferometric measurements of slag-refractory interaction for application to coal gasifiers. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 11, pp 1337-1349, November 2011

229.Planken, Paul C. M. ,Introduction to the special issue on "terahertz Near-field Optics". Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 8-9, pp 975, September 2011

230.Hwang, Byung-Min; Lee, Sang Hun; Lim, Woo-Taek; Ahn, Chang-Beom; Son, Joo-Hiuk; Park, Hochong ,A fast spatial-domain terahertz imaging using block-based compressed sensing. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 11, pp 1328-1336, November 2011

231.Doi, Atsushi; Blanchard, François; Tanaka, Tomoko; Tanaka, Koichiro ,Improving spatial resolution of real-time Terahertz near-field microscope. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol 32, no 8-9, pp 1043-1051, September 2011

232.MacOr, A.; De Rijk, E.; Annino, G.; Alberti, S.; Ansermet, J.-Ph., THz-waves channeling in a monolithic saddle-coil for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization enhanced NMR. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, vol 212, no 2, pp 440-449, October 2011

233.Krasnicki, Adam; Kisiel, Zbigniew ,Electric dipole moments of acrylonitrile and of propionitrile measured in supersonic expansion. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, vol 270, no 1, pp 83-87, November 2011

234.Ramos, Marlon; Drouin, Brian J., Submillimeter spectrum of methyl bromide (CH3Br). Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, vol 269, no 2, pp 187-192, October 2011

235.Drouin, Brian J.; Yu, Shanshan ,Acetylene spectra near 2.6 THz. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, vol 269, no 2, pp 254-256, October 2011

236.Amalanathan, M.; Hubert Joe, I.; Rastogi, V.K., Density functional theory studies on molecular structure and vibrational spectra of NLO crystal l-phenylalanine phenylalanium nitrate for THz application. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol 1006, no 1-3, pp 513-526, December 14, 2011

237.Drouin, Brian J.; Yu, Shanshan; Pearson, John C.; Gupta, Harshal ,Terahertz spectroscopy for space applications. 2.5-2.7 THz spectra of HD, H2O and NH. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol 1006, no 1-3, pp 2-12, December 14, 2011

238.Krasnicki, Adam; Kisiel, Zbigniew; Drouin, Brian J.; Pearson, John C., Terahertz spectroscopy of isotopic acrylonitrile. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol 1006, no 1-3, pp 20-27, December 14, 2011

239.Itoh, Koichi; Ikeda, Atuko; Iwamoto, Toshiyuki; Nishizawa, Seizi ,DFT calculation analysis of terahertz time-domain spectra of polyalanines. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol 1006, no 1-3, pp 52-58, December 14, 2011

240.Franz, Morten; Fischer, Bernd M.; Walther, Markus, Probing structure and phase-transitions in molecular crystals by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol 1006, no 1-3, pp 34-40, December 14, 2011

241.Parrott, Edward Philip John; Sun, Yiwen; Pickwell-Macpherson, Emma, Terahertz spectroscopy. Its future role in medical diagnoses. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol 1006, no 1-3, pp 66-76, December 14, 2011

242.Wietzke, S.; Jansen, C.; Reuter, M.; Jung, T.; Kraft, D.; Chatterjee, S.; Fischer, B.M.; Koch, M. ,Terahertz spectroscopy on polymers. A review of morphological studies. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol 1006, no 1-3, pp 41-51, December 14, 2011

243.Wahaia, Faustino; Valusis, Gintaras; Bernardo, Luis M.; Almeida, Abílio; Moreira, Joaquim A.; Lopes, Patricia C.; MacUtkevic, Jan; Kasalynas, Irmantas; Seliuta, Dalius; Adomavicius, Ramunas; Henrique, Rui; Lopes, MacHado ,Detection of colon cancer by terahertz techniques. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol 1006, no 1-3, pp 77-82, December 14, 2011

244.Eliet, Sophie; Martin-Drumel, Marie-Aline; Guinet, Mickaël;l; Hindle, Francis; Mouret, Gaël; Bocquet, Robin; Cuisset, Arnaud,Doppler limited rotational transitions of OH and SH radicals measured by continuous-wave terahertz photomixing. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol 1006, no 1-3, pp13-19, December 14, 2011

245.Rahman, Anis ,endrimer based terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and applications in molecular characterization. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol 1006, no 1-3, pp59-65, December 14, 2011

246.Massaouti, M.; Manceau, J.-M.; Selimis, A.; Tzortzakis, S. ,n intense tunable femtosecond gas-plasma THz source. Application in spectroscopic studies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol 1006, no 1-3, pp28-33, December 14, 2011

247.Kussow, Adil-Gerai; Akyurtlu, Alkim ,omogeneous negative refractive index materials. Journal of Nanophotonics, vol 4, no 1, 2010

248.Meziani, Y.M.; Nishimura, T.; Handa, H.; Tsuda, H.; Suemitsu, T.; Knap, W.; Otsuji, T.; Sano, E.; Tsymbalov, G.M.; Popov, V.V., Efficiency enhancement of emission of terahertz radiation by optical excitation from dual grating gate HEMT. Journal of Nanophotonics, vol 3, no 1, 2009

249.Nemilentsau, Andrei M.; Slepyan, Gregory Y.; Maksimenko, Sergey A.; Lakhtakia, Akhlesh; Rotkin, Slava V. ,Scattering of the near field of an electric dipole by a single-wall carbon nanotube. Journal of Nanophotonics, vol 4, no 1, 2010

250.Batrakov, Konstantin G.; Kibis, Oleg V.; Kuzhir, Polina P.; Rosenau Da Costa, Marcelo; Portnoi, Mikhail E. ,Terahertz processes in carbon nanotubes. Journal of Nanophotonics, vol 4, no 1, 2010

251.Vitiello, Miriam S.; Scamarcio, Gaetano; Spagnolo, Vincenzo, High-performance terahertz quantum cascade lasers operating at 106μm. Analysis of the thermal and electronic properties. Journal of Nanophotonics, vol 1, no 1, 2007

252.Forestiere, Carlo; Maffucci, Antonio; Miano, Giovanni, Hydrodynamic model for the signal propagation along carbon nanotubes. Journal of Nanophotonics, vol 4, no 1, 2010

253.Batrakov, Konstantin G.; Kibis, Oleg V.; Kuzhir, Polina P.; Da Costa, Marcelo Rosenau; Portnoid, Mikhail E. ,Erratum. Terahertz processes in carbon nanotubes (Journal of Nanophotonics (2010) 4 (041665)). Journal of Nanophotonics, vol 4, no 1, 2010

254.Wu, Liang; Ling, Furi; Zuo, Zhigao; Liu, Jinsong; Yao, Jianquan ,Far-infrared dispersion of the complex dielectric constant in ferroelectric near-stoichiometric LiNbO3.Ce. Journal of Optics, vol 13, no 10, October 2011

255.Zhou, Qingli; Shi, Yulei; Wang, Aihua; Li, Lei; Zhao, Dongmei; Liu, Jianfeng; Sun, Huijuan; Zhang, Cunlin, Ultrafast optical modulation of terahertz metamaterials. Journal of Optics, vol 13, no 12, December 2011

256.King, Matthew D.; Korter, Timothy M., Noncovalent interactions between modified cytosine and guanine DNA base pair mimics investigated by terahertz spectroscopy and solid-state density functional theory. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol 115, no 50, pp 14391-14396, December 22, 2011

257.Luong, Trung Quan; Verma, Pramod Kumar; Mitra, Rajib Kumar; Havenith, Martina, Onset of hydrogen bonded collective network of water in 1,4-dioxane. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol 115, no 50, pp 14462-14469, December 22, 2011

258.Witko, Ewelina M.; Buchanan, William D.; Korter, Timothy M. ,Terahertz spectroscopy and solid-state density functional theory simulations of the improvised explosive oxidizers potassium nitrate and ammonium nitrate. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol 115, no 44, pp 12410-12418, November 10, 2011

259.Li, Ming-De; Li, Wen; Ma, Jiani; Su, Tao; Liu, Mingyue; Du, Yong; Phillips, David Lee ,Femtosecond transient absorption, nanosecond time-resolved resonance Raman, and density functional theory study of fenofibric acid in acetonitrile and isopropyl alcohol solvents. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol 115, no 49, pp 14168-14174, December 15, 2011

260.King, Matthew D.; Davis, Eric A.; Smith, Tiffany M.; Korter, Timothy M. ,Importance of accurate spectral simulations for the analysis of terahertz spectra. Citric acid anhydrate and monohydrate. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol 115, no 40, pp 11039-11044, October 13, 2011

261.Tielrooij, K.J.; Van Der Post, S.T.; Hunger, J.; Bonn, M.; Bakker, H.J. ,Anisotropic water reorientation around ions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol 115, no 43, pp 12638-12647, November 3, 2011

262.Ruta, B.; Monaco, G.; Giordano, V.M.; Scarponi, F.; Fioretto, D.; Ruocco, G.; Andrikopoulos, K.S.; Yannopoulos, S.N. ,Nonergodicity factor, fragility, and elastic properties of polymeric glassy sulfur. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol 115, no 48, pp 14052-14063, December 8, 2011

263.Kumar, Manish; Bhasin, Lalita; Tripathi, V.K. ,Beat excitation of terahertz radiation in a semiconductor slab in a magnetic field. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol 73, no 2, pp 269-274, February 2012

264.Frühling, Ulrike ,Light-field streaking for FELs. Journal of Physics B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, vol 44, no 24, December 28, 2011

265.Zhang, Ya-Xin; Zhou, Yu-Cong; Ma, Yong; Huang, Wanxia; Jia, Jia; Liu, Sheng-Gang, Role of incident polarization in THz transmission through the hole array. Journal of Physics B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, vol 44, no 24, December 28, 2011

266.Seo, Hyogi; Seo, Seungwoo; Yun, Jongwon; Rieh, Jae-Sung ,A 90-nm CMOS 144 GHz injection locked frequency divider with inductive feedback. Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science, vol 11, no 3, pp 190-197, September 2011

267.Lerch, Ph.; Dumas, P.; Schilcher, T.; Nadji, A.; Luedeke, A.; Hubert, N.; Cassinari, L.; Boege, M.; Denard, J.-C.; Stingelin, L.; Nadolski, L.; Garvey, T.; Albert, S.; Gough, Ch.; Quack, M.; Wambach, J.; Dehler, M.; Filhol, J.-M. ,Assessing noise sources at synchrotron infrared ports. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, vol 19, no 1, pp 1-9, January 2012

268.Peng, Xiao-Yu; Sheng, Zheng-Ming; Zhang, Xin-Hai; Teng, Jing-Hua; Guo, Hong-Cheng; Foo, Yong-Lim; Zhang, Jie, Distortion of terahertz signals due to imperfect synchronization with chirped probe pulses. Journal of the Optical Society of America A. Optics and Image Science, and Vision, vol 28, no 10, pp 2049-2056, October 2011

269.Hejase, Jose A.; Rothwell, Edward J.; Chahal, Premjeet ,Self-calibrating technique for terahertz time-domain material parameter extraction. Journal of the Optical Society of America A. Optics and Image Science, and Vision, vol 28, no 12, pp 2561-2567, December 1, 2011

270.Pearson, John C.; Drouin, Brian J.; Yu, Shanshan; Gupta, Harshal ,Microwave spectroscopy of methanol between 2.48 and 2.77 THz. Journal of the Optical Society of America B. Optical Physics, vol 28, no 10, pp 2549-2577, October 1, 2011

271.Yuan, Yinghao; Liu, Jinsong; He, Jian; Yao, Jianquan ,Directional terahertz beams realized by depth-modulated metallic surface grating structures. Journal of the Optical Society of America B. Optical Physics, vol 28, no 11, pp 2674-2679, November 2011

272.Du, H.W.; Chen, M.; Sheng, Z.M.; Zhang, J. ,Numerical studies on terahertz radiation generated from two-color laser pulse interaction with gas targets. Laser and Particle Beams, vol 29, no 4, pp 447-452, December 2011

273.Yu, N.; Wang, Q.; Capasso, F., Beam engineering of quantum cascade lasers. Laser and Photonics Reviews, vol 6, no 1, pp 24-46, January 2012

274.Nagel, Michael; Kurz, Heiimrich ,Terahertz reflectometry images faults in silicon chips. Laser Focus World, vol 47, no 11, pp 61-63, November 2011

275.Teranishi, Takashi; Hayashi, Hidetaka; Kishimoto, Akira; Tsurumi, Takaaki ,Broadband spectroscopy of the complex conductivity of polycrystalline yttria-stabilized zirconia. Materials Science and Engineering B. Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, vol 177, no 1, pp 69-73, January 25, 2012

276.Park, Wook-Ki; Han, Seong-Tae ,Multiband patch antennas compatible with CMOS array detector for real-time multi-frequency terahertz imaging system. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol 54, no 2, pp 315-319, February 2012

277.Grimault-Jacquin, Anne-Sophie; Tissafi, Bouchra; Perret, Etienne; Aniel, Frédéric ,Consideration to minimize losses in terahertz coplanar waveguide on Indium Phosphide. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol 54, no 1, pp 213-219, January 2012

278.Zhang, Bao-Yue; Li, Jiu-Sheng, Resonant filtering characteristic of symmetrical complementary metamaterial at terahertz frequencies. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol 54, no 2, pp 351-354, February 2012

279.Herrero, Pablo; Jacob, Martin; Schoebel, Joerg ,Single elements for low cost planar antenna arrays for consumer applications beyond 100 GHz. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol 52, no 12, pp 2685-2688, December 2010

280.Heinemann, Bernd; Alexander, Fox ,A new generation of high frequency SiGe HBTs. Microwave Journal, vol 54, no 9, pp 122-132, September 2011

281.Strait, Jared H.; Wang, Haining; Shivaraman, Shriram; Shields, Virgil; Spencer, Michael; Rana, Farhan ,Very slow cooling dynamics of photoexcited carriers in graphene observed by optical-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy. Nano Letters, vol 11, no 11, pp 4902-4906, November 9, 2011

282.Cánovas, Enrique; Moll, Puck; Jensen, Sren A.; Gao, Yunan; Houtepen, Arjan J.; Siebbeles, Laurens D. A.; Kinge, Sachin; Bonn, M., Size-dependent electron transfer from PbSe quantum dots to SnO2 monitored by picosecond terahertz spectroscopy. Nano Letters, vol 11, no 12, pp 5234-5239, December 14, 2011

283.Scotognella, Francesco; Della Valle, Giuseppe; Srimath Kandada, Ajay Ram; Dorfs, Dirk; Zavelani-Rossi, Margherita; Conforti, Matteo; Miszta, Karol; Comin, Alberto; Korobchevskaya, Kseniya; Lanzani, Guglielmo; Manna, Liberato; Tassone, Francesco ,Plasmon dynamics in colloidal Cu2-xSe nanocrystals. Nano Letters, vol 11, no 11, pp 4711-4717, November 9, 2011

284.Polyushkin, D.K.; Hendry, E.; Stone, E.K.; Barnes, W.L., THz generation from plasmonic nanoparticle arrays. Nano Letters, vol 11, no 11, pp 4718-4724, November 9, 2011

285.Kyoung, Jisoo; Jang, Eui Yun; Lima, Márcio D.; Park, Hyeong-Ryeol; Robles, Raquel Ovalle; Lepró;, Xavier; Kim, Yong Hyup; Baughman, Ray H.; Kim, Dai-Sik ,A reel-wound carbon nanotube polarizer for terahertz frequencies. Nano Letters, vol 11, no 10, pp 4227-4231, October 12, 2011

286.Sugiyama, Hiroki; Suzuki, Safumi; Asada, Masahiro, Room-temperature resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator based on precisely controlled semiconductor epitaxial growth technology. NTT Technical Review, vol 9, no 10, October 2011

287.Tse, Chun Ho; Tang, Ming; Shum, Perry Ping; Wu, Rui Fen ,Nelder-Mead simplex method for modeling of cascaded continuous-wave multiple-Stokes Raman fiber lasers. Optical Engineering, vol 49, no 9, September 2010

288.Coppinger, Matthew; Sustersic, Nathan A.; Kolodzey, James; Allik, Toomas H., Sensitivity of a vanadium oxide uncooled microbolometer array for terahertz imaging. Optical Engineering, vol 50, no 5, May 2011

289.Jördens, Christian; Koch, Martin ,Detection of foreign bodies in chocolate with pulsed terahertz spectroscopy. Optical Engineering, vol 47, no 3, 2008

290.Chattopadhyay, Tanay; Roy, Jitendra N., Polarization-encoded all-optical quaternary universal inverter and design of multivalued flip-flop. Optical Engineering, vol 49, no 3, 2010

291.Chen, Zhixin,  Novel ultrafast all-optical nonreturn-to-zero to return-to-zero format converter based on Sagnac interferometric structure. Optical Engineering, vol 47, no 7, 2008

292.Chakraborty, Bikash; Mukhopadhyay, Sourangshu, Alternative approach of conducting phase-modulated all-optical logic gates. Optical Engineering, vol 48, no 3, 2009

293.Sun, Junqiang; Chen, Jinlin; Huang, Yanxia; Li, Hong; Jiang, Chao, Wavelength switchable single-longitudinal-mode fiber laser with two π phase-shifted chirped fiber Bragg grating as a narrow linewidth filter. Optical Engineering, vol 49, no 9, September 2010

294.Kaatuzian, Hassan; Moazzam, Mostafa Keshavarz,Analytical investigation of all-optical wavelength conversion in a semiconductor-optical-amplifier integrated distributed feedback laser wavelength converter based on four-wave mixing. Optical Engineering, vol 47, no 1, 2008

295.Chen, Zhixin Simple novel all-optical wavelength converter. Optical Engineering, vol 48, no 2, 2009

296.Li, Qi; Yin, Qiguo; Yao, Rui; Ding, Shenghui; Wang, Qi, Continuous-wave terahertz scanning image resolution analysis and restoration. Optical Engineering, vol 49, no 3, 2010

297.Chattopadhyay, Tanay All-optical cross-bar network architecture using TOAD based interferometric switch and designing of reconfigurable logic unit. Optical Fiber Technology, vol 17, no 6, pp 558-567, December 2011

298.Termkoa, Krongtip; Vangala, Shivashankar; Goodhue, William; Peterson, Rita; Bedford, Robert; Tassev, Vladimir; Lynch, Candace; Bliss, David ,Production of orientation-patterned GaP templates using wafer fusion techniques. Optical Materials, vol 34, no 1, pp 30-35, November 2011

299.Zaitsu, Shin-Ichi; Imasaka, Totaro, Phase-matched generation of high-order continuous-wave coherent Raman sidebands. Optics Communications, vol 285, no 3, pp 347-351, February 1, 2012

300.Dey, Sabitabrata; Mandal, Sanjoy, Modeling and analysis of quadruple optical ring resonator performance as optical filter using Vernier principle. Optics Communications, vol 285, no 4, pp 439-446, February 15, 2012

301.Jeong, Young-Gyun ; Bernien, Hannes; Kyoung, Ji-Soo; Park, Hyeong-Ryeol; Kim, Hyun-Sun; Choi, Jae-Wook; Kim, Bong-Jun; Kim, Hyun-Tak; Ahn, Kwang Jun; Kim, Dai-Sik ,Electrical control of terahertz nano antennas on VO2 thin film. Optics Express, vol 19, no 22, pp 21211-21215, October 24, 2011

302.Swann, William C.; Baumann, Esther; Giorgetta, Fabrizio R.; Newbury, Nathan R. ,Microwave generation with low residual phase noise from a femtosecond fiber laser with an intracavity electro-optic modulator. Optics Express, vol 19, no 24, pp 24387-24395, November 21, 2011

