1.Jha, K.R.; Singh, G., Analysis and design of ring-resonator integrated hemi-elliptical lens antenna at terahertz frequency. Optics Communications, 285, 16, 3445-3452, July 15, 2012
2.Liu, D.F.; Li, X.Y.; Cheng, Y.; Sun, Y.H., Hot-optical-phonon effects on electron relaxation in optically pumped step quantum well structures Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 44, 7-8, 1535-1538, April-May. 2012
3.Siegel, P.H.. Terahertz pioneers. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 3, 265, 2012
4.Ivanova, B.B.; Spiteller, M.S.; Talanta., On the chemical identification and determination of flavonoids in solid-state. 94, 9-21, 30, 2012
5.Yan Y.; Karandikar, Y.B.; Gunnarsson, S.E.; Urteaga, M.; Pierson, R.; Zirath, H., 340 GHz integrated receiver in 250 nm InP DHBT technology. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 3, 306-314, 2012
6.Gowen, A.A.; O'Sullivan, C.; O'Donnell, C.P., Terahertz time domain spectroscopy and imaging: Emerging techniques for food process monitoring and quality control. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 25, 1, 40-46, May 2012
7.Kadlec, F.K.; Christelle.; Kuzel, P.S., Contrast in terahertz conductivity of phase-change materials. Solid State Communications. 152, 10, 852-855, May 2012
8.Nguyen, T.K.; Han, H.; Park, I.S., Full-wavelength dipole antenna on a hybrid GaAs membrane and Si lens for a terahertz photomixer. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 33, 3, 333-347, March 2012
9.Zuo, J.W.; Liu, R.Y.; Zhou, Y.R.; Li, Y.R.; Wang, Y.P.; Continuous Tera-Hertz wave transmission spectroscopy of Nb double superconducting split-ring resonator array. Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy. 55, 2, 224-227, February 2012
10.Scheller, M.K.; Thomas; P.O.; ller-Wirts, T.; Koch, M. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, Single sampling point detection of frequency modulated terahertz waves. Terahertz Waves. 33, 1, 36-42, January 2012
11.Zheng, Zhuan-Ping.; Fan, Wen-Hui; Yan, Hui. Terahertz absorption spectra of benzene-1,2-diol, benzene-1,3-diol and benzene-1,4-diol. Chemical Physics Letters, 525-526, 140-143, February 16, 2012
12.Grover, Sachit; Moddel, Garret., Engineering the current-voltage characteristics of metal-insulator-metal diodes using double-insulator tunnel barriers. Solid-State Electronics. 67, 1, 94-99, January 2012
13.Fei Wang; Ting Xu; Zhishen Qiang; Qunxing Huang; Dong Liu; Jianhua Yan; Kefa Cen., Soot Optical Properties in the Terahertz Spectra Domain Journal of Heat Transfer, 134, 7, 074501, July 2012
14.Kyu-Ha Jang; Seong Hee Park; Kitae Lee; Gun-Sik Park; Young Uk Jeong, High-order photonic bandgap reflex klystron using carbon nanotube multi-beam cathode. Electronics Letters. 48, 12, 707-8, 7 June 2012
15.Kostakis, I.; Saeedkia, D.; Missous, M., Characterization of low temperature InGaAs-InAlAs semiconductor photo mixers at 1.55 μm wavelength illumination for terahertz generation and detection. Journal of Applied Physics. 111, 10, 103105, 15 May 2012
16.Elezzabi, A.Y.; Maraghechi, A versatile and reconfigurable setup for all-terahertz time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy. P., Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 5, 053107, May 2012
17.Neese, C.F.; Medvedev, I.R.; Plummer, G.M.; Frank, A.J.; Ball, C.D.; De Lucia, F.C., Compact submillimeter/terahertz gas sensor with efficient gas collection, preconcentration, and ppt sensitivity. IEEE Sensors Journal. 12, 8, 2565-74, Aug. 2012
18.Wienholdt, S.; Hinzke, D.; Nowak, U., THz Switching of Antiferromagnets and Ferrimagnets. Physical Review Letters. 108, 24, 247207, 15 June 2012
19.Macutkevic, J.; Adomavicius, R.; Krotkus, A.; Banys, J.; Kuznetsov, V.; Moseenkov, S.; Romanenko, A.; Shenderova, O. Localization and electrical transport in onion-like carbon based composites. Journal of Applied Physics. 111, 10, 103701, 15 May 2012
20.Chen, Zaichun; Rahmani, Mohsen; Gong, Yandong; Chong, Tow Chong; Hong, Minghui. Realization of variable three-dimensional terahertz metamaterial tubes for passive resonance tenability. Advanced Materials. 24, 23, 143-147, June 19, 2012
21.Ali Khorrami, M.; El-Ghazaly, S.; Shui-Qing Yu; Naseem, H. Terahertz plasmon amplification using two-dimensional electron-gas layers. Journal of Applied Physics. 111, 9, 094501, 1 May 2012
22.Preu, S.; Lu, H.; Sherwin, M.S.; Gossard, A.C., Detection of nanosecond-scale, high power THz pulses with a field effect transistor. Review of Scientific Instruments. 83, 5, 053101, May 2012
23.Lin'an Yang; Shuang Long; Xin Guo; Yue Hao., A comparative investigation on sub-micrometer InN and GaN Gunn diodes working at terahertz frequency. Journal of Applied Physics. 111, 10, 104514, 15 May 2012
24.Singh, Ranjan; Azad, Abul K.; Han, Jiaguang; Taylor, Antoinette J.; O'Hara, John F.; Zhang, Weili, An active hybrid plasmonic metamaterial. Optical Materials Express. 2, 1, 31-37, January 1, 2012
25.Kachorovskii, V.Yu.; Shur, M.S., Current-induced terahertz oscillations in plasmonic crystal
Applied Physics Letters, 100, 23, June 4, 2012
26.Jawla, S.K.; Nanni, E.A.; Shapiro, M.A.; Woskov, P.P.; Temkin, R.J., Mode Content Determination of Terahertz Corrugated Waveguides Using Experimentally Measured Radiated Field Patterns. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 40, 6, 1530-7, June 2012
27.Alexeev, A.M.; Portnoi, M.E. Electric dipole moment oscillations in Aharonov-Bohm quantum rings. Physical Review B. 85, 24, 245419 15 June 2012
28.Ding, Yubin; Zhang, Guoping; Cheng, Yongzhi. Giant optical activity and negative refractive index in the terahertz region using complementary chiral metamaterials. Physica Scripta. 85, 6, June 2012
29.Oster, F.; Keitel, C.H.; Macovei, M. Generation of correlated photon pairs in different frequency ranges. Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 85, 6, 063814, June 2012
30.Cetnar, John S.; Middendorf, John R.; Brown, Elliott R. Extraordinary optical transmission and extinction in a Terahertz wire-grid polarizer. Applied Physics Letters, 100, 23, June 4, 2012
31.Nouvel, P.; Torres, J.; Blin, S.; Marinchio, H.; Laurent, T.; Palermo, C.; Varani, L.; Shiktorov, P.; Starikov, E.; Gruzinskis, V.; Teppe, F.; Roelens, Y.; Shchepetov, A.; Bollaert, S., Terahertz emission induced by optical beating in nanometer-length field-effect transistors. Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 10, 103707, 15 May 2012
32.Garces, N.Y.; Wheeler, V.D.; Gaskill, D.K., Graphene functionalization and seeding for dielectric deposition and device integration. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 30, 3, 030801 , May 2012
33.Heshmat, B.; Pahlevaninezhad, H.; Darcie, T.E. Carbon nanotube-based photoconductive switches for THz detection: an assessment of capabilities and limitations IEEE Photonics Journal, 4, 3, 970-85, June 2012
34.Astley, V.; Reichel, K.S.; Jones, J.; Mendis, R.; Mittleman, D.M. Terahertz multichannel microfluidic sensor based on parallel-plate waveguide resonant cavities. Applied Physics Letters, 100, 23, 231108, 4 June 2012
35.Matyas, A.; Chashmahcharagh, R.; Kovacs, I.; Lugli, P.; Vijayraghavan, K.; Belkin, M.A.; Jirauschek, C. Improved terahertz quantum cascade laser with variable height barriers. Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 10, 103106, 15 May 2012
36.Fiorino, Steven T.; Deibel, Jason A.; Grice, Phillip M.; Novak, Markus H.; Spinoza, Julian; Owens, Lindsay; Ganti, Satya., A technique to measure optical properties of brownout clouds for modeling terahertz propagation. Applied Optics, 51, 16, 3605-3613, June 1, 2012
37.Glinsˇek, S.; Nuzhnyy, D.; Petzelt, J.; Malicˇ, B.; Kamba, S.; Bovtun, V.; Kempa, M.; Skoromets, V.; Kuzˇel, P.; Gregora, I.; Kosec, M. Lattice dynamics and broad-band dielectric properties of the KTaO<sub>3</sub> ceramics. Journal of Applied Physics. 111, 10, 104101, 15 May 2012
38.Young, E.S.K.; Akimov, A.V.; Henini, M.; Eaves, L.; Kent, A.J. Subterahertz Acoustical Pumping of Electronic Charge in a Resonant Tunneling Device Physical Review Letters, 108, 22, 226601, 1 June 2012
39.Shimakawa, K.; Itoh, T.; Naito, H.; Kasap, S.O. Erratum: The origin of non-Drude terahertz conductivity in nanomaterials Applied Physics Letters, 100, 23, June 4, 2012
40.XueSong Yuan; Ying Lan; Yu Han; Yang Yan, Nonlinear theory for a terahertz gyrotron with a special cross-section interaction cavity Physics of Plasmas, 19, 5, 053107, May 2012
41.Li, J.; Tian, Z.; Chen, Y.; Cao, W.; Zeng, Z., Distinguishing octane grades in gasoline using terahertz metamaterials. Applied Optics. 51, 16, 3258-3262, June 1, 2012
42.Ma, Chun-Yan; Yuan, Xue-Song; Han, Yu; Yan, Yang., Study of a 3rd-harmonic 0.6 THz gyrotron. Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica, 40, 3, 495-499, March 2012
43.Titantah, John Tatini; Karttunen, Mikko., Long-time correlations and hydrophobe-modified hydrogen-bonding dynamics in hydrophobic hydration. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134, 22, 9362-9368, June 6, 2012
44.Zhou, T.; Zhang, R.; Guo, X.G.; Tan, Z.Y.; Chen, Z.; Cao, J.C.; Liu, H.C., Terahertz imaging with quantum-well photodetectors. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 24, 13, 1109-1111, 2012
45.Melo, A.M.; Gobbi, A.L.; Piazzetta, M.H.O.; da Silva, A.M.P., Cross-shaped terahertz metal mesh filters: historical review and results. Advances in Optical Technologies. 530512, 2012
46.Gao, Xiang; Li, Chao; Gu, Sheng-Ming; Fang, Guang-You, A modified physical optics method based on discrete real mirror image theory for structures with electrically large dimension and embedded between two parallel metal plates. Dianzi Yu Xinxi Xuebao/Journal of Electronics and Information Technology. 34, 4, 969-975, April 2012
47.Wen, Qi-Ye; Zhang, Huai-Wu; Yang, Qing-Hui; Chen, Zhi; Long, Yang; Jing, Yu-Lan; Lin, Yuan; Zhang, Pei-Xin, A tunable hybrid metamaterial absorber based on vanadium oxide films
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48.Rawal, Y.; Ganguly, S.; Baghini, M.S., Fabrication and Characterization of New Ti-TiO<sub>2</sub>-Al and Ti-TiO<sub>2</sub>-Pt Tunnel Diodes. Passive Electronic Components. 694105, 2012
49.Du, Yi-Jia; Bao, Jing-Fu; Zhao, Xing-Hai; Zheng, Ying-Bin, Terahertz micromachined waveguide filter. Dianzi Yu Xinxi Xuebao/Journal of Electronics and Information Technology. 34, 3, 728-732, March 2012
50.Nanfang Yu; Qijie Wang; Capasso, F., Beam engineering of quantum cascade lasers
Photonics Reviews, 6, 1, 24-46, Jan. 2012
51.Siwei Yu; Shaharyar Khwaja, A.; Jianwei Ma., Compressed sensing of complex-valued data. Signal Processing. 92, 2, 357-62, Feb. 2012
52.Jahangiri, F.; Hashida, M.; Tokita, S.; Nagashima, T.; Ohtani, K.; Hangyo, M.; Sakabe, S., Directional terahertz emission from air plasma generated by linearly polarized intense femtosecond laser pulses. Applied Physics Express, 5, 2, 026201, Feb. 2012
53.Tanoto, H.; Jing Hua Teng; Maier, S.A., Nanoantennas streamline photomixing terahertz source capabilities. Laser Focus World, 48, 5, 5, May 2012
54.Arlauskas, A.; Svidovsky, P.; Bertulis, K.; Adomavicius, R.; Krotkus, A., GaAsBi photoconductive terahertz detector sensitivity at long excitation wavelengths. Applied Physics Express. 5, 2, 022601, Feb. 2012
55.Nakata, Y.; Okada, T.; Nakanishi, T.; Kitano, M., Observation of flat band for terahertz spoof plasmons in a metallic kagome´ lattice. Physical Review B, 85, 20, 205128, 15 May 2012
56.Tuniz, Alessandro; Pope, Benjamin; Wang, Anna; Large, Maryanne C. J.; Atakaramians, Shaghik; Min, Seong-Sik; Pogson, Elise M.; Lewis, Roger A.; Bendavid, Avi; Argyros, Alexander; Fleming, Simon C.; Kuhlmey, Boris T., Spatial dispersion in three-dimensional drawn magnetic metamaterials. Optics Express. 20, 11, 11924-11935, May 21, 2012
57.Voitsekhovskii, A.V.; Nesmelov, S.N.; Kulchitskii, N.A.; Melnikov, A.A.; Maltsev, P.P., Detection in Terahertz Range. Journal of Nano and Microsystem Technique. 2, 28-35, 2012
58.Preu, S.; Sangwoo Kim; Verma, R.; Burke, P.G.; Vinh, N.Q.; Sherwin, M.S.; Gossard, A.C., Terahertz detection by a homodyne field effect transistor multiplicative mixer. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 3, 278-83, May 2012
59.Siegel, P.H., Terahertz Pioneer: Richard J. Saykally Water, Water Everywhere. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 3, 266-70, May 2012
60.Weber, M.J.; Yang, B.B.; Kulie, M.S.; Bennartz, R.; Booske, J.H., Atmospheric attenuation of 400 GHz radiation due to water vapor. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 3, 355-60, May 2012
61.Anzin, V.B.; Lebedev, S.P.; Komandin, G.A.; Porodinkov, O.E.; Spektor, I.E., A terahertz radiation spectrum analyzer. Instruments and Experimental Techniques. 55, 1, 149-150, January 2012
62.Sabah, C.; Roskos, H.G., Effect of the metallization on the resonances of THz fishnet metamaterials. Journal of the European Optical Society, 7, 2012
63.Zhao Xu; Kyungjun Song; Mazumder, P., Analysis of Doubly Corrugated Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton (DC-SSPP) Structure With Sub-wavelength Transmission at THz Frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 3, 345-54, May 2012
64.Dahlback, R.; Rubaek, T.; Persson, M.; Stake, J., A system for THz imaging of low-contrast targets using the born approximation. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 3, 361-70, May 2012
65.Hon, P.W.C.; Tavallaee, A.A.; Qi-Sheng Chen; Williams, B.S.; Itoh, T., Radiation model for terahertz transmission-line metamaterial quantum-cascade lasers. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 3, 323-32, May 2012
66.Kumar, Nishant; Strikwerda, Andrew C.; Fan, Kebin; Zhang, Xin; Averitt, Richard D.; Planken, Paul C.M.; Adam, THz near-field Faraday imaging in hybrid metamaterials. Optics Express. 20, 10, 11277-11287, May 7, 2012
67.Vahidpour, M.; Sarabandi, K., 2.5D Micromachined 240 GHz Cavity-Backed Coplanar Waveguide to Rectangular Waveguide Transition. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 3, 315-22, May 2012
68.Kyung Won Kim; Kwang-Sung Kim; Hyeongmun Kim; Sang Hun Lee; Jae-Hak Park; Ju-Hee Han; Seung-Hyeok Seok; Jisuk Park; YoonSeok Choi; Young Il Kim; Joon Koo Han; Joo-Hiuk Son., Terahertz dynamic imaging of skin drug absorption. Optics Express. 20, 9, 9476-84, 23 April 2012
69.Zhixiang Huang; Bo Wu; Huayong Zhang; Xianliang Wu., Parallel Implication of 3-D FDTD Method in a Four-level Atomic System. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 48, 7, 908-14, July 2012
70.Scheller, M.; Young, A.G.; Yarborough, J.M.; Moloney, J.V.; Koch, S.W.; d'Aubigny, C.Y.D.; Walker, C.K., Heterodyne Detection of Intracavity Generated Terahertz Radiation. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 3, 271-7, May 2012
71.Laurette, S.; Treizebre, A.; Bocquet, B., Corrugated Goubau lines to slow down and confine THz waves. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 3, 340-4, May 2012
72.Yang, Yuping; Grischkowsky, D., Four-step pulses of fractional-order surface plasmons. Optics Letters. 37, 10, 1709-1711, May 15, 2012
73.Duy-Thong Nguyen; Simoens, F.; Ouvrier-Buffet, J.; Meilhan, J.; Coutaz, J., Broadband THz Uncooled Antenna-Coupled Microbolometer Array-Electromagnetic Design, Simulations and Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 3, 299-305, May 2012
74.Moallem, M.; Sarabandi, K., Miniaturized-element frequency selective surfaces for millimeter-wave to terahertz applications. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2, 3, 333-9, May 2012
75.Nazarov, M.M.; Ryabov, A.Y.; Shkurinov, A.P.; Balya, V.K.; Denisyuk, I.Y., Obtaining terahertz-range metamaterials by laser engraving. Journal of Optical Technology. 79, 4, 251-256, April 2012
76.Boussaha, F.M.; Kawamura, J.H.; Stern, J.A.; Skalare, A.; White, V., A Low Noise 2.7 THz Waveguide-Based Superconducting Mixer. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 3, 284-9, May 2012
77.Ma, Yong; Grant, James; Saha, Shimul; Cumming, David R. S., Terahertz single pixel imaging based on a Nipkow disk. Optics Letters. 37, 9, 1484-1486, May 1, 2012
78.Kova´cs, K.; Balogh, E.; Hebling, J.; Tos¸a, V.; Varju´, K., Quasi-phase-matching high-harmonic radiation using chirped THz pulses. Physical Review Letters. 08, 19, 193903, 11 May 2012
79.Wiesemeyer, H.; Sten, R.; Heyminck, S.; Jacobs, K.; Menten, K.M.; Neufeld, D.A.; Requena-Torres, M.A.; Stutzki, J., High-resolution absorption spectroscopy of the OH <sup>2</sup>Π <inf>3/2</inf> ground state line. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 542, 2012
80.Slingerland, P.; Baird, C.; Giles, R.H., Application of multi-subband self-consistent energy balance method to terahertz quantum cascade lasers. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 27, 6, 065009, 13 June 2012
81.Baldwin, J. Intense resonance. Electronics Letters. 48, 10, 536, 10 May 2012
82.Mez-Ruiz, A.I.; Gusdorf, A.; Leurini, S.; Codella, C.; Güsten, R.; Wyrowski, F.; Requena-Torres, M.A.; Risacher, C.; Wampfler, S.F., High-J CO emission in the Cepheus e protostellar outflow observed with SOFIA/GREAT. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 542, 2012
83.Csengeri, T.; Menten, K.M.; Wyrowski, F.; Requena-Torres, M.A.; Güsten, R.; Wiesemeyer, H.; H.-W.; Hartogh, P.; Jacobs, K., SOFIA observations of far-infrared hydroxyl emission toward classical ultracompact HII/OH maser regions. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 542, 2012
84.Alexeev, A.M.; Portnoi, M.E., Terahertz transitions in Aharonov-Bohm quantum rings in an external electric field. Physica Status Solidi C. 9, 5, 1309-14, May 2012
85.Bagraev, N.; Danilovsky, E.; Gets, D.; Klyachkin, L.; Kudryavtsev, A.; Kuzmin, R.; Malyarenko, A., The Shapiro steps revealed by Josephson junctions embedded in silicon microcavities. Physica Status Solidi C, 9, 5, 1247-52, May 2012
86.Heyminck, S.; Graf, U.U.; Sten, R.; Stutzki, J.; H.W.; Hartogh, P., GREAT: The SOFIA high-frequency heterodyne instrument. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 542, 2012
87.Kuzmin, Leonid S., 2D array of cold-electron nanobolometers with double polarised cross-dipole antennas. Nanoscale Research Letters. 7, 2012
88.Rez-Beaupuits, J.P.; Wiesemeyer, H.; Ossenkopf, V.; Stutzki, J.; Sten, R.; Simon, R.;Bers, H.-W.; Ricken, O., The ionized and hot gas in M17 SW: SOFIA/GREAT THz observations of [C II] and <sup>12</sup>CO J = 13-12. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 542, 2012
89.Gacemi, D.; Mangeney, J.; Laurtent, T.; Lampin, J.-F.; Akalin, T.; Blary, K.; Degiron, A.; Crozat, P.; Meng, F., THz surface plasmon modes on planar Goubau lines. Optics Express. 20, 8, 8466-71, 9 April 2012
90.Wyrowski, F.; Sten, R.; Menten, K.M.; Wiesemeyer, H.; Klein, B., Terahertz ammonia absorption as a probe of infall in high-mass star forming clumps. Source: Astronomy and Astrophysics, 542, 2012
91.Honingh, C.E.; Jacobs, K.; Justen, M.; Schultz, M.; Stutzki, J., Terahertz hot electron bolometer waveguide mixers for GREAT. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 42, 2012
92.Sahai, R.; Morris, M.R.; Werner, M.W.; Sten, R.; Wiesemeyer, H.; Sandell, G., Probing the mass and structure of the Ring Nebula in Lyra with SOFIA/GREAT observations of the [CII] 158 micron line. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 542, 2012
93.Cao, Xiao-long; Yao, Jian-quan; Zhu, Neng-nian; Xu, De-gang, Design of GaAs/Al<inf>x</inf>Ga<inf>1-x</inf>As asymmetric quantum wells for THz-wave by difference frequency generation. Optoelectronics Letters. 8, 3, 229-232, May 2012
94.Tewari, P.; Kealey, C.P.; Bennett, D.B.; Bajwa, N.; Barnett, K.S.; Singh, R.S.; Culjat, M.O.; Stojadinovic, A.; Grundfest, W.S.; Taylor, Z.D., In vivo terahertz imaging of rat skin burns. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17, 4, p 040503, April 2012
95.Bezborodov, V.I.; Kiseliov, V.K.; Kuleshov, Ye.M.; Laptiy, V.K.; Nesterov, P.K.; Scherbatko, I.V.; Yanovskiy, M.S., THZ/GHZ wideband quasioptical spatial multiplexers and demultiplexers of electromagnetic waves. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. 71, 2, 187-195, 2012
96.Carpenter, J.; Wilkinson, T.D., All optical mode-multiplexing using holography and multimode fiber couplers. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 30, 12, 1978-84, 15 June 2012
97.Jepsen, Peter Uhd; Cooke, David G.; Koch, Martin, Erratum to: Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging - Modern techniques and applications. Laser and Photonics Reviews, 6, 3, 418, May 2012