303.Arslanov, Denis D.; Swinkels, Koen; Cristescu, Simona M.; Harren, Frans J. M. ,Real-time, subsecond, multicomponent breath analysis by Optical Parametric Oscillator based Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy. Optics Express, vol 19, no 24, pp 24078-24089, November 21, 2011

304.Koukourakis, Nektarios; Abdelwahab, Tarek; Li, Ming Yuan; Höpfner, Henning; Lai, Yiu Wai; Darakis, Emmanouil; Brenner, Carsten; Gerhardt, Nils C.; Hofmann, Martin R. ,Photorefractive two-wave mixing for image amplification in digital holography. Optics Express, vol 19, no 22, pp 22004-22023, October 24, 2011

305.Lu, Jen-Tang; Lai, Chih-Hsien; Tseng, Tzu-Fang; Chen, Hua; Tsai, Yuan-Fu; Chen, I-Ju; Hwang, Yuh-Jing; Chang, Hung-Chun; Sun, Chi-Kuang, Terahertz polarization-sensitive rectangular pipe waveguides. Optics Express, vol 19, no 22, pp 21532-21539, October 24, 2011

306.Ma, Y.G.; Lan, L.; Zhong, S.M.; Ong, C.K. ,Experimental demonstration of subwavelength domino plasmon devices for compact high-frequency circuit. Optics Express, vol 19, no 22, pp 21189-21198, October 24, 2011

307.Katletz, Stefan; Pfleger, Michael; Pühringer, Harald; Vieweg, Nico; Scherger, Benedikt; Heinen, Bernd; Koch, Martin; Wiesauer, Karin ,Efficient terahertz en-face imaging. Optics Express, vol 19, no 23, pp 23042-23053, November 7, 2011

308.J. A. Fülöp;L. Pálfalvi;G. Almási;J. Hebling;Erratum. Design of high-energy terahertz sources based on optical rectification (Optics Express (2010) 18.12 (12311-12327)). Optics Express, vol 19, no 23, pp 22950, November 7, 2011

309.Wichmann, Matthias; Scherger, Benedikt; Schumann, Steffen; Lippert, Sina; Scheller, Maik; Busch, Stefan F.; Jansen, Christian; Koch, Martin ,Terahertz brewster lenses. Optics Express, vol 19, no 25, pp 25151-25160, December 5, 2011

310.Chen, Hua; Chen, Te-Hsuen; Tseng, Tzu-Fang; Lu, Jen-Tang; Kuo, Chung-Chiu; Fu, Shih-Chen; Lee, Wen-Jeng; Tsai, Yuan-Fu; Huang, Yi-You; Chuang, Eric Y.; Hwang, Yuh-Jing; Sun, Chi-Kuang ,High-sensitivity in vivo THz transmission imaging of early human breast cancer in a subcutaneous xenograft mouse model. Optics Express, vol 19, no 22, pp 21552-21562, October 24, 2011

311.Tao, Hu; Kadlec, Emil A.; Strikwerda, Andrew C.; Fan, Kebin; Padilla, Willie J.; Averitt, Richard D.; Shaner, Eric A.; Zhang, X. ,Microwave and Terahertz wave sensing with metamaterials. Optics Express, vol 19, no 22, pp 21620-21626, October 24, 2011

312.Rutkowska, K.A.; Duchesne, D.; Strain, M.J.; Morandotti, R.; Sorel, M.; Azaña, J., Ultrafast all-optical temporal differentiators based on CMOS-compatible integrated-waveguide Bragg gratings. Optics Express, vol 19, no 20, pp 19514-19522, September 26, 2011

313.Alekseyev, Leonid; Narimanov, Evgenii; Khurgin, Jacob ,Super-resolution imaging via spatiotemporal frequency shifting and coherent detection. Optics Express, vol 19, no 22, pp 22350-22357, October 24, 2011

314.Huang, Yen-Chieh; Wang, Tsong-Dong; Lin, Yen-Hou; Lee, Ching-Han; Chuang, Ming-Yun; Lin, Yen-Yin; Lin, Fan-Yi, Forward and backward THz-wave difference frequency generations from a rectangular nonlinear waveguide. Optics Express, vol 19, no 24, pp 24577-24582, November 21, 2011

315.Shi, Yulei; Zhou, Qing-Li; Liu, Wei; Zhang, Cunlin ,Out-of-plane resonances in terahertz photonic crystal slabs modulated by optical pumping. Optics Express, vol 19, no 21, pp 20808-20816, October 10, 2011

316.Schütte,, Bernd; Frühling, Ulrike; Wieland, Marek; Azima, Armin; Drescher, Markus, Electron wave packet sampling with laser-generated extreme ultraviolet and terahertz fields. Optics Express, vol 19, no 20, pp 18833-18841, September 26, 2011

317.Ye, Longfang; Zhang, Yong; Xu, Ruimin; Lin, Weigan ,A terahertz broadband 3dB directional coupler based on bridged PPDW. Optics Express, vol 19, no 20, pp 18910-18916, September 26, 2011

318.Wanke, M.C.; Grine, A.D.; Fuller, C.T.; Nordquist, C.D.; Cich, M.J.; Reno, J.L.; Lee, Mark ,Common mode frequency instability in internally phase-locked terahertz quantum cascade lasers. Optics Express, vol 19, no 24, pp 24810-24815, November 21, 2011

319.Okubo, Sho; Nakayama, Hirotaka; Iwakuni, Kana; Inaba, Hajime; Sasada, Hiroyuki, Absolute frequency list of the v3-band transitions of methane at a relative uncertainty level of 10-11. Optics Express, vol 19, no 24, pp 23878-23888, November 21, 2011

320.Yang, Jin-Kyu; Kee, Chul-Sik; Lee, Joong Wook ,Three-dimensional subwavelength confinement of terahertz electromagnetic surface modes in a coupled slit structure. Optics Express, vol 19, no 21, pp 20199-20204, October 10, 2011

321.Krause, Johannes; Wagner, Martin; Winnerl, Stephan; Helm, Manfred; Stehr, Dominik ,Tunable narrowband THz pulse generation in scalable large area photoconductive antennas. Optics Express, vol 19, no 20, pp 19114-19121, September 26, 2011

322.Pahlevaninezhad, Hamid; Heshmat, Barmak; Darcie, Thomas Edward ,Efficient terahertz slot-line waveguides. Optics Express, vol 19, no 26, pp B47-B55, December 12, 2011

323.Li, J.; Higuchi, T.; Kanda, N.; Konishi, K.; Tikhodeev, S.G.; Kuwata-Gonokami, M. ,Control of magnetic dipole terahertz radiation by cavity-based phase modulation. Optics Express, vol 19, no 23, pp 22550-22556, November 7, 2011

324.Lee, Chao-Kuei; Yang, Chan-Shan; Lin, Sung-Hui; Huang, Shiuan-Hua; Wada, Osamu; Pan, Ci-Ling, Effects of two-photon absorption on Terahertz radiation generated by femtosecond-laser excited photoconductive antennas. Optics Express, vol 19, no 24, pp 23689-23697, November 21, 2011

325.Park, Hyeong-Ryeol; Bahk, Young-Mi; Choe, Jong Ho; Han, Sanghoon; Choi, Seong Soo; Ahn, Kwang Jun; Park, Namkyoo; Park, Q-Han; Kim, Dai-Sik, Terahertz pinch harmonics enabled by single nano rods. Optics Express, vol 19, no 24, pp 24775-24781, November 21, 2011

326.Kozuki, Kohei; Nagashima, Takeshi; Hangyo, Masanori, Measurement of electron paramagnetic resonance using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Optics Express, vol 19, no 25, pp 24950-24956, December 5, 2011

327.Chen, Hua; Wen-Jeng Lee; Huang, Hsin-Yi; Chiu, Chui-Min; Tsai, Yuan-Fu; Tseng, Tzu-Fang; Lu, Jen-Tang; Lai, Wei-Ling; Sun, Chi-Kuang, Performance of THz fiber-scanning near-field microscopy to diagnose breast tumors. Optics Express, vol 19, no 20, pp 19523-19531, September 26, 2011

328.Vainio, Markku; Ozana, Cécile; Ulvila, Ville; Halonen, Lauri ,Tuning and stability of a singly resonant continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator close to degeneracy. Optics Express, vol 19, no 23, pp 22515-22527, November 7, 2011

329.Ali Hosseini, S.; Campione, Salvatore; Capolino, Filippo ,Dual polarized near-field focusing plate for nearfield optical focusing in two dimensions. Optics Express, vol 19, no 24, pp 24483-24498, November 21, 2011

330.Huang, Shengyang; Ashworth, Philip C.; Kan, Kanis Wai Chi; Chen, Yang; Wallace, Vincent P.; Zhang, Yuan-Ting; Pickwell-Macpherson, Emma, Erratum. Improved sample characterization in terahertz reflection imaging and spectroscopy (Optical Society of America (2009) 17.5 (3848-3854)). Optics Express, vol 19, no 24, pp 24782, November 21, 2011

331.Ung, Bora; Mazhorova, Anna; Dupuis, Alexandre; Rozé,, Mathieu; Skorobogatiy, Maksim ,Polymer microstructured optical fibers for terahertz wave guiding. Optics Express, vol 19, no 26, pp B848-B861, December 12, 2011

332.Scherger, Benedikt; Scheller, Maik; Vieweg, Nico; Cundiff, Steven T.; Koch, Martin ,Paper terahertz wave plates. Optics Express, vol 19, no 25, pp 24884-24889, December 5, 2011

333.Tang, Xiao-Li; Sun, Bang-Shan; Shi, Yi-Wei ,Design and optimization of low-loss high-birefringence hollow fiber at terahertz frequency. Optics Express, vol 19, no 25, pp 24967-24979, December 5, 2011

334.Tani, Masahiko; Horita, Kazuki; Kinoshita, Tetsuya; Que, Christopher T.; Estacio, Elmer; Yamamoto, Kohji; Bakunov, Michael I., Efficient electro-optic sampling detection of terahertz radiation via Cherenkov phase matching. Optics Express, vol 19, no 21, pp 19901-19906, October 10, 2011

335.Zhao, Pu; Ragam, Srinivasa; Ding, Yujie J.; Zotova, Ioulia B., Investigation of terahertz generation from passively Q-switched dual-frequency laser pulses. Optics Letters, vol 36, no 24, pp 4818-4820, December 15, 2011

336.Ravaro, M.; Manquest, C.; Sirtori, C.; Barbieri, S.; Santarelli, G.; Blary, K.; Lampin, J.-F.; Khanna, S.P.; Linfield, E.H., Phase-locking of a 2.5 THz quantum cascade laser to a frequency comb using a GaAs photomixer. Optics Letters, vol 36, no 20, pp 3969-3971, October 15, 2011

337.Navarro-Cía, Miguel; García-Meca,, Carlos; Beruete, Miguel; Martínez, Alejandro; Sorolla, Mario ,Dual-band double-negative-index fishnet metamaterial at millimeter-waves. Optics Letters, vol 36, no 21, pp 4245-4247, November 1, 2011

338.Yang, Yuping; Grischkowsky, Daniel, Understanding fractional-order surface plasmons. Optics Letters, vol 36, no 21, pp 4218-4220, November 1, 2011

339.Yang, Bin; Donnan, Robert S.; Zhou, Min; Kingravi, Ali A., Reassessment of the electromagnetic reflection response of human skin at W-band. Optics Letters, vol 36, no 21, pp 4203-4205, November 1, 2011

340.Hoffmann, Matthias C.; Schulz, Sebastian; Wesch, Stephan; Wunderlich, Steffen; Cavalleri, Andrea; Schmidt, Bernhard, Coherent single-cycle pulses with MV/cm field strengths from a relativistic transition radiation light source. Optics Letters, vol 36, no 23, pp 4473-4475, December 1, 2011

341.Schubert, O.; Riek, C.; Junginger, F.; Sell, A.; Leitenstorfer, A.; Huber, R. ,Ultrashort pulse characterization with a terahertz streak camera. Optics Letters, vol 36, no 22, pp 4458-4460, November 15, 2011

342.Martin-Cano, Diego; Quevedo-Teruel, O.; Moreno, Esteban; Martin-Moreno, L.; Garcia-Vidal, F.J. ,Waveguided spoof surface plasmons with deep-subwavelength lateral confinement. Optics Letters, vol 36, no 23, pp 4635-4637, December 1, 2011

343.Kiessling, Jens; Fuchs, Florian; Buse, Karsten; Breunig, Ingo, Pump-enhanced optical parametric oscillator generating continuous wave tunable terahertz radiation. Optics Letters, vol 36, no 22, pp 4374-4376, November 15, 2011

344.Rottler, Andreas; Bröll, Markus; Gerken, Nils; Heitmann, Detlef; Mendach, Stefan ,Terahertz metamaterials based on arrays of rolled-up gold/(In)GaAs tubes. Optics Letters, vol 36, no 24, pp 4797-4799, December 15, 2011

345.Fortin, Vincent; Bernier, Martin; Carrier, Julien; Vallée Réal,Fluoride glass Raman fiber laser at 2185 nm. Optics Letters, vol 36, no 21, pp 4152-4154, November 1, 2011

346.Monti, Alessio; Bilotti, Filiberto; Toscano, Alessandro, Optical cloaking of cylindrical objects by using covers made of core-shell nanoparticles. Optics Letters, vol 36, no 23, pp 4479-4481, December 1, 2011

347.Gayen, Dilip Kumar; Roy, Jitendra Nath; Pal, Rajat Kumar ,All-optical carry lookahead adder with the help of terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer. Optik, vol 123, no 1, pp 40-45, Janaury 2012

348.Mamrashev, A.A.; Potaturkin, O.I. ,Characteristics of the system of polarization-optical detection of a pulsed terahertz spectrometer. Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing, vol 47, no 4, pp 332-337, August 2011

349.Kozlov, A.S.; Petrov, A.K.; Vinokurov, N.A., Study of nanoobjects of different nature using submillimeter laser ablation. Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing, vol 47, no 4, pp 321-331, August 2011

350.Antsygin, V.D.; Nikolaev, N.A., Efficiency of generation of terahertz radiation in GaAs, InAs, and InSb crystals. Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing, vol 47, no 4, pp 338-344, August 2011

351.Malinovsky, V.K., Nanoinhomogeneities in glasses and their role in optical memory phenomena and charge transfer processes. Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing, vol 47, no 2, pp 156-167, April 2011

352.Marshall, Laura S. ,Mergers, acquisitions and more. Photonics Spectra, vol 45, no 8, August 2011

353.Brahm, Ankia; Tünnermann, Andreas; Wichmann, Felix; Gerth, Carsten; Tymoshchuk, Maryna; Riehemann, Stefan; Notni, Gunter ,Terahertz computed tomography helps ID chemical substances. Photonics Spectra, vol 45, no 12, December 2011

354.Savage, Lynn ,Lasers are sparking Poland's photonics future. Photonics Spectra, vol 45, no 11, November 2011

355.Kitano, Kenta; Ishii, Nobuhisa; Itatani, Jiro ,High degree of molecular orientation by a combination of THz and femtosecond laser pulses. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, vol 84, no 5, November 11, 2011

356.Kellerbauer, A.; Canali, C.; Fischer, A.; Warring, U.; Fritzsche, S. ,Isotope shift of the electric-dipole transition in Os-. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, vol 84, no 6, December 21, 2011

357.Rose, Alec; Larouche,Stéphane; Smith, David R., Quantitative study of the enhancement of bulk nonlinearities in metamaterials. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, vol 84, no 5, November 2, 2011

358.Beck, M.; Klammer, M.; Lang, S.; Leiderer, P.; Kabanov, V.V.; Gol'Tsman, G.N.; Demsar, J., Energy-gap dynamics of superconducting NbN thin films studied by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters, vol 107, no 17, October 21, 2011

359.Jin, Z.; Chen, Z.L.; Zhuo, H.B.; Kon, A.; Nakatsutsumi, M.; Wang, H.B.; Zhang, B.H.; Gu, Y.Q.; Wu, Y.C.; Zhu, B.; Wang, L.; Yu, M.Y.; Sheng, Z.M.; Kodama, R., Tunable radiation source by coupling laser-plasma-generated electrons to a periodic structure. Physical Review Letters, vol 107, no 26, December 22, 2011

360.Zhu, Xuetao; Santos, L.; Sankar, R.; Chikara, S.; Howard, C.; Chou, F.C.; Chamon, C.; El-Batanouny, M., Interaction of phonons and Dirac fermions on the surface of Bi2Se3. A strong Kohn anomaly. Physical Review Letters, vol 107, no 18, October 26, 2011

361.Shen, Yuzhen; Yang, Xi; Carr, G.L.; Hidaka, Yoshiteru; Murphy, James B.; Wang, Xijie Tunable few-cycle and multicycle coherent terahertz radiation from relativistic electrons. Physical Review Letters, vol 107, no 20, November 11, 2011

362.Bowlan, P.; Kuehn, W.; Reimann, K.; Woerner, M.; Elsaesser, T.; Hey, R.; Flytzanis, C. ,High-field transport in an electron-hole plasma. Transition from ballistic to drift motion. Physical Review Letters, vol 107, no 25, December 15, 2011

363.Fleischer, Sharly; Zhou, Yan; Field, Robert W.; Nelson, Keith A., Molecular orientation and alignment by intense single-cycle THz pulses. Physical Review Letters, vol 107, no 16, October 12, 2011

364.Yuan, Xuesong; Lan, Ying; Ma, Chunyan; Han, Yu; Yan, Yang, Theoretical study on a 0.6 THz third harmonic gyrotron. Physics of Plasmas, vol 18, no 10, October 2011

365.Bratman, V.L.; Litvak, A.G.; Suvorov, E.V., Celebrating 50 years of the laser. (Scientific session of the general meeting of the physical sciences division of the russian academy of sciences, 13 December 2010). Physics-Uspekhi, vol 54, no 8, pp 837-844, 2011

366.Morari, C.; Balan, I.; Pintea, J.; Chitanu, E.; Iordache, I., Electrical conductivity and electromag- netic shielding effectiveness of silicone rubber filled with ferrite and graphite powders. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, vol 21, pp 93-104, 2011

367.Matvejev, V.; de Tandt, C.; Ranson, W.; Stiens, J.; Vounckx, R.; Mangelings, D., Integrated waveguide structure for highly sensitive THz spectroscopy of nano-liter liquids in capillary tubes. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, vol 121, pp 89-101, 2011

368.Matrix structure of metamaterial absorbers for multispectral terahertz imaging
Kuznetsov, S.A. (Novosibirsk State University, Pirogova St., 2, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia); Paulish, A.G.; Gelfand, A.V.; Lazorskiy, P.A.; Fedorinin, V.N. Source. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, vol 122, pp 93-103, 2011

369.Huang, Ping; Shi, Weifan, Study on terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of HNS by sample measure and quantum chemistry calculation. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, vol 36, no 6, pp 513-518, December 2011

370.Miao, Liang; Zuo, Duluo; Jiu, Zhixian; Cheng, Zuhai ,200 mJ optically pumped ammonia terahertz laser. Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu/High Power Laser and Particle Beams, vol 23, no 10, pp 2565-2568, October 2011

371.Bai, Wei; Li, Ming; Shen, Xuming; Chen, Ya'nan; Wang, Hanbin; Shan, Lijun; Chen, Tiancai ,Preliminary experiment of thermionic RF gun with low back-bombardment. Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu/High Power Laser and Particle Beams, vol 23, no 10, pp 2729-2731, October 2011

372.Zhao, Yang; Li, Dehua; Zhou, Wei; Ma, Jianjun; Yao, Xiangjun; Tian, Youliang ,Diffractive properties of terahertz zone plates with Gaussian beam incidence. Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu/High Power Laser and Particle Beams, vol 23, no 8, pp 2021-2025, August 2011

373.Zlobina, E.A.; Kablukov, S.I.; Babin, S.A., Continuous-wave parametric oscillation in polarisation-maintaining optical fibre. Quantum Electronics, vol 41, no 9, pp 794-800, 2011

374.Volodenko, A.V.; Gurin, O.V.; Degtyarev, A.V.; Maslov, V.A.; Svich, V.A.; Senyuta, V.S.; Topkov, A.N., Transmission characteristics of circular metallic waveguides for terahertz radiation. Quantum Electronics, vol 41, no 9, pp 853-857, 2011

375.Grimalsky, V.V.; Koshevaya, S.V.; Rapoport, Yu.G. ,Superheterodyne amplification of electromagnetic waves of optical and terahertz bands in gallium nitride films. Radioelectronics and Communications Systems, vol 54, no 8, pp 401-410, August 2011

376.Cinque, Gianfelice; Frogley, Mark D; Bartolini, Riccardo ,Far-IR/THz spectral characterization of the coherent synchrotron radiation emission at diamond IR beamline B22. Rendiconti Lincei, vol 22, no SUPPL. 1, pp S33-S47, December 2011

377.Malfatti, Luca; Marcelli, Augusto; Innocenzi, Plinio ,Time-resolved techniques for infrared and terahertz characterization with synchrotron radiation of evaporating systems. Rendiconti Lincei, vol 22, no SUPPL. 1, pp S81-S91, December 2011

378.Wan, Yong; Zhao, Xiu-Song; Cai, Zhong-Yu; Li, Hong-Liang; Xia, Lin-Hua ,Fabrication of binary colloidal crystals with PS microspheres and other complex structures by horizontal deposition method. Rengong Jingti Xuebao/Journal of Synthetic Crystals, v 40, n 5, p 1295-1298, October 2011

379.Bhattacharyya, J.; Wagner, M.; Zybell, S.; Winnerl, S.; Stehr, D.; Helm, M.; Schneider, H. ,Simultaneous time and wavelength resolved spectroscopy under two-colour near infrared and terahertz excitation. Review of Scientific Instruments, vol 82, no 10, October 2011

380.Pearson, John C.; Drouin, Brian J.; Maestrini, Alain; Mehdi, Imran; Ward, John; Lin, Robert H.; Yu, Shanshan; Gill, John J.; Thomas, Bertrand; Lee, Choonsup; Chattopadhyay, Goutam; Schlecht, Erich; Maiwald, Frank W.; Goldsmith, Paul F.; Siegel, Peter ,Demonstration of a room temperature 2.48-2.75 THz coherent spectroscopy source. Review of Scientific Instruments, vol 82, no 9, September 2011

381.Arenas, D.J.; Shim, Dongha; Koukis, D.I.; Seok, Eunyoung; Tanner, D.B.; Kenneth K.o. ,Characterization of near-terahertz complementary metal-oxide semiconductor circuits using a Fourier-transform interferometer. Review of Scientific Instruments, vol 82, no 10, October 2011

382.Yim, Changmook; Hong, Juho; Parc, Yongwoon; Jung, Seonghoon; Han, Daehun; Ryu, Jaehyun; Park, Jaehun; Kang, Heung-Sik; Ko, In Soo ,Note. Recent achievements at the 60-MeV Linac for sub-picosecond terahertz radiation at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory. Review of Scientific Instruments, vol 82, no 10, October 2011

383.Lai, Yiu Wai; Krause, Michael; Savan, Alan; Thienhaus, Sigurd; Koukourakis, Nektarios; Hofmann, Martin R.; Ludwig, Alfred ,High-throughput characterization of film thickness in thin film materials libraries by digital holographic microscopy. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, vol 12, no 5, October 2011

384.Fathololoumi, Saeed; Dupont, Emmanuel; Razavipour, S Ghasem; Laframboise, Sylvain R.; Parent, Guy; Wasilewski, Zbigniew; Liu, H.C.; Ban, Dayan ,On metal contacts of terahertz quantum cascade lasers with a metal-metal waveguide. Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol 26, no 10, October 12, 2011

385.Yildirim, Hasan; Aslan, Bulent ,Erratum. Donor-related third-order optical nonlinearities in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells at the THz region (Semiconductor Science and Technology (2011) 26 (085017)). Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol 26, no 11, November 9, 2011

386.Meziani, Yahya Moubarak; Garcia, Enrique; Velazquez, Enrique; Diez, Enrique; El Moutaouakil, Amine; Otsuji, Taiichi; Fobelets, K. ,Strained silicon modulation field-effect transistor as a new sensor of terahertz radiation. Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol 26, no 10, October 12, 2011

387.Korotyeyev, V.V.; Kochelap, V.A.; Kim, K.W. ,Electron transport in bulk GaN under ultrashort high-electric field transient. Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol 26, no 10, October 12, 2011

388.Yu, Siwei; Shaharyar Khwaja, A.; Ma, Jianwei ,Compressed sensing of complex-valued data. Signal Processing, vol 92, no 2, pp 357-362, February 2012

389.Gorshunov, B.P.; Voronkov, A.A.; Nozdrin, V.S.; Zhukova, E.S.; Matsuoka, T.; Tanaka, K.; Miyasaka, S.; Tajima, S.; Dressel, M., Low-energy excitations and stripes in superconducting cuprate La 1.87Sr0.13CuO4. Solid State Communications, vol 151, no 22, pp 1681-1685, November 2011

390.Ichida, Masao; Saito, Shingo; Nakano, Tadashi; Feng, Ye; Miyata, Yasumitsu; Yanagi, Kazuhiro; Kataura, Hiromichi; Ando, Hiroaki, Absorption spectra of high purity metallic and semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube thin films in a wide energy region. Solid State Communications, vol 151, no 22, pp 1696-1699, November 2011

391.Champlain, James G.; Magno, Richard; Park, Doewon; Newman, Harvey S.; Brad Boos, J. ,High-frequency, 6.2 ÅpN heterojunction diodes. Solid-State Electronics, vol 67, no 1, pp 105-108, January 2012

392.Aslan, Barbaros; Eastman, Lester F.,A THz-range planar NDR device utilizing ballistic electron acceleration in GaN. Solid-State Electronics, vol 64, no 1, pp 57-62, October 2011

393.Engineering the current-voltage characteristics of metal-insulator-metal diodes using double-insulator tunnel barriers Grover, Sachit (Department of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0425, United States); Moddel, Garret Source. Solid-State Electronics, vol 67, no 1, pp 94-99, January 2012

394.Ogiso, Hisato; Nakano, Shizuka; Nakada, Masafumi ,Dielectric function and the crystal structure of MeV ion implanted LiNbO3. Surface and Coatings Technology, vol 206, no 5, pp 837-840, November 25, 2011

395.Lamshöft, M.; Ivanova, B.B.; Spiteller, M. ,Chemical identification and determination of sulfonamides in n-component solid mixtures within THz-region - Solid-state Raman spectroscopic and mass spectrometric study. Talanta, vol 85, no 5, pp 2562-2575, October 15, 2011

396.Ilchenko, M.Ye; Narytnik, T.N.; Fisun, A.I.; Belous, O.I., Terahertz range telecommunication systems. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (English translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika), vol 70, no 16, pp1477-1487, 2011

397.Andrenko, S.A.; Kamenev, Yu E., Application of HCN-Laser to measure phase characteristics of 1D wire gratings. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (English translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika), vol 70, no 17, pp 1593-1598, 2011

398.Khankina, S.I.; Yakovenko, V.M.; Yakovenko, I.V., THz-Surface electromagnetic oscillations in plasma-Like media containing the fluxes of charged particles. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (English translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika), vol 70, no 20, pp 1841-1853, 2011

399.Maznev, A.A.; Manke, Kara J.; Lin, Kung-Hsuan; Nelson, Keith A.; Sun, Chi-Kuang; Chyi, Jen-Inn ,Broadband terahertz ultrasonic transducer based on a laser-driven piezoelectric semiconductor superlattice. Ultrasonics, vol 52, no 1, pp 1-4, January 2012

400.Bai, Yangbo; Xiang, Wanghua; Zu, Peng; Shi, Xiaozhou; Zhang, Guizhong, Tunable two wavelengths linear-cavity Yb-doped fiber laser based on volume grating. Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers, vol 38, no 11, November 2011

401.Mirzaei B. Rostami A. Baghban H., Terahertz dual-wavelength quantum cascade laser based on GaN active region, OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, vol.44, no.2, MAR 2012, 378-383.

402.Champlain JG. Magno R. Park D. Newman HS. Boos JB., High-frequency, 6.2 angstrom pN heterojunction diodes, SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS, vol.67, no.1, JAN 2012, 105-108.

403.Grimault-Jacquin AS. Tissafi B. Perret E. Aniel F., Consideration to minimize losses in terahertz coplanar waveguide on indium phosphide, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, vol.54, no.1, JAN 2012, 213-219.

404.Qiu KP. Wyrowski F. Menten KM. Gusten R. Leurini S. Leinz C., APEX CO (9-8) Mapping of an extremely high velocity and jet-like outflow in a high-mass star-forming region, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, vol.743, no.1, JAN 2012, L25.

405.Schnyder AP. Manske D. Avella A., Resonant generation of coherent phonons in a superconductor by ultrafast optical pump pulses, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol.84, no.21, DEC. 9 2012, 214513.

406.Sun YW. Zhang YT. Pickwell-MacPherson E., Investigating antibody interactions with polar liquids using terahertz pulsed spectroscopy (vol 100, pg 225, 2011), BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol.101, no.11, DEC 7 2011, 2854-2854.

407.Wang Z. Schmidt M. Goncharov Y. Skourski Y. Wosnitza J. Berger H. von Nidda HAK. Loidl A. Deisenhofer J., Singlet-Triplet Excitations and High-Field Magnetization in CuTe(2)O(5), JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, vol.80, no.12, DEC 2011, 124707.

408.Momeni O. Afshari E., A Broadband mm-Wave and Terahertz Traveling-Wave Frequency Multiplier on CMOS, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, vol. 46, no.12, DEC 2011, 2966-2976.

409.Potapov AV. Surin LA. Schlemmer S. Giesen TF., Submillimeter-wave spectroscopy of the K=2-1 subband of the Ne-CO complex, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, vol. 270, no.2, DEC 2011, 116-119.

410.Shabaev A. Lambrakos SG. Bernstein N. Jacobs V. Finkenstadt D., THz Dielectric Properties of High Explosives Calculated by Density Functional Theory for the Design of Detectors, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, vol. 20, no.9, DEC 2011, 1536-1543.

411.Stefanini R. Chatras M. Blondy P. Rebeiz GM., Miniature MEMS Switches for RF Applications, JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS, vol. 20, no.6, DEC 2011, 1324-1335.

412. Grozema FC. Siebbeles LDA., Charge Mobilities in Conjugated Polymers Measured by Pulse Radiolysis Time-Resolved Microwave Conductivity: From Single Chains to Solids, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, vol. 2, no.23, DEC 1 2011, 2951-2958.

413.Suchowski H. Bruner BD. Ganany-Padowicz, A. Juwiler I. Arie A. Silberberg Y., Adiabatic frequency conversion of ultrafast pulses, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, vol. 105, no.4, DEC 2011, 697-702.

414.Zhang B. Guo S. He J. Liu S. Yang J. Xu J. Huang H., Tri-wavelength laser with Nd:CLTGG crystal, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, vol. 105, no.4, DEC 2011, 807-811.

415.Kaufmann P. Marcon R. de Castro CGG. White SM. Raulin JP. Correia E. Fernandes LO. de Souza RV. Godoy R. Marun A. Pereyra P., Sub-thz and h alpha activity during the preflare and main phases of a goes class m2 event, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 742, no.2, DEC 1 2011, 106.

416.Gan QQ. Hu HF. Xu HN. Liu K. Jiang SH. Cartwright AN., Wavelength-Independent Optical Polarizer Based on Metallic Nanowire Arrays, IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, vol. 3, no.6, DEC 2011, 1083-1092.

417.Rahman BMA. Quadir A. Tanvir H. Grattan KTV., Characterization of Plasmonic Modes in a Low-Loss Dielectric-Coated Hollow Core Rectangular Waveguide at Terahertz Frequency, IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, vol. 3, no.6, DEC 2011, 1054-1066.

418.Smith JAS. Blanz M. Rayner TJ. Rowe MD. Bedford S. Althoefer K., (14)N quadrupole resonance and (1)H T(1) dispersion in the explosive RDX, JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, vol. 213, no.1, DEC 2011, 98-106.

419.Geisler DJ. Fontaine NK. Scott RP. Yoo SJB., Demonstration of a Flexible Bandwidth Optical Transmitter/Receiver System Scalable to Terahertz Bandwidths, IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, vol. 3, no.6, DEC 2011, 1013-1022.

420.Kan K. Yang JF. Norizawa K. Kondoh T. Yoshida Y. Ogata A., Proposal for generation of high-intensity monochromatic Cherenkov radiation in THz range by femtosecond electron bunches in impurity-doped semiconductor tube, RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, vol. 80, no.12, DEC 2011, 1323-1326.

421.Chen M., Frequency-tunable terahertz electromagnetic-pulses generation based on an optical Farry-Perot microresonator with variable birefringence material, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, vol. 53, no.12, DEC 2011, 2879-2882.

422.Debus C. Spickermann G. Nagel M. Bolivar PH., All-Electronic terahertz spectrometer for biosensing, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, vol. 53, no.12, DEC 2011, 2899-2902.

423.Webb JF., Second-harmonic generation in ferroelectric thin films on metal substrates for isotropic and cubic symmetries, COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, vol. 16, no.12, DEC 2011, 4632-4642.

424.Vener MV. Medvedev AG. Churakov AV. Prikhodchenko PV. Tripol'skaya TA. Lev O., H-Bond Network in Amino Acid Cocrystals with H(2)O or H(2)O(2). The DFT Study of Serine-H(2)O and Serine-H(2)O(2), JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, vol. 115, no.46, NOV 24 2011, 13657-13663.

425.Ferguson AJ. Kopidakis N. Shaheen SE. Rumbles G., Dark Carriers, Trapping, and Activation Control of Carrier Recombination in Neat P3HT and P3HT:PCBM Blends, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, vol. 115, no.46, NOV 24 2011, 23134-23148.

426.Skoromets V. Kadlec F. Kadlec C. Nemec H. Rychetsky I. Panaitov G. Muller V. Fattakhova-Rohlfing D. Moch P. Kuzel P., Tuning of dielectric properties of SrTiO(3) in the terahertz range, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 84, no.17, NOV 23 2011, 174121.

427.Kadlec C. Goian V. Rushchanskii KZ. Kuzel P. Lezaic M. Kohn K. Pisarev RV. Kamba S., Terahertz and infrared spectroscopic evidence of phonon-paramagnon coupling in hexagonal piezomagnetic YMnO(3), PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 84, no.17, NOV 22 2011, 174120.

428.Taguchi K. Tatara G., Theory of inverse Faraday effect in a disordered metal in the terahertz regime, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 84, no.17, NOV 22 2011, 174433.

429.Rosenzweig JB. Valloni A. Alesini D. Andonian G. Bernard N. Faillace L. Ficcadenti L. Fukusawa A. Hidding B. Migliorati M. Mostacci A. Musumeci P. O'Shea B. Palumbo L. Spataro B. Yakub A., Design and applications of an X-band hybrid photoinjector, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, vol. 657, no.1, NOV 21 2011, 107-113.

430.Lapi A. Gonzalez-Nuevo J. Fan L. Bressan A. De Zotti G. Danese L. Negrello M. Dunne L. Eales S. Maddox. Auld R. Baes M. Bonfield DG. Buttiglione S. Cava A. Clements DL. Cooray A. Dariush A. Dye S. Fritz J. Herranz. Hopwood R. Ibar E. Ivison R. Jarvis MJ. Kaviraj S. Lopez-Caniego M. Massardi M. Michallowski MJ. Pascale E. Pohlen M. Rigby E. Rodighiero G. Serjeant S. Smith DJB. Temi P. Wardlow J. van der Werf P., Herschel-atlas galaxy counts and high-redshift luminosity functions: the formation of massive early-type galaxies, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 742, no.1, NOV 20 2011, 24.

431.Jiao Y. Ratner DF. Chao AW., Terahertz coherent radiation from steady-state microbunching in storage rings with X-band radio-frequency system, PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS-ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS, vol. 14, no.11, NOV 18 2011, 110702.

432.Fang X. Zhuang CG. Wen ZC. Han XF. Feng QR. Xi XX. Nori F. Xie XC. Niu Q. Qiu XG., Influence of intrinsic electronic properties on light transmission through subwavelength holes on gold and MgB(2) thin films, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 84, no.20, NOV 18 2011, 205438.

433.Nikitin AY. Guinea F. Garcia-Vidal FJ. Martin-Moreno L., Fields radiated by a nanoemitter in a graphene sheet, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 84, no.19, NOV 18 2011, 195446.

434.Wacker A. Bastard G. Carosella F. Ferreira R. Dupont E., Unraveling of free-carrier absorption for terahertz radiation in heterostructures, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 84, no.20, NOV 17 2011, 205319.

435.Buixaderas E. Nuzhnyy D. Petzelt J. Jin L. Damjanovic D., Polar lattice vibrations and phase transition dynamics in Pb(Zr(1-x)Ti(x))O(3), PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 84, no.20, NOV 15 2011, 184302.

436.Chiou YP. Du CH., Arbitrary-Order Full-Vectorial Interface Conditions and Higher Order Finite-Difference Analysis of Optical Waveguides, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, vol. 29, no.22, NOV 15 2011, 3445-3452.

437.Ortolani M. Stehr D. Wagner M. Helm M. Pizzi G. Virgilio M. Grosso G. Capellini G. De Seta M., Long intersubband relaxation times in n-type germanium quantum wells, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol. 99, no.20, NOV 14 2011, 201101.

438.Kadlec F. Kadlec C. Kuzel P. Petzelt J., Study of the ferroelectric phase transition in germanium telluride using time-domain terahertz spectroscopy, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 84, no.20, NOV 14 2011, 205209.

439.Toyoura K. Hatada N. Nose Y. Uda T. Tanaka I., First-principles thermodynamics of La(2)O(3)-P(2)O(5) pseudobinary system, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 84, no.20, NOV 14 2011, 184301.

440.Zhang WL. Ding YJJ., Editorial for Special Issue on Terahertz Technologies and Applications, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, vol. 9, no.11, NOV 10 2011, 110001.

441.Nakajima T. Suno A. Mitsuda S. Terada N. Kimura S. Kaneko K. Yamauchi H., Magnons and electromagnons in a spin-lattice-coupled frustrated magnet CuFeO(2) as seen via inelastic neutron scattering, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol.84 no.18, NOV 4 2011, 184401.

442.Hejase JA. Paladhi PR. Chahal P., Terahertz Characterization of Dielectric Substrates for Component Design and Nondestructive Evaluation of Packages, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, vol.1, no.11, NOV 2011, 1685-1694.

443.Klimenko OA. Mityagin YA. Murzin VN. Savinov SA. Syzranov VS., Nonlinear quantum mode of terahertz electromagnetic wave amplification in resonant tunneling heterostructures, BULLETIN OF THE LEBEDEV PHYSICS INSTITUTE, vol.38, no.11, NOV 2011, 339-344.

444.Okotrub AV. Kubarev VV. Kanygin MA. Sedelnikova OV. Bulusheva LG., Transmission of terahertz radiation by anisotropic MWCNT/polystyrene composite films, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, vol.248, no.11, NOV 2011, 2568-2571.