98.Scalari, G.; Maissen, C.; Turcinkova, D.; Hagenmuller, D.; De Liberate, S.; Ciuti, C.; Reichl, C.; Schuh, D.; Wegscheider, W.; Beck, M.; Faist, J., Ultrastrong coupling of the cyclotron transition of a 2D electron gas to a THz metamaterial. Science, 335, n 6074, p 1323-6, 16 March 2012
99.Wang, Jianbo; Chen, Xinyi; Chen, Guibo; Sun, Guancheng; Chang, Jian; Lu, Jun., Characterization of terahertz metamaterials based on hexagonal split-ring resonators. Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering, 41, 3, 622-625, March 2012
100.Mirzaei, B.; Rostami, A.; Baghban, H., Terahertz dual-wavelength quantum cascade laser based on GaN active region. Optics and Laser Technology, 44, 2, 378-83, March 2012
101.Kiseliov, V.K.; Radionov, V.P., Graphical modeling of THz gas-discharge laser radiation pulse shape. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. 71, 5, 481-486, 2012
102.Gottwald, A.; Klein, R.; Mu¨ller, R.; Richter, M.; Scholze, F.; Thornagel, R.; Ulm, G., Metrologia, Current capabilities at the metrology light source. 49, 2, 146-51, April 2012
103.Roy Chowdhury, D.; Singh, R.; Taylor, A.J.; Hou-Tong Chen; Weili Zhang; Azad, A.K., Coupling Schemes in Terahertz Planar Metamaterials. International Journal of Optics. 148985, 2012
104.Zhong, Ren-Bin; Zhou, Jun; Liu, Sheng-Gang., Research development of terahertz waveguides. Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 41, 2, 247-252, March 2012
105.Wu, Di; Xu, Shu-Ning; Xi, Xiang-Ming; Zhen-Ji; Wu, Qun., The investigation of the gain and terahertz pulse of carbon nanotube dipole antenna. Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 44, 2, 366-369, March 2012
106.Shen, J.; Borodin, A.; Hansen, M.; Schiller, S., Observation of a rotational transition of trapped and sympathetically cooled molecular ions. Physical Review A, 85, 3, 032519, March 2012
107.Zhou, Jun; Liao, Chen; Liu, Da-Gang; Wu, Zhen-Hua; Zhang, Kai-Chun., Using CAD technique to realize the complex three-dimensional modeling for PIC simulation. Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 41, 2, 242-246, March 2012
108.Bellido, Edson P.; Seminario, Jorge M. Source: Journal of Physical Chemistry C., Graphene-based vibronic devices. 116, 15, 8409-8416, April 19, 2012
109.Jingzhe Chen; Yibin Hu; Hong Guo, First-principles analysis of photocurrent in graphene P N junctions. Physical Review B, 85, 15, 155441, 15 April 2012
110.O'shea, Paul, Ferroelectric nanotubes for THz emitters, energy harvesters. Electronic Products, 54, 4, April 2012
111.Bakr, Mohamed H.; Nikolova, Natalia K., Panel and rump sessions. IEEE Microwave Magazine. 13, 3, 60-62, May 2012
112.Du Ying-Chao; Huang Wen-Hui; Tang Chuan-Xiang, A new Method to Generate Relativistic comb Bunches with Tunable Subpicosecond Spacing. Chinese Physics C. 36, 2, 151-5, Feb. 2012
113.Ting-Tso Yeh; Genovesi, S.; Monorchio, A.; Prati, E.; Costa, F.; Tsung-Yu Huang; Ta-Jen Yen, Ultra-broad and sharp-transition bandpass terahertz filters by hybridizing multiple resonances mode in monolithic metamaterials. Optics Express, 20, 7, 7580-9, 26 March 2012
114.Popov, V.V.; Fateev, D.V.; Polischuk, O.V.; Nikitov, S.A.; Otsuji, T.; Shur, M.S., Resonant properties of the planar plasmonic crystal on a membrane substrate. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 76, 2, 229-232, February 2012
115.Young-Jae Min; Chan-Keun Kwon; Hoon-Ki Kim; Chulwoo Kim; Soo-Won Kim, A CMOS Magnetic Hall Sensor Using a Switched Biasing Amplifier. IEEE Sensors Journal, 12, 5, 1195-6, May 2012
116.Caloz, Christophe, Celebration of the 60th anniversary of MTT-S. IEEE Microwave Magazine. 13, 3, 32-34, May 2012
117.Nikolova, Natalia K.; Bakr, Mohamed H., Overview of focus and special sessions at IMS2012. IEEE Microwave Magazine. 13, 3, 52-56, May 2012
118.Shalygin, V.A.; Vorobjev, L.E.; Firsov, D.A.; Sofronov, A.N.; Melentyev, G.A.; Vinnichenko, M. Ya.; Lundin, V.V.; Nikolaev, A.E.; Sakharov, A.V.; Tsatsul'Nikov, A.F., Emission of terahertz radiation from selectively doped AlGaN/GaN heterostructures under the heating of two-dimensional electrons by an electric field. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 76, 2, 207-210, February 2012
119.Asai, H.; Tachiki, M.; Kadowaki, K., Three-dimensional numerical analysis of terahertz radiation emitted from intrinsic Josephson junctions with hot spots. Physical Review B, 85, 6, 064521, 1 Feb. 2012
120.Wei Hong; Zhenghe Feng, Microwaves in China. IEEE Microwave Magazine, 13, 3, 78-86, May 2012
121.Jerng, Albert; Rudell, Chris; Kushner, Larry, RFIC june 2012. IEEE Microwave Magazine. 13, 3, 66-67, May 2012
122.Chai, Bin; Zhang, Shichang, Nonlinear simulation of multiple modes interaction with relativistic electron beam in THz cyclotron autoresonance maser. Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu/High Power Laser and Particle Beams. 24, 2, 407-411, February 2012
123.Matyushov, D.V., Dipolar response of hydrated proteins. Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 8, 085102, 28 Feb. 2012
124.Vasic´, B.; Gajic´, R., Broadband and subwavelength terahertz modulators using tunable plasmonic crystals with semiconductor rods. Journal of Physics D. 45, 9, 095101, 7 March 2012
125.Ohno, T.; Oyama, Y., Sidewall GaAs tunnel junctions fabricated using molecular layer epitaxy. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 13, 1, 013002, Feb. 2012
126.Stehle, C.U.; Abuillan, W.; Gompf, B.; Dressel, M., Far-infrared spectroscopy on free-standing protein films under defined temperature and hydration control. Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 7, 075102, 21 Feb. 2012
127.Shi Zong-Jun; Tang Xiao-Pin; Yang Zi-Qiang; Lan Feng; Liang Zheng, Simulations of a two-stream backward-wave oscillator with a slot-hole structure. Chinese Physics B. 21, 1, 018401, Jan. 2012
128.Yen Chen Chen; Tsong Ru Tsai; Chu, J.P.; Hsuan Sung; Jang, J.S.C.; Kato, H., Imprinting of Metallic Glasses: A Simple Approach to Making Durable Terahertz High-Pass Filters. Applied Physics Express. 5, 1, 012201, Jan. 2012
129.Dyer, G.C.; Preu, S.; Aizin, G.R.; Mikalopas, J.; Grine, A.D.; Reno, J.L.; Hensley, J.M.; Vinh, N.Q.; Gossard, A.C.; Sherwin, M.S.; Allen, S.J.; Shaner, E.A., Enhanced performance of resonant sub-terahertz detection in a plasmonic cavity. Applied Physics Letters. 100, 8, 083506, 20 Feb. 2012
130.Tsung-Tse Lin; Leiying Ying; Hirayama, H., Threshold current density reduction by utilizing high-AI-composition barriers in 3.7 THz GaAs/Al<sub>x</sub>Ga<sub>1-x</sub>As quantum cascade lasers. Applied Physics Express. 5, 1, 012101, Jan. 2012
131.Jung Taek Hong; Doo Jae Park; Jin Young Moon; Soo Bong Choi; Jae Ku Park; Rotermund, F.; Ji-Yong Park; Soonil Lee; Yeong Hwan Ahn, Terahertz Wave Applications of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films with High Shielding Effectiveness. Applied Physics Express. 5, 1, 015102, Jan. 2012
132.Hayton, D.J.; Gao, J.R.; Kooi, J.W.; Ren, Y.; Zhang, W.; de Lange, G., Stabilized hot electron bolometer heterodyne receiver at 2.5 THz. Applied Physics Letters. 100, 8, 081102, 20 Feb. 2012
133.Papari, G.; Carillo, F.; Stornaiuolo, D.; Longobardi, L.; Beltram, F.; Tafuri, F., High critical current density and scaling of phase-slip processes in YBaCuO nanowires. Superconductor Science & Technology. 25, 3, 035011, March 2012
134.Ervasti, Tuomas; Silfsten, Pertti; Ketolainen, Jarkko; Peiponen, Kai-Erik, A study on the resolution of a terahertz spectrometer for the assessment of the porosity of pharmaceutical tablets. Applied Spectroscopy. 66, 3, 319-323, March 2012
135.Wu Liang; Ling Fu-Ri; Zuo Zhi-Gao; Liu Jin-Song; Yao Jian-Quan, The dielectric behaviour of doped near-stoichiometric lithium niobate in the terahertz range. Chinese Physics B, 21, 1, 017802, Jan. 2012
136.Feng Wei, Terahertz Current Oscillation in Wurtzite InN. Chinese Physics Letters. 29, 1, 017304, Jan. 2012
137.Bindal, A.; Singh, S., Optimization of fiber Raman amplifier in a gain saturation regime. Optical Engineering, 51, 1, 015005, Jan. 2012
138.Portieri, Terahertz Imaging Eyes Defects in Tablets. A., Vision Systems Design. 17, 4, 7., 1 April 2012
139.Liang Li; Lin-An Yang; Jin-Cheng Zhang; Jun-Shuai Xue; Sheng-Rui Xu; Ling Lv; Yue Hao; Mu-Tong Niu, Threading dislocation reduction in transit region of GaN terahertz Gunn diodes Applied Physics Letters. 100, 7, 072104, 13 Feb. 2012
140.Xiong Xu; Yanyu Wei; Fei Shen; Hairong Yin; Jin Xu; Yubin Gong; Wenxiang Wang, A watt-class 1-THz backward-wave oscillator based on sine waveguide. Physics of Plasmas. 19, 1, 013113, Jan. 2012
141.Gauthier-Brun, A.; Teng, J.H.; Dogheche, E.; Liu, W.; Gokarna, A.; Tonouchi, M.; Chua, S.J.; Decoster, D., Properties of In<sub>x</sub>Ga<sub>1-x</sub>N films in terahertz range. Applied Physics Letters. 100, 7, 071913, 13 Feb. 2012
142.Nai-Ching Chen; Tsun-Hsu Chang; Ching-Yuan Yang, Broadband conversion of TE<sub>01</sub> mode for the coaxial gyrotron at low terahertz. Physics of Plasmas. 19, 3, 032117, March 2012
143.Liu, Liming; Zhao, Guozhong; Zhang, Gaohui; Wei, Bo; Zhang, Shengbo, Polarization characteristics of one-dimensional metallic wire-grating polarizer in terahertz frequency range. Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers. 39, 3, March 2012
144.Li, Zhong-Yang; Yao, Jian-Quan; Xu, De-Gang; Bing, Pi-Bin; Zhong, Kai, Experimental investigation of Si-prism coupler THz-wave parametric oscillator. Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser. 23, 3, 425-428, March 2012
145.Nishina, Shigeki; Takeuchi, Kunio; Shinohara, Makoto; Imamura, Motoki; Shibata, Masahito; Hashimoto, Yoshihito; Watanabe, Futoshi, Novel Nondestructive Imaging Analysis for Catalyst Washcoat Loading and DPF Soot Distribution Using Terahertz Wave Computed Tomography. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants. 5, 1, 343-351, January 2012
146.Li, Qi; Xia, Zhiwei; Ding, Shenghui; Wang, Qi, Image denoising of CW THz images by use of non-local mean. Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering. 41, 2, 517-522, February 2012
147.Switkowski, Krzysztof; Jastrzebski, Cezariusz; Paka, Norbert; Dyczewski, Jan; Barcz, Adam, Performance of a nitrogen implanted large aperture THz emitter. Photonics Letters of Poland. 4, 1, 32-34, 2012
148.Vainshtein, S.; Javadyan, V.; Guoyong Duan; Tsendin, K.; Hovhannisyan, R.; Kostamovaara, J., Chalcogenide glass surface passivation of a GaAs bipolar transistor for unique avalanche terahertz emitters and picosecond switches. Applied Physics Letters. 100, 7, 073505, 13 Feb. 2012
149.Zhijun Liu; Hon, P.W.C.; Tavallaee, A.A.; Itoh, T.; Williams, B.S., Terahertz composite right-left handed transmission-line metamaterial waveguides. Applied Physics Letters. 100, 7, 071101, 13 Feb. 2012
150.Fitzgerald, A.J.; Pinder, S.; Purushotham, A.D.; O'Kelly, P.; Ashworth, P.C.; Wallace, V.P., Classification of terahertz-pulsed imaging data from excised breast tissue. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 17, 1, 016005, Jan. 2012
151.Mazhorova, A.; Markov, A.; Ng, A.; Chinnappan, R.; Skorobogata, O.; Zourob, M.; Skorobogatiy, M., Label-free bacteria detection using evanescent mode of a suspended core terahertz fiber. Optics Express. 20, 5, 5344-55, 27 Feb. 2012
152.Davoyan, A.R.; Popov, V.V.; Nikitov, S.A., Tailoring Terahertz Near-Field Enhancement via Two-Dimensional Plasmons. Physical Review Letters, 108, 12, 127401, 23 March 2012
153.Xiaolong Zhu; Sanshui Xiao; Lei Shi; Xiaohan Liu; Jian Zi; Hansen, O.; Mortensen, N.A., A stretch-tunable plasmonic structure with a polarization-dependent response. Optics Express. 20, 5, 5237-42, 27 Feb. 2012
154.Berrier, A.; Albella, P.; Ameen Poyli, M.; Ulbricht, R.; Bonn, M.; Aizpurua, J.; Gomez Rivas, J., Detection of deep-subwavelength dielectric layers at terahertz frequencies using semiconductor plasmonic resonators. Optics Express. 20, 5, 5052-60, 27 Feb. 2012
155.Preu, S.; Kim, S.; Verma, R.; Burke, P.G.; Sherwin, M.S.; Gossard, A.C., An improved model for non-resonant terahertz detection in field-effect transistors. Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 2, 024502, 15 Jan. 2012
156.Shin An Ku; Wei-Chen Chu; Chih Wei Luo; Andreev, Yu.M.; Lanskii, G.; Shaidukoi, A.; Izaak, T.; Svetlichnyi, V.; Kaung Hsiung Wu; Kobayashi, T., Optimal Te-doping in GaSe for non-linear applications. Optics Express. 20, 5, 5029-37, 27 Feb. 2012
157.Anthony, Jessienta; Leonhardt, Rainer; Leon-Saval, Sergio; Argyros, Alexander, Air-core microstructured fibers provide low-loss, broadband terahertz guidance. Laser Focus World, 48, 3, 61-63, March 2012
158.Orecchini, A.; Paciaroni, A.; Petrillo, C.; Sebastiani, F.; De Francesco, A.; Sacchetti, F., Water dynamics as affected by interaction with biomolecules and change of thermodynamic state: a neutron scattering study. Journal of Physics. 24, 6, 064105, 15 Feb. 2012
159.Dai, Houmei; Liu, Jinsong; Wang, Shenglie; Wang, Kejia, Physical mechanism for detecting a terahertz wave from acoustic emission enhancement in a gas plasma. Journal of Modern Optics. 59, 7, 663-666, April 10, 2012
160.Ung, B.S.-Y.; Fumeaux, C.; Hungyen Lin; Fischer, B.M.; Ng, B.W.-H.; Abbott, D., Low-cost ultra-thin broadband terahertz beam-splitter. Optics Express. 20, 5, 4968-78, 27 Feb. 2012
161.Gulyaev, Yu.V.; Zil'Berman, P.E.; Malikov, I.V.; Mikhailov, G.M.; Chigarev, S.G.; Epshtein, E.M., Observation of the spin-injection terahertz emission in planar ferromagnetic two-layer structures. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 57, 3, 329-334, March 2012
162.Harsha, S.S.; Melinger, J.S.; Qadri, S.B.; Grischkowsky, D., Substrate independence of THz vibrational modes of polycrystalline thin films of molecular solids in waveguide THz-TDS. Journal of Applied Physics. 111, 2, 023105, 15 Jan. 2012
163.Nickolas, Christina, Nanotube-based THz polarizer leads to new security, sensing, communication devices. Electronic Products, 54, 3, March 2012
164.Laurette, S.; Treizebre, A.; Bourzgui, N.E.; Bocquet, B., Terahertz interferometer for integrated goubau-line waveguides. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 30, 49-58, 2012
165.Clough, Benjamin; Dai, Jianming; Zhang, Xi-Cheng, Laser air photonics: Beyond the terahertz gap. Materials Today, 15, 1-2, 50-58, January-February 2012
166.Ruchert, Clemens; Vicario, Carlo; Hauri, Christoph P., Scaling submillimeter single-cycle transients toward megavolts per centimeter field strength via optical rectification in the organic crystal OH1. Optics Letters. 37, 5, 899-901, March 1, 2012
167.Rowley, J.D.; Pierce, J.K.; Brant, A.T.; Halliburton, L.E.; Giles, N.C.; Schunemann, P.G.; Bristow, A.D., Broadband terahertz pulse emission from ZnGeP<inf>2</inf>. Optics Letters. 37, 5, 788-790, March 1, 2012
168.Yuan, Yizhe; Yao, Jianquan; Xu, Wen, Terahertz photonic states in semiconductor-grapheme cylinder structures. Optics Letters. 37, 5, 960-962, March 1, 2012
169.Zhang, Xueqian; Gu, Jianqiang; Cao, Wei; Han, Jiaguang; Lakhtakia, Akhlesh; Zhang, Weili, Bilayer-fish-scale ultrabroad terahertz bandpass filter. Optics Letters, 37, 5, 906-908, March 1, 2012
170.Ferreira, Marta S.; Schuster, Kay; Kobelke, Jens; Santos, Jos, L.; Orlando, Spatial optical filter sensor based on hollow-core silica tube. Optics Letters. 37, 5, 890-892, March 1, 2012
171.Chu, Wei-Chen; Ku, Shin An; Wang, Harn Jiunn; Luo, Chih Wei; Andreev, Yu.M.; Lanskii, Grigory; Kobayashi, T., Widely linear and non-phase-matched optical-to-terahertz conversion on GaSe:Te crystals. Optics Letters. 37, 5, 945-947, March 1, 2012
172.Schneider, T.; Wiatrek, A.; Preussler, S.; Grigat, M.; Braun, R., Link Budget Analysis for Terahertz Fixed Wireless Links. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 2, 250-6, March 2012
173.O'Hara, John F.; Withayachumnankul, Withawat; Al-Naib, Ibraheem, A review on thin-film sensing with terahertz waves. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 33, 3, 245-291, March 2012
174.Guinet, M.; Rohart, F.; Buldyreva, J.; Gupta, V.; Eliet, S.; Motiyenko, R.A.; Cuisset, A.; Hindle, F.; Mouret, G., Experimental studies by complementary terahertz techniques and semi-classical calculations of N2- broadening coefficients of CH335Cl. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 113, 11, 1113-1126, July 2012
175.Uemukai, Masahiro; Ishida, Hidenao; Ito, Akira; Suhara, Toshiaki; Kitajima, Hidenori; Watanabe, Akiyoshi; Kan, Hirofumi, Integrated AlGaAs quantum-well ridge-structure two-wavelength distributed bragg reflector laser for terahertz wave generation. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 51, 2 PART 1, February 2012
176.Boppel, Sebastian; Lisauskas, Alvydas; Max, Alexander; Krozer, Viktor; Roskos, Hartmut G., CMOS detector arrays in a virtual 10-kilopixel camera for coherent terahertz real-time imaging. Optics Letters. 37, 4, 536-538, February 15, 2012
177.Kapetanakis, Myron D.; Wang, Jigang; Perakis, Ilias E., Femtosecond all-optical modulation of collective spin in the (Ga,Mn)As ferromagnet. Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 29, 2, A95-A102, February 1, 2012
178.Maysonnave, J.; Jukam, N.; Ibrahim, M.S.M.; Maussang, K.; Dean, P.; Khanna, S.P.; Steenson, D.P.; Linfield, E.H.; Davies, A.G.; Tignon, J.; Dhillon, S.S., Integrated injection seeded terahertz source and amplifier for time-domain spectroscopy. Optics Letters. 37, 4, 731-733, February 15, 2012
179.Moore, Gary F.; Konezny, Steven J.; Song, Hee-Eun; Milot, Rebecca L.; Blakemore, James D.; Lee, Minjoo L.; Batista, Victor S.; Schmuttenmaer, Charles A.; Crabtree, Robert H.; Brudvig, Gary W., Bioinspired high-potential porphyrin photoanodes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116, 7, 4892-4902, February 23, 2012
180.Su, Ke; Moeller, Lothar; Barat, Robert B.; Federici, John F., Experimental comparison of performance degradation from terahertz and infrared wireless links in fog. Journal of the Optical. Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 29, 2, 179-184, February 1, 2012
181.Uchida, Hirohisa; Ochiai, Hiroaki; Suizu, Koji; Shibuya, Takayuki; Kawase, Kodo, Improving the laser-induced-damage tolerance characteristics of 4-dimethylamino-N-methyl-4-stilbazoliumtosylate crystals for THz wave generation by annealing. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v 51, n 2 PART 1, February 2012
182.Katayama, Koichi; Shikama, Taiichi; Hasuo, Masahiro, Rapid and high-sensitivity measurements of O<inf>2</inf> A-band absorption spectra with combination of a current-modulated distributed-feedback diode laser and balance detection. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 51, 2 PART 1, February 2012
183.He, Jinglong; Liu, Pingan; He, Yalan; Hong, Zhi, Narrow bandpass tunable terahertz filter based on photonic crystal cavity. Applied Optics. 51, 6, 776-779, February 20, 2012
184.Zolot, A.M.; Giorgetta, F.R.; Baumann, E.; Nicholson, J.W.; Swann, W.C.; Coddington, I.; Newbury, N.R., Direct-comb molecular spectroscopy with accurate, resolved comb teeth over 43 THz. Optics Letters. 37, 4, 638-640, February 15, 2012
185.J.A.; Klingebiel, S.; Almási, G.; Krausz, F.; Karsch, S.; Hebling, J., Generation of sub-mJ terahertz pulses by optical rectification. Optics Letters. 37, 4, 557-559, February 15, 2012
186.Bailleux, S.; Martin-Drumel, M.A.; Pirali, O.; Wlodarczak, G.; Roy, P.; Roueff, E.; Gerin, M.; Faure, A.; Hily-Blant, P., High-resolution terahertz spectroscopy of the <sup>15</sup>NH radical X <sup>3</sup> Σ<sup>-</sup>). Astronomy and Astrophysics. 538, 2012
187.Maeng, Inhee; Lim, Seongchu; Chae, Seung Jin; Lee, Young Hee; Choi, Hyunyong; Son, Joo-Hiuk, Gate-controlled nonlinear conductivity of Dirac fermion in graphene field-effect transistors measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Nano Letters. 12, 2, 551-555, February 8, 2012
188.Vieweg, N.; Born, N.; Al-Naib, I.; Koch, M., Electrically tunable terahertz notch filters Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 33, 3, 327-332, March 2012
189.Ren, Lei; Pint, Cary L.; Arikawa, Takashi; Takeya, Kei; Kawayama, Iwao; Tonouchi, Masayoshi; Hauge, Robert H.; Kono, Junichiro, Broadband terahertz polarizers with ideal performance based on aligned carbon nanotube stacks. Nano Letters. 12, 2, 787-790, February 8, 2012
190.Lin, Tingting,; Liu, Xiang-Yang; He, Chaobin, Calculation of infrared/raman spectra and dielectric properties of various crystalline poly(lactic acid)s by density functional perturbation theory (DFPT) method. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 116, 5, 1524-1535, February 9, 2012