445.Dyakonova N. El Fatimy A. Meziani Y. Coquillat D. Knap W. Teppe F. Buzatu P. Diforte-Poisson MA. Dua C. Piotrowicz S. Morvan E. Delage SL., THz Emission Related to Hot Plasmons and Plasma Wave Instability in Field Effect Transistors, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, vol.120, no.5, NOV 2011, 924-926.

446.Videlier H. Dyakonova N. Teppe F. Consejo C. Chenaud B. Knap W. Lusakowski J. Tomaszewski D. Marczewski J. Grabiec P., Terahertz Photovoltaic Response of Si-MOSFETs: Spin Related Effect, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, vol.120, no.5, NOV 2011, 927-929.

447.Teppe F. Consejo C. Torres J. Chenaud B. Solignac P. Fathololoumi S. Wasilewski ZR. Zholudev M. Dyakonova N. Coquillat D. El Fatimy A. Buzatu P. Chaubet C. Knap W., Terahertz Detection of Quantum Cascade Laser Emission by Plasma Waves in Field Effect Transistors, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, vol.120, no.5, NOV 2011, 930-932.

448.Sibaja-Hernandez A. You SZ. Van Huylenbroeck S. Venegas R. De Meyer K. Decoutere S., Half-terahertz silicon/germanium heterojunction bipolar technologies: A TCAD based device architecture exploration, SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS, vol.65-66, NOV-DEC 2011, 72-80.

449.Dariush A. Cortese L. Eales S. Pascale E. Smith MWL. Dunne L. Dye S. Scott D. Auld. Baes M. Bland-Hawthorn J. Buttiglione S. Cava A. Clements DL. Cooray A. DeZotti G. Driver S. Fritz J. Gomez HL. Hopkins A. Hopwood R. Ivison RJ. Jarvis MJ. Jones DH. Kelvin L. Khosroshahi HG. Liske J. Loveday J. Maddox S. Madore BF. Michalowski MJ. Norberg P. Phillipps S. Pohlen M. Popescu CC. Prescott M. Rigby E. Robotham A. Rodighiero G. Seibert M. Smith DJB. Temi P. Tuffs RJ. van der Werf PP., The environment and characteristics of low-redshift galaxies detected by the Herschel-ATLAS, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.418, no.1, NOV 2011, 64-73.

450.Li ZY. Yao JQ. Xu DG. Bing PB. Zhong K., Output Enhancement of a THz Wave Based on a Surface-Emitted THz-Wave Parametric Oscillator, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, vol.28, no.11, NOV 2011, 114201.

451.Mrosko M. Koch-Muller M. Schade U., In-situ mid/far micro-FTIR spectroscopy to trace pressure-induced phase transitions in strontium feldspar and wadsleyite, AMERICAN MINERALOGIST, vol.96, no.11-12, NOV-DEC 2011, 1748-1759.

452.Sankin VI. Andrianov AV. Zakhar'in AO. Petrov AG., Terahertz radiation induced by the Wannier-Stark localization of electrons in a natural silicon carbide superlattice, JETP LETTERS, vol.94, no.5, NOV 2011, 362-365.

453.Qasymeh M. Li WZ. Yao JP., Frequency-Tunable Microwave Generation Based on Time-Delayed Optical Combs, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, vol.59, no.11, NOV 2011, 2987-2993.

454.Forst M. Manzoni C. Kaiser S. Tomioka Y. Tokura Y. Merlin R. Cavalleri A., Nonlinear phononics as an ultrafast route to lattice control, NATURE PHYSICS, vol.7, no.11, NOV 2011, 854-856.

455.Gonsalves AJ. Nakamura K. Lin C. Panasenko D. Shiraishi S. Sokollik T. Benedetti C. Schroeder CB. Geddes CGR. van Tilborg J. Osterhoff J. Esarey E. Toth C. Leemans WP., Tunable laser plasma accelerator based on longitudinal density tailoring, NATURE PHYSICS, vol.7, no.11, NOV 2011, 862-866.

456.Miginsky S., Compact Submillimeter FEL Project, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, vol.59, no.5, NOV 2011, 3246-3250.

457.Jeong YU. Park SH. Lee K. Mun J. Jang KH. Lee JY. Sunwoo J. Kim KN. Cha YH. Cha BH. Kim DH. Kazakevich GM., Conceptual Design of a Table-top Terahertz Free-electron Laser, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, vol.59, no.5, NOV 2011, 3251-3255. 

458.Anonymous. Anonymous., Fixed 0.85/13 and tunable 0.8-2.8 THz sources ideal for spectroscopy, LASER FOCUS WORLD, vol.47, no.11, NOV 2011, 12-12.

459.Heinz E. May T. Born D. Zieger G. Thorwirth G. Anders S. Zakosarenko, V. Krause T. Kruger A. Schulz M. Meyer HG. Schubert M. Starkloff M., Toward high-sensitivity and high-resolution submillimeter-wave video imaging, OPTICAL ENGINEERING, vol.50, no.11, NOV 2011, 113204.

460.Han RN. Zhang YM. Coquillat D. Videlier H. Knap W. Brown E. Kenneth KO., A 280-GHz Schottky Diode Detector in 130-nm Digital CMOS, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, vol.46, no.11, NOV 2011, 2602-2612.

461.Anonymous. Anonymous., Tunable graphene device puts terahertz to work, PHOTONICS SPECTRA, vol.45, no.11, NOV 2011, 26-+.

462.Chernichkin VI. Dobrovolsky AA. Dashevsky ZM. Kasiyan VA. Bel'kov VV. Ganichev SD. Danilov SN. Ryabova LI. Khokhlov DR., Photoconductivity of PbTe:In films with variable microstructure, SEMICONDUCTORS, vol.45, no.11, NOV 2011, 1474-1478.

463.Fu WJ. Yan Y. Li XY. Yuan XS. Liu SG., Generating 0.42 THz radiation from a second harmonic gyrotron, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, vol.56, no.33, NOV 2011, 3572-3574.

464.Koshelev MA. Serov EA. Parshin VV. Tretyakov MY., Millimeter wave continuum absorption in moist nitrogen at temperatures 261-328 K, JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, vol.112, no.17, NOV 2011, 2704-2712.

465.Liu XH. Liu GF. Zhao HW. Zhang ZY. Wei YB. Liu M. Wen W. Zhou XT., The quantitative monitoring of mechanochemical reaction between solid L-tartaric acid and sodium carbonate monohydrate by terahertz spectroscopy, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS vol.72, no.11, NOV 2011, 1245-1250.

466.Constantin, FL, Phase-Coherent Heterodyne Detection in the Terahertz Regime With a Photomixer, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, vol.47, no.11. NOV 2011, 1458-1462.

467.Rao ZM. Wang XB. Lu YZ., Tunable terahertz generation from one CO(2) laser in a GaSe crystal, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol.284, no.23, NOV 1 2011, 5472-5474.
468.Novitsky A. Zalkovskij M. Malureanu R. Lavrinenko A., Microscopic model of the THz field enhancement in a metal nanoslit, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol.284, no.23, NOV 1 2011, 5495-5500.
469.Thilmann N. Jacobsson B. Canalias C. Pasiskevicius V. Laurell F., A narrowband optical parametric oscillator tunable over 6.8 THz through degeneracy with a transversely-chirped volume Bragg grating, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, vol.105, no.2, NOV 2011, 239-244.
470.Long DA. Havey DK. Yu SS. Okumura M. Miller CE. Hodges JT., O(2) A-band line parameters to support atmospheric remote sensing. Part II: The rare isotopologues, JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, vol.112, no.16, NOV 2011, 2527-2541.

471.Cortie DL. Lewis RA., Role of vanguard counter-potential in terahertz emission due to surface currents explicated by three-dimensional ensemble Monte Carlo simulation, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 84, no.15, OCT 31 2011, 155328.

472.Ding T. Huber T. Middelberg APJ. Falconer RJ., Characterization of Low-Frequency Modes in Aqueous Peptides Using Far-Infrared Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulation, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, vol.115, no.42, OCT 27 2011, 11559-11565.

473.Tesar R. Sindler M. Il'in K. Kolacek J. Siegel M. Skrbek L., Terahertz thermal spectroscopy of a NbN superconductor, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol.84, no.13, OCT 25 2011, 132506.

474.Sun JB. Liu LY. Dong GY. Zhou J., An extremely broad band metamaterial absorber based on destructive interference, OPTICS EXPRESS, vol.19, no.22, OCT 24 2011, 21155-21162.

475.Theuer M. Harsha SS. Molter D. Torosyan G. Beigang R., Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy of Gases, Liquids, and Solids, CHEMPHYSCHEM, vol.12, no.15, OCT 24 2011, 2695-2705.

476.Nikitin AY. Guinea F. Garcia-Vidal FJ. Martin-Moreno L., Edge and waveguide terahertz surface plasmon modes in graphene microribbons, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol.84, no.16, OCT 24 2011, 161407.

477.Houjou H., Evaluation of coupling terms between intra- and intermolecular vibrations in coarse-grained normal-mode analysis: Does a stronger acid make a stiffer hydrogen bond?, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, vol.135, no.15, OCT 21 2011, 154111.

478.Kim YC. Ahn SJ. Kim HS. Kim DW. Ahn S., Design of the miniaturized free electron laser module as an efficient source of the THz waves, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, vol.654, no.1, OCT 21 2011, 427-431.182. Okada T. Tanaka K., Photo-designed terahertz devices, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol.1, OCT 18 2011, 121.

479.Yu L. Hua XH. Pan QH. Yang LM. Xu YZ. Zhao GZ. Wang H. Wang HY. Wu JG. Liu KX. Chen JE., Interactions between metal ions and carbohydrates. Syntheses and spectroscopic studies of several lanthanide nitrate-D-galactitol complexes, CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH, vol.346, no.14, OCT 18 2011, 2278-2284.

480.Lee HJ. Lee JH. Jung HI., A symmetric metamaterial element-based RF biosensor for rapid and label-free detection, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol.99, no.16, OCT 17 2011, 163703.

481.Pereverzev A. Sewell TD., Molecular dynamics study of the effect of pressure on the terahertz-region infrared spectrum of crystalline pentaerythritol tetranitrate, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, vol.515, no.1-3, OCT 17 2011, 32-36.
482.Ravaro M. Manquest C. Sirtori C. Barbieri S. Santarelli G. Blary K. Lampin JF. Khanna SP. Linfield EH., Phase-locking of a 2.5 THz quantum cascade laser to a frequency comb using a GaAs photomixer, OPTICS LETTERS, vol.36, no.20, OCT 15 2011, 3969-3971.
483.Liu W. Aguilar RV. Hao YF. Ruoff RS. Armitage NP., Broadband microwave and time-domain terahertz spectroscopy of chemical vapor deposition grown grapheme, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.110, no.8, OCT 15 2011, 083510.
484.Lamshoft M. Ivanova BB. Spiteller M., Chemical identification and determination of sulfonamides in n-component solid mixtures within THz-region-Solid-state Raman spectroscopic and mass spectrometric study, TALANTA, vol.85, no.5, OCT 15 2011, 2562-2575.
485.Hasebe T. Yamada Y. Tabata H., Label-free THz sensing of living body-related molecular binding using a metallic mesh, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, vol.414, no.1, OCT 14 2011, 192-198.
486.King MD. Davis EA. Smith TM. Korter TM., Importance of Accurate Spectral Simulations for the Analysis of Terahertz Spectra: Citric Acid Anhydrate and Monohydrate, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, vol.115, no.40, OCT 13 2011, 11039-11044.
487.Fathololoumi S. Dupont E. Razavipour SG. Laframboise SR. Parent G. Wasilewski Z. Liu HC. Ban DY., On metal contacts of terahertz quantum cascade lasers with a metal-metal waveguide, SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.26, no.10, OCT 12 2011, 105021.
488.Qiu MX. Ruan SC. Su H. Wang CD. Zhang M. Wang RL. Liang HW., Enhanced transmission of THz radiation through sub-wavelength, asymmetry metallic hole arrays, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol.99, no.15, 151501.
489.Cheng YL. Chen Z. Wang YJ. Yin HR., Low perveance confined-flow Pierce gun for a 0.14 THz broadband folded waveguide traveling wave tube, VACUUM, vol.86, no.3, OCT 8 2011, 335-339. 
490.Yamaguchi S. Mazur K. Heisler IA. Shirota H. Tominaga K. Meech SR., Low-frequency modes of the benzoic acid dimer in chloroform observed by the optical Kerr effect, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, vol.135, no.13, OCT 7 2011, 134504.
491.Anonymous. Anonymous., A New "Graphene Gate" to Terahertz Technologies, CHEMPHYSCHEM, vol.12, no.14, OCT 4 2011, 2517-2517.
492.Dunne L. Gomez HL. da Cunha E. Charlot S. Dye S. Eales S. Maddox SJ. Rowlands K. Smith DJB. Auld R. Baes M. Bonfield DG. Bourne N. Buttiglione S. Cava A. Clements DL. Coppin KEK. Cooray A. Dariush A. de Zotti G. Driver S. Fritz J. Geach J. Hopwood R. Ibar E. Ivison RJ. Jarvis MJ. Kelvin L. Pascale E. Pohlen M. Popescu C. Rigby EE. Robotham A. Rodighiero G. Sansom AE. Serjeant S, Temi P. Thompson M. Tuffs R. van der Werf P. Vlahakis C., Herschel -ATLAS: rapid evolution of dust in galaxies over the last 5 billion years, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.417, no.2, OCT 2011, 1510-1533.
493.Bezotosnyi VV. Gorbunkov MV. Kostryukov PV. Krivonos MS. Popov YM. Tunkin VG. Cheshev EA., Two-Frequency Lasing in the Nd:YLF Laser with a Lens-Shaped Active Element and Longitudinal Diode Pumping, BULLETIN OF THE LEBEDEV PHYSICS INSTITUTE, vol.38, no.10, OCT 2011, 311-316.
494.Pu MH. Hu H. Galili M. Ji H. Peucheret C. Oxenlowe LK. Yvind K. Jeppesen P. Hvam JM., 15-THz Tunable Wavelength Conversion of Picosecond Pulses in a Silicon Waveguide,  IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, vol.23, no.19, OCT 1 2011, 1409-1411.
495.Parrott EPJ. Sy SMY. Blu T. Wallace VP. Pickwell-MacPherson E., Terahertz pulsed imaging in vivo: measurements and processing methods, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS, vol.16, no.10, OCT 2011, 106010.
496.Yuan XS. Lan Y. Ma CY. Han Y. Yan Y., Theoretical study on a 0.6 THz third harmonic gyrotron, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, vol.18, no.10, OCT 2011, 103115.
497.Kuz'menko AM. Mukhin AA. Ivanov VY. Kadomtseva AM. Bezmaternykh LN., Effects of the Interaction between R and Fe Modes of the Magnetic Resonance in RFe(3)(BO(3))(4) Rare-Earth Iron Borates, JETP LETTERS, vol.94, no.4, OCT 2011, 294-300.
498.Vaks VL. Domracheva EG. Sobakinskaya EA. Chernyaeva MB., The use of supersonic molecular beams to increase the sensitivity of transient gas spectroscopy in the subterahertz and terahertz frequency ranges, DOKLADY PHYSICS, vol.56, no.10, OCT 2011, 510-512.
499.Wang Y. Wu Q. Wu YM. Zhang K. Li LW. Yin JH., Broadband Terahertz Left-Hand Material With Negative Permeability for Magnetic Response, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, vol.47, no.10, OCT 2011, 2592-2595.
500.Wang R. Lin XC. Zhang LP. Zhang KF. Jiao CL. Lu Y. Shao XH. Li XY. Ge J. Hu SH. Dai N., Growth and terahertz characterization of Hg(1-x) Cd(x) Te crystal, JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES, vol.30, no.5, OCT 2011, 401-U132.
501.Wu X. Pei ZB. Qu SB. Xu Z. Zhang JQ. Ma H. Wang JF. Wang XH. Zhou H., Design and experimental verification of band-pass frequency selective surface based on metamaterial effective medium theory, JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES, Vol.30, no.5, OCT 2011, 469-474.
502.Arenas DJ. Shim D. Koukis DI. Seok E. Tanner DB. O KK., Characterization of near-terahertz complementary metal-oxide semiconductor circuits using a Fourier-transform interferometer, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, vol.82, no.10, OCT 2011, 103106.
503.Bhattacharyya J. Wagner M. Zybell S. Winnerl S. Stehr D. Helm M. Schneider H., Simultaneous time and wavelength resolved spectroscopy under two-colour near infrared and terahertz excitation, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, vol.82, no.10,  OCT 2011, 103107.
504.Yim C. Hong J. Parc Y. Jung S. Han D. Ryu J. Park J. Kang HS. Ko IS., Recent achievements at the 60-MeV Linac for sub-picosecond terahertz radiation at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, vol.82, no.10, OCT 2011, 106104.
505.Nazarov M. Coutaz JL., Terahertz Surface Waves Propagating on Metals with Sub-wavelength Structure and Grating Reliefs, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.10, OCT 2011, 1054-1073.
506.Wilmink GJ, Grundt JE., Invited Review Article: Current State of Research on Biological Effects of Terahertz Radiation, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.10, OCT 2011, 1074-1122.
507.Vinokurov N., Free Electron Lasers as a High-power Terahertz Sources, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.10, OCT 2011, 1123-1143. 
508.Kitaeva GK. Kovalev SP, Penin AN. Tuchak AN. Yakunin PV., A Method of Calibration of Terahertz Wave Brightness Under Nonlinear-Optical Detection, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.10, OCT 2011, 1144-1156.
509.Kosareva OG. Panov NA. Volkov RV. Andreeva VA. Borodin AV. Esaulkov MN. Chen YP.  Marceau C. Makarov VA. Shkurinov AP. Savel'ev AB. Chin SL., Analysis of Dual Frequency Interaction in the Filament with the Purpose of Efficiency Control of THz Pulse Generation, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.10, OCT 2011, 1157-1167.
510.Kawase K. Ichino S. Suizu K. Shibuya T., Half Cycle Terahertz Pulse Generation by Prism-Coupled Cherenkov Phase-Matching Method, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.10, OCT 2011, 1168-1177.
511.Popov VV., Plasmon Excitation and Plasmonic Detection of Terahertz Radiation in the Grating-Gate Field-Effect-Transistor Structures, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.10, OCT 2011, 1178-1191.
512.Sizov FF. Reva VP. Golenkov AG. Zabudsky VV., Uncooled Detectors Challenges for THz/sub-THz Arrays Imaging, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.10, OCT 2011, 1192-1206.
513.Knyazev BA. Cherkassky VS. Choporova YY. Gerasimov VV. Vlasenko MG.  Dem'yanenko MA. Esaev DG., Real-Time Imaging Using a High-Power Monochromatic Terahertz Source: Comparative Description of Imaging Techniques with Examples of Application, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.10, OCT 2011, 1207-1222.
514.Sukhorukov AP. Ignatyeva DO. Kalish AN., Terahertz and Infrared Surface Wave Beams and Pulses on Gyrotropic, Nonlinear and Metamaterial Interfaces, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.10, OCT 2011, 1223-1235.
515.Kubarev VV. Kulipanov GN. Shevchenko OA. Vinokurov NA., Third Harmonic Lasing on Terahertz NovoFEL, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.10, OCT 2011, 1236-1242.
516.Suvorov E. Akhmedzhanov R. Fadeev D. Ilyakov I. Mironov V. Shishkin B., On the Peculiarities of THz Radiation Generation in a Laser Induced Plasmas, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.10, OCT 2011, 1243-1252.
517.Nanzer JA. Popova E. Rogers RL., Performance analysis of a Bayesian classifier for the detection of human presence using total power and correlation radiometry, IET SIGNAL PROCESSING, vol.5, no.7, OCT 2011, 669-679.
518.Dworak V. Augustin S. Gebbers R., Application of Terahertz Radiation to Soil Measurements: Initial Results,SENSORS, vol.11, no.10, Oct. 2011, 9973-9988.
519.Park HR. Bahk YM. Ahn KJ. Park QH. Kim DS. Martin-Moreno L. Garcia-Vidal FJ,  Bravo-Abad J., Controlling Terahertz Radiation with Nanoscale Metal Barriers Embedded in Nano Slot Antennas,ACS NANO, vol.5, no.10, Oct. 2011 8340-8345.
520.Ju L. Geng BS. Horng J. Girit C. Martin M. Hao Z. Bechtel HA. Liang XG. Zettl A. Shen YR. Wang F., Graphene plasmonics for tunable terahertz metamaterials,NATURE  NANOTECHNOLOGY, vol.6, no.10, Oct. 2011 630-634.
521.Yim C. Ko J. Ko IS. Jung S. Park J. Park YJ. Kang HS. Han D., Design Study and High-power Beam Test of the 60-MeV Linac for Femtosecond THz Radiation at the PAL,JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, vol.59, no.4, Oct. 2011 2702-2708.
522.[Anonymous]., Photoconductive antennas generate tunable narrowband terahertz pulses,LASER FOCUS WORLD, vol.47, no.10,2011, 9-9.
523.Morishita K. Nakajima K. Fujii T. Shiinoki M., Near-Net Shaping of Single-Crystal Silicon for Optical Lens by One-Shot Pressing at Temperature Just below Silicon Melting Point and Its Demonstration of Optical Properties,APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, vol.4, no.10, 2011. 106501
524.Morita K. Katoh S. Takimoto T. Tanaka F. Nakagawa Y. Saito S. Kitada T. Isu T.,  Generation of Terahertz Radiation from Two Cavity Modes of a GaAs/AlAs Coupled Multilayer Cavity,APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, vol.4, no.10, Oct. 2011 102102.
525.Pearson JC. Drouin BJ. Yu SS. Gupta H., Microwave spectroscopy of methanol between 2.48 and 2.77 THz,JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, vol.28, no.10, Oct. 2011 2549-2577.
526.Ramos M. Drouin BJ., Submillimeter spectrum of methyl bromide (CH(3)Br),JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, vol.269, no.2, Oct. 2011 187-192.
527.Drouin BJ. Yu SS., Acetylene spectra near 2.6 THz, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, vol.269, no.2, 2011.06.004, 254-256.
528.Palka N., THz Reflection Spectroscopy of Explosives Measured by Time Domain Spectroscopy,ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, vol.120, no.4, Oct. 2011 713-715.
529.Piszczek M. Kowalski M. Szustakowski M., Measurement Stand for TeraEYE Inspection,ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, vol.120, no.4, Oct. 2011 720-724.
530.Kyoung J. Jang EY. Lima MD. Park HR. Robles RO. Lepro X. Kim YH. Baughman RH.  Kim DS., A Reel-Wound Carbon Nanotube Polarizer for Terahertz Frequencies,NANO LETTERS, vol.11, no.10, Oct. 2011 4227-4231
531.Hara Y. Tejedor-Tejedor MI. Lara K. Lubin D. Brzozowski LJ. Severseike DJ. Anderson MA., Importance of adsorption isotherms in defining performance of dye-sensitized solar cells fabricated from photoelectrodes composed of ZnO nanopowders and nanorods,ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, vol.56, no.24, Oct. 2011 8873-8879.
532.Feng XJ. Huang WX. Shi QW. Zhang YB. Luo Y. Zhang YX., Terahertz Spectroscopic Investigation of Lanthanide-Doped Nano-TiO(2),SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSI, vol.31, no.10, Oct. 20112624-2628.
533.Kang S. Zhang GX. Chen XA. Huang PJ. Hou DB. Zhou ZK., Terahertz Spectroscopic Investigation of Elaidic Acid,SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, vol.31, no.10, Oct. 2011 2629-2633.
534.Grossman M. Born B. Heyden M. Tworowski D. Fields GB. Sagi I. Havenith M.,  Correlated structural kinetics and retarded solvent dynamics at the metalloprotease active site,NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, vol.18, no.10, Oct. 2011 1102-1113.
535.Goian V. Kamba S. Greicius S. Nuzhnyy D. Karimi S. Reaney IM., Terahertz and infrared studies of antiferroelectric phase transition in multiferroic Bi(0.85)Nd(0.15)FeO(3), JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.110, no.7, Oct. 2011 074112.
536.Li Y. Xiang YJ. Wen SC. Yong JH. Fan DY., Tunable terahertz-mirror and multi-channel terahertz-filter based on one-dimensional photonic crystals containing semiconductors,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.110, no.7, Oct. 2011 073111.
537.Liu HY. Liang S. Dai QF. Wu LJ. Lan S. Gopal AV. Trofimov VA. Lysak TM., Transmission of terahertz wave through one-dimensional photonic crystals containing single and multiple metallic defects,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.110, no.7, Oct. 2011 073101.
538.Russer P. Russer JA., Nanoelectronic RF Josephson Devices,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, vol.59, no.10, Oct. 2011 2685-2701.
539.Didenko AN. Rashchikov VI. Fortov VE., Mechanism of generation of high-intensity terahetrz radiation under the action of high-power laser pulsed on a target,TECHNICAL PHYSICS, vol.56, no.10, Oct. 2011 1535-1538.
540.Pasquazi A. Peccianti M. Park Y. Little BE. Chu ST. Morandotti R. Azana J. Moss DJ., Sub-picosecond phase-sensitive optical pulse characterization on a chip,NATURE PHOTONICS, vol.5, no.10, Oct. 2011 618-623.
541.Kim N. Leem YA. Ko H. Jeon MY. Lee CW. Han SP. Lee D. Park KH., Widely Tunable 1.55-mu m Detuned Dual-Mode Laser Diode for Compact Continuous-Wave THz Emitter,ETRI JOURNAL, vol.33, no.5, Oct. 2011 810-813.
542.Peng XY. Sheng ZM. Zhang XH. Teng JH. Guo HC. Foo YL. Zhang J., Distortion of terahertz signals due to imperfect synchronization with chirped probe pulses,JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION, vol.28, no.10, Oct. 2011 2049-2056.
543.Breunig I. Haertle D. Buse K., Continuous-wave optical parametric oscillators: recent developments and prospects,APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, vol.105, no.1, Oct. 2011 99-111.
544.Nakayama T. Kaneshita E., Significance of Off-Center Rattling for Emerging Low-Lying THz Modes in Type-I Clathrates,JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, vol.80, no.10, Oct. 2011 104604.
545.Aslan B. Eastman LF., A THz-range planar NDR device utilizing ballistic electron acceleration in GaN,SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS. vol.64, no.1, Oct. 2011 57-62.
546.Tang AY. Stake J., Impact of Eddy Currents and Crowding Effects on High-Frequency Losses in Planar Schottky Diodes,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, vol.58, no.10, Oct. 2011 3260-3269. 
547.Choi K. Yesilkoy F. Ryu G. Cho SH. Goldsman N. Dagenais M. Peckerar M., A Focused Asymmetric Metal-Insulator-Metal Tunneling Diode: Fabrication, DC Characteristics and RF Rectification Analysis,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, vol.58, no.10, Oct. 2011 3519-3528.
548.Labaune J. Jackson JB. Fukunaga K. White J. d'Alessandro L. Whyte A. Menu M. Mourou G., Investigation of Terra Cotta artefacts with terahertz,APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, vol.105, no.1, Oct. 2011 5-9.
549.Avetisyan YH. Hakobyan HS. Tadevosyan VR., Analysis of plasmon terahertz waveguide formed by a dielectric ridge on semiconductor surface,JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS-ARMENIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, vol.46, no.5, Oct. 2011 234-238.
550.Jia WL. Hou L. Chen SG. Hu XJ. Wang SQ. Shi W., Thermal stability of gaas photoconductive terahertz antenna,MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, vol.53, no.10, Oct. 2011 2393-2395.
551.Duan HP. Li HB. Xie J. Panikov NS. Cui HL., Agent Identification Using a Sparse Bayesian Model,IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, vol.11, no.10, Oct. 2011 2556-2564.
552.Ozanyan KB. Wright P. Stringer MR. Miles RE., Hard-Field THz Tomography,IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, vol.11, no.10,2011,2507-2513.
553.Singh A. Srivastav V. Pal R., HgCdTe avalanche photodiodes: A review,OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, vol.43, no.7, Oct. 2011 1358-1370.
554.Shen YC., Terahertz pulsed spectroscopy and imaging for pharmaceutical applications: A review,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS, vol.417, no.1-2, Sept. 2011, 48-60.
555.Filippetto D. Bellaveglia M. Castellano M. Chiadroni E. Cultrera L. Di Pirro G. Ferrario M . Ficcadenti L. Gallo A. Gatti G. Pace E. Vaccarezza C. Vicario C. Bacci A. Rossi AR. Serafini L. Cianchi A. Marchetti B. Giannessi L. Labat M. Quattromini M. Ronsivalle C. Marrelli C. Migliorati M. Mostacci A. Palumbo L. Serluca M., Phase space analysis of velocity bunched beams,PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS-ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS, vol.14, no.9, Sept. 2011, 092804.
556.Hunger J. Liu LY. Tielrooij KJ. Bonn M. Bakker H., Vibrational and orientational dynamics of water in aqueous hydroxide solutions,JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSIC, vol.135, no.12, Sept. 2011,124517.
557.Richardson JO. Althorpe SC. Wales DJ., Instanton calculations of tunneling splittings for water dimer and trimer,JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, vol.135, no.12, Sept. 2011, 124109.
558.Prabhakar PK. Doble M., Interaction of Cinnamic Acid Derivatives with Commercial Hypoglycemic Drugs on 2-Deoxyglucose Uptake in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, vol.59, no.18, Sept. 2011, 9835-9844.
559.Lanzillotti-Kimura ND. Fainstein A. Lemaitre A. Jusserand B. Perrin B., Coherent control of sub-terahertz confined acoustic nanowaves: Theory and experiments,PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol.84, no.11, Sept. 2011, 115453.
560.Liu SG. Zhang YX. Yin Y., A broadband and tunable MMW-THz quasi-optical cavity,JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.44, no.37, Sept. 2011, 375105.
561.Wu HH. Liu HJ. Huang N. Sun QB. Wen J., High-power picosecond terahertz-wave generation in photonic crystal fiber via four-wave mixing,APPLIED OPTICS, vol.50, no.27, Sept. 2011, 5338-5343.
562.Seletskiy DV. Hasselbeck MP. Cederberg JG. Katzenmeyer A.Toimil-Molares ME. Leonard F. Talin AA. Sheik-Bahae M., Efficient terahertz emission from InAs nanowires,PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol.84, no.11, Sept. 2011, 115421.
563.Morikawa O. Fujita M. Takano K. Hangyo M., Sub-terahertz spectroscopic system using a continuous-wave broad-area laser diode and a spatial filter,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.110, no.6, Sept. 2011, 063107.
564.Ooi CHR. Gong QH., Temperature dependent resonances in superconductor photonic crystal,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.110, no.6, Sept. 2011, 063513.
565.Vitiello MS. Xu JH. Beltram F. Tredicucci A. Mitrofanov O. Harrington JA. Beere HE. Ritchie DA., Guiding a terahertz quantum cascade laser into a flexible silver-coated waveguide,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.110, no.6, Sept. 2011, 063112.
566.Willis KJ. Hagness SC. Knezevic I., Multiphysics simulation of high-frequency carrier dynamics in conductive materials,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.110, no.6, Sept. 2011, 063714.
567.Yeates P. Kennedy ET., Diagnostics of laser plasma plume dynamics within an electrically biased confining cavity,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.110, no.6, Sept. 2011, 063303.
568.Flayac H. Solnyshkov DD. Malpuech G., Bloch oscillations of exciton-polaritons and photons for the generation of an alternating terahertz spin signal,PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol.84, no.12, Sept. 2011, 125314.
569.Lai CH. Sun CK. Chang HC., Terahertz antiresonant-reflecting-hollow-waveguide-based directional coupler operating at antiresonant frequencies,OPTICS LETTERS, vol.36, no.18, Sept. 2011, 3590-3592.
570.Li M. Pan HF. Tong YQ. Chen C. Shi Y. Wu J. Zeng HP., All-optical ultrafast polarization switching of terahertz radiation by impulsive molecular alignment,OPTICS LETTERS, vol.36, no.18, Sept. 2011, 3633-3635.
571.Jha KR. Singh G., Design of highly directive cavity type terahertz antenna for wireless communication,OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol.284, no.20, Sept. 2011, 4996-5002.
572.Virk KS. Sipe JE., Optical Injection and Terahertz Detection of the Macroscopic Berry Curvature,PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol.107, no.12, Sept. 2011, 120403.
573.Rolland A. Loas G. Brunel M. Frein L. Vallet M. Alouini M., Non-linear optoelectronic phase-locked loop for stabilization of opto-millimeter waves: towards a narrow linewidth tunable THz source,OPTICS EXPRESS, vol.19, no.19, Sept. 2011,17944-17950.
574.Witko EM. Korter TM., Investigation of the Low-Frequency Vibrations of Crystalline Tartaric Acid Using Terahertz Spectroscopy and Solid-State Density Functional Theory,JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, vol.115, no.35, Sept. 2011, 10052-10058.
575.Bunkin AF. Pershin SM., Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy of Aqueous Suspensions of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes in the Ranges of 0.1-10 and 100-250cm(-1),PHYSICS OF WAVE PHENOMENA, vol.19, no.3, Sept. 2011, 165-170.
577.Mogildea G. Ion I. Sandu O. Stamatin I. Dumitru BA. Mogildea M., Structural investigation of the graphite oxide and thermal reduced graphite oxide with terahertz spectroscopy,OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, vol.5, no.9, Sept. 2011, 973-976.
578.Mihalache D., Recent trends in micro- and nanophotonics: A personal selection,JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, vol.13, no.9-10, Sept.-Oct. 2011, 1055-1066.
579.Wilk R., All fiber THz spectrometer for plastics industry,BULLETIN OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-TECHNICAL SCIENCES, vol.59, no.3, Sept. 2011, 283-285.
580.Shi QW. Huang WX. Zhang YX.Yan JZ. Zhang YB. Mao M, Zhang Y. Tu MJ., Giant Phase Transition Properties at Terahertz Range in VO(2) films Deposited by Sol-Gel Method,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, vol.3, no.9, Sept. 2011, 3523-3527.
581.Liu Y. Liu JS. Wang KJ., A method to control the polarization of random terahertz lasing in two-dimensional disordered ruby medium,CHINESE PHYSICS B, vol.20, no.9, Sept. 2011, 094205.
582. Shi YL. Zhou QL. Liu W. Zhao DM. Li L. Zhang CL., Terahertz wave polarization rotation in bianisotropic metamaterials,CHINESE PHYSICS B, vol.20, no.9, Sept. 2011, 094102.
583.Walther M. Bitzer A., Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Close to Microstructures Studied by Time and Phase-Resolved THz Near-Field Imaging,JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.8-9, Sept. 2011, 1020-1030.
584.Mueckstein R. Graham C. Renaud CC. Seeds AJ. Harrington JA. Mitrofanov O., Imaging and Analysis of THz Surface Plasmon Polariton Waves with the Integrated Sub-wavelength Aperture Probe,JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.8-9, Sept. 2011, 1031-1042.
585.Doi A. Blanchard F. Tanaka T. Tanaka K., Improving Spatial Resolution of Real-Time Terahertz Near-Field Microscope,JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.8-9, Sept. 2011, 1043-1051.
586.Planken PCM., Introduction to the Special Issue on "Terahertz Near-field Optics",JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.8-9, Sept. 2011, 975-975.
587.Adam AJL., Review of Near-Field Terahertz Measurement Methods and Their Applications How to Achieve Sub-Wavelength Resolution at THz Frequencies,JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.32, no.8-9, Sept. 2011, 976-1019.
588.Wu K., Substrate Integrated Circuits (SICs) for Terahertz Electronics and Photonics: Current Status and Future Outlook,FREQUENZ, vol.65, no.9-10, Sept. 2011, 255-259.
589.Hindle F. Mouret G. Eliet S. Guinet M. Cuisset A. Bocquet R. Yasui T. Rovera D., Widely tunable THz synthesizer,APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, vol.104, no. 4, Sept. 2011, 763-768.
590.Monnai Y. Shinoda H. Hillmer H., Focused terahertz radiation formed by coherently scattered surface plasmon polaritons from partially uncorrugated metal surfaces,APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, vol.104, no. 4, Sept. 2011, 913-917.
591.Spevak IS. Timchenko MA. Gavrikov VK. Shulga VM. Feng J. Sun HB. Kats AV., High quality resonances for terahertz radiation diffraction at periodically corrugated semiconductor interfaces,APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, vol.104, no. 4, Sept. 2011, 925-930.
592.Zhou F. Bao YJ. Cao W. Stuart CT. Gu JQ. Zhang WL. Sun C., Hiding a Realistic Object Using a Broadband Terahertz Invisibility Cloak, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol.1, Sept. 2011, 78.
593.Pearson JC. Drouin BJ. Maestrini A. Mehdi I. Ward J. Lin RH. Yu SS. Gill JJ. Thomas B. Lee C. Chattopadhyay G. Schlecht E. Maiwald FW. Goldsmith PF. Siegel P., Demonstration of a room temperature 2.48-2.75 THz coherent spectroscopy source,REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, vol.82, no.9, Sept. 2011, 093105.
594.Roth DJ. Reyes-Rodriguez S. Zimdars DA. Rauser RW. Ussery WW., Terahertz Computed Tomography of NASA Thermal Protection System Foam Materials,MATERIALS EVALUATION, vol.69, no.9, Sept. 2011, 1090-1098.
595.Bai JJ. Wang CH. Huo BZ. Wang XH. Chang SJ., A broadband low loss and high birefringence terahertz photonic bandgap photonic crystal fiber,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.60, no.9, Sept. 2011, 1000-3290.
596.Kong YY. Zhang SC., Nonlinear simulation of a coaxial gyro-amplifier with external electrostatic voltage,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, vol.60, no.9, Sept. 2011, 095201

597.Anonymous. Anonymous., Tunable graphene device puts terahertz to work, PHOTONICS SPECTRA, vol.45, no.11, NOV 2011, 26-+.

598.Chernichkin VI. Dobrovolsky AA. Dashevsky ZM. Kasiyan VA. Bel'kov VV. Ganichev SD. Danilov SN. Ryabova LI. Khokhlov DR., Photoconductivity of PbTe:In films with variable microstructure, SEMICONDUCTORS, vol.45, no.11, NOV 2011, 1474-1478.

599.Fu WJ. Yan Y. Li XY. Yuan XS. Liu SG., Generating 0.42 THz radiation from a second harmonic gyrotron, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, vol.56, no.33, NOV 2011, 3572-3574.

600.Koshelev MA. Serov EA. Parshin VV. Tretyakov MY., Millimeter wave continuum absorption in moist nitrogen at temperatures 261-328 K, JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, vol.112, no.17, NOV 2011, 2704-2712.

601.Liu XH. Liu GF. Zhao HW. Zhang ZY. Wei YB. Liu M. Wen W. Zhou XT., The quantitative monitoring of mechanochemical reaction between solid L-tartaric acid and sodium carbonate monohydrate by terahertz spectroscopy, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS vol.72, no.11, NOV 2011, 1245-1250.

602.Ye Long-Fang.  Xu Rui-Min.  Zhang Yong.  Lin Wei-Gan.Transmission Characteristics of a Generalized Parallel Plate Dielectric Waveguide at THz Frequencies,Chinese Physics Letters, vol.28, no.12, Dec. 2011, 124102.