191.Lane, P.A.; Cunningham, P.D.; Melinger, J.S.; Kushto, G.P.; Esenturk, O.; Heilweil, E.J., Photoexcitation Dynamics in Films of C<sub>60</sub> and Zn Phthalocyanine with a Layered Nanostructure. Physical Review Letters. 108, 7, 077402, 17 Feb. 2012
192.Leal-Sevillano, Carlos A.; Ruiz-Cruz, Jorge A.; Montejo-Garai, Rebollar, Jess M., Rigorous analysis of the parallel plate waveguide: From the transverse electromagnetic mode to the surface plasmon polariton. Radio Science. 47, 1, 2012
193.Zinati, F.; Zavareian, N.; Massudi, R., Terahertz pulse generation using one-dimensional photonic crystals via optical rectification effect. Journal of Modern Optics. 59, 5, 440-445, March 10, 2012
194.Liang, Dachuan; Gu, Jianqiang; Han, Jiaguang; Yang, Yuanmu; Zhang, Shuang; Zhang, Weili, Robust large dimension terahertz cloaking. Advanced Materials. 24, 7, 916-921, February 14, 2012
195.Zhihui; Zhang, Dongwen; Zhou, Zhaoyan; Sun, Lin; Zhao, Zengxiu; Yuan, Jianmin, Coherently controlled terahertz source for a time domain spectroscopy system via injection current in bulk ZnSe. Applied Optics. 51, 5, 676-679, February 10, 2012
196.O'Hare, A.; Kusmartsev, F.V.; Kugel, K.I., A stable "flat" form of two-dimensional crystals: Could graphene, silicene, germanene be minigap semiconductors?. Nano Letters. 12, 2, 1045-1052, February 8, 2012
197.Yamamoto, Naoki; Kambara, Ohki; Yamamoto, Kohji; Tamura, Atsuo; Saito, Shinji; Tominaga, Keisuke, Temperature and hydration dependence of low-frequency spectra of poly-l-glutamic acid with different secondary structures studied by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Soft Matter. 8, 6, 1997-2006, February 14, 2012
198.Zhu, Yanhan; Vegesna, Subash; Kuryatkov, Vladimir; Holtz, Mark; Saed, Mohammad; Bernussi, Ayrton A., Terahertz bandpass filters using double-stacked metamaterial layers. Optics Letters. 37, 3, 296-298, February 1, 2012
199.Kinjo, Ryuhei; Kawayama, Iwao; Murakami, Hironaru; Tonouchi, Masayoshi, Strain-induced ferroelectricity of a SrTiO<inf>3</inf> thin film on a MgAl<inf>2</inf>O<inf>4</inf> substrate observed by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 33, 1, 67-73, January 2012
200.Rahman, Anis; Rahman, Aunik K., Terahertz technology enables systems for molecular characterization. Laser Focus World. 48, 1, 113-117, January 2012
201.Narendar, S.; Ravinder, S.; Gopalakrishnan, S., Study of non-local wave properties of nanotubes with surface effects. Computational Materials Science. 56, 179-184, April 2012
202.Qi, Peng; Fan, Yuancheng; Li, Hongqiang; Zhang, Qiwei; Zhai, Jiwei, Dielectric properties of Ba<inf>0.7</inf>Sr<inf>0.3</inf>TiO<inf>3</inf> film at terahertz measured by metamaterials. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 95, 4, 1167-1169, April 2012
203.De Cumis, Ugo Siciliani; Xu, Ji-Hua; Bledt, Carlos M.; Harrington, James A.; Tredicucci, Alessandro; Vitiello, Miriam S., Flexible, low-loss waveguide designs for efficient coupling to quantum cascade lasers in the far-infrared. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 33, 3, 319-326, March 2012
204.Rahani, Ehsan Kabiri; Kundu, Tribikram, Electromagnetic THz radiation modeling by DPSM. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 33, 3, 376-390, March 2012
205.Cazzoli, Gabriele; Puzzarini, Cristina, N<inf>2</inf>-, O<inf>2</inf>-, H<inf>2</inf>-, and He-broadening of SO<inf>2</inf> rotational lines in the mm-/submm-wave and THz frequency regions: The J and K<inf>a</inf> dependence. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 113, 11, 1051-1057, July 2012
206.Shiba, S.; Irimajiri, Y.; Yamakura, T.; Maezawa, H.; Sekine, N.; Hosako, I.; Yamamoto, S., 3.1-THz Heterodyne Receiver Using an NbTiN Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixer and a Quantum Cascade Laser. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 1, 22-8, Jan. 2012
207.Khusnutdinoff, Ramil M.; Mokshin, Anatolii V., Vibrational features of water at the low-density/high-density liquid structural transformations. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, v 391, n 9, p 2842-2847, May 1, 2012
208.Chassagneux, Y.; Wang, Q.J.; Khanna, S.P.; Strupiechonski, E.; Coudevylle, J.; Linfield, E.H.; Davies, A.G.; Capasso, F.; Belkin, M.A.; Colombelli, R., Limiting Factors to the Temperature Performance of THz Quantum Cascade Lasers Based on the Resonant-Phonon Depopulation Scheme. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2, 1, 83-92, Jan. 2012
209.Huang, Li; Chowdhury, Dibakar Roy; Ramani, Suchitra; Reiten, Matthew T.; Luo, Sheng-Nian; Taylor, Antoinette J.; Chen, Hou-Tong, Experimental demonstration of terahertz metamaterial absorbers with a broad and flat high absorption band. Optics Letters, 37, 2, 154-156, January 15, 2012
210.Jagtap, V.S.; Minot, C., Internally Integrated Active-type Patch Antenna for Semiconductor Superlattice THz Oscillators. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2, 1, 131-6, Jan. 2012
211.Bryllert, Tomas; Malko, Aleksandra; Vukusic, Josip; Stake, Jan, A 175 GHz HBV frequency quintupler with 60 mW output power. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 22, 2, 76-78, February 2012
212.Hirmer, Marion; Danilov, Sergey N.; Giglberger, Stephan; Putzger, Jürgen; Niklas, Andreas; Jäger, Andreas; Hiller, Karl-Anton; Schmalz, Gottfried; Redlich, Britta; Schulz, Irene; Monkman, Gareth; Ganichev, Sergey D., Spectroscopic study of human teeth and blood from visible to terahertz frequencies for clinical diagnosis of dental pulp vitality. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 33, 3, 366-375, March 2012
213.Liu, L.; Li, X.; Liu, T.; Xu, X.J.; Jiang, Z.F., Cascaded continuous-wave singly resonant optical parametric oscillator pumped by a single-frequency fiber laser. Optics and Laser Technology. 44, 5, 1214-1218, July 2012
214.Lee, Alan Wei Min; Kao, Tsung-Yu; Burghoff, David; Hu, Qing; Reno, John L., Terahertz tomography using quantum-cascade lasers. Optics Letters. 37, 2, 217-219, January 15, 2012
215.Strothk Christian; Schwarzburg, Klaus; Robert; Eichberger, Rainer; Bartelt, Andreas, Multiple-trapping governed electron transport and charge separation in ZnO/In<inf>2</inf>S<inf>3</inf> core/shell nanorod heterojunctions. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116, 1, 1165-1173, January 12, 2012
216.Funkner, Stefan; Niehues, Gudrun; Schmidt, Diedrich A.; Heyden, Matthias; Schwaab, Gerhard; Callahan, Karen M.; Tobias, Douglas J.; Havenith, Martina, Watching the low-frequency motions in aqueous salt solutions: The terahertz vibrational signatures of hydrated ions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 134, 2, 1030-1035, January 18, 2012
217.Giloan, M.; Astilean, S., Designing polarization insensitive negative index metamaterial for operation in near infrared. Optics Communications, 285, 8, 2195-2200, April 15, 2012
218.Kashiwagi, Takanari; Tsujimoto, Manabu; Yamamoto, Takashi; Minami, Hidetoshi; Yamaki, Kazuhiro; Delfanazari, Kaveh; Deguchi, Kota; Orita, Naoki; Koike, Takashi; Nakayama, Ryo; Kitamura, Takeo; Sawamura, Masashi; Hagino, Shota; Ishida, Kazuya; Ivanovic, Krsto; Asai, Hidehiro; Tachiki, Masashi; Klemm, R.A.; Kadowaki, Kazuo, High temperature superconductor terahertz emitters: Fundamental physics and its applications. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 51, 1, January 2012
219.Zhu, F.M.; Zhang, Y.Y.; Shen, L.F.; Gao, Z., Subwavelength guiding of terahertz radiation by shallowly corrugated metal surfaces. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 26, 1, 120-129, January 2012
220.Joye, Colin D.; Calame, Jeffrey P.; Nguyen, Khanh T.; Garven, Morag, Microfabrication of fine electron beam tunnels using UV-LIGA and embedded polymer monofilaments for vacuum electron devices. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 22, 1, January 2012
221.Scheller, Maik; Koch, Stephan W.; Moloney, Jerome V., Grating-based wavelength control of single-and two-color vertical-external-cavity-surface-emitting lasers. Optics Letters. 37, 1, 25-27, January 1, 2012
222.Vitiello, Miriam S.; Coquillat, Dominique; Viti, Leonardo; Ercolani, Daniele; Teppe, Frederic; Pitanti, Alessandro; Beltram, Fabio; Sorba, Lucia; Knap, Wojciech; Tredicucci, Alessandro, Room-temperature terahertz detectors based on semiconductor nanowire field-effect transistors. Nano Letters. 12, 1, 96-101, January 11, 2012
223.Eckart, A.; Vogel, S.N.; Teuben, P.; Morris, M.R.; Baganoff, F.; Dexter, J.; Schödel, R.; Witzel, G.; Valencia-S., M.; Karas, V.; Kunneriath, D.; Straubmeier, C.; Moser, L.; Sabha, N.; Buchholz, R.; Zamaninasab, M.; Muzic, K.; Moultaka, J.; Zensus, J.A., Millimeter to X-ray flares from Sagittarius A. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 537, 2012
224.Shen, H.; Gan, L.; Newman, N.; Dong, Y.; Li, C.; Huang, Y.; Shen, Y.C., Spinning disk for compressive imaging. Optics Letters. 37, 1, 46-48, January 1, 2012
225.Teranishi, Takashi; Shimizu, Kosuke; Akiyama, Naoki; Hayashi, Hidetaka; Kishimoto, Akira; Fujimori, Kazuhiro, Complex conductivity using wideband spectroscopy for yttria/ytterbia- stabilized zirconia ceramics. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 51, 1, January 2012,
226.Kim, Pil-Joo; Jeong, Jae-Hyeok; Jazbinsek, Mojca; Choi, Soo-Bong; Baek, In-Hyung; Kim, Jong-Taek; Rotermund, Fabian; Yun, Hoseop; Lee, Yoon Sup, Highly efficient organic THz generator pumped at near-infrared: Quinolinium single crystals. Advanced Functional Materials. 22, 1, 200-209, January 11, 2012
227.Vasic, Borislav; Gajic, Tunable gradient refractive index optics using graded plasmonic crystals with semiconductor rods. Journal of the Optical Society of America B. Optical Physics. 29, 1, 79-87, January 1, 2012
228.Wang, Zhihui; Zhang, Yong; Xu, Ruimin; Lin, Weigan, Erratum: Accurate calculation of terahertz attenuation of a dielectric-coated metal wire with an intervening air gap using the engineering approach. Optics Communications. 285, 5, 857, March 1, 2012
229.Liang, Huawei; Ruan, Shuangchen; Zhang, Min; Su, Hong, Erratum: Nanofocusing of terahertz wave on conical metal wire waveguides. Optics Communications. 285, 5, 856, March 1, 2012
230.Zhao, Hui; Zhao, Kun; Tian, Lu; Zhao, Song Qing; Zhou, Qing Li; Shi, Yu Lei; Zhao, Dong Mei; Zhang, Cun Lin, Spectrum features of commercial derv fuel oils in the terahertz region. Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy. 55, 2, 195-198, February 2012
231.Yin, Jianhong; Li, Liang; Yang, Zhou; Jazbinsek, Mojca; Tao, Xutang; Yang, Huai, A new stilbazolium salt with perfectly aligned chromophores for second-order nonlinear optics: 4-N,N-Dimethylamino-4-N'-methyl- stilbazolium 3-carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate. Dyes and Pigments. 94, 1, 120-126, July 2012
232.Vijay, R. Jerald; Melikechi, N.; Thomas, Tina; Gunaseelan, R.; Arockiaraj, M. Antony; Sagayaraj, P., Investigation on the growth of DAST crystals of large surface area for THz applications. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 132, 2-3, 610-617, February 15, 2012
233.Narendar, S.; Gupta, S.S.; Gopalakrishnan, S., Wave propagation in single-walled carbon nanotube under longitudinal magnetic field using nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 36, 9, 4529-4538, September 2012
234.Xu, Bai; Li, Yongda; Wang, Hongliang, Numerical simulations of THz emission from the laser wakefields through linear mode conversion. Optics and Laser Technology. 44, 5, 1598-1602, July 2012
235.Murakami, H.; Toyota, Y.; Nishi, T.; Nashima, S., Terahertz absorption spectroscopy of protein-containing reverse micellar solution. Chemical Physics Letters. 519-520, 105-109, January 5, 2012
236.Kuznetsov, S.A.; Paulish, A.G.; Gelfand, A.V.; Lazorskiy, P.A.; Fedorinin, V.N., Matrix structure of metamaterial absorbers for multispectral terahertz imaging. Progress in Electromagnetics Research. 122, 93-103, 2012
237.Hufnagle, David C.; Taulbee-Combs, Anita R.; Spendel, Wolfgang U.; Pacey, Gilbert E., Collective mode frequency shifts in L-serine and a series of isotopologues in the terahertz regime. Talanta, 88, 61-65, January 15, 2012
238.Jeong, H.; Shin, S.H.; Kim, S.Y.; Song, J.D.; Choi, S.B.; Lee, D.S.; Lee, J.; Jho, Y.D., Relationship between phase and generation mechanisms of THz waves in InAs. Current Applied Physics. 12, 3, 668-672, May 2012
239.Li, Zhi-Guo; Piao, Chang-Ge; Pan, Xing; Wei, Yong-Kai; Cheng, Yan; Ji, Guang-Fu, First-principles investigations on elastic, phonon and thermodynamic properties of SrB<inf>6</inf> under pressure. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 407, 3, 361-367, February 1, 2012
240.Li, Hong; Du, Shaoqing; Xie, Le; Chen, Lin; Peng, Yan; Zhu, Yiming; Wu, Tao; Li, Han; Dong, Ping; Wang, Jiatai, Identifying Radix Curcumae by using terahertz spectroscopy. Optik, 123, 13, 1129-1132, July 2012
241.Oh, Seung Jae; Huh, Yong-Min; Suh, Jin-Suck; Choi, Jihye; Haam, Seungjoo; Son, Joo-Hiuk, Cancer diagnosis by terahertz molecular imaging technique Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 33, 1, 74-81, January 2012
242.Vaks, Vladimir, High-precise spectrometry of the terahertz frequency range: The methods, approaches and applications. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 33, 1, 43-53, January 2012
243.Katsounaros, A.; Mann, M.; Naftaly, M.; Rajab, K.Z.; Hao, Y.; Milne, W.I., Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy characterization of vertically aligned carbon nanotube films. Carbon. 50, 3, 939-942, March 2012
244.Chin, S.L.; Wang, T.-J.; Marceau, C.; Wu, J.; Liu, J.S.; Kosareva, O.; Panov, N.; Chen, Y.P.; Daigle, J.-F.; Yuan, S.; Azarm, A.; Liu, W.W.; Seideman, T.; Zeng, H.P.; Richardson, M.; Li, R.; Xu, Z.Z., Advances in intense femtosecond laser filamentation in air. Laser Physics. 22, 1, 1-53, January 2012
245.Mitatha, S.; Putthacharoen, R.; Yupapin, P.P., THz frequency bands generation for Radio-over-Fiber systems. Optik, 123, 11, 974-977, June 2012
246.Maznev, A.A.; Manke, Kara J.; Lin, Kung-Hsuan; Nelson, Keith A.; Sun, Chi-Kuang; Chyi, Jen-Inn, Broadband terahertz ultrasonic transducer based on a laser-driven piezoelectric semiconductor superlattice. Ultrasonics. 52, 1, 1-4, January 2012
247.Champlain, James G.; Magno, Richard; Park, Doewon; Newman, Harvey S.; Brad Boos, J., High-frequency, 6.2 Å pN heterojunction diodes. Solid-State Electronics. 67, 1, 105-108, January 2012
248.Sabah, Cumali; Roskos, Hartmut G., Dual-band polarization-independent sub-terahertz fishnet metamaterial. Current Applied Physics. 12, 2, 443-450, March 2012
249.Gayen, Dilip Kumar; Roy, Jitendra Nath; Pal, Rajat Kumar, All-optical carry lookahead adder with the help of terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer. Optik. 123, 1, 40-45, Janaury 2012
250.Herrmann, M.; Platte, F.; Nalpantidis, K.; Beigang, R.; Heise, H.M., Combination of Kramers-Kronig transform and time-domain methods for the determination of optical constants in THz spectroscopy. VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY. 107-112 ,MAY 2012
251.Simon, A.; Zachmann, G., Automatic beamsplitter exchange unit for a research vacuum FT-IR spectrometer, VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, 98-101MAY 2012
252.Ding, T.; Middelberg, A.P.J .; Huber, T.; Falconer, R.J., Far-infrared spectroscopy analysis of linear and cyclic peptides, and lysozyme, VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, 61, 144-150 , JUL 2012
253.Gowen, A.A.; O'Sullivan, C. .; O'Donnell, C.P.,Terahertz time domain spectroscopy and imaging: Emerging techniques for food process monitoring and quality control, TRENDS IN FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,25, 40-46, MAY 2012
254.Khadzhi, P.I.; Belousov, I.V.; Korovai, A.V.; Markov, D.A., Generation (amplification) of terahertz radiation during resonant exciton formation in semiconductors,38,3,261-264, MAR 2012
255.Ginzburg, N.S.; Zaslavskii, V.Y.; Malkin, A.M.; Peskov, N.Y.; Sergeev, A.S., Narrow-band terahertz Bragg reflectors based on coupling of propagating and quasi-critical waves, TECHNICAL PHYSICS,57,3,415-421, MAR 2012 .
256.Baturin, S.S.; Sheinman, I.L .; Altmark, A.M.; Kanareikin, A.D., Wakefield radiation generated by an electron bunch in a rectangular dielectric waveguide,57,5,683-692, MAY 2012
257.Tiras, E.; Celik, O.; Mutlu, S.; Ardali, S.; Lisesivdin, S.B.; Ozbay, E., Temperature dependent energy relaxation time in AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures,51,6,733-744, JUN 2012
258.Li, M.; He, M.X.; Tian, Z. Studies on Signal-to-Noise Ratio Standardization for THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy, SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,32,3,606-609, MAR 2012
259.Ma, F.Y.; Chi, Q. .; Su, J.P.; Du, Y.L.; Zhang, W.W.; Chen, M.; Liu, J.L.; Guo, M.T.; Yuan, B., Study on the Optical Properties of Ultra-Thin Metal Films in the THz Band, SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,32,3,610-613, MAR 2012
260.Li, Z.; Zhang, Z.H.; Zhao, X.Y.; Su, H.X.; Yan, F. Extracting THz Absorption Coefficient Spectrum Based on Accurate Determination of Sample Thickness, SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,32,4,1043-1046, APR 2012.
261.Zhang, Z.W.; Zuo, J.; Zhang, C.L. Far-IR and THz Absorption Spectra Studies of Metronidazole, Tinidazole and Ornidazole, SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,32,4,906-909, APR 2012
262.Zhao, H.; Wang, G.; Ma, T.H., Based on THz Spectroscopy Detection Method for the Concentration of 1,3-Dinitrobenzene Volatile Gas,32,4,902-905, APR 2012 .
263.Hao, G.H.; Guo, C.S.; Liu, J.J.; Hong, Z (Hong Zhi), Qualitative and Quantitative Detections of Pyrethroid Pesticides by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy,32,5,1184-1188, MAY 2012
264.Hou, D.B.; Yue, F.H.; Kang, X.S.; Huang, P.J.; Zhang, G.X.,Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy of Alpha Endosulfan Persistent Organic Pollutant, SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,32,5,1170-1174, MAY 2012
265.Huang, P.; Qiu, R., THz Spectroscopic Investigation of Energetic Ion Salt, SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,32,5,1175-1179, MAY 2012
266.Li, M.; He, M.X.; Qin, R., Studies on Signal-to-Noise Ratio Standard for THz Time-Domain Spectroscope, SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,32,5,1180-1183, MAY 2012
267.Liu, C.; Yue, L.Y.; Wang, X.K.; Sun, W.F.; Zhang, Y., Measurement of Optical Parameters of Organic Solvents by THz Time-Domain Reflection Spectroscopy, SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,32,6,1471-1475, JUN 2012
268.Kadlec, F.; Kadlec, C.; Kuzel, P., Contrast in terahertz conductivity of phase-change materials, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS,152,10,852-855, MAY 2012
269.Nakamura, K.G.; Hu, J.B.; Norimatsu, K.; Goto, A.; Igarashi, K.; Sasagawa, T., Observation of coherent higher frequency A(1g) phonons in Bi2Se3 using femtosecond time-resolved reflection measurement,152,10,902-904, MAY 2012
270.Holder, G.M. Bowfield, A.; Surman, M.; Suepfle, M.; Moss, D.; Tucker, C.; Rudd, T.R. .; Fernig, D.G.; Yates, E.A.; Weightman, P., Fundamental differences in model cell-surface polysaccharides revealed by complementary optical and spectroscopic techniques, SOFT MATTER ,8,24,2521-2527,2012
271.Kurt, H.; Erim, M.N.; Erim, N. Various photonic crystal bio-sensor configurations based on optical surface modes, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL ,165,1,68-75, APR 2012
272.Chen, T.; Li, S.Y.; Sun, H., Metamaterials Application in Sensing, SENSORS ,12,3,2742-2765, MAR 2012
273.Paveliev, D.G.; Koshurinov, Y.I.; Ivanov, A.S .; Panin, A.N.; Vax, V.L.; Gavrilenko, V.I.; Antonov, A.V.; Ustinov, V.M.; Zhukov, A.E., Experimental Study of Frequency Multipliers Based on a GaAs/AlAs Semiconductor Superlattices in the Terahertz Frequency Range, SEMICONDUCTORS ,46,1,121-125, JAN 2012
274.Ziaziulia, P.A.; Malevich, V.L.; Manak, I.S.; Krotkus, A., Generation of Terahertz Radiation by a Surface Ballistic Photocurrent in Semiconductors under Subpicosecond Laser Excitation, SEMICONDUCTORS,46,2,143-148, FEB 2012
275.But, D.B.; Golenkov, O.G.; Sakhno, N. V.; Sizov, F. F.; Korinets, S. V.; Sichevska, J.V.G. Reva, V.P .; Bunchuk, S.G. ,Silicon field-effect transistors as radiation detectors for the Sub-THz range, SEMICONDUCTORS,46,5,678-683, MAY 2012.
276.Vasilyev, Y.B.; Mikhailov, N.N.; Gouider, F.; Vasilyeva, G.Y.; Nachtwei, G. ,Mechanism of terahertz photoconductivity in semimetallic HgTe/CdHgTe quantum wells, SEMICONDUCTORS,46,5,655-658, MAY 2012 .