603.Macor A.  de Rijk E.  Annino G.  Alberti S.  Ansermet J-P., a Generalized Parallel Plate Dielectric  saddle-coil for dynamic nuclear polarization enhanced NMR, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, vol.212, no.2, Oct. 2011, 440-9.

604.Nikawa K.  Yamashita M.  Matsumoto T.  Miura K.  Midoh Y.  Nakamae K., The combinational or selective usage of the laser SQUID microscope, the non-bias laser terahertz emission microscope, and fault simulations in non-electrical-contact fault localization, Microelectronics Reliability, vol.51, no.9-11, Sept.-Nov. 2011, 1624-31.

605.Bratman VL.  Kalynov YuK.  Manuilov VN., Electron-optical system of terahertz gyrotron, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, vol.56, no.4, April 2011, 500-7.

606.Didenko AN.  Rashchikov VI.  Fortov VE., On possibility of high-power terahertz emission from target under the action of powerful laser pulses, Technical Physics Letters, vol.37, no.3, March 2011, 256-8.

607.Kovalev SP.  Kitaeva GKh.  Ilyin NA.  Ilyakov IE.  Mishina ED.  Penin AN.  Sigov AS. , Nonlinear optical detection of terahertz-frequency radiation in crystals with periodic domain structure, Moscow University Physics Bulletin, vol.66, no.1, Feb. 2011, 12-18.

608.Gao Yunhe.  Liang Xuesong.  Yang Ziqiang., Rectangular waveguide two-way power combiner with center frequency of 0.225 THz, High Power Laser and Particle Beams, vol.23, no.1, Jan. 2011, 165-9.

609.Gorshunov BP.  Pronin AV.  Prokhorov AS., Terahertz spectroscopy of quantum phase transitions and the temperature-frequency scaling, Physics of The Solid State, vol.53, no.4, April 2011, 830-3.

610.Sun-Goo Lee.  Chul-Sik Kee.  Eui Su Lee.  Tae-In Jeon., Photonic band anti-crossing in a coupled system of a teraherz plasmonic crystal film and a metal air-gap waveguide, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.110, no.3, 1 Aug. 2011, 033102.

611.Stragier XFD.  Luiten OJ.  van der Geer SB.  van der Wiel MJ.  Brussaard GJH., Experimental validation of a radio frequency photogun as external electron injector for a laser wakefield accelerator, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.110, no.2, 15 July 2011, 024910.

612.Popov MA.  Zavislyak IV.  Srinivasan G., Sub-THz dielectric resonance in single crystal yttrium iron garnet and magnetic field tuning of the modes, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.110, no.2, 15 July 2011, 024112 .

613.Wei Shi.  Lei Hou.  Xinmei Wang., High effective terahertz radiation from semi-insulating-GaAs photoconductive antennas with ohmic contact electrodes, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.110, no.2, 15 July 2011, 023111.

614.Delga A.  Doyennette L.  Buffaz A.  Berger V.  Jasnot FR.  de Vaulchier LA.  Pe're'-Laperne N.  Liu HC., Space charge mediated negative differential resistance in terahertz quantum well detectors, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.110, no.1, 1 July 2011, 013714.

615.Takeuchi H.  Tsuruta S.  Nakayama M., Terahertz spectroscopy of dynamics of coupling between the coherent longitudinal optical phonon and plasmon in the surge current of instantaneously photogenerated carriers flowing through the i-GaAs layer of an i-GaAs/n-GaAs epitaxial structure, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.110, no.1, 1 July 2011, 013515.

616.Schecklman S.  Zurk LM.  Henry S.  Kniffin GP., Terahertz material detection from diffuse surface scattering, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.9, 1 May 2011, 094902.

617.Le Floch J-M.  Bara R.  Hartnett JG.  Tobar ME.  Mouneyrac D.  Passerieux D.  Cros D.  Krupka J.  Goy P.  Caroopen S., Electromagnetic properties of polycrystalline diamond from 35 K to room temperature and microwave to terahertz frequencies, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.9, 1 May 2011, 094103.

618.Guibao Xu.  Guan Sun.  Ding YJ.  Zotova IB.  Jamil M.  Ferguson IT., Mechanism for THz generation from InN micropyramid emitters, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.9, 1 May 2011, 093111.

619.Bing-Yu Hsieh.  Jarrahi M., Analysis of periodic metallic nano-slits for efficient interaction of terahertz and optical waves at nano-scale dimensions, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.8, 15 April 2011, 084326.

620.Nusinovich GS.  Sprangle P.  Romero-Talamas CA.  Granatstein VL., Range, resolution and power of THz systems for remote detection of concealed radioactive materials, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.8, 15 April 2011, 083303.

621.Reklaitis A. , Crossover between surface field and photo-Dember effect induced terahertz emission, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.8, 15 April 2011, 083108  .

622.Fisher WM.  Rand SC. , Optically-induced charge separation and terahertz emission in unbiased dielectrics, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.6, 15 March 2011, 064903 (8 pp.).

623.Chengxun Yuan.  Zhongxiang Zhou.  Zhang JW.  Xiaoli Xiang.  Hongguo Sun.  He Wang.  Yanwei Du. , Propagation of terahertz waves in an atmospheric pressure microplasma with Epstein electron density profile, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.6, 15 March 2011, 063305  .

624.Braakman R.  Blake GA. , Principles and promise of Fabry-Perot resonators at terahertz frequencies, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.6, 15 March 2011, 063102 .

625.Preu S.  Dohler GH.  Malzer S.  Wang LJ.  Gossard AC. , Tunable, continuous-wave Terahertz photomixer sources and applications, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.6, 15 March 2011, 061301 (56 pp.).

626.Hanson GW.  Monreal RC.  Apell SP. , Electromagnetic absorption mechanisms in metal nanospheres: Bulk and surface effects in radiofrequency-terahertz heating of nanoparticles,  Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.12, 15 June 2011, 124306  .

627.Kochelap VA.  Kukhtaruk SM. , THz electrical instability of a hybrid system composed of quantum dot and quantum well with drifting electrons, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.11, 1 June 2011, 114318 (6 pp.).

628.Krawczyk M.  Mamica S.  Klos JW.  Romero-Vivas J.  Mruczkiewicz M.  Barman A. , Calculation of spin wave spectra in magnetic nanograins and patterned multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.11, 1 June 2011, 113903 .

629.Laurent T.  Sharma R.  Torres J.  Nouvel P.  Blin S.  Varani L.  Cordier Y.  Chmielowska M.  Chenot S.  Faurie J-P.  Beaumont B.  Shiktorov P.  Starikov E.  Gruzinskis V.  Korotyeyev VV.  Kochelap VA. , Voltage-controlled sub-terahertz radiation transmission through GaN quantum well structure, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.8, 22 Aug. 2011, 082101  .

630.Hofmann T.  Schmidt D.  Boosalis A.  Kuhne P.  Skomski R.  Herzinger CM.  Woollam JA.  Schubert M.  Schubert E., THz dielectric anisotropy of metal slanted columnar thin films, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.8, 22 Aug. 2011, 081903  .

631.Yah Leng Lim.  Dean P.  Nikolic' M.  Kliese R.  Khanna SP.  Lachab M.  Valavanis A.  Indjin D.  Ikonic' Z.  Harrison P.  Linfield EH.  Davies AG.  Wilson SJ.  Rakic' AD. , Demonstration of a self-mixing displacement sensor based on terahertz quantum cascade lasers, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.8, 22 Aug. 2011, 081108.

632.Nazarov MM.  Sarkisov SYu.  Shkurinov AP.  Tolbanov OP. , GaSe<sub>1-x</sub>S<sub>x</sub> and GaSe<sub>1-x</sub>Te<sub>x</sub> thick crystals for broadband terahertz pulses generation, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.8, 22 Aug. 2011, 081105  .

633.Malik AK.  Malik HK.  Stroth U. , Strong terahertz radiation by beating of spatial-triangular lasers in a plasma, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.7, 15 Aug. 2011, 071107  .

634.Lin Wang.  Xiao-Shuang Chen.  Wei-Da Hu.  Jun Wang.  Jian Wang.  Xiao-Dong Wang.  Wei Lu. , The plasmonic resonant absorption in GaN double-channel high electron mobility transistors, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.6, 8 Aug. 2011, 063502  .

635.Viquerat B.  Degert J.  Tondusson M.  Freysz E.  Mauriac C.  Le'tard JF. , ime-domain terahertz spectroscopy of spin state transition in [Fe(NH<sub>2</sub> - trz)<sub>3</sub>]<sup>2+</sup> spin crossover compounds, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.6, 8 Aug. 2011, 061908 .

636.Skoromets V.  Glinsek S.  Bovtun V.  Kempa M.  Petzelt J.  Kamba S.  Malic B.  Kosec M.  Kuzel P. , Ferroelectric phase transition in polycrystalline KTaO<sub>3</sub> thin film revealed by terahertz spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.5, 1 Aug. 2011, 052908  .

637.Yu-Chieh Wen.  Shi-Hao Guol.  Hung-Pin Chen.  Jinn-Kong Sheu.  Chi-Kuang Sun. , Femtosecond ultrasonic spectroscopy using a piezoelectric nanolayer: Hypersound attenuation in vitreous silica films, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.5, 1 Aug. 2011, 051913 .

638.Goldflam MD.  Driscoll T.  Chapler B.  Khatib O.  Jokerst NM.  Palit S.  Smith DR.  Bong-Jun Kim.  Giwan Seo.  Hyun-Tak Kim.  Di Ventra M.  Basov DN. , Reconfigurable gradient index using VO<sub>2</sub> memory metamaterials, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.4, 25 July 2011, 044103 .

639.Hase M.  Tominaga J. ,  Thermal conductivity of GeTe/Sb<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>3</sub> superlattices measured by coherent phonon spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.3, 18 July 2011, 031902  .

640.Kuznetsov SA.  Paulish AG.  Gelfand AV.  Lazorskiy PA.  Fedorinin VN. , Bolometric THz-to-IR converter for terahertz imaging, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.2, 11 July 2011, 023501.

641.Zhu YM.  Chen L.  Peng Y.  Yuan MH.  Wen Y.  Zhuang SL. , Temperature dependence of nonequilibrium transport time of electrons in bulk GaAs investigated by time-domain terahertz spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.2, 11 July 2011, 022111  .

642.Zhao Bihui.  Wen Qiye.  Xie Yunsong.  Zhang Huaiwu. , Research progress of electromagnetic metamaterial absorber, Electronic Components & Materials, vol.30, no.11, Nov. 2011, 82-6.

643.Peng Sen.  Wu Mengqiang.  Xiao Yong.  Chen Li.  Jiang Rui. ,  Effect of BaWO<sub>4</sub> doping on the microwave dielectric properties of BMT microwave ceramics, Electronic Components & Materials, vol.30, no.11, Nov. 2011, 1-4.

644.Singh M.  Kumar S.  Sharma RP. , Response to "Comment on `Terahertz wave generation by upper hybrid wave'" [Phys. Plasmas 18, 074701 (2011)] , Physics of Plasmas, vol.18, no.7, July 2011, 074702 (3 pp.).
645.Bhasin L.  Tripathi D.  Uma R.  Tripathi VK. , Laser beat wave terahertz generation in a clustered plasma in an azimuthal magnetic field,  Physics of Plasmas, vol.18, no.5, May 2011, 053109 (5 pp.).

646.Chen W-C.  Mock JJ.  Smith DR.  Akalin T.  Padilla WJ. , Controlling gigahertz and terahertz surface electromagnetic waves with metamaterial resonators, Physical Review X, vol.1, no.2, Dec. 2011, 021016 (6 pp.).

647.Han YJ.  Cao JC. , Temperature dependence of electron transport on a bound-to-continuum terahertz quantum cascade laser, Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol.27, no.1, Jan. 2012, 015002 (5 pp.).

648.Parshina SS.  Golovacheva TV.  Afanas'eva TN.  Glukhova NA.  Potapova MV.  Gritsenger VR.  Petrova VD.  Kaplanova TI.  Ushakova TM.  Tikhonova SA.  Strelnikova OA.  Tyaberdina NA. , Particularities of hemodynamic effects of terahertz therapy in patients with angina pectoris of both genders, Biomedical Technologies and Radio Electronics, no.8, 2011, 58-63..

649.Kireev SI.  Kirichuk VF.  Krenitskii AP.  Tyzhuk KI. , Assessment of the effectiveness of terahertz therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with joint fractures, Biomedical Technologies and Radio Electronics, no.8, 2011, 54-7.

650.Kirichuk VF.  Kireev SI.  Bogomolova NV.  Krenitskii AP. , Influence of electromagnetic waves of terahertz range at the frequencies of molecular spectrum of nitric oxide on the microcirculation of bone tissue in sharp and chronic immobilisation stress, Biomedical Technologies and Radio Electronics, no.8, 2011, 49-53.

651.Kirichuk VF.  Andronov EV.  Svistunov SV.  Ivanov AN.  Antipova ON.  Krenitskii AP. , Sex differences in carbohydrate component and functional activity of platelet GP receptors under the influence of terahertz radiation at 150.176...150.664 GHz during acute stress, Biomedical Technologies and Radio Electronics, no.8, 2011, 43-8.

652.Kirichuk VF.  Antipova ON.  Tomina YaA.  Smyshlyaeva IV.  Andronov EV.  Tsymbal AA.  Krenitskii AP. , Comparative effectiveness of preventive effects of the waves of terahertz frequency band of nitric oxide on the rheological properties of blood in albino rats under acute stress, Biomedical Technologies and Radio Electronics, no.8, 2011, 36-42.

653.Tsymbal AA. , Changes in protein spectrum of blood, the activity of glutathione-s-transferase, glucose and ceruloplasmin under the influence of terahertz waves at frequencies of nitric oxide 150.176...150.664 GHz in acute stress, Biomedical Technologies and Radio Electronics, no.8, 2011, 30-5.

654.Tsymbal AA.  Kirichuk VF.  Antipova ON.  Kurtukova MO.  Andronov EV. , Changes in the level of corticosterone in the blood of experimental animals exposed to terahertz waves at the frequency of atmospheric oxygen 129.0 GHz against the background of acute and prolonged stress, Biomedical Technologies and Radio Electronics, no.8, 2011, 23-9.

655.Kirichuk VF.  Velikanova TS.  Velikanov VV.  Ivanov AN.  Antipova ON.  Babichenko NE.  Krenitskii AP. , Nature of terahertz waves at frequencies of nitric oxide molecular emission and absorption spectrum 150.176... 150.664 GHz influence on system hemodynamics in rats in conditions of immobilisation stress, Biomedical Technologies and Radio Electronics, no.8, 2011, 19-22.

656.Kirichuk VF.  Ivanov AN.  Kiriyazi TS.  Andronov EV.  Babichenko NE.  Smyshlyaeva IV.  Sakhan MA. , Role of NO-synthase in reaction of endothelium and changes in peripheral perfusion under the influence of electromagnetic terahertz waves at frequencies of nitric oxide in albino rats in a state of acute stress, Biomedical Technologies and Radio Electronics, no.8, 2011, 12-18.

657.Kirichuk VF.  Ivanov AN.  Gulyaev YuV.  Betskii OV.  Krenitskii AP.  Velikanova TS.  Kiriyazi TS.  Kurtukova MO. , Nature of regulatory effects of terahertz wave band at frequencies of nitric oxide in the circulatory system and mechanisms for their implementation, Biomedical Technologies and Radio Electronics, no.8, 2011, 4-11.

658.Yeh C-H.  Chow C-W.  Liu Y-F.  Pan C-L. , Using dual-mode self-locked semiconductor laser for optical millimeter-wave application, Laser Physics, vol.21, no.3, March 2011, 496-9.

659.Ono S.  Sarukura N.  Fukuda T. , Generation of Terahertz Radiation Using Zinc Oxide as Photoconductive Material, Review of Laser Engineering, vol.39, no.3, March 2011, 203-6.

660.Komandin GA.  Prokhorov AS.  Torgashev VI.  Zhukova ES.  Gorshunov BP.  Bush AA. , Polarization modes in the Ba<sub>2</sub>Mg<sub>2</sub>Fe<sub>12</sub>O<sub>22</sub> multiferroic, Physics of The Solid State, vol.53, no.4, April 2011, 736-44.

661.Sung Youb Kim.  Park HS. , On the effective plate thickness of monolayer graphene from flexural wave propagation, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.110, no.5, 1 Sept. 2011, 054324 (6 pp.).

662.Li-Chun Xu.  Ru-Zhi Wang.  Xiaodong Yang.  Hui Yan. , Thermal expansions in wurtzite AlN, GaN, and InN: First-principle phonon calculations, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.110, no.4, 15 Aug. 2011, 043528 (5 pp.).

663.Freeman JR.  Brewer A.  Beere HE.  Ritchie DA. , Photo-luminescence study of heterogeneous terahertz quantum cascade lasers, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.110, no.1, 1 July 2011, 013103 (16 pp.).

664.Jae Yeon Park.  Hyuck Jae Choi.  Kyoung-Sik Cho.  Kyu-Rae Kim.  Joo-Hiuk Son. , Terahertz spectroscopic imaging of a rabbit VX2 hepatoma model, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.6, 15 March 2011, 064704 (4 pp.).

665.Balocco C.  Kasjoo SR.  Zhang LQ.  Alimi Y.  Song AM. Low-frequency noise of unipolar nanorectifiers, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.11, 12 Sept. 2011, 113511 (3 pp.).

666.Sensale-Rodriguez B.  Tian Fang.  Rusen Yan.  Kelly MM.  Jena D.  Lei Liu.  Huili Xing. Unique prospects for graphene-based terahertz modulators, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.11, 12 Sept. 2011, 113104 (3 pp.).

667.Yong Jin Zhou.  Tie Jun Cui. Broadband slow-wave systems of subwavelength thickness excited by a metal wire, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.10, 5 Sept. 2011, 101906 (3 pp.).

668.Chen Z.  Gao Y.  DeCamp MF. Retrieval of terahertz spectra through ultrafast electro-optic modulation,Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.1, 4 July 2011, 011106 (3 pp.).

669.Poolman RH.  Ivanov AL.  Muljarov EA. Ultrasonic control of terahertz radiation via lattice anharmonicity in LiNbO<sub>3</sub>,Applied Physics Letters, vol.98, no.26, 27 June 2011, 263505 (3 pp.).

670.Piot P.  Sun Y-E.  Maxwell TJ.  Ruan J.  Lumpkin AH.  Rihaoui MM.  Thurman-Keup R. Observation of coherently enhanced tunable narrow-band terahertz transition radiation from a relativistic sub-picosecond electron bunch train,Applied Physics Letters, vol.98, no.26, 27 June 2011, 261501 (3 pp.).

671.Xiaoyong He.  Genwang Cai.  Rui Li.  Junde Zhang. Investigation of terahertz waves through semiconductor subwavelength slits with dielectric coating layers,Physica Status Solidi B, vol.248, no.12, Dec. 2011, 2916-20.

672.Dragoman D.  Dragoman M.  Hartnagel H. Terahertz generation using a resonant-tunneling-like configuration in grapheme, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.12, 15 June 2011, 124307 (5 pp.).

673.Yong Sung Kim.  Shawn-Yu Lin.  Hsin-Ying Wu.  Ru-Pin Pan. A tunable terahertz filter and its switching properties in terahertz region based on a defect mode of a metallic photonic crystal, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.12, 15 June 2011, 123111 (4 pp.).

674.Ya-Xin Zhang.  Shen Qiao.  Wanxia Huang.  Wei Ling.  Liang Li.  Sheng-gang Liu. Asymmetric single-particle triple-resonant metamaterial in terahertz band, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.7, 15 Aug. 2011, 073111 (3 pp.).