277.Starikov, E.; Shiktorov, P.; Gruzinskis, V., Investigation of high-frequency small-signal characteristics of FETs/HEMTs, SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,27,4,045008, APR 2012
278.Zabudsky, V.; Sizov, F.; Momot, N.; Tsybrii, Z.; Sakhno, N.; Bunchuk, S.; Michailov, N.; Varavin, V., THz/sub-THz direct detection detector on the basis of electron/hole heating in MCT layers, SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,27,4,045002, APR 2012
279.Du, F.; Li, C.; Zhou, M.L.; Wang, W.M.; Su, L.N.; Zheng, Y.; Li, Y.T.; Ma, J.L.; Sheng, Z.M.; Chen, L.M .; Lu, X.; Wang, Z.H.; Wei, Z.Y.; Zhang, J., Polarization of terahertz emission out of incident plane from laser interactions with solid targets, SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,55,4,589-592, APR 2012
280.Cristofolini, P.; Christmann, G.; Tsintzos, S.I.; Deligeorgis, G.; Konstantinidis, G .; Hatzopoulos, Z.; Savvidis, P.G .; Baumberg, J.J., Coupling Quantum Tunneling with Cavity Photons, SCIENCE,336,6082,704-707, MAY 11 2012
281.Kikuchi, K.; Kohjiro, S.; Yamada, T.; Shimizu, N.; Wakatsuki, A., Compact terahertz passive spectrometer with wideband superconductor-insulator-superconductor mixer, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS,83,2,023110, FEB 2012
282.Yasumatsu, N.; Watanabe, S. Precise real-time polarization measurement of terahertz electromagnetic waves by a spinning electro-optic sensor, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS,83,2,023104, FEB 2012
283.Nakanishi, A.; Kawada, Y.; Yasuda, T.; Akiyama, K.; Takahashi, H., Terahertz time domain attenuated total reflection spectroscopy with an integrated prism system, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS,83,3,033103, : MAR 2012
284.Macor, A.; de Rijk, E.; Alberti, S.; Goodman, T.; Ansermet, J.P ., Three-dimensional stereolithography for millimeter wave and terahertz applications, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS,83,4,046103, APR 2012
285.A tapered parallel plate waveguide for frequency up-conversion of terahertz radiation
作者: Nishida, A.; Kashiwazaki, H.; Yoshida, S.; Higashiguchi, T.; Yugami, N.; Kodama, R., A tapered parallel plate waveguide for frequency up-conversion of terahertz radiation, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS,83,4,045104, APR 2012
287.Glyavin, M.Y.; Luchinin, A.G.; Manuilov, V.N.; Morozkin, M.V.; Bogdashov, A.A.; Gachev, I.G.; Sedov, A.S .; Pu, P.; Nusinovich, G.S.; Granatshtein, V.L ., DEVELOPMENT OF A HIGH-POWER PULSED SUBTERAHERTZ GYROTRON FOR REMOTE DETECTION OF SOURCES OF IONIZING RADIATION, RADIOPHYSICS AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,54,8-9, JAN 2012
290.Trukhin, V.N.; Golubok, A.O.; Lyutetsky, A.V .; Matveyev, B.A .; Pikhtin, N.A .; Samoilov, L.L .; Sapozhnikov, I.D.; Tarasov, I.S.; Fel'shtyn, M.L.; Khor'kov, D.P .,DIAGNOSTICS OF SEMICONDUCTOR STRUCTURES BY MEANS OF AN APERTURELESS NEAR-FIELD TERAHERTZ MICROSCOPE, RADIOPHYSICS AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,54,8-9,577-584, JAN 2012
295.Bratman, V.L.; Fedotov, A.E.; Makhalov, P.B.,High-frequency devices with weakly relativistic hollow thin-wall electron beams, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS ,19,2 ,020704 , FEB 2012
296.Kao, S.H.; Chiu, C.C.; Chu, K.R.,A study of sub-terahertz and terahertz gyrotron oscillators, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,19,2,023112,FEB 2012
297.Shin, J.H.; Zhidkov, A.; Jin, Z.; Hosokai, T.; Kodama, R., Non-linear plasma effects on laser-induced terahertz emission from the atmosphere, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,19 , 2, ,FEB 2012
298.Chen, N.C.; Chang, T.H.; Yang, C.Y .,Broadband conversion of TE01 mode for the coaxial gyrotron at low terahertz , PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,19 ,3 ,MAR 2012
299.标题: Yim, C.; Ko, J.; Jung, S.; Han, D.; Kim, C.; Park, J.; Kang, H.S.; Ko, I.S.,Observation of coherent transition radiation in the prewave zone, PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS-ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS,15,3,MAR 19 2012
300.Behrens, C.; Gerasimova, N. Gerth, C.; Schmidt, B.; Schneidmiller, E.A.; Serkez, S .; Wesch, S.; Yurkov, M.V.,Constraints on photon pulse duration from longitudinal electron beam diagnostics at a soft x-ray free-electron laser ,PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS-ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS ,15,3 ,030707 ,MAR 22 2012
301.Antipov, S.; Jing, C.; Fedurin, M.; Gai, W.; Kanareykin, A.; Kusche, K.; Schoessow, P .; Yakimenko, V.; Zholents, A.,Experimental Observation of Energy Modulation in Electron Beams Passing through Terahertz Dielectric Wakefield Structures, PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS-ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS,15,4 ,144801,APR 5 2012
302.Zhaunerchyk, V.; Oepts, D.; Jongma, R.T.; van der Zande, W.J ., Influence of waveguide dispersion on short-pulse free electron laser detuning curves, HYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS-ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS,15,5,050701,MAY 1 2012
303.Lu, X.F.; Zhang, X.C.,Generation of Elliptically Polarized Terahertz Waves from Laser-Induced Plasma with Double Helix Electrodes, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,108,12,: 123903,MAR 21 2012
304.Caviglia, A.D.; Scherwitzl, R.; Popovich, P.; Hu, W .; Bromberger, H.; Singla, R.; Mitrano, M.; Hoffmann, M.C.; Kaiser, S.; Zubko, P.; Gariglio, S.; Triscone, J.M.; Forst, M.; Cavalleri, A .,Ultrafast Strain Engineering in Complex Oxide Heterostructures, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,108,13,136801,MAR 26 2012
305.Antipov, S.; Jing, C.; Fedurin, M.; Gai, W.; Kanareykin, A.; Kusche, K.; Schoessow, P .; Yakimenko, V.; Zholents, A.,Experimental Observation of Energy Modulation in Electron Beams Passing through Terahertz Dielectric Wakefield Structures, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 108,14,144801,APR 5 2012
306.Kavokin, A.V.;Shelykh, I.A .; Taylor, T.; Glazov, M.M.,Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Terahertz Laser, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,108,19,197401, MAY 7 2012
307.Kovacs, K.; Balogh, E.; Hebling, J.; Tosa, V.; Varju, K., Quasi-Phase-Matching High-Harmonic Radiation Using Chirped THz Pulses, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,108,19,193903, MAY 8 2012
308.Thorsmolle, V.K.; Homes, C.C.; Gozar, A.; Blumberg, G.; van Mechelen, J.L.M .; Kuzmenko, A.B.; Vanishri, S.; Marin, C.; Ronnow, H.M.,Phonon Energy Gaps in the Charged Incommensurate Planes of the Spin-Ladder Sr14Cu24O41 Compound by Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,108,21,217401, MAY 21 2012
309.Tousi, Y.M.; Pourahmad, V.; Afshari, E .,Delay Coupled Oscillators for Frequency Tuning of Solid-State Terahertz Sources , PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,108,23,234101, JUN 4 2012
310.Gan, C.H.; Chu, H.S .; Li, E.P.,Synthesis of highly confined surface plasmon modes with doped graphene sheets in the midinfrared and terahertz frequencies, PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,12,125431, MAR 26 2012
311.Bosse, G.; Bilbro, L.S.; Aguilar, R.V.; Pan, L.D.; Liu, W.; Stier, A.V.; Li, Y.); Greene, L.H .; Eckstein, J .; Armitage, N.P.,Low energy electrodynamics of the Kondo-lattice antiferromagnet CeCu2Ge2., PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,15,155105, APR 4 2012
312.Cortie, D.L. ; Lewis, R.A ., Role of vanguard counter-potential in terahertz emission due to surface currents explicated by three-dimensional ensemble Monte Carlo simulation , PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,15,159901, APR 4 2012
313.Svetovoy, V.B.; van Zwol, P.J.; Chevrier, J., Plasmon enhanced near-field radiative heat transfer for graphene covered dielectrics, PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,15,155418, APR 9 2012
314.Cocker, T.L.; Titova, L.V.; Fourmaux, S.; Holloway, G.; Bandulet, H.C.; Brassard, D .; Kieffer, J.C.); El Khakani, M.A .; Hegmann, F.A.,Phase diagram of the ultrafast photoinduced insulator-metal transition in vanadium dioxide, PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,15,155120, APR 11 2012
315.Bowlan, P.; Kuehn, W.; Reimann, K.; Woerner, M.; Elsaesser, T.; Hey, R.; Flytzanis, C ., Nonlinear electron transport in an electron-hole plasma, PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,16,165206, APR 12 2012
316.Sun, D.; Rioux, J.; Sipe, J.E.; Zou, Y.; Mihnev, M.T.; Berger, C.; de Heer, W.A.; First, P.N .; Norris, T.B.,Evidence for interlayer electronic coupling in multilayer epitaxial graphene from polarization-dependent coherently controlled photocurrent generation, PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,16,165427, APR 13 2012
317.Violini, N.; Orecchini, A.; Paciaroni, A.; Petrillo, C.; Sacchetti, F., Neutron scattering investigation of high-frequency dynamics in glassy glucose, PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,13,134204, APR 17 2012
318.Shuba, M.V.; Paddubskaya, A.G.; Plyushch, A.O.; Kuzhir, P.P .; Slepyan, G.Y.; Maksimenko, S.A.; Ksenevich, V.K.; Buka, P.; Seliuta, D.; Kasalynas, I.; Macutkevic, J .; Valusis, G.; Thomsen, C.; Lakhtakia, A., Experimental evidence of localized plasmon resonance in composite materials containing single-wall carbon nanotubes, PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,16,165435, APR 18 2012
319.Chen, J.Z.; Hu, Y.B.; Guo, H., First-principles analysis of photocurrent in rapheme PN junctions , PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,15,155441, APR 23 2012
320.Busl, M .; Platero, G.; Jauho, A.P.,Dynamical polarizability of graphene irradiated by circularly polarized ac electric fields, PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,15,155449, APR 25 2012
321.Timrov, I .; Kampfrath, T.; Faure, J.; Vast, N.; Ast, C.R.; Frischkorn, C.; Wolf, M.; Gava, P .; Perfetti, L.,Thermalization of photoexcited carriers in bismuth investigated by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy and ab initio calculations, PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,15,155139, APR 26 2012
322.Ojanen, T.; Kitagawa, T.,Photoinduced helical metal and magnetization in two-dimensional electron systems with spin-orbit coupling ,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,16,161202,APR 27 2012
323.Majumdar, A.; Bajcsy, M .; Rundquist, A.; Kim, E.; Vuckovic, J.,Phonon-mediated coupling between quantum dots through an off-resonant microcavity,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,19,195301, MAY 1 2012
324.Probst, P.; Semenov, A.; Ries, M.; Hoehl, A . Rieger, P.; Scheuring, A.; Judin, V.; Wunsch, S.; Il'in, K.; Smale, N.; Mathis, Y.L.; Muller, R.; Ulm, G.; Wustefeld, G.; Hubers, H.W.; Hanisch, J .; Holzapfel, B.; Siegel, M.; Muller, A.S.,Nonthermal response of YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films to picosecond THz pulses,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,17,174511 ,MAY 11 2012
325.Huang, C.; Feng, Y.J.; Zhao, J.M.; Wang, Z.B .; Jiang, T.,Asymmetric electromagnetic wave transmission of linear polarization via polarization conversion through chiral metamaterial structures,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,19,195131,MAY 16 2012
326.Nakata, Y.; Okada, T.; Nakanishi, T.; Kitano, M .,Observation of flat band for terahertz spoof plasmons in a metallic kagome lattice,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,20,205128,MAY 16 2012
327.Hao, Z.H .,Detecting nonmagnetic excitations in quantum magnets ,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,17,174432,MAY 25 2012
328.Freeman, W.; Karunasiri, G.,Nonequilibrium electron leakage in terahertz quantum cascade structures ,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,19,195326,MAY 29 2012
329.Turchinovich, D.; Hvam, .J.M .; Hoffmann, M.C.,Self-phase modulation of a single-cycle terahertz pulse by nonlinear free-carrier response in a semiconductor,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,20,201304,MAY 29 2012
330.Nishitani, J.; Nagashima, T.; Hangyo, M.,Coherent control of terahertz radiation from antiferromagnetic magnons in NiO excited by optical laser pulses ,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,17,174439,MAY 30 2012
331.Dinh, T.V.; Valavanis, A.; Lever, L.J.M.; Ikonic, Z.; Kelsall, R.W .,Extended density-matrix model applied to silicon-based terahertz quantum cascade lasers ,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,85,23,235427,JUN 12 2012
332.Shen, J.; Borodin, A .; Hansen, M.; Schiller, S.,Observation of a rotational transition of trapped and sympathetically cooled molecular ions,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,85,3,032519,MAR 29 2012
333.Hu, D.; Xie, C.Q. Liu, M.; Zhang, Y., High transmission of annular aperture arrays caused by symmetry breaking ,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,85,4,045801,APR 4 2012
334.Savenko, I.G.; Kibis, O.V .; Shelykh, I.A.,Asymmetric quantum dot in a microcavity as a nonlinear optical element,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,85,5,053818,MAY 15 2012
335.Phillips, D.J .; Tanner, E.A.; De Lucia, F.C.; Everitt, H.O.,Infrared-terahertz double-resonance spectroscopy of CH3F and CH3Cl at atmospheric pressure,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,85,5,052507,MAY 16 2012
336.Qin, C.C.; Tang, Y.; Wang, Y.M.; Zhang, B.,Field-free orientation of CO by a terahertz few-cycle pulse ,85,5,053415,MAY 18 2012
337.Lipps, F.; Levy, S.; Markelz, A.G.,Hydration and temperature interdependence of protein picosecond dynamics ,PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,14,18,6375,-6381,2012.
338.Bogdanov, A .; Suris, R.,Theoretical analysis of free carrier absorption in the cavity of a quantum cascade laser ,PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS,249,5,885-895,MAY 2012
339.Kaiser, S.; Yasin, S.; Drichko, N.; Dressel, M.; Room, T.; Huvonen, D.; Nagel, U.; Gard, G.L .; Schlueter, J.A.,Optical investigations of the superconducting energy gap in beta ,PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS,MAY 2012
340.Danicic, A.; Radovanovic, J.; Indjin, D.; Ikonic, Z.,Modeling of electron relaxation processes and the optical gain in a magnetic-field assisted THz quantum cascade laser , PHYSICA SCRIPTA, T149, 014017, APR 2012
341.Savage, L., Conscripting Terahertz Sensors, PHOTONICS SPECTRA,46,52, APR 2012
342.Dai, H.M.; Liu, J.S.,Terahertz emission dependence on the intensity ratio of 400-800 nm in generating terahertz waves from two-color laser-induced gas plasma , PHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS,10,2,191-195, APR 2012
343.Chodorow, U.; Parka, J.; Garbat, K.; Palka, N.; Czuprynski, K.,Spectral investigation of nematic liquid crystals with high optical anisotropy at THz frequency range , PHASE TRANSITIONS,85,4,337-344,2012
344.Chodorow, U.; Parka, J.; Garbat, K.; Palka, N .; Czuprynski, K.,Spectral investigation of nematic liquid crystals with high optical anisotropy at THz frequency range (vol 85, pg 337, 2012) , PHASE TRANSITIONS,85,4,389-389,2012
345.Ryzhii, V.; Ryabova, N.; Ryzhii, M.; Baryshnikov, N.V.; Karasik, V.E.; Mitin, V.; Otsuji, T .,Terahertz and infrared photodetectors based on multiple graphene layer and nanoribbon structures , OPTO-ELECTRONICS REVIEW,20,1,15-25, MAR 2012
346.Sizov, F.; Golenkov, A.; But, D.; Sakhno, M.; Reva, V .,Sub-THz radiation room temperature sensitivity of long-channel silicon field effect transistors, OPTO-ELECTRONICS REVIEW,20,2,194-199, JUN 2012
347.Dietze, D.; Unterrainer, K.; Darmo, J .,Dynamically phase-matched terahertz generation, OPTICS LETTERS,37,6,1047-1049, MAR 15 2012
348.Zhao, P.; Ragam, S.; Ding, Y.J.; Zotova, I.B.; Mu, X.D .; Lee, H.C.; Meissner, S.K .; Meissner, H.,Singly resonant optical parametric oscillator based on adhesive-free-bonded periodically inverted KTiOPO4 plates: terahertz generation by mixing a pair of idler waves , OPTICS LETTERS,37,7,1283-1285, APR 1 2012
349.Busch, S.; Scherger, B.; Scheller, M.; Koch, M.,Optically controlled terahertz beam steering and imaging , OPTICS LETTERS,37,8,1391-1393, APR 15 2012
350.Heimbeck, M.S.; Marks, D.L .; Brady, D.; Everitt, H.O.,Terahertz interferometric synthetic aperture tomography for confocal imaging systems , OPTICS LETTERS,37,8,1316-1318, APR 15 2012
351.Wang, K.Y.; Foster, A.C .,Ultralow power continuous-wave frequency conversion in hydrogenated amorphous silicon waveguides , OPTICS LETTERS,37,8,1331-1333, APR 15 2012
352.Chu, Z.; Liu, J.S.; Wang, K.J .,Coherent detection of THz waves based on THz-induced time-resolved luminescence quenching in bulk gallium arsenide, OPTICS LETTERS,37,9,1433-1435, MAY 1 2012
353.Kumar, S.C.; Kimmelma, O.; Ebrahim-Zadeh, M.,High-power, Yb-fiber-laser-pumped, picosecond parametric source tunable across 752-860 nm, OPTICS LETTERS,37,9,1577-1579, MAY 1 2012
354.Ma, Y.; Grant, J.; Saha, S.; Cumming, D.R.S.,Terahertz single pixel imaging based on a Nipkow disk , OPTICS LETTERS,37,9,1484-1486, MAY 1 2012
355.Watts, R.; Rosales, R.; Lelarge, F.; Ramdane, A.; Barry, L .,Mode coherence measurements across a 1.5 THz spectral bandwidth of a passively mode-locked quantum dash laser, OPTICS LETTERS,37,9,1499-1501, MAY 1 2012
356.Yang, Y.P.; Grischkowsky, D., Four-step pulses of fractional-order surface plasmons , OPTICS LETTERS,37,10,1709-1711, MAY 15 2012
357.Estacio, E.S.; Que, C.T.; Awitan, F.C.B.; Bugante, J.I .; de Vera, F.I.; Azares, J.; Afalla, J. .; de Vero, J.; Somintac, A.S.; Sarmago, R.V.; Salvador, A.A.; Yamamoto, K.; Tani, M.,Terahertz emission from Indium Oxide films grown on MgO substrates using sub-bandgap photon energy excitation , OPTICS EXPRESS,20,4,4518-4524, FEB 13 2012
358.Fathololoumi, S.; Dupont, E.; Chan, C.W.I.; Wasilewski, Z.R.; Laframboise, S.R .; Ban, D. .; Matyas, A.; Jirauschek, C .; Hu, Q .; Liu, H.C.,Terahertz quantum cascade lasers operating up to similar to 200 K with optimized oscillator strength and improved injection tunneling , OPTICS EXPRESS,20,4,3866-3876, FEB 13 2012
359.Ramakrishnan, G.; Kumar, N.; Planken, P.C.M.; Tanaka, D.; Kajikawa, K .,Surface plasmon-enhanced terahertz emission from a hemicyanine self-assembled monolayer , OPTICS EXPRESS,20,4,4067-4073, FEB 13 2012
360.Daigle, J.F.; Theberge, F.; Henriksson, M.; Wang, T.J.; Yuan, S.; Chateauneuf, M.; Dubois, J .; Piche, M.; Chin, S..L.,Remote THz generation from two-color filamentation: long distance dependence , OPTICS EXPRESS,20,6,6825-6834, MAR 12 2012
361.Gabbay, A.; Brener, I.,Theory and modeling of electrically tunable metamaterial devices using inter-subband transitions in semiconductor quantum wells, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,6,6584-6597, MAR 12 2012
362.Lee, E.S.; So, J.K .; Park, G.S.; Kim, D.; Kee, C.S.; Jeon, T.I .,Terahertz band gaps induced by metal grooves inside parallel-plate waveguides , OPTICS EXPRESS,20,6,6116-6123, MAR 12 2012
363.Melinger, J.S.; Yang, Y.H.; Mandehgar, M .; Grischkowsky, D.,THz detection of small molecule vapors in the atmospheric transmission windows , OPTICS EXPRESS,20,6,6788-6807, MAR 12 2012
364.Mitrofanov, O.; Renaud, C.C.; Seeds, A.J.,Terahertz probe for spectroscopy of sub-wavelength objects , OPTICS EXPRESS,20,6,6197-6202, MAR 12 2012
365.Molter, D.; Torosyan, G.; Ballon, G.; Drigo, L.; Beigang, R.; Leotin, J., Step-scan time-domain terahertz magneto-spectroscopy , OPTICS EXPRESS,20,6,5993-6002, MAR 12 2012
366.Nagai, M.; Matsubara, E.; Ashida, M.,High-efficiency terahertz pulse generation via optical rectification by suppressing stimulated Raman scattering process , OPTICS EXPRESS,20,6,6509-6514, MAR 12 2012
367.Nikolaenko, A.E.; Papasimakis, N.; Chipouline, A.; De Angelis, F.; Di Fabrizio, E.; Zheludev, N.I .,THz bandwidth optical switching with carbon nanotube metamaterial, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,6,6068-6079, MAR 12 2012
368.Recur, B.; Guillet, J.P.; Manek-Honninger, I.; Delagnes, J.C.; Benharbone, W.; Desbarats, P .; Domenger, J.P .; Canioni, L .; Mounaix, P.,Propagation beam consideration for 3D THz computed tomography ,OPTICS EXPRESS,20,6,5817-5829, MAR 12 2012
369.You, B.; Lu, J.Y.; Yu, C.P. .; Liu, T.A.; Peng, J.L.,Terahertz refractive index sensors using dielectric pipe waveguides, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,6,5858-5866, MAR 12 2012
370.Zhu, W.R.; Huang, Y.J.; Rukhlenko, I.D.; Wen, G.J.; Premaratne, M.,Configurable metamaterial absorber with pseudo wideband spectrum, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,6,6616-6621, MAR 12 2012
371.Wang, X.K.; Xiong, W.; Sun, W.F.; Zhang, Y.,Coaxial waveguide mode reconstruction and analysis with THz digital holography, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,7,7706-7715, MAR 26 2012
372.Yeh, T.T.; Genovesi, S.; Monorchio, A.; Prati, E.; Costa, F.; Huang, T.Y .; Yen, T.J.,Ultra-broad and sharp-transition bandpass terahertz filters by hybridizing multiple resonances mode in monolithic metamaterials , OPTICS EXPRESS,20,7,7580-7589, MAR 26 2012
373.Barnes, M.E.; McBryde, D.; Daniell, G.J .; Whitworth, G.; Chung, A.L.; Quarterman, A.H .; Wilcox, K.G.; Brewer, A.; Beere, H.E.; Ritchie, D.A.; Apostolopoulos, V .,Terahertz emission by diffusion of carriers and metal-mask dipole inhibition of radiation, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,8,8898-8906, APR 9 2012
374.Gacemi, D.; Mangeney, J.; Laurtent, T.; Lampin, J.F.; Akalin, T.; Blary, K.; Degiron, A .; Crozat, P.; Meng, F., THz surface plasmon modes on planar Goubau lines, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,8,8466-8461, APR 9 2012
375.Iwaszczuk, K.; Andryieuski, A.; Lavrinenko, A.; Zhang, X.C.; Jepsen, P.U., Terahertz field enhancement to the MV/cm regime in a tapered parallel plate waveguide, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,8,8344-8355, APR 9 2012
376.Wang, Z.L.; Liu, H.J.; Huang, N.; Sun, Q.B.; Wen, J.,Efficient terahertz-wave generation via four-wave mixing in silicon membrane waveguides, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,8,8920-8928, APR 9 2012
377.Werley, C.A.; Fan, K.B.; Strikwerda, A.C.; Teo, S.M .; Zhang, X.; Averitt, R.D .; Nelson, K.A .,Time-resolved imaging of near-fields in THz antennas and direct quantitative measurement of field enhancements, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,8,8551-8567, APR 9 2012
378.Yin, X.G .; Feng, T.H.; Liang, Z.X.; Li, J.S .,Artificial Kerr-type medium using metamaterials, OPTICS EXPRESS20,8,8543,8550, APR 9 2012
379.Zhang, C.H.; Avetisyan, Y.; Glosser, A.; Kawayama, I.; Murakami, H.; Tonouchi, M ., Bandwidth tunable THz wave generation in large-area periodically poled lithium niobate, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,8,8784-8790, APR 9 2012
380.Hu, B.; Wang, Q.J.; Zhang, Y.,Slowing down terahertz waves with tunable group velocities in a broad frequency range by surface magneto plasmons, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,9, APR 23 2012
381.Kim, K.W.; Kim, K.S.; Kim, H.; Lee, S.H.; Park, J.H.; Han, J.H .; Seok, S.H..; Park, J (Park, Jisuk); Choi, Y.; Kim, Y.I.; Han, J.K.; Son, J.H.,Terahertz dynamic imaging of skin drug absorption, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,9, APR 23 2012
382.Slavik, R.; Kakande, J.; Petropoulos, P.; Richardson, D.J.,Processing of optical combs with fiber optic parametric amplifiers , OPTICS EXPRESS,20,9, APR 23 2012
383.Zheng, Y.L.; Yuan, W.; Chen, X.F.; Cao, Z.Q.,Wideband slow-light modes for time delay of ultrashort pulses in symmetrical metal-cladding optical waveguide, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,9, APR 23 2012
384.Zhou, S.F.; Reekie, L.; Chan, H.P .; Chow, Y.T.; Chung, P.S.; Luk, K.M.,Characterization and modeling of Bragg gratings written in polymer fiber for use as filters in the THz region , OPTICS EXPRESS,20,9, APR 23 2012
385.Kumar, N.; Strikwerda, A.C.; Fan, K.B .; Zhang, X.; Averitt, R.D.; Planken, P.C.M .; Adam, A.J.L.,THz near-field Faraday imaging in hybrid metamaterials, OPTICS EXPRESS ,20,10,11277-11287, MAY 7 2012
386.Singer, J.P.; Lee, .J.H .; Kooi, S.E.; Thomas, E.L.,Rapid fabrication of 3D terahertz split ring resonator arrays by novel single-shot direct write focused proximity field nanopatterning , OPTICS EXPRESS,20,10,11097-11108, MAY 7 2012
387.Wienold, M.; Tahraoui, A.; Schrottke, L.; Sharma, R.; Lu, X.; Biermann, K.; Hey, R.; Grahn, H.T .,Lateral distributed-feedback gratings for single-mode, high-power terahertz quantum-cascade lasers, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,10,11207-11217, MAY 7 2012
388.Kiwa, T.; Hagiwara, T.; Shinomiya, M.; Sakai, K.; Tsukada, K.,Work function shifts of catalytic metals under hydrogen gas visualized by terahertz chemical microscopy , OPTICS EXPRESS,20,11,11637-11642, MAY 21 2012
389.Lee, K.; Yi, M.; Song, J.D .; Ahn, J.,Polarization shaping of few-cycle terahertz waves, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,11,12463-12472, MAY 21 2012
390.Li, P.N.; Taubner, T.,Multi-wavelength superlensing with layered phonon-resonant dielectrics, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,11,11787-11795, MAY 21 2012
391.Morris, C.M.; Aguilar, R.V.; Stier, A.V.; Armitage, N.P., Polarization modulation time-domain terahertz polarimetry, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,11,12303-12317, MAY 21 2012
392.Park, H.; Parrott, E.P.J.; Fan, F.; Lim, M.; Han, H.; Chigrinov, V.G.; Pickwell-MacPherson, E.,Evaluating liquid crystal properties for use in terahertz devices, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,11,11899-11905, MAY 21 2012
393.Tang, X.L.; Sun, B.S.; Shi, Y.W.,Design and optimization of low-loss high-birefringence hollow fiber at terahertz frequency, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,11,12212-12212, MAY 21 2012
394.Tuniz, A.; Pope, B.; Wang, A.; Large, M.C.J.; Atakaramians, S.; Min, SS (Min, Seong-Sik); Pogson, E.M.; Lewis, R.A.; Bendavid, A .; Argyros, A.; Fleming, S.C.; Kuhlmey, B.T., Spatial dispersion in three-dimensional drawn magnetic metamaterials, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,11,11924-11935, MAY 21 2012
395.Wang, J.Q.; Liu, S.C.; Nahata, A., Reconfigurable plasmonic devices using liquid metals, OPTICS EXPRESS,20,11,12119-12126, MAY 21 2012
396.Kim, S.; Kim, T.; Kang, S.; Kwak, M.; Kang, K.,Sub-THz continuous wave generation scheme using high-order harmonics modulated lightwave, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,285,12,2905-2910, JUN 1 2012
397.Andreev, A.V.; Stremoukhov, S.Y .; Shutova, O.A.,Control for Atom Response in Multicomponent Laser Fields, OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY,112,3,410-419, MAR 2012
398.Notake, T.; Nawata, K.; Kawamata, H.; Matsukawa, T.; Minamide, H.,Solution growth of high-quality organic N-benzyl-2-methyl-4-nitroaniline crystal for ultra-wideband tunable DFG-THz source, OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS,2,2,119-125, FEB 1 2012
399.Dintinger, J.; Muhlig, S.; Rockstuhl, C.; Scharf, T.,A bottom-up approach to fabricate optical metamaterials by self-assembled metallic nanoparticles, OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS,2,3,269-278, MAR 1 2012
400.Nguyen, T.D.; Liu, S. .; Lima, M.D.; Fang, S.); Baughman, R.H.; Nahata, A .; Vardeny, Z.V .,Terahertz surface plasmon polaritons on freestanding multi-walled carbon nanotube aerogel sheets, OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS,2,6,782-788, JUN 1 2012
401.Tang, X.L.; Shi, Y.W.,Characterization of dielectric-coated metallic hollow fiber with subwavelength diameter at terahertz frequency, OPTICAL ENGINEERING,51,2,025001, FEB 2012
402.Dong, H.; Shum, P.; Gong, Y.D.; Sun, Q.Z ., Measurement errors induced by retardance deviation in a rotatable retarder fixed polarizer Stokes polarimeter, OPTICAL ENGINEERING,51,3,033001,
403.Ju, H.,Pattern effects of modulated optical signals in ultra-high bit rate all-optical signal processing with a quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier, OPTICAL ENGINEERING,51,4,045005, APR 2012
404.Gozzelino, L.; Gerbaldo, R.; Ghigo, G.; Laviano, F.; Mezzetti, E.; Cherubini, R.; Minetti, B .,Fast neutron irradiation of high-T-c superconducting materials engineered for magnetic field and THz photon detection, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS,272,296-299, FEB 1 2012
405.Ogiso, H.; Nakano, S.,Dielectric function of LiNbO3 implanted with MeV ion implantation and annealing treatment , NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS,272,253-256, FEB 1 2012
406.Bane, K.L.F.; Stupakov, G., Terahertz radiation from a pipe with small corrugations, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 677,67-73, JUN 11 2012
407.Rettig, L.; Kirchmann, P.S.; Bovensiepen, U.,Ultrafast dynamics of occupied quantum well states in Pb/Si(111), NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS,14,023047, FEB 21 2012
408.Bulgarevich, D.S.; Watanabe, M.; Shiwa, M.,Single sub-wavelength aperture with greatly enhanced transmission, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS,14,053001, MAY 1 2012
409.Hase, M.; Katsuragawa, M.; Constantinescu, A.M.; Petek, H.,Frequency comb generation at terahertz frequencies by coherent phonon excitation in silicon, NATURE PHOTONICS,6,4,243-247, APR 2012
410.Tassin, P.; Koschny, T.; Kafesaki, M.; Soukoulis, C.M.,A comparison of graphene, superconductors and metals as conductors for metamaterials and plasmonics , NATURE PHOTONICS ,6,4,259-264, APR 2012
411.Yan, H.G.; Li, X.S.; Chandra, B.; Tulevski, G.; Wu, Y.Q .; Freitag, M.); Zhu, W.J.; Avouris, P .; Xia, F.N.,Tunable infrared plasmonic devices using graphene/insulator stacks, NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY,7,5,330-334, MAY 2012
412.Kim, K.W.; Pashkin, A.; Schafer, H.; Beyer, M.; Porer, M.; Wolf, T.; Bernhard, C.; Demsar, J.; Huber, R.; Leitenstorfer, A ., Ultrafast transient generation of spin-density-wave order in the normal state of BaFe2As2 driven by coherent lattice vibrations, NATURE MATERIALS,11,6,497-501, JUN 2012
413.Sensale-Rodriguez, B.; Yan, R.S.; Kelly, M.M.; Fang, T.; Tahy, K.; Hwang, W.S.; Jena, D .; Liu, L .; Xing, H.G.,Broadband rapheme terahertz modulators enabled by intraband transitions, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,3,780, APR 2012
414.Huber, R.,Terahertz collisions, NATURE,7391,545-546, MAR 29 2012
415.Zaks, B.; Liu, R.B.; Sherwin, M.S.,Experimental observation of electron-hole recollisions, NATURE ,483,7391,580-583, MAR 29 2012
416.Viti, L.; Vitiello, M.S.; Ercolani, D.; Sorba, L.; Tredicucci, A ., Se-doping dependence of the transport properties in CBE-grown InAs nanowire field effect transistors, NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS,7,1-7, FEB 28 2012
417.Morris, C.M.; Stehr, D.; Kim, H.; Truong, T.A.; Pryor, C.; Petroff, P.M.; Sherwin, M.S .,Terahertz Ionization of Highly Charged Quantum Posts in a Perforated Electron Gas ,12,3,1115-1120, MAR 2012
418.Crassee, I.; Orlita, M.; Potemski, M.; Walter, A.L.; Ostler, M.; Seyller, T.; Gaponenko, I .; Chen, J.; Kuzmenko, A.B.,Intrinsic Terahertz Plasmons and Magnetoplasmons in Large Scale Monolayer Graphene, NANO LETTERS,12,5,2470-2474, MAY 2012
419.Kohoutek, J.; Bonakdar, A.; Gelfand, R.; Dey, D.; Nia, I.H.; Fathipour, V .; Memis, OG .; Mohseni, H ., Integrated All-Optical Infrared Switchable Plasmonic Quantum Cascade Laser , NANO LETTERS,12,5,2537-2541, MAY 2012
420.[Anonymous],Terahertz transmitter sets frequency record , MRS BULLETIN ,37,3,188-188, MAR 2012
422.Chang, Y.C.; Gao, Y.H .; Wang, C.; Yao, J.; Cheng, J.P .; Yin, S.; Ruffin, P.; Brantley, C. .; Edwards, E.; Luo, C.,Noncontact detection of the location of buried conductive grids with pulsed THz wave, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,54,5,1135-1138, MAY 2012
423.Mitatha, S.; Udomariyasap, P.; Noppanakeepong, S.; Yupapin, P.P.,Highly capacity RFID generated by a soliton pulse within a panda ring resonator, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,54,5,1339-1342, MAY 2012
424.Acedo, P.; Carpintero, G.; Criado, A.R..; de Dios, C.; Yvind, K.,Photonic synthesis of continuous-wave millimeter-wave signals using a passively mode-locked laser diode and selective optical filtering, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,54,6,1416-1419, JUN 2012
425.Hristov, H.D.; Rodriguez, J.M .; Grote, W.,The grooved-dielectric Fresnel zone plate: An effective terahertz lens and antenna, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,54,6,1343-1348, JUN 2012
426.Udomariyasap, P.; Noppanakeepong, S.; Mitatha, S.; Yupapin, P.P .,High-capacity radio frequency identification-based radio over fiber system, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,54,7,1637-1642, JUL 2012
427.Lin, R.M .,Nanoscale vibration characteristics of multi-layered rapheme sheets, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,29,251-261, MAY 2012
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429.Khankina, S.I.; Yakovenko, V.M.; Yampol'skii, V.A.,Josephson plasma oscillations in confined layered superconductors, LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS,383,3,193-198, MAR 2012
430.Olifierczuk, M.; Kowerdziej, R.; Jaroszewicz, L.; Czerwinski, M.; Parka, J.,Numerical analysis of THz metamaterial with high birefringence liquid crystal , LIQUID CRYSTALS,39,6,739-744,2012
431.Bennett, D.; Taylor, Z.; Tewari, P.; Sung, S.J.; Maccabi, A .; Singh, R.; Culjat, M.; Grundfest, W.; Hubschman, J.P .; Brown, E.,TERAHERTZ HYDRATION SENSING FOR CORNEAL DISEASE DIAGNOSIS AND SURGERY, LASERS IN SURGERY AND MEDICINE,44,4,354-354, APR 2012
432.Yang, Q.; Wang, Y.G.; Liu, D.H .; Liu, J.; Zheng, L.H.; Su, L.B.; Xu, J.,Dual-wavelength mode-locked Yb:LuYSiO5 laser with a double-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS,9,2,135-140, FEB 2012
433.Liu, T.; Liu, L.; Wang, X.B .; Li, X.; Hou, J.,Cascaded synchronous terahertz optical parametric oscillations in a single MgO:PPLN crystal, LASER PHYSICS,22,4,678-683, APR 2012
ISSN: 1054-660X
434.Kawano, Y.,Terahertz sensing and imaging based on nanostructured semiconductors and carbon materials, LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS,6,2,246-257, MAR 2012
435.Moser, H.O.; Rockstuhl, C.,3D THz metamaterials from micro/nanomanufacturing, LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS,6,2,219-244, MAR 2012
436.[Anonymous],Frontispiece: Terahertz sensing and imaging based on nanostructured semiconductors and carbon materials, LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS,6,2,245-245, MAR 2012
437.Jepsen, P.U.; Cooke, D.G.; Koch, M., Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging - Modern techniques and applications, LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS,6,3,418-418, MAY 2012.
438.Anthony, J.; Leonhardt, R.; Leon-Saval, S.; Argyros, A.,Air-core microstructured fibers provide low-loss, broadband terahertz guidance, LASER FOCUS WORLD,48,3,61-63, MAR 2012
439.Leyman, R.,Quantum-dot laser produces multiple wavelengths for terahertz generation , LASER FOCUS WORLD,48,9,9-9, MAR 2012
440.Tanoto, H.; Teng, J.H.; Maier, S.A., Nanoantennas streamline photomixing terahertz source capabilities, LASER FOCUS WORLD,48,5,57-61, MAY 2012
441.Bonthuis, D.J.; Gekle, S.; Netz, R.R.,Profile of the Static Permittivity Tensor of Water at Interfaces: Consequences for Capacitance, Hydration Interaction and Ion Adsorption, LANGMUIR ,28,20,7679-7694, MAY 22 2012
442.Evtukh, A.; Litovchenko, V.; Goncharuk, N.; Mimura, H., Electron emission Si-based resonant-tunneling diode , JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B,30,2,022207, MAR 2012
443.Ohba, N.; Ogata, S.; Tamura, T.; Kobayashi, R.; Yamakawa, S.; Asahi, R.,Enhanced Thermal Diffusion of Li in Graphite by Alternating Vertical Electric Field: A Hybrid Quantum-Classical Simulation Study, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN,81,2,023601, FEB 2012
444.Nakamura, D.; Imai, Y.; Maeda, A.; Tsukada, I.,Superconducting Fluctuation Investigated by THz Conductivity of La2-xSrxCuO4 Thin Films, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN,81,4,044709, APR 2012
445.Shareef, S.; Ang, Y.S.; Zhang, C., Room-temperature strong terahertz photon mixing in grapheme, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS,29,3,274-279, MAR 1 2012
446.Eshaghi, A.; Shahabadi, M.; Chrostowski, L.,Radiation characteristics of large-area photomixer used for generation of continuous-wave terahertz radiation, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS,29,4,813-817, APR 2012
447.Kang, M.; Chen, J.; Wang, X.L.; Wang, H.T .,Twisted vector field from an inhomogeneous and anisotropic metamaterial, OURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS,29,4, APR 2012
448.Roggenbuck, A.; Thirunavukkuarasu, K.; Schmitz, H.; Marx, J.; Deninger, A.; Mayorga, I.C.; Gusten, R.; Hemberger, J.; Gruninger, M.,Using a fiber stretcher as a fast phase modulator in a continuous wave terahertz spectrometer, OURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS,29,4,614-620, APR 2012
449.Bitman, A.; Lumer, Y.; Moshe, I.; Zalevsky, Z., Characterization of spectrally broadband terahertz beam propagation, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS,29,6,1436-1442, JUN 1 2012
450.JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS ,Terahertz magneto-optical polarization modulation spectroscopy,29,6,1406-1412, JUN 1 2012
451.Lu, X.C.; Rockstuhl, C.; Zhang, W.L.,Far-infrared properties of hybrid plasmonic geometries, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION,29,4,644-648, APR 2012
452.Lee, W.H.; Seo, Y.H.,Beam-quality Requirement for a Superradiant Oscillator, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY,60,5,890-893, MAR 2012
453.Tan, Z.Y.; Cao, J.C .,Spectral Research on an AlGaAs Epitaxial Material for a Terahertz Quantum-cascade Laser, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY,60,8,1267-1269, APR 2012
454.Wang, C .; Cao, J.C ..Terahertz Frequency Response of Electrons in a Single-walled Zigzag Carbon Nanotube, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY,60,8,1263-1266, APR 2012
455.Zhang, R.; Guo, X.G.; Cao, J.C.,Coupling Efficiency of Lamellar Gratings for Terahertz Quantum-well Photodetectors, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY,60,8,1233-1237, APR 2012
456.Sabah, C.; Roskos, H.G.,Effect of the Metallization on the Resonances of THz Fishnet Metamaterials, JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS,7,12005,2012
457.Titantah, J.T .; Karttunen, M.,Long-Time Correlations and Hydrophobe-Modified Hydrogen-Bonding Dynamics in Hydrophobic Hydration, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,134,22,9362-9368, JUN 6 2012
458.Qi, P.; Fan, Y.C.; Li, H.Q.; Zhang, Q.W .; Zhai, J.W.,Dielectric Properties of Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 Film at Terahertz Measured by Metamaterials, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY,95,4,1167-1169, APR 2012
459.Isohatala, J.; Alekseev, K.N .,Rectification of terahertz radiation in semiconductor superlattices in the absence of domains, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,24,14,145303, APR 11 2012
460.Balogh, E.; Kovacs, K.; Tosa, V.; Varju, K ., A case study for terahertz-assisted single attosecond pulse generation, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS,45,7,074022, APR 14 2012
461.Cocchi, C.; Prezzi, D.; Ruini, A.; Benassi, E.; Caldas, M.J.; Corni, S.; Molinari, E ., Optical Excitations and Field Enhancement in Short Graphene Nanoribbons , JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,3,7,924-929, APR 5 2012
462.Paracchino, A.; Brauer, J.C .; Moser, J.E.; Thimsen, E.; Graetzel, M.,Synthesis and Characterization of High-Photoactivity Electrodeposited Cu2O Solar Absorber by Photoelectrochemistry and Ultrafast Spectroscopy, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,116,13,7341-7350, APR 5 2012
463.Bellido, E.P.; Seminario, J.M.,Graphene-Based Vibronic Devices, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,116,15,8409-8416, APR 19 2012
464.Paciaroni, A.; Orecchini, A.; Haertlein, M.; Moulin, M.; Nibali, V.C.; De Francesco, A.; Petrillo, C.; Sacchetti, F.,Vibrational Collective Dynamics of Dry Proteins in the Terahertz Region, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,116,12,3861-3865, MAR 29 2012
465.Rossi, B.; Caponi, S.; Castiglione, F.; Corezzi, S.; Fontana, A.; Giarola, M.; Mariotto, G .; Mele, A.; Petrillo, C.; Trotta, F.; Viliani, G.,Networking Properties of Cyclodextrin-Based Cross-Linked Polymers Probed by Inelastic Light-Scattering Experiments, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,116,17,5323-5327, MAY 3 2012
466.Mazur, K.; Heisler, I.A.; Meech, S.R.,Water Dynamics at Protein Interfaces: Ultrafast Optical Kerr Effect Study, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A,116,11,2678-2685, MAR 22 2012
467.Shikata, T.; Yoshida, N.,Dielectric Behavior of Some Small Ketones as Ideal Polar Molecules, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A,116,19,4735-4744, MAY 17 2012
468.Sakamoto, T.; Portieri, A.; Arnone, D.D.; Taday, P.F.; Kawanishi, T.; Hiyama, Y., Coating and Density Distribution Analysis of Commercial Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Monohydrate Tablets by Terahertz Pulsed Spectroscopy and Imaging, JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL INNOVATION,7,2,87-93, JUN 2012
469.Busuioc, C.; Jinga, S.I.; Stoleriu, S.; Nedelcu, L.; Andronescu, E.,Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O-3 perovskite ceramics doped with Nb5+, Ce4+ or Yb3+ JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS,14,3-4,238-244, MAR-APR 2012
470.Chang, Y.H.; Jhu, Y.Y.; Wu, C.J.,Temperature and bias dependences of defect mode in a photonic crystal containing a photonic-quantum-well defect, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS,14,3-4,185-192, MAR-APR 2012
471.Liu, L.; Zheng, Z.; Zhao, X.; Sun, S.S.; Liu, J.S.; Zhu, J.S .,Experimental comparison of characteristics of magnetic-field-enhanced InAs and InSb Dember terahertz emitters pumped at 1550 nm wavelength, JOURNAL OF OPTICS,14,4,045204, APR 2012
472.Ghasemi, A.H.B.; Mandegarian, S.; Kebriti, H .; Latifi, H.,Bandgap generation and enhancement in polaritonic cylinder square-lattice photonic crystals, JOURNAL OF OPTICS ,14,5,055103, MAY 2012
473.Vaks, V.L.; Domracheva, E.G.; Sobakinskaya, E.A.; Chernyaeva, M.B.; Maslennikova, A.V.,Using the methods and facilities of nonsteady-state spectroscopy of the subterahertz and terahertz frequency ranges for noninvasive medical diagnosis, JOURNAL OF OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY,79,2,66-69, FEB 2012
474.Nazarov, M.M.; Ryabov, A.Y.; Shkurinov, A.P.; Balya, V.K.; Denisyuk, I.Y.,Obtaining terahertz-range metamaterials by laser engraving, JOURNAL OF OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY,79,4,251-256, APR 2012
475.Ivanova, B.B.,Solid-state Raman spectra of non-centrosymmetric crystals - Theoretical vs. experimental study towards an application in THz-regime, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE,1016,47-54, MAY 30 2012
476.Alijabbari, N.; Chen, Y.K.; Sizov, I.; Globus, T.; Gelmont, B., Molecular dynamics modeling of the sub-THz vibrational absorption of thioredoxin from E. coli. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING. 18, 5, 2209-2218, May. 2012
477.Li, H.Q.; Liu, J.S.; Wang, K.J.; Yang, Z.G.; Du, Z.M., Influence of terahertz pulse width on two-dimensional terahertz spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 59, 10, 923-929, 2012
478.Xiao, L.; Chen, L.; Li, Y.L.; Liu, J.S.; Wang, K.J., High-speed rainbow trapping and release by mechanical approaches in the terahertz regime. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 59, 8, 686-692, 2012
479.Fan, K.B.; Strikwerda, A.C.; Averitt, R.D.; Zhang, X., Three-dimensional magnetic terahertz metamaterials using a multilayer electroplating technique. JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING, 22, 4, 045011, Apr. 2012
480.Boudou, N.; Monfardini, A.; Hoffmann, C.; Podevin, F.; Xavier, P.; Calvo, M., Development of Kinetic Inductance Stationary-Wave Integrated Fourier-Transform Spectrometry (SWIFTS). JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 167, 3-4, 386-391, May. 2012
481.Dell'Anna, M.; Antonov, V.; Bagliani, D.; Biasotti, M.; Coutaz, J.L.; Gatti, F.; Kiviranta, M.; Kubatkin, S.; Otto, E.; Sypek, M.; Spasov, S., THz Spectroscopy Using Low Temperature Mesoscopic Devices. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 167, 3-4, 467-472, May. 2012
482.Janssen, R.M.J.; Endo, A.; Baselmans, J. J. A.; de de Visser, P. J.; Barends, R.; Klapwijk, T.M., Power Handling and Responsivity of Submicron Wide Superconducting Coplanar Waveguide Resonators. 167, 3-4, 354-359, May. 2012
483.Khosropanah, P.; Hijmering, R. A.; Ridder, M.; Lindeman, M. A.; Gottardi, L.; Bruijn, M.; van der Kuur, J.; de Korte, P. A. J.; Gao, J. R.; Hoevers, H., Distributed TES Model for Designing Low Noise Bolometers Approaching SAFARI Instrument Requirements. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 167, 3-4, 188-194, May. 2012
484.Cibella, S.; Beck, M.; Carelli, P.; Castellano, M. G.; Chiarello, F.; Faist, J.; Leoni, R.; Ortolani, M.; Sabbatini, L.; Scalari, G.; Torrioli, G.; Turcinkova, D., Operation of a Wideband Terahertz Superconducting Bolometer Responding to Quantum Cascade Laser Pulses. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 167, 5-6, 911-916, Jun. 2012
485.Hibi, Y.; Matsuo, H.; Nagata, H.; Ikeda, H.; Fujiwara, M., The Cryogenic Multi-Channel Readout System for Submillimeter/Terahertz Cameras. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 167, 5-6, 684-688, Jun. 2012
486.Matsuo, H., Requirements on Photon Counting Detectors for Terahertz Interferometry. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 167, 5-6, 840-845, Jun. 2012
487.McMahon, J.; Beall, J.; Becker, D.; Cho, H. M.; Datta, R.; Fox, A.; Halverson, N.; Hubmayr, J.; Irwin, K.; Nibarger, J.; Niemack, M.; Smith, H.., Multi-chroic Feed-Horn Coupled TES Polarimeters. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 167, 5-6, 879-884, Jun. 2012
488.Probst, P.; Scheuring, A.; Hofherr, M.; Wuensch, S.; Il'in, K.; Semenov, A.; Huebers, H. W.; Judin, V.; Mueller, A. S.; Haenisch, J.; Holzapfel, B.; Siegel, M., Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-delta Thin Film Detectors for Picosecond THz Pulses. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 167, 5-6, 898-903, Jun. 2012
489.Carpenter, J.; Wilkinson, T.D., Characterization of Multimode Fiber by Selective Mode Excitation.
JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 167, 5-6, 1386-1392, May. 15 2012
490.Chen, T.; Sun, J.Q.; Li, L.S.; Tang, J.G., Proposal for Efficient Terahertz-Wave Difference Frequency Generation in an AlGaAs Photonic Crystal Waveguide. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 30, 13, 2156-2162, Jun. 1 2012
491.Kawahata, K.; Akiyama, T.; Tanaka, K.; Nakayama, K.; Okajima, S., Progress in development of two color laser diagnostics for the ITER poloidal polarimeter. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, 7, C02002, Feb. 2012
492.Mahler, L.; Tredicucci, A.; Vitiello, M. S., Quantum cascade laser: a compact, low cost, solid-state source for plasma diagnostics. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, 7, C02018, Feb. 2012
493.Berry, C.W.; Jarrahi, M., Broadband Terahertz Polarizing Beam Splitter on a Polymer Substrate. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 2, 127-130, Feb. 2012
494.Biciunas, A.; Adamonis, J.; Krotkus, A., Terahertz time-domain-spectroscopy system using a 1 micron wavelength laser and photoconductive components made from low-temperature-grown GaAs. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 2, 183-191, Feb. 2012
495.Chusseau, L.; Guillet, J.P., Coupling and Propagation of Sommerfeld Waves at 100 and 300 GHz. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 2, 174-182, Feb. 2012
496.Federici, J.F., Review of Moisture and Liquid Detection and Mapping using Terahertz Imaging. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 2, 97-126 , Feb. 2012
497.Kim, J.I.; Jeon, S.G.; Kim, G.J.; Kim, J.; Lee, H.H.; Park, S.H., Two-Dimensional Terahertz Photonic Crystals Fabricated by Wet Chemical Etching of Silicon. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 2, 206-211 , Feb. 2012
498.Li, D.; Li, G.F.; Kong, H; Shu, S.W.; Ma, G.H.; Ge, J.; Hu, S.H.; Dai, N., The Extraordinary Transmission Spectrum in Terahertz Regime: Combination of Shape Resonances and Rayleigh anomalies. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 2, 212-217 , Feb. 2012
499.Marcon, R.; Kaufmann, P.; Fernandes, L.O.T.; Godoy, R.; Marun, A.; Bortolucci, E.C.; Zakia, M.B.; Diniz, J.A.; Kudaka, A.S., Terahertz Photometer to Observe Solar Flares in Continuum. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 2, 192-205 , Feb. 2012
500.Castro C.E., Polarization-Resolved Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 4, 418-430 , Apr. 2012
501.Johnston, M.B., Introduction to the Special Issue on "Photoconductive Emission and Detection of Terahertz Radiation". JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 4, 391-392 , Apr. 2012
502.Mangeney, J., THz Photoconductive Antennas Made From Ion-Bombarded Semiconductors. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 4, 455-473, Apr. 2012
503.Sartorius, B.; Stanze, D.; Gobel, T; Schmidt, D; Schell, M., Continuous Wave Terahertz Systems Based on 1.5 mu m Telecom Technologies. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 4, 405-417, Apr. 2012
504.Tani, M.; Yamamoto, K.; Estacio, E.S.; Que, CT; Nakajima, H; Hibi, M; Miyamaru, F; Nishizawa, S; Hangyo, M., Photoconductive Emission and Detection of Terahertz Pulsed Radiation Using Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 4, 393-404, Apr. 2012
505.Winnerl, S., Scalable Microstructured Photoconductive Terahertz Emitters. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 4, 431-454, Apr. 2012
506.Carelli, P.; Chiarello, F.; Cibella, S.; Di Gaspare, A.; Leoni, R.; Ortolani, M.; Torrioli, G., Fast Terahertz Spectrometer Based on Frequency Selective Surface Filters. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 5, 505-512, May. 2012
507.Cui, Y.M.; Fu, W.J.; Guan, X.T.; Hu, M.; Yan, Y.; Liu, SG., Experiment Studies on Two-Dimension Terahertz Raster Scan Imaging. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 5, 513-521, May. 2012
508.Li, Q; Li, YD ; Ding, SH ; Wang, Q , Terahertz Computed Tomography Using A Continuous-Wave Gas Laser. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 5, 548-558, May. 2012
509.Shibayama, H.; Shiraishi, M.; Suzuki, S.; Asada, M., Dependence of Output Power on Slot Antenna Width in Terahertz Oscillating Resonant Tunneling Diodes. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 5, 475-478, May. 2012
510.Zhao, H ; Zhao, K ; Bao, RM , Fuel Property Determination of Biodiesel-Diesel Blends By Terahertz Spectrum. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 5, 522-528, May. 2012
511.Adomavicius, R.; Adamonis, J.; Biciunas, A.; Krotkus, A.; Atrashchenko, A.; Evtikhiev, V.; Ulin, V.; Kaliteevski, M.; Abram, R., Terahertz Pulse Emission from Nanostructured (311) Surfaces of GaAs. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 6, 599-604, Jun. 2012
512.Jung, E ; Park, H ; Moon, K ; Lim, M ; Do, Y ; Han, H ; Choi, HJ ; Min, BH ; Kim, S (Kim, Sangin); Park, I ; Lim, H , THz Time-Domain Spectroscopic Imaging of Human Articular Cartilage. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 6, 593-598, Jun. 2012
513.Kim, GJ; Kim, JI; Jeon, SG; Kim, J; Park, KK; Oh, CH ; Enhanced Continuous-Wave Terahertz Imaging with a Horn Antenna for Food Inspection. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 6, 657-664, Jun. 2012
514.Kong, H ; Li, GF ; Jin, ZM ; Ma, GH ; Zhang, ZW ; Zhang, CL , Polarization-independent Metamaterial Absorber for Terahertz Frequency. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 6, 649-656, Jun. 2012
515.Palaci, J ; Vidal, B , Terahertz Radiation Shaping Based on Third-Order Dispersion and Self-Phase Modulation in Standard Single-Mode Optical Fiber. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 6, 605-614, Jun. 2012
516.Pletersek, A.; Trontelj, J., A Self-Mixing NMOS Channel-Detector Optimized for mm-Wave and THZ Signals. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 6, 615-626, Jun. 2012
517.Wilke, I ; Ding, YJJ ; Shubina, TV ; Optically- and Electrically-Stimulated Terahertz Radiation Emission from Indium Nitride. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 33, 6, 559-592, Jun. 2012
518.Yuan, XS ; Ma, CY ; Han, Y ; Yan, Y , A 0.52THz third harmonic little-orbit gyrotron. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 31, 2, 127-131, Apr. 2012
519.Gulyaev, YV ; Zilberman, PE ; Epshtein, EM , Effect of current on magnetization oscillations in the ferromagnet-antiferromagnet junction. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 114, 2, 296-304, Feb. 2012
520.Storp, J ; Stolle, C ; Ivanova, BB ; Spiteller, M , Crystal structures and physical properties of 5-sulfosalicylate and violurate metal-organic crystals - experimental versus theoretical study. JOURNAL OF COORDINATION CHEMISTRY, 65,12, 2055-2073, 2012
521.Wu, CD ; Fang, TH ; Chan, CY , Molecular Dynamics Study of a Cantilevered Double-Walled Carbon Nanotube Nanomechanical Resonator. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE, 9, 1, 72-76, Jan. 2012
522.Chen, Y ; He, J ; Liang, HL ; Ma, Y ; Chen, Q ; Su, YM ; He, HY ; Chan, MS ; Cao, JC , Model-Based Prediction of the Plasma Oscillation Excitation Response Characteristics of a High-Electron Mobility Transistor-Based Terahertz Photomixer with the Cap Region. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE, 9, 4, 549-554, Apr. 2012
523.Gulyaev, YV ; Zil'berman, PE ; Malikov, IV ; Mikhailov, GM ; Chigarev, SG ; Epshtein, EM , Observation of the Spin-Injection Terahertz Emission in Planar Ferromagnetic Two-Layer Structures. JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS, 57, 3, 329-334, Mar. 2012
524.Gergel', V. A.; Verkhovtseva, A. V.; Gorshkova, N. M.; Yakupov, M. N., Electric instability in multibarrier heterostructures: Features of the RF impedance. JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS, 57, 4, 441-444, Apr. 2012
525.Hamm, P ; Savolainen, J , Two-dimensional-Raman-terahertz spectroscopy of water: Theory. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 136, 9, 094516, Mar. 2012
526.Ramasesha, K ; De Marco, L; Horning, AD ; Mandal, A ; Tokmakoff, A , A phenomenological approach to modeling chemical dynamics in nonlinear and two-dimensional spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 136, 13, 134507, Apr. 7 2012
527.Tewari, P ; Kealey, CP ; Bennett, DB ; Bajwa, N ; Barnett, KS ; Singh, RS; Culjat, MO ; Stojadinovic, A ; Grundfest, WS ; Taylor, ZD , In vivo terahertz imaging of rat skin burns. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS, 17, 4, 040503, Apr. 2012
528.Wang, C.; Cao, J. C., Terahertz generation by quantum-dot miniband superlattices in the absence of electric field domains. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 5, 053711, Mar. 2012
529.Zhao, Y ; Lee, JH ; Zhu, YH ; Nazari, M ; Chen, CH ; Wang, HY ; Bernussi, A ; Holtz, M ; Fan, ZY , Structural, electrical, and terahertz transmission properties of VO2 thin films grown on c-, r-, and m-plane sapphire substrates. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 5, 053533, Mar. 1 2012
530.Li, Y ; Xiang, YJ , Response to "Comment on 'Tunable terahertz-mirror and multi-channel terahertz-filter based on one-dimensional photonic crystals containing semiconductors'". JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 6, 066106, Mar. 15 2012
531.Liu, WH ; Gong, S ; Zhang, YX ; Zhou, J ; Zhang, P ; Liu, SG , Free electron terahertz wave radiation source with two-section periodical waveguide structures. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 6, 063107, Mar. 15 2012
532.Tecimer, M.; Holldack, K., Comment on "Tunable terahertz-mirror and multi-channel terahertz-filter based on one-dimensional photonic crystals containing semiconductors" . JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 6, 066105, Mar. 15 2012
533.Dupont, E ; Fathololoumi, S ; Wasilewski, ZR ; Aers, G ; Laframboise, SR ; Lindskog, M ; Razavipour, SG ; Wacker, A ; Ban, D ; Liu, HC, A phonon scattering assisted injection and extraction based terahertz quantum cascade laser. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 7, 073111, Apr. 1 2012
534.He, XY ; Wang, QJ ; Yu, SF , Analysis of dielectric loaded surface plasmon waveguide structures: Transfer matrix method for plasmonic devices. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 7, 073108, Apr. 1 2012
535.Prodanovic, N ; Vukmirovic, N ; Indjin, D; Ikonic, Z ; Harrison, P , Electronic states and intraband terahertz optical transitions in InGaAs quantum rods. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 7, 073110, Apr. 1 2012
536.Vaks, V ; Domracheva, E ; Sobakinskaya, E ; Chernyaeva, M , Upgrading the sensitivity of spectroscopy gas analysis with application of supersonic molecular beams. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 7, 074903, Apr. 1 2012
537.Yang, QH ; Zhang, HW ; Wen, QY ; Liu, YL , The absorption property of single crystal LuBiIG garnet film in terahertz band. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 7, 07A513, Apr. 1 2012
538.Iniguez-de-la-Torre, I ; Rodilla, H ; Mateos, J ; Gonzalez, T ; Irie, H ; Sobolewski, R , Monte Carlo studies of the intrinsic time-domain response of nanoscale three-branch junctions. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 8, 084511, Apr. 15 2012
539.Yasuda, H ; Kubis, T ; Hosako, I ; Hirakawa, K , Non-equilibrium Green's function calculation for GaN-based terahertz-quantum cascade laser structures. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 8, 083105, Apr. 15 2012
540.Chauhan, J ; Liu, LT ; Lu, Y ; Guo, J , A computational study of high-frequency behavior of graphene field-effect transistors. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 9, 094313, May. 1 2012
541.Fekete, L ; Nemec, H ; Mics, Z ; Kadlec, F ; Kuzel, P; Novak, V ; Lorincik, J ; Martin, M ; Mangeney, J ; Delagnes, JC ; Mounaix, P, Ultrafast carrier response of Br+-irradiated In0.53Ga0.47As excited at telecommunication wavelengths. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 9, 093721, May. 1 2012
542.Khachatrian, A ; Melinger, JS ; Qadri, SB , Waveguide terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of ammonium nitrate polycrystalline films. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 9, 093103, May. 1 2012
543.Khorrami, MA ; El-Ghazaly, S ; Yu, SQ; Naseem, H , rahertz plasmon amplification using two-dimensional electron-gas layers. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 9, 094501, May. 1 2012
544.Tatartschuk, E ; Gneiding, N ; Hesmer, F ; Radkovskaya, A ; Shamonina, E , Mapping inter-element coupling in metamaterials: Scaling down to infrared. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 9, 094904, May. 1 2012
545.Nanzer, JA ; Callahan, PT ; Dennis, ML ; Clark, TR , Photonic Signal Generation for Millimeter-Wave Communications. JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, 30, 4, 299-308, 2012
546.Hasebe, T ; Yamada, Y ; Tabata, H , Analysis of Sharp Dip Structures on Terahertz Transmission Spectra of Metallic Meshes. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 51, 4, SI, 04DL03, Apr. 2012
547.Hirai, D ; Yamamoto, T ; Watanabe, S , Diameter Dependence of Sub-Terahertz AC Response of Metallic Carbon Nanotubes with a Single Atomic Vacancy. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 51, 4, SI, 04DN01, Apr. 2012
548.Katoh, S ; Takimoto, T ; Nakagawa, Y ; Morita, K ; Kitada, T ; Isu, T , Terahertz Radiation from a (113)B GaAs/AlAs Coupled Multilayer Cavity Generated by Ultrashort Laser Pulse Excitation. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 51, 4, SI, 04D G05, Apr. 2012
549.Jalil, MA ; Abdolkarim, A ; Saktioto, T ; Ong, CT ; Yupapin, PP , Generation of THz frequency using PANDA ring resonator for THz imaging. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE, 7, 773-779, 2012
550.Liu, Y ; Si, LM ; Wei, M ; Yan, PX ; Yang, PF ; Lu, HD ; Zheng, C ; Yuan, Y ; Mou, JC ; Lv, X ; Sun, HJ , Some Recent Developments of Microstrip Antenna. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, 428284, 2012
551.Witko, EM ; Buchanan, WD ; Korter, TM , The importance of London dispersion forces in crystalline magnesium nitrate hexahydrate. INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA, 389, 176-182, Jun. 1 2012
552.Minami, H ; Tsujimoto, M ; Kashiwagi, T ; Yamamoto, T ; Kadowaki, K , Terahertz Radiation Emitted from Intrinsic Josephson Junctions in High-T-c Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, E95C, 3, 347-354, Mar. 2012
553.Murasawa, K ; Sato, K ; Hidaka, T , Harmonic Generation of Externally Applied Signal in a Biased Photoconductive Terahertz-Wave Emitter. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, E95C, 3, 347-354, Mar. 2012
554.Teranishi, A ; Suzuki, S ; Shizuno, K ; Asada, M ; Sugiyama, H ; Yokoyama, H , Estimation of Transit Time in Terahertz Oscillating Resonant Tunneling Diodes with Graded Emitter and Thin Barriers. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, E95C, 3, 347-354, Mar. 2012
555.Lee, JS ; Kang, IM , Performance of Gate-All-Around Tunneling Field-Effect Transistors Based on Si1-x Ge-x Layer. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, E95C, 3, 347-354, Mar. 2012
556.Aoki, M ; Tripathi, SR ; Takeda, M ; Hiromoto, N , Passive imaging and emissivity measurement with a 4K-cryocooled terahertz photoconductive detector. IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, 9, 5, 333-338, Mar. 8 2012
557.Teranishi, A ; Shizuno, K ; Suzuki, S ; Asada, M ; Sugiyama, H ; Yokoyama, H , Fundamental oscillation up to 1.08 THz in resonant tunneling diodes with high-indium-composition transit layers for reduction of transit delay. IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, 9, 5, 333-338, Mar. 10 2012
558.Forestiere, C ; Maffucci, A ; Maksimenko, SA ; Miano, G ; Slepyan, GY , Transmission-Line Model for Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes With Intershell Tunneling. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY, 11, 3, 554-564, Mar. 2012
559.Jornet, JM ; Akyildiz, IF , Joint Energy Harvesting and Communication Analysis for Perpetual Wireless Nanosensor Networks in the Terahertz Band. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY, 11, 3, 570-580, Mar. 2012
560.Mahmoudand, SF ; AlAjmi, AR , Characteristics of a New Carbon Nanotube Antenna Structure With Enhanced Radiation in the Sub-Terahertz Range. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY, 11, 3, 640-646, Mar. 2012
561.Jacob, M ; Priebe, S ; Dickhoff, R ; Kleine-Ostmann, T ; Schrader, T ; Kurner, T , Diffraction in mm and Sub-mm Wave Indoor Propagation Channels. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, 60, 3, 833-844, Mar. 2012
562.Radisic, V.; Leong, KMKH ; Mei, X.B.; Sarkozy, S.; Yoshida, W.; Deal, W.R., Power Amplification at 0.65 THz Using InP HEMTs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, 60, 3, 724-729, Mar. 2012
563.Rouvalis, E.; Renaud, C.C.; Moodie, D.G.; Robertson, M.J.; Seeds, A.J., Continuous Wave Terahertz Generation From Ultra-Fast InP-Based Photodiodes. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, 60, 3, 509-517, Mar. 2012
564.Rouvalis, E.; Fice, M.J.; Renaud, C.C.; Seeds, A.J., Millimeter-Wave Optoelectronic Mixers Based on Uni-Traveling Carrier Photodiodes. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, 60, 3, 686-691, Mar. 2012
565.Leong, K.M.K.H.; Hennig, K.; Zhang, C.B.; Elmadjian, R.N.; Zhou, Z.Y.; Gorospe, B.S.; Chang-Chien, P.P.; Radisic, V.; Deal, W.R., WR1.5 Silicon Micromachined Waveguide Components and Active Circuit Integration Methodology. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, 60, 4, 998-1005, Apr. 2012
566.Russell, D.; Weinreb, S., Low-Power Very Low-Noise Cryogenic SiGe IF Amplifiers for Terahertz Mixer Receivers. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, 60,6, 998-1005, Jun. 2012
567.Zhao, J.F.; Gamzina, D.; Li, N.; Li, J.; Spear, A.G.; Barnett, L.; Banducci, M.; Risbud, S.; Luhmann, N.C., Scandate Dispenser Cathode Fabrication for A High-Aspect-Ratio High-Current-Density Sheet Beam Electron Gun. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 59, 6, 1792-1798, Jun. 2012
568.Neshat, M.; Hailu, D.M.; Nezhad-Ahmadi, M.R.; Rafi, G.Z.; Safavi-Naeini, S., Gain Measurement of Embedded On-Chip Antennas in mmW/THz Range. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, 60 ,5, 2544-2549, May. 2012
569.Khromova, I.; Ederra, I.; Teniente, J.; Gonzalo, R.; Esselle, K.P., Evanescently Fed Electromagnetic Band-Gap Horn Antennas and Arrays. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, 60, 6, 2635-2644, Jun. 2012
570.Hou, Y.; Fan, F.; Zhang, H.; Wang, X.H.; Chang, S.J., Terahertz Single-Polarization Single-Mode Hollow-Core Fiber Based on Index-Matching Coupling. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 24, 8, 637-639, APR 15 2012
571.Li, J.S.; Zouhdi, S., Fano Resonance Filtering Characteristic of High-Resistivity Silicon Photonic Crystal Slab in Terahertz Region. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 24, 8, 625-627, APR 15 2012
572.Caillaud, C.; Glastre, G.; Lelarge, F.; Brenot, R.; Bellini, S.; Paret, J.F.; Drisse, O.; Carpentier, D.; Achouche, M., Monolithic Integration of a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier and a High-Speed Photodiode With Low Polarization Dependence Loss. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 24, 11, 897-899, JUN 1 2012
573.Chen, T.; Sun, J.Q.; Li, L.S.; Tang, J.G..; Zhou, Y.J., Design of a Photonic Crystal Waveguide for Terahertz-Wave Difference-Frequency Generation. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 24, 11, 921-923, JUN 1 2012
574.Du, C.H.; Chiou, Y.P., Higher-Order Full-Vectorial Finite-Difference Analysis of Waveguiding Structures With Circular Symmetry. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 24, 11, 894-896, JUN 1 2012
575.Navarro-Cia, M.; Rodriguez-Ulibarri, P.; Torres, V.; Beruete, M., Quarter-Wave Plate Based on Dielectric-Enabled Extraordinary Resonant Transmission. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 24, 11, 945-947, JUN 1 2012
576.van der Slot, P. J. M.; Denis, T.; Lee, J. H. H); van Dijk, M. W.; Boller, K.J. , Photonic Free-Electron Lasers. IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, 4, 2 , 570-573, APR 2012
577.Huang, YR ; Chen, HP ; Chiu, PC ; Chyi, JI ; Wang, BH ; Chen, SY ; Sun, CK , Propagation, Resonance, and Radiation on Terahertz Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits. IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, 4, 3 , 699-706, JUN 2012
578.Zhao, XH ; Bao, JF ; Shan, GC ; Du, YJ ; Zheng, YB ; Wen, Y ; Shek, CH , D-Band Micromachined Silicon Rectangular Waveguide Filter. IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS, 22, 5, 230-232, MAY 2012
579.Vo, TD ; Schroder, J ; Corcoran, B ; Van Erps, J ; Madden, SJ ; Choi, DY ; Bulla, DAP ; Luther-Davies, B ; Pelusi, MD ; Eggleton, BJ, Photonic-Chip-Based Ultrafast Waveform Analysis and Optical Performance. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 18, 2, 834-846, MAR-APR 2012
580.Guo, XG ; Zhang, R ; Cao, JC ; Liu, HC , Numerical Study on Metal Cavity Couplers for Terahertz Quantum-Well Photodetectors. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 48, 5, 728-733, MAY 2012
581.Kim, KY ; Glownia, JH ; Taylor, AJ ; Rodriguez, G , High-Power Broadband Terahertz Generation via Two-Color Photoionization in Gases. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 48, 6, 797-805, JUN 2012
582.Mehr, W ; Dabrowski, J ; Scheytt, JC ; Lippert, G ; Xie, YH ; Lemme, MC ; Ostling, M ; Lupina, G , Vertical Graphene Base Transistor. IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 33, 5, 691-693, MAY 2012
583.Huang, YJ ; Wen, GJ ; Li, TQ ; Li, JLW ; Xie, K , Design and Characterization of Tunable Terahertz Metamaterials With Broad Bandwidth and Low Loss. IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, 11, 264-267, 2012
584.Topalli, K ; Trichopoulos, GC ; Sertel, K , An Indirect Impedance Characterization Method for Monolithic THz Antennas Using Coplanar Probe Measurements. IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, 11, 3-5, 2012
585.Kotov, OV ; Lozovik, YE , Cavity Plasmon Polaritons in Monolayer and Double-Layer Graphene. FULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES, 20, 4-7, SI, 563-568, 2012
586.Kamba, S.; Goian, V.; Bovtun, V.; Nuzhnyy, D.; Kempa, M.; Spreitzer, M.; Konig, J.; Suvorov, D., Incipient Ferroelectric Properties of NaTaO3. FERROELECTRICS, 426, SI, 206-214, 2012
587.Moore, EA ; Langley, D ; Jussaume, ME ; Rederus, LA ; Lundell, CA ; Coutu, RA ; Collins, PJ ; Starman, LA, SRRs Embedded with MEMS Cantilevers to Enable Electrostatic Tuning of the Resonant Frequency. EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS. 52, 4, 395-403, APR 2012
588.Yang, J ; Chen, M ; Yu, J ; Cong, SL , Field-free molecular orientation with chirped laser pulse. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D. 66, 4, 102, APR 2012
589.Muller, J.; Brock, D.; Knop, K.; Zeitler, J.A.; Kleinebudde, P., Prediction of dissolution time and coating thickness of sustained release formulations using Raman spectroscopy and terahertz pulsed imaging. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS AND BIOPHARMACEUTICS, 80, 3, 690-697, APR 2012
590.Feiginov, M ; Sydlo, C ; Cojocari, O ; Meissner, P , Operation of resonant-tunnelling-diode oscillators beyond tunnel-lifetime limit at 564 GHz. EPL, 97, 5, 58006, MAR 2012
591.Evain, C.; Barros, J.; Loulergue, A.; Tordeux, M.A.; Nagaoka, R.; Labat, M.; Cassinari, L.; Creff, G.; Manceron, L.; Brubach, J.B.; Roy, P.; Couprie, M.E., Spatio-temporal dynamics of relativistic electron bunches during the micro-bunching instability in storage rings. EPL, 98, 4, 40006, MAY 2012
592.Gallo, M.; Mescia, L.; Losito, O.; Bozzetti, M.; Prudenzano, F., Design of optical antenna for solar energy collection. ENERGY, 39, 1, 27-32, MAR 2012
593.Ishigaki, K.; Shiraishi, M.; Suzuki, S.; Asada, M.; Nishiyama, N.; Arai, S., Direct intensity modulation and wireless data transmission characteristics of terahertz-oscillating resonant tunnelling diodes. ELECTRONICS LETTERS. 489, 10, 582-U98, MAY 10 2012