675.Iwaszczuk K.  Andryieuski A.  Lavrinenko A.  Zhang X-C.  Jepsen PU. Non-invasive terahertz field imaging inside parallel plate waveguides, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.7, 15 Aug. 2011, 071113 (3 pp.).

676.Zhao Chen.  Xibin Zhou.  Werley CA.  Nelson KA. Generation of high power tunable multicycle teraherz pulses,Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.7, 15 Aug. 2011, 071102.

677.I'n~iguez-de-la-Torre A.  I'n~iguez-de-la-Torre I.  Mateos J.  Gonza'lez T., Correlation between low-frequency current-noise enhancement and high-frequency oscillations in GaN-based planar nanodiodes: A Monte Carlo study, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.6, 8 Aug. 2011, 062109.

678.Shalaby M.  Merbold H.  Peccianti M.  Razzari L.  Sharma G.  Ozaki T.  Morandotti R.  Feurer T.  Weber A.  Heyderman L.  Patterson B.  Sigg H., Concurrent field enhancement and high transmission of THz radiation in nanoslit arrays, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.4, 25 July 2011, 041110 (3 pp.).

679.Vodopyanov KL.  Hurlbut WC.  Kozlov VG., Photonic THz generation in GaAs via resonantly enhanced intracavity multispectral mixing, Applied Physics Letters, vol.99, no.4, 25 July 2011, 041104 (3 pp.).

680.Siles GA.  Riera JM.  Garci'a-del-Pino P., On the Use of Radiometric Measurements to Estimate Atmospheric Attenuation at 100 and 300 GHz, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, vol.32, no.4, April 2011, 528-40.

681.Bailey RT.  Dines TJ.  Tedford MC., Electron-phonon coupling in the molecular charge transfer crystal 2-(-methylbenzylamino)-5-nitropyridine, Journal of Molecular Structure, vol.992, no.1-3, 19 April 2011, 52-8.

682.Niculescu EC.  Radu A. Tunneling time correction to the intersubband optical absorption in a THz laser-dressed GaAs/Al<sub>x</sub>Ga<sub>1-x</sub>As quantum well. Source, European Physical Journal B, vol.80, no.1, March 2011, 73-82.

683.Akimov AV.  Scherbakov AV.  Yakovlev DR.  Bayer M.  Kent A. Optical and photocurrent spectroscopy with picosecond strain pulses, Journal of Luminescence, vol.131, no.3, March 2011, 404-8.

684.Ding YJ.  Pu Zhao.  Ragam S.  Da Li.  Zotova IB., Review on Parametric Generation of Terahertz Wave: From Maximum Conversion Efficiency to New Route to Compact and Portable Sources, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, vol.20, no.3, Sept. 2011, 249-70.

685.Zhenhua Hu.  Dexiu Huang.  Tao Wang.  Behaviours of excitonic optical nonlinearity associated with a large detuning rate photonic echo in biased asymmetric coupled quantum well structure, Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol.42, no.14-15, Dec. 2011, 863-72.

686.Nagel M.  Kurz H., Terahertz imaging: Terahertz reflectometry images faults in silicon chips, Laser Focus World, vol.47, no.11, Jan. 2011, 4 pp..

687.Min Wang.  Chenggang Hu.  Mingbo Pu.  Cheng Huang.  Zeyu Zhao.  Qin Feng.  Xiangang Luo., Truncated spherical voids for nearly omnidirectional optical absorption, Optics Express, vol.19, no.21, 10 Oct. 2011, 20642-9.

688.Zhuang SD.  Xu XD.  Wang ZP.  Li DZ.  Yu HH.  Xu J.  Guo L.  Chen LJ.  Zhao YG.  Xu XG., Continuous-wave and passively Q-switched Nd:LYSO lasers, Laser Physics, vol.21, no.4, April 2011, 684-9.

689.Takeuchi H.  Yanagisawa J.  Tsuruta S.  Yamada H.  Hata M.  Nakayama M., Frequency-tunable terahertz electromagnetic wave emitters based on undoped GaAs/n-type GaAs epitaxial layer structures utilizing sub-picosecond-range carrier-transport processes, Journal of Luminescence, vol.131, no.3, March 2011, 531-4.

690.Wilmink GJ.  Rivest BD.  Roth CC.  Ibey BL.  Payne JA.  Cundin LX.  Grundt JE.  Peralta X.  Mixon DG.  Roach WP., In vitro investigation of the biological effects associated with human dermal fibroblasts exposed to 2.52 THz radiation, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, vol.43, no.2, Feb. 2011, 152-63.

691.Kaufmann P.  Marcon R.  Guillermo Gime'nez de Castro C.  White SM.  Raulin J-P.  Correia E.  Fernandes LO.  de Souza RV.  Godoy R.  Marun A.  Pereyra P., Sub-Thz and H activity during the preflare and main phases of a GOES CLASS M2 event, Astrophysical Journal, vol.742, no.2, 1 Dec. 2011, 106 (5 pp.).

692.Yu Jie.  Zhang Wei.  Yang Jing.  Cong Shu-Lin., Field-free Molecular Orientation with a few Half-cycle Pulses in the Terahertz Region, Chinese Physics Letters, vol.28, no.10, Oct. 2011, 103301 (3 pp.).

693.Ki-chul Kim.  Seung Beom Kang.  Min Hwan Kwak.  Kwang-yong Kang.  Young-sung Kim.,Dielectric Characteristics of co Doped ZnO Thin Films at Terahertz Frequencies. Source,  Ferroelectrics, vol.422, no.1, 2011, 9-13..

694.Bratman VL.  Litvak AG.  Suvorov EV., Mastering the Terahertz Domain: Sources and Applications, Physics-Uspekhi, vol.54, no.8, 2011, 837-44.

695.He'rault E.  Coutaz J-L.  Siemion A.  Siemion A.  Makowski M.  Sypek M., Prism-Like Behavior at Terahertz Frequencies of a 2D Metallic Grid with a Varying Periodicity, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, vol.32, no.4, April 2011, 403-6.

696.Wang T-J.  Yuan S.  Sun Z-D.  Marceau C.  Chen Y.  The'berge F.  Chateauneuf M.  Dubois J.  Chin SL., Molecular alignment control of terahertz emission from a two-color filament in air, Laser Physics Letters, vol.8, no.4, April 2011, 295-300.

697.Kuhne P.  Hofmann T.  Herzinger CM.  Schubert M., Terahertz optical-hall effect for multiple valley band materials: n-type silicon, Thin Solid Films, vol.519, no.9, 28 Feb. 2011, 2613-16.

698.Boosalis A.  Hofmann T.  Sik J.  Schubert M., Free-charge carrier profile of iso- and aniso-type Si homojunctions determined by terahertz and mid-infrared ellipsometry, Thin Solid Films, vol.519, no.9, 28 Feb. 2011, 2604-7.

699.Nusinovich GS.  Pu R.  Antonsen TM.  Sinitsyn OV.  Rodgers J.  Mohamed A.  Silverman J.  Al-Sheikhly M.  Dimant YS.  Milikh GM.  Glyavin MY.  Luchinin AG.  Kopelovich EA.,  Development of THz-range gyrotrons for detection of concealed radioactive materials, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, vol.32, no.3, March 2011, 380-402.

700.Wang Fang.  Lin Lin.  Zhang He.  Hao Jian-Kui.  Zhang Bao-Cheng.  Liu Ke-Xin., Amplitude and Phase Stability Studies in a dc Superconducting Injector, Chinese Physics C, vol.35, no.9, Sept. 2011, 855-8.

701.Ming-Yang Chen.  Xiao-Xia Fu.  Yong-Kang Zhang., Design and Analysis of a Low-loss Terahertz Directional Coupler Based on Three-core Photonic Crystal Fibre Configuration, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol.44, no.40, 12 Oct. 2011, 405104 (6 pp.).

702.Min Hwan Kwak.  Seung Beom Kang.  Ki-chul Kim.  Se Young Jeong.  Sungil Kim.  Byung Hwa Yoo.  Dong Chul Chung.  Han Cheol Ryu.  Dong Suk Jun.  Mun Cheol Paek.  Kwang Yong Kang., Dielectric Characteristics of Pb(Zr,Ti)O<sub>3</sub> Films on MgO Single Crystal Substrate by Terahertz time Domain Spectroscopy, Ferroelectrics, vol.422, no.1, 2011, 19-22.

703.Rudin S. Viscous hydrodynamic model of non-linear plasma oscillations in two-dimensional conduction channels and application to the detection of terahertz signals, Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol.42, no.11-13, Oct. 2011, 793-9.

704.Marks Z.  Van Zeghbroeck B. High-speed nanoscale metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors with terahertz bandwidth, Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol.42, no.11-13, Oct. 2011, 771-6.

705.Dai Hou-Mei.  Liu Jin-Song. Terahertz Emission Dependence on the Fundamental Optical Intensity in Generating Terahertz Waves from Two-color Laser-induced gas Plasma, Chinese Physics Letters, vol.28, no.10, Oct. 2011, 104201 (3 pp.).

706.Cox P.  Krips M.  Neri R.  Omont A.  Gusten R.  Menten KM.  Wyrowski F.  Weiss A.  Beelen A.  Gurwell MA.  Dannerbauer H.  Ivison RJ.  Negrello M.  Aretxaga I.  Hughes DH.  Auld R.  Baes M.  Blundell R.  Buttiglione S.  Cava A.  Cooray A.  Dariush A.  Dunne L.  Dye S.  Eales SA.  Frayer D.  Fritz J.  Gavazzi R.  Hopwood R.  Ibar E.  Jarvis M.  Maddox S.  Michalowski M.  Pascale E.  Pohlen M.  Rigby E.  Smith DJB.  Swinbank AM.  Temi P.  Valtchanov I.  van der Werf P.  de Zotti G.  Gas and Dust in a Submillimeter Galaxy at z = 4.24 from the Herschel Atlas  Astrophysical Journal, vol.740, no.2, 20 Oct. 2011, 63 (10 pp.).

707.Korneeva MD.  Ponomarenko VP.  Filachev AM. Current state and new prospects of semiconductor infrared photoelectronics. Part 2 Applied Physics, no.3, 2011, 82-90.

708.Dochev D.  Desmaris V.  Meledin D.  Pavolotsky A.  Belitsky V. A Technology Demonstrator for 1.6-2.0 THz Waveguide HEB Receiver with a Novel Mixer Layout Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, vol.32, no.4, April 2011, 451-65.

709.Takeya K.  Takemoto Y.  Kawayama I.  Murakami H.  Matsukawa T.  Yoshimura M.  Mori Y.  Tonouchi M. Terahertz generation and optical properties of lithium ternary chalcogenide crystals  Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, vol.32, no.4, April 2011, 426-33.

710.Yoshioka T.  Takatori S.  Pham Hong Minh.  Cadatal-Raduban M.  Nakazato T.  Shimizu T.  Sarukura N.  Estacio E.  Misa JV.  Jaculbia R.  Defensor M.  Somintac A.  Salvador A. Terahertz Emission from GaAs Films on Si(100) and Si(111) Substrates Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy  Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, vol.32, no.4, April 2011, 418-25.

711.Bachar N.  Zhukova E.  Gorshunov B.  Farber E.  Roth M. Anomaly in the Complex Conductivity of Overdoped Y<sub>1-x</sub> Ca<sub>x</sub>Ba<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>7-</sub> Thin Films from THz Spectroscopy Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, vol.24, no.3, April 2011, 1225-8.

712.Yang Yu-Ping.  Feng Shuai.  Feng Hui.  Pan Xue-Cong.  Wang Yi-Quan.  Wang Wen-Zhong. Optical and electrical properties of CuS nanoparticles in terahertz frequency, Acta Physica Sinica, vol.60, no.1, Feb. 2011, 027802 (7 pp.).

713.Grant J.  Shi X.  Alton J.  Cumming DRS. Terahertz localized surface plasmon resonance of periodic silicon microring arrays, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.5, 1 March 2011, 054903 (5 pp.).

714.Xiaoyu Dai.  Yuanjiang Xiang.  Shuangchun Wen.  Hongying He. Thermally tunable and omnidirectional terahertz photonic bandgap in the one-dimensional photonic crystals containing semiconductor InSb , Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.5, 1 March 2011, 053104 (6 pp.).

715.Cunningham PD.  Valdes NN.  Vallejo FA.  Hayden LM.  Polishak B.  Xing-Hua Zhou.  Jingdong Luo.  Jen AK-Y.  Williams JC.  Twieg RJ.  Broadband terahertz characterization of the refractive index and absorption of some important polymeric and organic electro-optic materials, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.4, 15 Feb. 2011, 043505 (5 pp.).

716.Bin Yang.  Xinke Wang.  Yan Zhang.  Donnan RS.,  Experimental characterization of hexaferrite ceramics from 100 GHz to 1 THz using vector network analysis and terahertz-time domain spectroscopy, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.3, 1 Feb. 2011, 033509 (3 pp.).

717.Yaohui Gao.  Meng-ku Chen.  Yin S.  Ruffin P.  Brantley C.  Edwards E. Terahertz enhancement from terahertz-radiation-assisted large aperture photoconductive antenna, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.3, 1 Feb. 2011, 033108.

718.Shioda T.  Fujii K.  Kashiwagi K.  Kurokawa T. High-resolution spectroscopy using interleaved 100GHz optical frequency comb scanned by phase modulator, Optics Communications, vol.284, no.21, 1 Oct. 2011, 5180-4.

719.Piela K.  Turowska-Tyrk I.  Drozd M.  Szostak MM.  Polymorphism and cold crystallization in optically nonlinear N-benzyl-2-methyl-4-nitroaniline crystal studied by X-ray diffraction, calorimetry and Raman spectroscopy  Journal of Molecular Structure, vol.991, no.1-3, 5 April 2011, 42-9.

720.Hofmann T.  Herzinger CM.  Tedesco JL.  Gaskill DK.  Woollam JA.  Schubert M. Terahertz ellipsometry and terahertz optical-hall effect , Thin Solid Films, vol.519, no.9, 28 Feb. 2011, 2593-600.

721.Turton DA.  Hunger J.  Stoppa A.  Thoman A.  Candelaresi M.  Hefter G.  Walther M.  Buchner R.  Wynne K.  Rattling the cage: Micro- to mesoscopic structure in liquids as simple as argon and as complicated as water, Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol.159, no.1, 15 Feb. 2011, 2-8.

722.Glyavin MYu.  Zhurin KA.  Kopelovich EA.  Luchinin AG.  Morozkin MV.  Flat FA.  A pulse magnetic-field generator for terahertz gyrodevices, Instruments and Experimental Techniques, vol.54, no.1, Jan. 2011, 77-80.

723.Roth M. The diagnostics of ultra-short pulse laser-produced plasma, Journal of Instrumentation, vol.6, no.9, Sept. 2011, R09001 (56 pp.).

724.Chen Z.  Gao Y.  Minch BC.  DeCamp MF. Coherent optical phonon generation in Bi<sub>3</sub>Ge<sub>4</sub>O<sub>12</sub> , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol.23, no.38, 28 Sept. 2011, 385402 (6 pp.).

725.Ma Feng-Ying.  Su Jian-Po.  Gong Qiao-Xia.  Yang Jing.  Du Yan-Li.  Guo Mao-Tian.  Yuan Bin. Measurement of the optical constants of thin metal films by THz differential time domain spectroscopy,  Chinese Physics Letters, vol.28, no.9, Sept. 2011, 097803 (4 pp.).

726.Yin Guo-Bing.  Li Shu-Guang.  Wang Xiao-Yan.  Liu Shuo. High birefringence, low loss terahertz photonic crystal fibres with zero dispersion at 0.3 THz,Chinese Physics B, vol.20, no.9, Sept. 2011, 090701 (4 pp.).

727.Zhang Hui-Yun.  Gao Ying.  Zhang Yu-Ping.  Wang Shi-Fan. Independently tunable multichannel terahertz filters ,Chinese Physics B, vol.20, no.9, Sept. 2011, 094101 (7 pp.).

728.Ikushima K.  Komiyama S. Photon generation by injection of electrons via quantum Hall edge channels, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.15, 15 Oct. 2011, 155313 (5 pp.).

729.Peng WW.,Roy P.,Favaro L.,Amzallag E.,Brubach JB.,Congeduti A.,Guidi-Cestelli MA.,Huntz AM.,Barros J.,Te'tot R. Experimental and ab initio study of vibrational modes of stressed alumina films formed by oxidation of aluminium alloys under different atmospheres Acta Materialia, vol.59, no.7, April 2011, 2723-30.

730.Nemec H.,Kratochvilova I.,Kuzel P.,Sebera J.,Kochalska A.,Nozar J.,Nespurek S. Charge carrier mobility in poly[methyl(phenyl)silylene] studied by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy and molecular modeling, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol.13, no.7, 2011, 2850-6.

731.Shalygin VA.,Vorobjev LE.,Firsov DA.,Sofronov AN.,Melentyev GA.,Lundin WV.,Nikolaev AE.,Sakharov AV.,Tsatsulnikov AF. Terahertz Radiation Emission by Hot Electrons from AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure, Acta Physica Polonica A, vol.119, no.2, Feb. 2011, 241-3.

732.Gruzinskis V.,Shiktorov P.,Starikov E. Monte Carlo Simulation of Noise and THz Generation in InP FET at Excess of Electrons in Channel, Acta Physica Polonica A, vol.119, no.2, Feb. 2011, 215-17.

733.Reklaitis A. Efficient Terahertz Emission from InGaN/GaN Heterostructure, Acta Physica Polonica A, vol.119, no.2, Feb. 2011, 212-14.

734.Starikov E.,Shiktorov P.,Gruzinskis V.,Marinchio H.,Nouvel P.,Torres J.,Palermo C.,Chusseau L.,Varani L.,Ziade P. Small-signal Characterization of FET/HEMT for Terahertz Applications, Acta Physica Polonica A, vol.119, no.2, Feb. 2011, 203-5.

735.Nouvel P.,Torres J.,Marinchio H.,Laurent T.,Palermo C.,Varani L.,Teppe F.Shiktorov P.,Starikov E.,Gruzinskis V. THz Emission Induced by an Optical Beating in Nanometer-Length High-Electron-Mobility Transistors, Acta Physica Polonica A, vol.119, no.2, Feb. 2011, 199-202.

736.Lusakowski J. Physics of THz field-effect transistors Acta Physica Polonica A, vol.119, no.2, Feb. 2011, 114-16.

737.Perez S.,Mateos J.,Gonzalez T. Submillimeter-wave Oscillations in Recessed InGaAs/InAlAs Heterostructures: Origin and Tunability,Acta Physica Polonica A, vol.119, no.2, Feb. 2011, 111-13.

738.Laurent T.  Sharma R.  Torres J.  Nouvel P.  Blin S.  Chusseau L.  Palermo C.  Varani L.  Cordier Y.  Chmielowska M.  Faurie J-P.  Beaumont B.  Shiktorov P.  Starikov E.  Gruzinskis V. Voltage Controlled Terahertz Transmission Enhancement through GaN Quantum Wells, Acta Physica Polonica A, vol.119, no.2, Feb. 2011, 107-10.

739.Marinchio H.  Sabatini G.  Palermo C.  Nouvel P.  Torres J.  Varani L.  Shiktorov P.  Starikov E.  Gruzinskis V.  Plasma Oscillations in Nanotransistors: Application to THz Radiations Detection and Generation, Acta Physica Polonica A, vol.119, no.2, Feb. 2011, 103-6.

740.Liang Cheng-sen.  Zhao Guo-zhong. Terahertz Spectroscopic Inspection and Analysis of Xylitol and D-Xylose,  Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, vol.31, no.2, Feb. 2011, 323-7.