594.Palaci, J.; Bockelt, A.; Vidal, B., SOA-based optical processing for terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 48, 10, 593-U129, MAY 10 2012
595.Xu, Q ; Bi, XJ ; Wu, GA , Ultra-compacted sub-terahertz bandpass filter in 0.13 mu m SiGe. ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 48, 10, 570-U56, MAY 10 2012
596.Elbaz, D.; Malka, D.; Zalevsky, Z., Photonic Crystal Fiber Based 1 x N Intensity and Wavelength Splitters/Couplers. ELECTROMAGNETICS, 32, 4, 209-220, 2012
597.Macutkevic, J.; Seliuta, D.; Valusis, G.; Adomavicius, R.; Krotkus, A.; Kuzhir, P.; Paddubskaya, A.; Maksimenko, S.; Kuznetsov, V.; Mazov, I.; Simonova, I., Multi-walled carbon nanotubes/PMMA composites for THz applications. DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, 25, 13-18, MAY 2012
598.Jang, DG ; Kim, J ; Nam, I ; Hur, MS ; Suk, H , Controlling the spectrum of high-power terahertz radiation from a laser-driven plasma wave. CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS, 12, 5, 1252-1255, SEP 2012
599.Singh, M.; Mahmoud, ST.; Sharma, RP., Generation of THz Radiation from Laser Beam Filamentation in a Magnetized Plasma. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS, 52, 4, 243-250, MAY 2012
600.Zhang, WQ ; Liu, TG ; Bai, YZ , First-principles study of the geometrical and electronic structures of InnN2 (n=1-10) clusters. COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, 986 , 57-62, APR 15 2012
601.Du, MD ; Sun, JQ ; Cheng, WL , THz Output Improvement in a Photomixer with a Resonant-Cavity-Enhanced Structure. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 29, 4, 044203, APR 2012
602.Tian, L ; Zhao, K ; Zhou, QL ; Shi, YL ; Zhang, CL , Quantitative Analysis for Monitoring Formulation of Lubricating Oil Using Terahertz Time-Domain Transmission Spectroscopy. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 29, 4, 043901, APR 2012
603.Miao, L ; Zuo, DL ; Cheng, ZH , A Terahertz Wavemeter Based on a Fabry-Perot Interferometer Composed of Two Identical Ge Etalons. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 29, 5, 050701, NAY 2012
604.Ma, YR ; Guo, SF ; Duan, SQ , Terahertz wave generation in coupled quantum dots. CHINESE PHYSICS B, 21, 3, 037804, MAR 2012
605.Wei, F., Nonlinear dynamics in wurtzite InN diodes under terahertz radiation. CHINESE PHYSICS B, 21, 3, 037306, MAR 2012
606.Song, YF ; Lu, YW ; Wen, W ; Liu, XL ; Yang, SY ; Zhu, QS ; Wang, ZG , Plasmons in a free-standing nanorod with a two-dimensional parabolic quantum well caused by surface states. CHINESE PHYSICS B, 21, 5, 057302, MAR 2012
607.Zhou, QL ; Shi, YL ; Wang, AH ; Li, L ; Zhang, CL , Transient optical modulation properties in the terahertz metamaterial of split ring resonators. CHINESE PHYSICS B, 21, 5, 058701, MAR 2012
608.Ji, Y ; Li, Y ; Zhang, FZ ; Wu, J ; Hong, XB ; Xu, K ; Li, W ; Lin, JT , Photonic generation of high quality frequency-tunable millimeter wave and terahertz wave. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS. 10, 4, 042501, APR 10 2012
609.Lin, CJ ; Ho, IC ; Zhang, XC , Study of broadband THz time-domain spectroscopy at different relative humidity levels. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS. 10, 4, 043001, APR 10 2012
610.Takahashi, M.; Ishikawa, Y.; Ito, H., The dispersion correction and weak-hydrogen-bond network in low-frequency vibration of solid-state salicylic acid. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 531, 98-104, APR 2 2012
611.Wang, Q ; Wang, HL , THz spectroscopic investigation of chlorotoluron by solid-state density functional theory. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 534, 72-76, MAY 1 2012
612.Yu, J ; Zhang, W ; Yang, J ; Cong, SL , Enhancement of molecular field-free orientation by utilizing a modulated two-color laser field. CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 400, 93-97, MAY 25 2012
613.Hu, MZ ; Xiong, J ; Gu, HS ; Chen, YH ; Wang, Y , Low temperature cofirable Ca[(Li1/3Nb2/3)(0.95)Zr-0.15]O3+delta microwave dielectric ceramic with ZnO-B2O3-SiO2 frit. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 38, 4, 3175-3183, MAY 2012
614.Kirichuk, V.F.; Tsymbal, A.A., Effects of Terahertz Radiation at Atmospheric Oxygen Frequency of 129 GHz on Blood Nitrite Concentrations under Conditions of Different Types of Stress against the Background of Administration of Nonselective Inhibitor of Constitutive NO-Synthases. BULLETIN OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 152, 4, 435-438, FEB 2012
615.Jung, E.; Choi, H.J.; Lim, M.; Kang, H.; Park, H.; Han, H.; Min, B.H.; Kim, S.; Park, I.; Lim, H., Quantitative analysis of water distribution in human articular cartilage using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS, 3, 5, 1110-1115, MAY 1 2012
616.Safrai, E.; Ben Ishai, P.; Caduff, A.; Puzenko, A.; Polsman, A.; Agranat, A.J.; Feldman, Y., The remote sensing of mental stress from the electromagnetic reflection coefficient of human skin in the sub-THz range. BIOELECTROMAGNETICS, 33, 5, 375-382, JUN 2012
617.Bond, NA ; Benford, DJ ; Gardner, JP ; Amblard, A ; Fleuren, S ; Blain, AW; Dunne, L ; Smith, DJB ; Maddox, SJ ; Hoyos, C ; Baes, M ; Bonfield, D ; Bourne, N ; Bridge, C ; Buttiglione, S ; Cava, A ; Clements, D ; Cooray, A ; Dariush, A ; de Zotti, G ; Driver, S ; Dye, S ; Eales, S ; Eisenhardt, P ; Hopwood, R ; Ibar, E ; Ivison, RJ ; Jarvis, MJ ; Kelvin, L ; Robotham, ASG; Temi, P ; Thompson, M ; Tsai, CW ; van der Werf, P ; Wright, EL ; Wu, JW ; Yan, L, THE INFRARED PROPERTIES OF SOURCES MATCHED IN THE WISE ALL-SKY AND HERSCHEL ATLAS SURVEYS. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 750, 1, L18, MAY 1 2012
618.Gupta, H.; Drouin, B.J.; Pearson, JC., THE ROTATIONAL SPECTRUM OF HCl+. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 751, 2, L38, JUN 1 2012
619.Ordu, M.H.; Muller, H.S.P.; Walters, A.; Nunez, M.; Lewen, F.; Belloche, A.; Menten, K.M.; Schlemmer, S., The quest for complex molecules in space: laboratory spectroscopy of n-butyl cyanide, n-C4H9CN, in the millimeter wave region and its astronomical search in Sagittarius B2(N). ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 541, A121, MAY 2012
620.Dietze, D.; Unterrainer, K.; Darmo, J., Terahertz emission from a two-color plasma filament in a slot waveguide. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, 9, 091113, FEB 27 2012
621.Herzog, M.; Bojahr, A.; Goldshteyn, J.; Leitenberger, W.; Vrejoiu, I.; Khakhulin, D.; Wulff, M.; Shayduk, R.; Gaal, P.; Bargheer, M., Detecting optically synthesized quasi-monochromatic sub-terahertz phonon wavepackets by ultrafast x-ray diffraction. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, 9, 094101, FEB 27 2012
622.Vassant, S.; Pardo, F.; Bouchon, P.; Haidar, R.; Marquier, F.; Greffet, J.J.; Pelouard, J.L., Influence of a depletion layer on localized surface waves in doped semiconductor nanostructures. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, 9, 091103, FEB 27 2012
623.Vitiello, M.S.; Iotti, R.C.; Rossi, F.; Mahler, L.; Tredicucci, A.; Beere, H.E.; Ritchie, D.A.; Hu, Q.; Scamarcio, G., Non-equilibrium longitudinal and transverse optical phonons in terahertz quantum cascade lasers. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, 9, 091101, FEB 27 2012
624.Ding, F ; Cui, YX ; Ge, XC ; Jin, Y ; He, SL , Ultra-broadband microwave metamaterial absorber. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, 10, 103506, MAR 5 2012
625.Jasnot, F.R.; de Vaulchier, L.A.; Guldner, Y.; Bastard, G.; Vasanelli, A.; Manquest, C.; Sirtori, C.; Beck, M.; Faist, J., Direct surface cyclotron resonance terahertz emission from a quantum cascade structure. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, 10, 102103, MAR 5 2012
626.Wang, F ; Guo, XG ; Li, H ; Cao, JC , Emitter injection in terahertz quantum cascade lasers: Simulation of an open system. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, 10, 102102, MAR 5 2012
627.Alves, F.; Kearney, B.; Grbovic, D.; Lavrik, N.V.; Karunasiri, G..Strong terahertz absorption using SiO2/Al based metamaterial structures, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,11,111104, MAR 12 2012
628.Katayama, I.; Shimosato, H.; Bito, M.; Furusawa, K.; Adachi, M.; Shimada, M.; Zen, H .; Kimura, S.; Yamamoto, N.; Hosaka, M .; Katoh, M.; Ashida, M.,Electric field detection of coherent synchrotron radiation in a storage ring generated using laser bunch slicing, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS ,100,11,111112, MAR 12 2012
629.Mbonye, M.; Mendis, R.; Mittleman, D.M., Study of the impedance mismatch at the output end of a THz parallel-plate waveguide, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,11,111120, MAR 12 2012
630.Sankin, V.I.; Andrianov, A.V.; Zakhar'in, A.O.; Petrov, A.G.,Terahertz electroluminescence from 6H-SiC structures with natural superlattice, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,11,111109, MAR 12 2012
631.Clough, B.; Karpowicz, N.; Zhang, X.C.,Modulation of electron trajectories inside a filament for single-scan coherent terahertz wave detection, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,12,121105, MAR 19 2012
632.Liu, T.; Kubis, T.; Wang, Q.J.; Klimeck, G.,Design of three-well indirect pumping terahertz quantum cascade lasers for high optical gain based on nonequilibrium Green's function analysis, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,12,122110, MAR 19 2012
633.Lloyd-Hughes, J.,Generalized conductivity model for polar semiconductors at terahertz frequencies, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,12,122103, MAR 19 2012
634.Wang, L.; Hu, W.D.; Wang, J.; Wang, X.D.; Wang, S.W.; Chen, X.S.; Lu, W.,Plasmon resonant excitation in grating-gated AlN barrier transistors at terahertz frequency, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,12,123501, MAR 19 2012
635.Antipov, S.; Jing, C.; Kanareykin, A.; Butler, J.E.; Yakimenko, V.; Fedurin, M.; Kusche, K .; Gai, W.,Experimental demonstration of wakefield effects in a THz planar diamond accelerating structure, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,13,132910, MAR 26 2012
636.Gardelle, J.; Modin, P.; Donohue, J.T.,Observation of copious emission at the fundamental frequency by a Smith-Purcell free-electron laser with sidewalls, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,13,131103, MAR 26 2012
637.Ku, S.A.; Luo, C.W.; Andreev, Y.M.; Lanskii, G.,Comment on "GaSe1-xSx and GaSe1-xTex thick crystals for broadband terahertz pulses generation" ,100,13,136103, MAR 26 2012
638.Liu, X.J.; Gu, J.Q.; Singh, R.; Ma, Y.F.; Zhu, J.; Tian, Z.; He, M.X.; Han, J.G.; Zhang, W.L ., Electromagnetically induced transparency in terahertz plasmonic metamaterials via dual excitation pathways of the dark mode, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,13,131101, MAR 26 2012
639.Lloyd-Hughes, J.; Muller, S.; Scalari, G.; Bishop, H.; Crossley, A.; Enachi, M.; Sirbu, L .; Tiginyanu, I.M.,Photoinduced modification of surface states in nanoporous InP, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,13,132106, MAR 26 2012
640.Nazarov, M.M.; Sarkisov, S.Y.; Shkurinov, A.P .; Tolbanov, O.P.,Response to "Comment on 'GaSe1-xSx and GaSe1-xTex thick crystals for broadband terahertz pulses generation'", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,13,136104, MAR 26 2012
641.Rasulova, G.K.; Brunkov, P.N.; Pentin, I.V.; Egorov, A.Y.; Knyazev, D.A.; Andrianov, A.V .; Zakhar'in, A.O.; Konnikov, S.G.; Gol'tsman, G.N.,A weakly coupled semiconductor superlattice as a potential for a radio frequency modulated terahertz light emitter, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,13,131104, MAR 26 2012
642.Shimakawa, K.; Itoh, T.; Naito, H.; Kasap, S.O.,The origin of non-Drude terahertz conductivity in nanomaterials, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,13,132102, MAR 26 2012
643.Strupiechonski, E.; Xu, G.; Brekenfeld, M.; Todorov, Y.; Isac, N.; Andrews, A.M.; Klang, P .; Sirtori, C.; Strasser, G.; Degiron, A.; Colombelli, R.,Sub-diffraction-limit semiconductor resonators operating on the fundamental magnetic resonance, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,13,131113, MAR 26 2012
644.Tsokkou, D.; Othonos, A.; Zervos, M.,Carrier dynamics and conductivity of SnO2 nanowires investigated by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,13,133101, MAR 26 2012
645.Carnevale, S.D.; Marginean, C.; Phillips, P.J.; Kent, T.F.; Sarwar, A.T.M.G.; Mills, M.J .; Myers, R.C.,Coaxial nanowire resonant tunneling diodes from non-polar AlN/GaN on silicon, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,14,142115, APR 2 2012
646.Du, S.Q.; Li, H.; Xie, L.; Chen, L.; Peng, Y.; Zhu, Y.M.; Li, H.; Dong, P.; Wang, J.T ., Vibrational frequencies of anti-diabetic drug studied by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,14,143702, APR 2 2012
647.Bhattacharyya, J.; Zybell, S.; Winnerl, S .; Helm, M.; Hopkinson, M.; Wilson, L.R.; Schneider, H.,In-plane interdot carrier transfer in InAs/GaAs quantum dots , APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,15,152101, APR 9 2012
648.Liu, P.H.; Cai, W.; Wang, L.; Zhang, X.Z.; Xu, J.J.,Tunable terahertz optical antennas based on graphene ring structures ,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,15,153111, APR 9 2012
649.Shin, Y.M.; Baig, A.; Barchfeld, R.; Gamzina, D.; Barnett, L.R.; Luhmann, N.C.,Experimental study of multichromatic terahertz wave propagation through planar micro-channels, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,15,154103, APR 9 2012
650.Chudow, J.D.; Santavicca, D.F.; McKitterick, C.B.; Prober, D.E.; Kim, P .,Terahertz detection mechanism and contact capacitance of individual metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,,100,16,163503, APR 16 2012
651.Yi, M.; Lee, K.; Song, J.D.; Ahn, J.,Terahertz phase microscopy in the sub-wavelength regime, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,16,161110, APR 16 2012
652.Sun, J.D.; Qin, H.; Lewis, R.A.; Sun, Y.F.; Zhang, X.Y.; Cai, Y .; Wu, D.M .; Zhang, B.S.,Probing and modelling the localized self-mixing in a GaN/AlGaN field-effect terahertz detector, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,17,173513, APR 23 2012
653.Li, D.; Hangyo, M.; Tsunawaki, Y.; Yang, Z.; Wei, Y.; Miyamoto, S.; Asakawa, M.R.; Imasaki, K.,Growth rate and start current in Smith-Purcell free-electron lasers, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,19,191101, MAY 7 2012
654.Li, G.F.; Jin, Z.M.; Xue, X.; Lin, X.; Ma, G.H.; Hu, S.H.; Dai, N.,Terahertz coherent control of surface plasmon polariton propagation in subwavelength metallic hole arrays, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,19,191115, MAY 7 2012
655.Michael, E.A.; Mikulics, M.,Losses from long-living photoelectrons in terahertz-generating continuous-wave photomixers, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,19,191112, MAY 7 2012
656.Misra, M.; Andrews, S.R.; Maier, S.A.,Waveguide artefacts in terahertz near field imaging, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,19,191109, MAY 7 2012
657.Naito, H.; Ogawa, Y.; Hoshina, H.; Sultana, S.; Kondo, N.,Analysis of intermolecular interaction of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) solution with attenuated total reflectance terahertz spectroscopy, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,19,191102, MAY 7 2012
658.Woodward, N.; Gallinat, C.; Rodak, L.E.; Metcalfe, G.D.; Shen, H.; Wraback, M.,Enhanced THz emission from c-plane InxGa1-xN due to piezoelectric field-induced electron transport, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,19,191110, MAY 7 2012
659.Bodrov, S.B.; Ilyakov, I.E.; Shishkin, B.V.; Stepanov, A.N.,Efficient terahertz generation by optical rectification in Si-LiNbO3-air-metal sandwich structure with variable air gap, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,20,201114, MAY 14 2012
660.Chen, C.C.; Huang, H.M.; Lu, T.C.; Kuo, H.; Sun, C.K .,Magnitude-tunable sub-THz shear phonons in a non-polar GaN multiple-quantum-well p-i-n diode, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,20,201905, MAY 14 2012
661.Di Gaspare, A.; Casini, R.; Foglietti, V.; Giliberti, V.; Giovine, E.; Ortolani, M.,Terahertz current oscillations in a gated two-dimensional electron gas with antenna integrated at the channel ends, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,20,203504, MAY 14 2012
662.Han, J.W. Oh, J.S.; Meyyappan, M.,Vacuum nanoelectronics: Back to the future?-Gate insulated nanoscale vacuum channel transistor, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,21,213505, MAY 21 2012
663.Lim, M.; Choi, S.J.; Lee, G.S.; Seol, M.L.; Do, Y.; Choi, Y.K.; Han, H.,Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of anisotropic complex conductivity tensors in silicon nanowire films, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,21,211102, MAY 21 2012
664.Reinhard, B.; Schmitt, K.M.; Wollrab, V.; Neu, J.; Beigang, R.; Rahm, M.,Metamaterial near-field sensor for deep-subwavelength thickness measurements and sensitive refractometry in the terahertz frequency range, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,100,22,221101, MAY 28 2012
665.Johnson, T.A.; Diddams, S.A.,Mid-infrared upconversion spectroscopy based on a Yb:fiber femtosecond laser, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS,107,1,31-39, APR 2012
666.Li, Q.; Ding, S.H.; Li, Y.D.; Xue, K.; Wang, Q.,Experimental research on resolution improvement in CW THz digital holography, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS,107,1,103-110, APR 2012
667.Xu, J.L.; Guo, S.Y.; He, J.L.; Zhang, B.Y.; Yang, Y.; Yang, H.; Liu, S.D.,Dual-wavelength asynchronous and synchronous mode-locking operation by a Nd:CLTGG disordered crystal, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS,107,1,53-58, APR 2012
668.Zhuang, S.; Li, D.; Xu, X.; Wang, Z.; Yu, H.; Xu, J.; Chen, L.; Zhao, Y.; Guo, L.;Xu, X.,Continuous-wave and actively Q-switched Nd:LSO crystal lasers, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS,107,1,41-45, APR 2012
669.Xin, J.Z.; Jim, K.L.; Yang, J.; Gong, X.J.; Chen, L.Q.; Gao, F.; Tsang, Y.H.; Chan, H.L.W .; Leung, C.W.,Strontium titanate/silicon-based terahertz photonic crystal multilayer stack, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING,107,1,109-115, APR 2012
670.Li, Q.; Zhang, X.Q.; Cao, W.; Lakhtakia, A.; O'Hara, J.F.; Han, J.G.; Zhang, W.L.,An approach for mechanically tunable, dynamic terahertz bandstop filters , APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING,107,2,285-291, MAY 2012
671.Giden, I.H .; Kurt, H.,Modified annular photonic crystals for enhanced band gap properties and iso-frequency contour engineering , APPLIED OPTICS,51,9,1287-1296, MAR 20 2012
672.Liu, B.; Braiman, Y.,Spectral linewidth narrowing and tunable two-color laser operation of two diode laser arrays, APPLIED OPTICS,51,11,1816-1821, APR 10 2012
673.Grainger, W.F.; Juanola-Parramon, R.; Ade, P.A.R.; Griffin, M.; Liggins, F.; Pascale, E. ; Savini, G.; Swinyard, B.,Demonstration of spectral and spatial interferometry at THz frequencies, APPLIED OPTICS,51,12,2202-2211, APR 20 2012
674.Cong, J.W.; Yun, B.F.; Cui, Y.P.,Negative-index metamaterial at visible frequencies based on high order plasmon resonance, APPLIED OPTICS,51,13,2469-2476, MAY 1 2012
675.Maine, S.; Koechlin, C.; Rennesson, S.; Jaeck, J.; Salort, S.; Chassagne, B.; Pardo, F .; Pelouard, J.L.; Haidar, R.,Complex optical index of single wall carbon nanotube films from the near-infrared to the terahertz spectral range, APPLIED OPTICS,51,15,3031-3035, MAY 20 2012
677.Pastorelli, G.; Trafela, T.; Taday, P.F.; Portieri, A.; Lowe, D.; Fukunaga, K.; Strlic, M.,Characterisation of historic plastics using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and pulsed imaging, ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,403,5,1405-1414, MAY 2012
678.Zou, X.Q.; He, M.; Springer, D.; Lee, D.; Nair, S.K.; Cheong, S.A.; Wu, T.; Panagopoulos, C.; Talbayev, D.; Chia, E.E.M.,Effect of annealing on the temperature-dependent dielectric properties of LaAlO3 at terahertz frequencies, AIP ADVANCES,2,1,012120, MAR 2012
679.Fan, R.H .; Peng, R.W.; Huang, X.R.; Li, J.; Liu, Y.M .; Hu, Q.; Wang, M.; Zhang, X .,Transparent Metals for Ultrabroadband Electromagnetic Waves, ADVANCED MATERIALS,24,15,1980-1986, APR 17 2012
680.Chen, D.P.; Xing, C.F.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, C.L.,Terahertz thermal wave nondestructive test, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,61,2,024202,2012
681.Liu, F.; Hu, X.K.; Li, Y.F.; Xing, Q.R.; Hu, M.L.; Chai, L.; Wang, C.Y.,GaP terahertz emitter with micro-pyramid anti-reflection layer, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,61,4,040703, FEB 2012
682.Liu, J.F.; Zhou, Q.L.; Shi, Y.L.; Li, L.; Zhao, D.M.; Zhang, C.L.,The effect of substrate on terahertz transmission properties through metal subwavelength dual-ring structure, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,61,4,048101, FEB 2012
683.Zhang, Y.P.; Zhang, H.Y.; Yin, Y.H.; Liu, L.Y.; Zhang, X.; Gao, Y .; Zhang, H.Y.,Theory research of negative dynamic conductivity in electrically pumped multiple graphene layer structures with split gates, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,61,4,047803, FEB 2012
684.Han, Y.; Yuan, X.S.; Ma, C.Y.; Yan, Y.,Study of a gyrotron oscillator with corrugated interaction cavity, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,61,6,064102, MAR 2012
685.Lei, X.L.; Wang, D.W.; Liang, S.X.; Wu, Z.X .,Wavefunction and Fourier coefficients of excitons in quantum wells: computation and application, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,61,5,057803, MAR 2012
686.Chen, X.L.; Zhao, Q.; Liu, J.W.; Zheng, L.,Analysis and design of a double-anode magnetron injection gun for 1 THz gyrotron, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,61,7,074104, APR 2012
687.Chen, Y.T.W.; Han, P.Y.; Kuo, M.L.; Lin, S.Y.; Zhang, X.C.,Terahertz broadband antireflection photonic device with graded refractive indices, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,61,8,088401, APR 2012
688.Bai, J.J.; Wang, C.H.; Hou, Y.; Fan, F.; Chang, S.J.,Terahertz dual-core photonic band-gap fiber directional coupler, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,61,10,108701, MAY 2012
689.Tan, Z.Y.; Chen, Z.; Han, Y.J.; Zhang, R.; Li, H .; Guo, X.G.; Cao, J.C.,Experimental realization of wireless transmission based on terahertz quantumcascade laser, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,61,9,098701, MAY 2012
690.Zhang, Z.B.; Ma, X.B.; Jin, Z.M .; Ma, G.H.; Yang, J.B.,Photoinduced coherent acoustic-phonons in Fe/Si film ,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,61,9,097401, MAY 2012
691.Nakajima, M.; Yamaguchi, K.; Suemoto, T., Ultrafast Coherent Control of Spin Precession Motion by Terahertz Magnetic Pulses, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A,121,2,343-346, FEB 2012
692.Tralle, I.; Zieba, P.,Undulator-Like Radiation and Cooperative Phenomenon in Semiconductor Microstructure with Grating, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A,121,2,522-526, FEB 2012
693.Bareiss, M.; Ante, F.; Kalblein, D.; Jegert, G.; Jirauschek, C.; Scarpa, G.; Fabel, B.; Nelson, E.M.; Timp, G.; Zschieschang, U.; Klauk, H.; Porod, W.; Lugli, P.,High-Yield Transfer Printing of Metal-Insulator-Metal Nanodiodes, ACS NANO,6,3,2853-2859, MAR 2012
694.Park, S.G.; Jin, K.H.; Vi, M.; Ye, J.C.; Ahn, J.; Jeong, K.H., Enhancement of Terahertz Pulse Emission by Optical Nanoantenna, ACS NANO,6,3,2026-2031, MAR 2012
695.Pusch, A.; Wuestner, S.; Hamm, J.M.; Tsakmakidis, K.L.; Hess, O.,Coherent Amplification and Noise in Gain-Enhanced Nanoplasmonic Metamaterials: A Maxwell-Bloch Langevin Approach, ACS NANO,6,3,2420-2431, MAR 2012
696.Wu, Y.Q.; Farmer, D.B.; Zhu, W.J.; Han, S.J.; Dimitrakopoulos, C.D.; Bol, A.A.; Avouris, P .; Lin, Y.M.,Three-Terminal Graphene Negative Differential Resistance Devices, ACS NANO,6,3,2610-2616, MAR 2012.