741.Bilbro LS.  Valde's Aguilar R.  Logvenov G.  Bozovic I.  Armitage NP. On the possibility of fast vortices in the cuprates: A vortex plasma model analysis of THz conductivity and diamagnetism in La<sub>2-x</sub>Sr<sub>x</sub>Cu<sub>4</sub>,  Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.10, 1 Sept. 2011, 100511 .

742.Hlinka J.  Simon E.  Bogicevic C.  Karolak F.  Janolin P-E. Geometric resonances in far-infrared reflectance spectra of PbTiO<sub>3</sub> ceramics, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.9, 1 Sept. 2011, 092104 (4 pp.).

743.Zhang SH.  Xu W., Absorption of surface acoustic waves by grapheme, AIP Advances, vol.1, no.2, June 2011, 022146 (7 pp.).

744.Min Yong Jeon.  Namje Kim.  Sang-Pil Han.  Hyunsung Ko.  Han-Cheol Ryu.  Dae-Su Yee.  Kyung Hyun Park. Rapidly frequency-swept optical beat source for continuous wave terahertz generation Optics Express, vol.19, no.19, 12 Sept. 2011, 18364-71.

745.Dinyari KN.  Barbour RJ.  Goiter DA.  Hailin Wang. Mechanical tuning of whispering gallery modes over a 0.5 THz tuning range with MHz resolution in a silica microsphere at cryogenic temperatures, Optics Express, vol.19, no.19, 12 Sept. 2011, 17966-72.

746.Anthony J.  Leonhardt R.  Leon-Saval SG.  Argyros A. THz propagation in kagome hollow-core microstructured fibers, Optics Express, vol.19, no.19, 12 Sept. 2011, 18470-8.

747.Tho Due Nguyen.  Shuchang Liu.  Vardeny ZV.  Nahata A.  Engineering the properties of terahertz filters using multilayer aperture arrays, Optics Express, vol.19, no.19, 12 Sept. 2011, 18678-86.

748.Koichi M.  Miyamoto K.  Ujita S.  Saito T.  Ito H.  Omatsu T. Dual-frequency picosecond optical parametric generator pumped by a Nd-doped vanadate bounce laser,  Optics Express, vol.19, no.19, 12 Sept. 2011, 18523-8.

749.Mingbo Pu.  Chenggang Hu.  Min Wang.  Cheng Huang.  Zeyu Zhao.  Changtao Wang.  Qin Feng.  Xiangang Luo. Design principles for infrared wide-angle perfect absorber based on plasmonic structure, Optics Express, vol.19, no.18, 29 Aug. 2011, 17413-20.

750.Biciunas A.  Malevich YV.  Krotkus A. Excitation wavelength dependences of terahertz emission from surfaces of InSb and InAs,  Electronics Letters, vol.47, no.21, 13 Oct. 2011, 1186-7.

751.Sato R.  Komatsu M.  Ohki Y.  Fuse N.  Nakamichi Y.  Mizuno M.  Fukunaga K. Observation of water trees using terahertz spectroscopy and time-domain imaging, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, vol.18, no.5, Oct. 2011, 1570-7.

752.SeungNam Cha.  Jung Han Choi.  Chan Wook Baik.  Hyung Bin Sohn.  Joonhyock Choi.  Ohyun Kim.  Jong Min Kim. Perspectives on Nanotechnology for RF and Terahertz Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.59, no.10, pt.2, Oct. 2011, 2709-18.

753.Bareiss M.  Tiwari BN.  Hochmeister A.  Jegert G.  Zschieschang U.  Klauk H.  Fabel B.  Scarpa G.  Koblmuller G.  Bernstein GH.  Porod W.  Lugli P. Nano Antenna Array for Terahertz Detection, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.59, no.10, pt.2, Oct. 2011, 2751-7.

754.Min Liang.  Ziran Wu.  Liwei Chen.  Li Song.  Ajayan P.  Hao Xin. Terahertz characterization of single-walled carbon nanotube and graphene on-substrate thin films, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.59, no.10, pt.2, Oct. 2011, 2719-25.

755.Hongyu Zhou.  Xi Chen.  Espinoza DS.  Mickelson A.  Filipovic DS. Nanoscale Optical Dielectric Rod Antenna for On-Chip Interconnecting Networks, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.59, no.10, pt.2, Oct. 2011, 2624-32.

756.Koswatta SO.  Valdes-Garcia A.  Steiner MB.  Yu-Ming Lin.  Avouris P. Ultimate RF Performance Potential of Carbon Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.59, no.10, pt.2, Oct. 2011, 2739-50.

757.Stebunov Y.  Leiman V.  Arsenin A.  Gladun A.  Semenenko V.  Ryzhii V. Detection of Modulated Terahertz Radiation Using Combined Plasma and Mechanical Resonances in Double-Carbon-Nanotube Device, Applied Physics Express, vol.4, no.7, July 2011, 075101 (3 pp.).

758.Jiu-Sheng Li. Terahertz wave omnidirectional dielectric mirror, Optics and Laser Technology, vol.43, no.6, Sept. 2011, 989-91.

759.Ginzburg NS.  Zotova IV.  Murav'ev AA.  Sergeev AS., Formation of the transverse field structure in terahertz planar free-electron lasers, Technical Physics, vol.56, no.3, March 2011, 400-5.

760.Ginzburg NS.  Zotova IV.  Zaslavskii VYu.  Sergeev AS.  Zheleznov IV., Submillimeter planar gyrotrons with transverse diffraction output of radiation, Technical Physics Letters, vol.37, no.1, Jan. 2011, 79-82.

761.Gol'denberg BG.  Abramskii AYu.  Zelinskii AG.  Maslii AI.  Maksimovskii EA.  Kondrat'ev VI.  Korol'kov VP.  Kuper KE.  Petrova EV.  Pindyurin VF., Features of the manufacture of deep X-ray lithography masks in the Siberian synchrotron and terahertz radiation center, Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, vol.5, no.1, Feb. 2011, 159-65.

762.Jing Lei.  Yao Jian-Quan., Single mode Condition and Power Fraction of Air-cladding Total Refractive Guided Porous Polymer Terahertz Fibers, Chinese Physics Letters, vol.28, no.8, Aug. 2011, 084202 (3 pp.).

763.Kao SH.  Chiu CC.  Pao KF.  Chu KR., Competition between Harmonic Cyclotron Maser Interactions in the Terahertz Regime,  Physical Review Letters, vol.107, no.13, 23 Sept. 2011, 135101 (4 pp.).

764.Mills RL.  Lotoski J.  Zhao G.  Akhtar K.  Chang Z.  He J.  Hu X.  Wu G.  Chu G.  Lu Y., Identification of new hydrogen states, Physics Essays, vol.24, no.1, March 2011, 95-116.

765.Wallauer J.  Bitzer A.  Waselikowski S.  Walther M., Near-field signature of electromagnetic coupling in metamaterial arrays: a terahertz microscopy study, Optics Express, vol.19, no.18, 29 Aug. 2011, 17283-92.

766.Chmielak B.  Waldow M.  Matheisen C.  Ripperda C.  Bolten J.  Wahlbrink T.  Nagel M.  Merget F.  Kurz H., Pockels effect based fully integrated, strained silicon electro-optic modulator, Optics Express, vol.19, no.18, 29 Aug. 2011, 17212-19.

767.Maruyama K.  Itani N.  Hasegawa S-Y.  Wakana S., High-speed terahertz spectroscopic imaging using noncollinear electro-optic sampling and a multistep mirror, Optics Express, vol.19, no.18, 29 Aug. 2011, 17738-49.

768.Ohmichi E.  Hirano S.  Mizuno N.  Ohta H., Toward Terahertz ESR Spectroscopy Using a Microcantilever, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, vol.9, 2011, 188-90.

769.Bogue R., Developments in electromagnetic radiation sensing. Part two: long wavelengths, Sensor Review, vol.31, no.4, 2011, 310-14.

770.Dawei Wang.  Xiaoli Lei.  Zhaoxin Wu. Theoretical study of density-dependent intraexcitonic transitions in optically excited quantum wells, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol.23, no.34, 31 Aug. 2011, 345801 (9 pp.).

771.Lu Jin-Xing.  Huang Zhi-Ming.  Huang Jing-Guo.  Wang Bing-Bing.  Shen Xue-Min. Analysis of the effect of phase-mismatch and material absorption on the terahertz-wave generation from GaSe Acta Physica Sinica, vol.60, no.1, Feb. 2011, 024209 (7 pp.).

772.Chen Chun-Hui.  Qu Shao-Bo.  Xu Zhuo.  Wang Jia-Fu.  Ma Hua.  Zhou Hang. A two-dimensional broad pass-band left-handed metamaterial based on single-sided metallic structure, Acta Physica Sinica, vol.60, no.1, Feb. 2011, 024101 (5 pp.).

773.Ermann L.  Shepelyansky DL.,  Relativistic graphene ratchet on semidisk Galton board, European Physical Journal B, vol.79, no.3, Feb. 2011, 357-62.

774.Chigarev SG.  Epshtein EM.  Gulyaev YuV.  Zilberman PE., Spin Polarized Current in Magnetic Nanojunctions, Diffusion and Defect Data Part B (Solid State Phenomena), vol.168-169, 2011, 15-22.

775.Malik AK.  Malik HK.  Nishida Y.,  Terahertz radiation generation by beating of two spatial-Gaussian lasers, Physics Letters A, vol.375, no.8, 21 Feb. 2011, 1191-4.

776.Belonenko MB.  Lebedev NG.  Sochneva EV., Dissipative solitons in carbon nanotubes, Physics of The Solid State, vol.53, no.1, Jan. 2011, 209-14.

777.Wolfe JP., Imaging Electron-Phonon Interactions, Chinese Journal of Physics, vol.49, no.1, Feb. 2011, 1-15.

778.Ulbricht R.  van der Post ST.  Goss JP.  Briddon PR.  Jones R.  Khan RUA.  Bonn M., Single substitutional nitrogen defects revealed as electron acceptor states in diamond using ultrafast spectroscopy, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.16, 15 Oct. 2011, 165202 (9 pp.).

779.Sosnowska I.  Przenioslo R.,  Low-temperature evolution of the modulated magnetic structure in the ferroelectric antiferromagnet BiFeO<sub>3</sub>, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.14, 1 Oct. 2011, 144404 (5 pp.).

780.Shyh-Shii Pai.  Shian-Wen Chang.  Tai-Shen Wang., Reshaped Terahertz waveforms from a large-aperture photoconductive antenna with millimeter scale metal hole and grid combination, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.109, no.5, 1 March 2011, 053105.

781.Munkyo Seo.  Urteaga M.  Hacker J.  Young A.  Griffith Z.  Jain V.  Pierson R.  Rowell P.  Skalare A.  Peralta A.  Lin R.  Pukala D.  Rodwell M., InP HBT IC Technology for Terahertz Frequencies: Fundamental Oscillators Up to 0.57 THz, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol.46, no.10, Oct. 2011, 2203-14.

782.Namje Kim.  Sang-Pil Han.  Hyunsung Ko.  Young Ahn Leem.  Han-Cheol Ryu.  Chul Wook Lee.  Donghun Lee.  Min Yong Jeon.  Sam Kyu Noh.  Kyung Hyun Park., Tunable continuous-wave terahertz generation/detection with compact 1.55 m detuned dual-mode laser diode and InGaAs based photomixer, Optics Express, vol.19, no.16, 1 Aug. 2011, 15397-403.

783.Liu T.  Wang QJ., Fundamental frequency noise and linewidth broadening caused by intrinsic temperature fluctuations in quantum cascade lasers, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.12, 15 Sept. 2011, 125322.

784.Bratman VL.  Glyavin MYu.  Kalynov YuK.  Litvak AG.  Luchinin AG.  Savilov AV.  Zapevalov VE., Terahertz Gyrotrons at IAP RAS: Status and New Designs, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, vol.32, no.3, March 2011, 371-9.

785.He Ting.  Shen Jingling.  Liang Meiyan, Quantitative identification of illicit drugs by using SOM neural networks, Measurement, vol.44, no.2, Feb. 2011, 391-8.

786.Trukhin VN.  Buyskikh AS., Generation of Terahertz Radiation by Large-aperture Photoconductive Antennas in Condition of a High Level Excitation, cta Physica Polonica A, vol.119, no.2, Feb. 2011, 206-9.

787.Narendar S.,  Terahertz wave propagation in uniform nanorods: A nonlocal continuum mechanics formulation including the effect of lateral inertia, Physica E, vol.43, no.4, Feb. 2011, 1015-20.  

788.Nishiguchi N.  Wybourne MN. Phonon Effects on Electric and Thermal Properties in a Single Electron Transistor, Chinese Journal of Physics, vol.49, no.1, Feb. 2011, 221-30.  

789.Comez L.  Monaco G.  Masciovecchio C.  Paciaroni A.  Gessini A.  Scarponi F.  Ruocco G.  Fioretto D., Longitudinal acoustic compliance and tagged particle susceptibility in liquid and supercooled glycerol, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol.357, no.2, 15 Jan. 2011, 515-17.  

790.Unruh T.  Schulte A.  Guo Y.  Schirmacher W.  Schmid B. Inelastic neutron and low-frequency Raman scattering in a niobium-phosphate glass for Raman gain applications, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol.357, no.2, 15 Jan. 2011, 506-9.

791.Miyazaki A.  Yamazaki T.  Suehara T.  Namba T.  Asai S.  Kobayashi T.  Saito H.  Idehara T.  Ogawa I.  Urushizaki Y.  Sabchevski S.  New Experiment for the First Direct Measurement of Positronium Hyperfine Splitting with sub-THz Light Materials Science Forum, vol.666, 2011, 133-7.  

792.Zaks B.  Stehr D.  Truong T-A.  Petroff PM.  Hughes S.  Sherwin MS. THz-driven quantum wells: Coulomb interactions and Stark shifts in the ultrastrong coupling regime ,New Journal of Physics, vol.13, no.8, Aug. 2011, 083009 (12 pp.).
793.Chun Li.  Mu-Lin Zhou.  Wen-Jun Ding.  Fei Du.  Feng Liu.  Yu-Tong Li.  Wei-Min Wang.  Zheng-Ming Sheng.  Jing-Long Ma.  Li-Ming Chen.  Xin Lu.  Quan-Li Dong.  Zhao-Hua Wang.  Zheng Lou.  Sheng-Cai Shi.  Zhi-Yi Wei.  Jie Zhang.,  Effects of laser-plasma interactions on terahertz radiation from solid targets irradiated by ultrashort intense laser pulses, Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics), vol.84, no.3, Sept. 2011, 036405 . 

794.Santoro M.  Gorelli FA.  Scopigno T.  Krisch M.  Sette F.  Ruocco G. Pressure behavior of the sound velocity of liquid water at room temperature in the terahertz regime,  Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.9, 1 Sept. 2011, 092301 .

795.Liu Wen-Xin.  Huang Wen-Hui.  Du Ying-Chao.  Yan Li-Xin.  Wu Dai.  Tang Chuan-Xiang., Terahertz Coherent Transition Radiation Based on an Ultrashort Electron Bunching Beam, Chinese Physics B, vol.20, no.7, July 2011, 074102 .

796.Pascual-Winter MF.  Fainstein A.  Jusserand B.  Perrin B.  Lemaitre A., Photocarrier-induced reduction of the lifetime of acoustic phonons in semiconductor superlattices, Chinese Journal of Physics, vol.49, no.1, Feb. 2011, 250-8.  

797.Bruchhausen A.  Fainstein A.  Tinte S.  Soukiassian A.  Schlom DG.  Xi XX., Coupling between Light and Terahertz-Frequency Acoustic Phonons in Ferroelectric BaTiO<sub>3</sub>/SrTiO<sub>3</sub> Superlattices, Chinese Journal of Physics, vol.49, no.1, Feb. 2011, 159-70. 

798.Lanzillotti-Kimura ND.  Fainstein A.  Jusserand B.  Perrin B.  Lemaitre A.,Coherent Generation of Acoustic Phonons in Optical Microcavities, Chinese Journal of Physics, vol.49, no.1, Feb. 2011, 127-32.

799.Rozas G.  Jusserand B.  Fainstein A.  Lemaitre A. nhomogeneous Broadening Effect in THz Acoustic Cavities, Chinese Journal of Physics, vol.49, no.1, Feb. 2011, 111-17.

800.Yu-Chieh Wen.  Jia-Hong Sun.  Tsung-Tsong Wu.  Dais C.  Griitzmacher D.  Chi-Kuang Sun., Investigations of Phononic Bandgap in a 3D Quantum-Dot Crystal Chinese Journal of Physics, vol.49, no.1, Feb. 2011, 77-83.  

801.Yanyushkina NN.  Belonenko MB.  Lebedev NG., Negative Differential Conductivity in Bilayer Graphene Controlled by an External Voltage and in the Presence of a Magnetic Field, Physica Scripta, vol.83, no.1, Jan. 2011, 015603  .

802.Du Qiu-Jiao.  Liu Jin-Song.  Wang Ke-Jia.  Yi Xu-Nong.  Yang Hong-Wu., Dual-band Terahertz Left-handed Metamaterial with Fishnet Structure, Chinese Physics Letters, vol.28, no.1, Jan. 2011, 014201.

803.Wang Jing-Li.  Yao Jian-Quan.  Chen He-Ming.  Li Zhong-Yang., A Simple Birefringent Terahertz Waveguide Based on Polymer Elliptical Tube, Chinese Physics Letters, vol.28, no.1, Jan. 2011, 014207  . 

804.Ding, Shenghui; Li, Qi; Li, Yunda; Wang, Qi ,Experimental research on resolution measurement of a continuous-wave terahertz reflection-mode scanning system. Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers, vol 38, no 10, October 2011

805.Claudio Paoloni, Aldo Di Carlo, Francesca Brunetti, Mauro Mineo, Giacomo Ulisse, Alain Durand, Viktor Krozer, Mikko Kotiranta, Anna Maria Fiorello, Massimiliano Dispenza, Alberto Secchi, Vitaly Zhurbenko, Faycal Bouamrane, Thomas Bouvet, Stephan Megtert, Emanuela Tamburri, Costel-Sorin Cojocaru, Aurelien Gohier. Design and Fabrication of a 1 THz Backward Wave Amplifier. Journal Terahertz & Technology. Vol.4, No.4, December 2011.

806.Jinjun Feng, Dapeng Ren, Hanyan Li,Ye Tang and Junyi Xing, Study of High Frequency Folded Waveguide BWO with MEMS Technology. Journal Terahertz & Technology. Vol.4, No.4, December 2011.

807.Anisullah Baig Student Member, IEEE , Young-Min Shin, Larry R. Barnett, Diana Gamzina, Robert Barchfeld, Calvin W. Domier, Jianxun Wang, and Neville C. Luhmann Jr., Fellow IEEE.  Design, Fabrication and RF Testing of Near-THz Sheet Beam TWTA. Journal Terahertz & Technology. Vol.4, No.4, December 2011.

808.Ciersiang Chua, Sheel Aditya, Julius M. Tsai, Min Tang and Zhongxiang Shen. Microfabricated Planar Helical Slow-Wave Structures Based on Straight-Edge Connections for THz Vacuum Electron Devices. Journal Terahertz & Technology. Vol.4, No.4, December 2011.

809.R. Lawrence Ives, George Collins, Michael Read, George Miram, David Marsden. Electron Guns for Terahertz Vacuum Electron Sources. Journal Terahertz & Technology. Vol.4, No.4, December 2011.

810.Jinfeng Zhao, Na Li, Ji Li, Diana Gamzina, Anisullah Baig, Robert Barchfeld, Larry Barnett, Subhash Risbud and Neville C. Luhmann Jr., Fellow, IEEE. Scandia-added Tungsten Dispenser Cathode Fabrication for THz Vacuum Integrated Power Amplifiers. Journal Terahertz & Technology. Vol.4, No.4, December 2011.


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