697.Yun, S.; Jiang, Z.H.; Xu, Q.; Liu, Z.W.; Werner, D.H.; Mayer, T.S.,Low-Loss Impedance-Matched Optical Metamaterials with Zero-Phase Delay, ACS NANO,6,5,4475-4482, MAY 2012
698.Haroyan, HS; Makaryan, AH, Electromagnetic Wave Detection Via Interaction With Non-Uniform Distributed Space Charge In Vacuum, J PHYS CONF SER, 350, 1, 012010, 2012
699.Mouradian, LK; Zeytunyan, AS; Yesayan, GL, Similariton for femtosecond signal analysis, J PHYS CONF SER, 350, 1, 012029, 2012
700.Kottmann, J; Rey, JM; Sigrist, MW, New photoacoustic cell with diamond window for mid-infrared investigations on biological samples, PROC SPIE, 8223, 82231A, 2012
701.Benz, A; Brandstetter, M; Deutsch, C; Detz, H; Andrews, AM; Schrenk, W; Strasser, G; Unterrainer, K, Upper band operation of active photonic crystal terahertz lasers, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610M, 2012
702.Bonzon, C; Scalari, G; Amanti, MI; Castellano, F; Turcinkova, D; Beck, M; Faist, J, Portable real-time THz imaging setup based on QC lasers, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610N, 2012
703.Boppel, S; Lisauskas, A; Krozer, V; Roskos, HG, Towards monolithically integrated CMOS cameras for active imaging with 600 GHz radiation, PROC SPIE, 8261, 826106, 2012
704.Dadrasnia, E; Lamela, H; Kuppam, MB; Garet, F; Coutaz, JL, THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy in Different Carbon Nanotube Thin-Films, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610Y, 2012
705.Danylov, AA; Waldman, J; Light, AR; Goyette, TM; Giles, RH; Qian, XF; Chandrayan, N; Goodhue, WD; Nixon, WE, Long-term frequency and amplitude stability of a solid-nitrogen-cooled, continuous wave THz quantum cascade laser, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610D, 2012
706.Doradla, P; Joseph, CS; Kumar, J; Giles, RH, Propagation Loss Optimization in Metal/Dielectric Coated Hollow Flexible Terahertz Waveguides, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610P, 2012
707.Esfahani, NN; Peale, RE; Fredricksen, CJ; Cleary, JW; Hendrickson, J; Buchwald, WR; Dawson, BD; Ishigami, M, Plasmon Absorption in grating-coupled InP HEMT and Graphene sheet for tunable THz Detection, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610E, 2012
708.Fast, D; Hurlbut, W; Kozlov, VG, Extending spectral coverage of BWOs combined with frequency multipliers to 2.6 THz, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610L, 2012
709.Havermeyer, F; Moser, C; Logan, RT; Ho, L; Demers, JR, Miniature Self-Aligned External Cavity Tunable Single Frequency Laser for THz Generation, PROC SPIE, 8261, 826108, 2012
710.Joseph, CS; Yaroslavsky, AN; Neel, VA; Goyette, TM; Giles, RH, Continuous-Wave Terahertz Reflection Imaging of Ex-Vivo Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610X, 2012
711.Kats, MA; Woolf, D; Blanchard, R; Yu, NF; Capasso, F, Doubly-corrugated spoof-insulator-spoof waveguides, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610G, 2012
712.Ledwosinska, E; Szkopek, T; Guermoune, A; Siaj, M, PROC SPIE, Application of graphene membrane in micro-Golay cell array, 8261, 82610A, 2012
713.Martin, M; Brown, ER, Critical Comparison of GaAs and InGaAs THz Photoconductors, PROC SPIE, 8261, 826102, 2012
714.Park, H; Fan, F; Parrot, EPJ; Han, H; Chigrinov, VG; MacPherson, E, Liquid crystals for terahertz technology, PROC SPIE, 8261, 826107, 2012
715.Park, KH; Kim, N; Ko, H; Ryu, HC; Park, JW; Han, SP; Jeon, MY, PROC SPIE, Portable terahertz spectrometer with InP related semiconductor photonic devices, PROC SPIE, 8261, 826103, 2012
716.Penot, A; Torres, J; Laurent, T; Sharma, R; Nouvel, P; Blin, S; Varani, L; Knap, W; Cordier, Y; Chmielowska, M; Chenot, S; Faurie, JP; Beaumont, B; Shiktorov, P; Starikov, E; Gruzinskis, V; Korotyeyev, VV; Kochelap, VA, THz transmission modulated by a dc-bias through GaN quantum well structure, PROC SPIE, 8261, 826111, 2012
717.Qian, XF; Chandrayan, N; Vangala, SR; Goodhue, WD; Danylov, AA; Waldman, J; Baird, C; Giles, RH; Nixon, WE, PROC SPIE, One-half milliwatt 2.31 THz continuous-wave QCL operating at 77K, 8261, 82610K, 2012
718.Rahman, A; Mentzer, M, Terahertz Dynamic Scanning Reflectometry of Soldier Personal Protective Material, PROC SPIE, 8261, 826105, 2012
719.Rahman, A; Rahman, A, Wide Range Broadband Terahertz Emission From High chi Dendrimer, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610H, 2012
720.Stenger, V; Shnider, M; Sriram, S; Dooley, D; Stout, M, Thin Film Lithium Tantalate Pyroelectric Detectors, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610Q, 2012
721.Sypek, M; Coutaz, JL; Kolodziejczyk, A; Makowski, M; Suszek, J, Aberrations of the large aperture attenuating THz lenses, PROC SPIE, 8261, 826110, 2012
722.Tekavec, PF; Hurlbut, WC; Kozlov, VG; Vodopyanov, K, Terahertz Generation from Quasi-Phase Matched Gallium Arsenide using a Type-II Ring Cavity Optical Parametric Oscillator, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610V, 2012
723.Tewari, P; Kealey, C; Sung, J; Maccabi, A; Bajwa, N; Singh, R; Culjat, M; Stojadinovic, A; Grundfest, W; Taylor, ZD, PROC SPIE, Advances in biomedical imaging using THz technology with applications to burn wound assessment, 8261, 82610T, 2012
724.Tsurkan, MV; Smolyanskaya, OA; Bespalov, VG; Penniyainen, VA; Kipenko, AV; Lopatina, EV; Krylov, BV, PROC SPIE, Changing growth of neurites of sensory ganglion by terahertz radiation, 8261, 82610S, 2012
725.Vicario, C; Ruchert, C; Ardana, FL; Hauri, CP, Laser driven generation of intense single-cycle THz field, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610Z, 2012
726.Woolard, D; Zhang, WD, THz Lasing in InAs/GaSb Broken-Gap Heterostructure Devices & Quantum-Dot Pillar Arrays, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610B, 2012
727.Yang, TX; Niu, XH; Wang, JL; Sang, M, Energy conversion efficiency calculation model for direct-bonding planar-waveguide THz emitters based on optical rectification effects in GaAs, PROC SPIE, 8261, 82610C, 2012
728.Macutkevic, J; Seliuta, D; Valusis, G; Adomavicius, R; Krotkus, A; Kuzhir, P; Paddubskaya, A; Maksimenko, S; Kuznetsov, V; Mazov, I; Simonova, I, PROC SPIE, Multi-walled carbon nanotubes/PMMA composites for THz applications, 25, MAY, 2012
729.Chao, S; Li, JS, Terahertz wave filter based on frequency-selective surface structure, PROC SPIE, 8330, 83300G, 2012
730.Chen, SG; Shi, W; Hou, L; Dai, RJ, Effecting Factor of Peak Frequency of THz Wave from Photoconductive Antennas, PROC SPIE, 8330, 833016, 2012
731. Du, Y; Hao, GH; Zhao, RJ; Hong, Z, PROC SPIE, Investigating the Position Isomerism Effect of Dihydroxybenzoic Acid Compounds by Terahertz Time-domain Spectroscopy, 8330, 83300Y, 2012
732.Du, Y; Zhao, RJ; Hao, GH; Guo, CS; Hong, Z, PROC SPIE, Conformational Characteristics of Chiral and Racemic Naproxen Molecules Investigated by Terahertz Time-domain Spectroscopy, 8330, 83300X, 2012
733.Gong, YD; Dong, H, PROC SPIE, Polarimetric terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, 8330, 83300B, 2012
734.He, J; Novak, J; Jiang, YL; Li, ZL; Huang, RN, PROC SPIE, Wavelength Switchable Terahertz Filter Based on Photonic Crystal with Liquid-Crystal Defect Layer, 8330, 83300V, 2012
735.He, JL; Liu, PG; He, YL; Hong, Z, Terahertz tunable narrow bandpass filter based on photonic crystal cavity, PROC SPIE, 8330, 83300T, 2012
736.He, JL; Zhao, RJ; Li, J; Du, Y, PROC SPIE, Terahertz Spectral study of L- and DL-fudosteine, 8330, 83300Z, 2012
737.Jing, SY; Sun, ZH; Liu, H; Tong, MM, PROC SPIE, A novel method for the synthesis of Ag/ZnO nanorods film, 8330, 833018, 2012
738.Jiu, ZX; Li, Q; Zuo, DL; Miao, L; Cheng, ZH, PROC SPIE, Tunable high-efficient pulsed NH3 terahertz lasers, 8330, 833009, 2012
739.Kawase, K, PROC SPIE, Nonlinear optical THz generation and sensing applications, PROC SPIE, 8330, 833002, 2012
740.Lang, M; Hellerer, T; Stuhler, J, Technology and Applications of Ultrafast Fiber Lasers, PROC SPIE, 8330, 833007, 2012
741.Li, T; Dai, C; Tian, L; Miao, Q; Zhao, K, THz Time-Domain spectroscopy of selected molecular sieves and their related compounds, PROC SPIE, 8330, 833015, 2012
742.Li, Z; Zhang, ZH; Zhao, XY; Su, HX; Yan, F; Dunn, K; Johnston, MB, Quantitative measurement of a 3-component mixture based on THz spectra, PROC SPIE, 8330, 833004, 2012
743.Liu, PG; He, JL; He, YL; Hong, Z, THz gas sensor based on one-dimensional photonic crystal, PROC SPIE, 8330, 833011, 2012
744.Liu, YH; Li, JS, Terahertz wave filter based on photonic crystal, PROC SPIE, 8330, 833006, 2012
745.Liu, YH; Li, JS, Transmission characteristic of Panda eyes fiber in Terahertz Regime, PROC SPIE, 8330, 83300K, 2012
746.Liu, YH; Li, JS, Dual-band bandpass terahertz wave filter based on microstrip resonant structure, PROC SPIE, 8330, 83300J, 2012
747.Lv, ZH; Sun, L; Zhang, DW; Yuan, JM, Terahertz Gray-Scale Imaging Using Spatial Frequency Domain Analysis, PROC SPIE, 8330, 83301A, 2012
748.Rao, ZM; Wu, T; He, Y; Ye, Q; Xiong, KY; Zhou, L, The scheme of Efficient Terahertz Difference Frequency Generation in two-dimensional periodical Crystals by CO2 laser, PROC SPIE, 8330, 83300Q, 2012
749.Song, MJ PROC SPIE,; Li, JS, Terahertz spectroscopic investigations of leather in terahertz wave range, PROC SPIE, 8330, 83300H, 2012
750.Song, MJ; Li, JS, Terahertz wave spectrum analysis of microstrip structure, PROC SPIE, 8330, 83300I, 2012
751.Song, MJ; Li, JS, Detection of POPs in soil by using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, PROC SPIE,8330, 833017, 2012
752.Su, B; Duan, GY; Zhang, CL, Research of THz wave detector based on bi-material micro-cantilever arrays, PROC SPIE, 8330, 833012, 2012
753.Su, HX; Zhang, ZH; Zhao, XY; Li, Z; Yan, F, PROC SPIE, Cancellation of a deviation in pulses of THz-TDS, 8330, 833005, 2012
754.Sun, C; Li, JS, Terahertz wave filter based on Cinquefoil photonic crystal, PROC SPIE, 8330, 83300F, 2012
755.Sun, C; Li, JS, PROC SPIE, Polarizing beam splitter in terahertz regime, 8330, 83300E, 2012
756.Wang, XK; Cui, Y; Sun, WF; Zhang, Y, PROC SPIE, Terahertz Digital Holography, 8330, 833003, 2012
757.Wu, L; Ling, FR; Liu, JS; Yao, JQ, Optical modulation of permittivity for different doped near-stoichiometric lithium niobate in the terahertz range, PROC SPIE, 8330, 83300N, 2012
758.Meng, K; Li, ZR; Liu, Q, The Detection of Amoxicillin Medicines by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy, PROC SPIE, 8329, 83290U, 2012
759.Nita, M; Marinescu, DC; Ostahie, B; Manolescu, A; Gudmundsson, V, Nonadiabatic generation of spin currents in a quantum ring with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions, J PHYS CONF SER 338, 012013, 2012
760.Glebov, AL; Mokhun, O; Rapaport, A; Vergnole, S; Smirnov, V; Glebov, LB, Volume Bragg Gratings as Ultra-Narrow and Multiband Optical Filters, PROC SPIE, 8428, 84280C, 2012
761.Kusiaku, K; Leclercq, JL; Regreny, P; Rojo-Romeo, P; Seassal, C; Viktorovitch, P; Letartre, X; Chusseau, L; Disanto, F; Philippe, F; Augendre, E, Dual-wavelength laser for THz generation by photo-mixing, PROC SPIE, 8425, 84250H, 2012
762.Munoz, MC; Petrov, AY; Eich, M, All-optical dynamic frequency conversion in silicon photonic crystal cavities, PROC SPIE, 8425, 84250I, 2012
763.Vincetti, L; Setti, V; Zoboli, M, Elliptical Hollow Tube Waveguides, PROC SPIE, 8425, 842522, 2012
764.Luo, YX, The Analysis on Long-period Fiber Grating Bending Sensing Rules, PROC SPIE, 8350, 835015, 2012
765.Themistos, C; Kalli, K; Komodromos, M; Markides, C; Quadir, A; Rahman, BMA; Grattan, KTV, Low-loss multimode interference couplers for terahertz waves, PROC SPIE, 8426, 84260X, 2012
766.Zlobina, EA; Kablukov, SI; Babin, SA, CW parametric generation in polarization maintaining PCF pumped by Yb-doped fiber laser, PROC SPIE, 8426, 842613, 2012
767.Kunert, J; Anders, S; May, T; Zakosarenko, V; Zieger, G; Kreysa, E; Meyer, HG, MEMS: Fabrication of cryogenic bolometers, PROC SPIE, 8352, 83520F, 2012
768.Park, JW; Im, KH; Hsu, DK; Chiou, CP; Barnard, D; Jung, JA; Yang, IY, Nondestructive and Noncontact Evaluation on FRP Composite Laminates Using a Terahertz Ray, PROC SPIE, 8409, 84091I,2012
769.Argyros, A; Leon-Saval, SG; Lwin, R; Provo, R; Murdoch, SG; Harvey, JD; Anthony, J; Leonhardt, R; Tuniz, A; Kuhlmey, BT; Fleming, SC, Polymer optical fibres: conventional and microstructured fibres, PROC SPIE, 8237, 82370X, 2012
770.Buaphad, P; Thamboon, P; Tengsirivattana, C; Saisut, J; Kusoljariyakul, K; Rhodes, MW; Thongbai, C, Progress on Reflective Terahertz Imaging for Identification of Water in Flow Channels of PEM Fuel Cells, APPL MECH MATER, 110-116, 1-7, 2012
771.Wang, WL; Rong, XH, Nanostructure multilayers as broadband antireflection coating used at terahertz frequencies region, APPL MECH MATER, 110-116, 1-7, 2012
772.Flurchick, KM; Perger, WF; Slough, W; Valenzano, L, gamma PHASE RDX: INITIAL STUDY OF GEOMETRY, SPECTRUM AND EOS, AIP CONF PROC, 1426, 2012
775.Nakajima, M; Yamaguchi, K; Suemoto, T, Ultrafast Coherent Control of Spin Precession Motion by Terahertz Magnetic Pulses, ACTA PHYS POL, A 121, 2, 2012
776.Tralle, I; Zieba, P, Undulator-Like Radiation and Cooperative Phenomenon in Semiconductor Microstructure with Grating, ACTA PHYS POL, A 121, 2, 2012
777.Giles, JP; Raitt, BJ; Joseph, CS; Hines, ME; Giles, RH, Investigating the Effects of Terahertz Radiation on Bacillus subtilis, PROC SPIE, 8222,822213, 2012
778.Kim, GH; Yang, J; Lee, DS; Kulik, AV; Sall', EG; Chizhov, SA; Yashin, VE; Kang, U, Directly diode-pumped femtosecond laser based on an Yb:KYW crystal, PROC SPIE, 8247,82471C, 2012
779.Coquillat, D; Torres, J; d'Yerville, ML; Cassagne, D; Teppe, F; Dyakonova, N; Knap, W; De La Rue, R; Bouchoule, S; Margeat, E; Royer, C, Second Harmonic Generation in GaN-based photonic crystals for single molecule investigations, PROC SPIE, 8262, 82621R, 2012
780.Sakowicz, M; Lifshits, MB; Klimenko, OA; Coquillat, D; Dyakonova, N; Teppe, F; Gaquiere, C; Poisson, MA; Delage, S; Knap, W, AlGaN/GaN based field effect transistors for terahertz detection and imaging, PROC SPIE, 8262, 82621V, 2012
781.Sakr, S; Tchernycheva, M; Mangeney, J; Warde, E; Isac, N; Rigutti, L; Colombelli, R; Lupu, A; Vivien, L; Julien, FH; Vardi, A; Schacham, SE; Bahir, G; Kotsar, Y; Monroy, E; Giraud, E; Martin, D; Grandjean, N, III-nitride intersubband photonics, PROC SPIE, 8262, 82621Q, 2012
782.Born, B; Sagi, I; Havenith, M, Water's contribution and enzyme's work - a KITA study, PROC SPIE, 8225, 822518, 2012
783.Dadrasnia, E; Gonzalez, B; Lamela, H; Kozhuharov, K; Sichkovskyi, V; Reithmaier, JP, Thermally Tunable DFB Dual Mode Laser Diode by an External Platinum Thin-Film Heater for THz Generation, PROC SPIE, 8255, 825512, 2012
784.Gonzalez, B; Lamela, H; Dadrasnia, E; Sichkovskyi, V; Kozhuharov, K; Reithmaier, JP, Temperature Effects on the characterization of new Quantum Dot Dual Mode Lasers for Terahertz generation, PROC SPIE, 8255, 82550C, 2012
785.Minamisawa, Y; Nimonji, T; Nakano, K; Sato, T; Ohkawa, M, THz wave generation using frequency stabilized laser diodes, PROC SPIE, 8255, 82551L, 2012
786.Sheen, DM; Bernacki, BE; McMakin, DL, Advanced millimeter-wave security portal imaging techniques, PROC SPIE, 8259, 82590G, 2012
787.Bennett, D; Taylor, Z; Tewari, P; Sung, SJ; Maccabi, A; Singh, R; Culjat, M; Grundfest, W; Hubschman, JP; Brown, E, TERAHERTZ HYDRATION SENSING FOR CORNEAL DISEASE DIAGNOSIS AND SURGERY, PROC SPIE, 44, 4, APR, 2012
788.Gerke, TD; Fast, D; Kozlov, VG, Picosecond fiber laser microfabrication of THz wire-grid polarizers on polymer membrane substrates, PROC SPIE, 8243, 824303, 2012
789.Hirori, H; Tanaka, K, Single-cycle terahertz pulses with amplitudes exceeding 1 MV/cm generated by optical rectification in LiNbO3 and applications to nonlinear optics, PROC SPIE, 8240, 82400B, 2012
790.Lee, YS; Tomaino, JL; Jameson, AD; Khitrova, G; Gibbs, HM; Klettke, AC; Kira, M; Koch, SW, Terahertz-Induced Optical Modulations in Quantum-Well Microcavity, PROC SPIE, 8240, 824008, 2012
791.Scheller, M; Young, A; Yarborough, JM; Moloney, JV; Koch, SW; d'Aubigny, CYD; Walker, C, Intracavity Generation of Continuous Wave Terahertz Radiation, PROC SPIE, 8240, 824007, 2012
792.Tadokoro, Y; Takida, Y; Ohira, T; Kumagai, H ; Nashima, S, Tunable terahertz parametric oscillator synchronously-pumped by mode-locked picosecond Ti:Sapphire laser with MgO-doped LiNbO3, PROC SPIE, 8240, 82401K, 2012
793.Takida, Y; Ohira, T; Tadokoro, Y; Kumagai, H; Nashima, S, Coherent electro-optical detection of THz-wave generated from synchronously pumped picosecond THz parametric oscillator, PROC SPIE, 8240, 82401A, 2012
794.Bledt, CM; Harrington, JA, Silver and silver/polystyrene coated hollow glass waveguides for the transmission of visible and infrared radiation, PROC SPIE, 8218, 821809, 2012
795.Tang, XL; Sun, BS; Shi, YW, Highly birefringent terahertz hollow fiber: design, fabrication, and experimental characterization, PROC SPIE, 8218, 82180L, 2012
796.Brown, ER; Zhang, W; Mendoza, EA; Kuznetsova, Y; Brueck, SRJ; Rahman, M; Norton, ML, Concentration Methods for High-Resolution THz Spectroscopy of Nucleic-Acid Biomolecules and Crystals, PROC SPIE, 8221, 82210S, 2012
797.Feldman, Y; Safrai, E; Ben Ishai, P; Puzenko, A; Agranat, AJ; Caduff, A, The unexplored avenues of human skin: Electromagnetic properties in the sub-THz band, PROC SPIE, 8221, 82210Q, 2012
798.Hishida, M; Tanaka, K, Long-range hydration state of lipid bilayer studied by THz spectroscopy, PROC SPIE, 8221, 82210T, 2012
799.Lipscomb, D; Echchgadda, I; Ibey, BL; Beier, H; Thomas, RJ; Peralta, X; Wilmink, GJ, Terahertz spectroscopy of dry, hydrated, and thermally denatured biological macromolecules, PROC SPIE, 8221, 82211N, 2012
800.Pickwell-MacPherson, E; Fitzgerald, AJ; Wallace, VP, Breast cancer tissue diagnosis at terahertz frequencies, PROC SPIE, 8221, 82210M, 2012
801.Yngvesson, SK; Peter, BS; Siqueira, P; Kelly, P; Glick, S; Karellas, A; Khan, A, Feasibility demonstration of frequency domain terahertz imaging in breast cancer margin determination, PROC SPIE, 8221, 82210N, 2012
802.Dintinger, J; Scharf, T, Plasmonic nanoparticles for a bottom-up approach to fabricate optical metamaterials, PROC SPIE, 8269, 82691C, 2012
803.Wen, YZ; Yang, JC; Yu, XM; Zhao, YJ; Liu, XH; Dong, LQ, Enhanced terahertz transmission by surface plasmon resonance, PROC SPIE, 8250, 82500L, 2012
804.Ding, YJJ; Zhao, P; Li, D, Compact and Portable Terahertz Source Based on Frequency Mixing Using Dual-Frequency Solid-State Laser, PROC SPIE, 8260, 82600K, 2012
805.Elsaesser, T; Bowlan, P; Reimann, K; Woerner, M; Hey, R; Flytzanis, C, Ultrafast nonlinear terahertz studies of high-field charge transport in semiconductors, PROC SPIE, 8260, 82600N, 2012
806.Hase, M; Tominaga, J, Ultrafast dynamics of coherent optical phonons in GeTe/Sb2Te3 superlattices: Thermal conductivity and coherent control, PROC SPIE, 8260, 82601G, 2012
807.Jameson, AD; Tomaino, JL; Paul, MJ; Kevek, J; Minot, ED; Hemphill-Johnston, MT; Koretsky, MD; Lee, YS, Terahertz Spectroscopy of Ni-Ti Alloy Thin Films, PROC SPIE, 8260, 82601Q, 2012
808.Li, CY; Seletskiy, DV; Cederberg, JG; Sheik-Bahae, M, Detection of ultrafast THz pulses via electro-absorption in coupled asymmetric quantum wells, PROC SPIE, 8260, 82600L, 2012
809.Merbold, H; Bitzer, A; Carbone, F; Murk, A; Wallauer, J; Walther, M; Feurer, T, Adjusting the functionality of terahertz split-ring resonators through geometry, PROC SPIE, 8260, 826016, 2012
810.Pashkin, A; Junginger, F; Schmidt, C; Mayer, B; Schubert, O; Mahrlein, S; Huber, R; Leitenstorfer, A, Nonlinear response of semiconductors driven by intense THz pulses, PROC SPIE, 8260, 82600M, 2012
811.Priyadarshi, S; Pierz, K; Siegner, U ; Dawson, P; Bieler, M, Generation of coherent charge oscillations in the plane of GaAs quantum wells, PROC SPIE, 8260, 82600T, 2012
812.Ruello, P; Gusev, V; Babilotte, P; Pezeril, T; Vaudel, G; Mounier, D, Non-thermal processes of coherent acoustic phonons generation in semiconductors by femtosecond laser, PROC SPIE, 8260, 82601T, 2012
813.Seletskiy, DV; Li, CY; Hasselbeck, MP; Cederberg, JG ; Katzenmeyer, AM; Toimil-Molares, ME; Leonard, F; Talin, AA; Sheik-Bahae, M, Strong THz emission from low-energy acoustic-like surface plasmons in InAs nanowires, PROC SPIE, 8260, 82600D, 2012
814.Shimano, R; Ikebe, Y, Terahertz magneto-optics in the quantum Hall system, PROC SPIE, 8260, 82601N, 2012
815.Tomaino, JL; Jameson, AD; Kevek, J; Paul, MJ; van der Zande, AM; Barton, RA; McEuen, PL; Minot, ED; Lee, YS, Terahertz Imaging and Time-Domain Spectroscopy of Large-Area Graphene on Silicon, PROC SPIE, 8260, 82600Z, 2012
816.Turchinovich, D; Monozon, BS; Livshits, DA; Rafailov, EU; Hoffmann, MC, THz quantum-confined Stark effect in semiconductor quantum dots, PROC SPIE, 8260, 826003, 2012
817.Turchinovich, D; Hvam, JM; Hoffmann, MC, Nonlinear propagation of strong-field THz pulses in doped semiconductors, PROC SPIE, 8260, 82600G, 2012
818.You, BW; Lu, JY; Chang, WL; Yu, CP; Liu, TA; Peng, JL, Terahertz subwavelength ribbon waveguide based plasmonic sensors for refractive index and thickness detection, PROC SPIE, 8260, 826019, 2012
819.Khosropanah, P; Hijmering, RA; Ridder, M; Lindeman, MA; Gottardi, L; Bruijn, M; van der Kuur, J; de Korte, PAJ; Gao, JR; Hoevers, H, Distributed TES Model for Designing Low Noise Bolometers Approaching SAFARI Instrument Requirements, J LOW TEMP PHYS, 167, 3-4, MAY 2012
820.Janssen, RMJ; Endo, A; Baselmans, JJA; de Visser, PJ; Barends, R; Klapwijk, TM, Power Handling and Responsivity of Submicron Wide Superconducting Coplanar Waveguide Resonators, J LOW TEMP PHYS, 167, 3-4, MAY 2012
821.Boudou, N; Monfardini, A; Hoffmann, C; Podevin, F; Xavier, P; Calvo, M, Development of Kinetic Inductance Stationary-Wave Integrated Fourier-Transform Spectrometry (SWIFTS), J LOW TEMP PHYS, 167, 3-4, MAY 2012
822.Dell'Anna, M; Antonov, V; Bagliani, D; Biasotti, M; Coutaz, JL; Gatti, F; Kiviranta, M; Kubatkin, S; Otto, E; Sypek, M; Spasov, S, THz Spectroscopy Using Low Temperature Mesoscopic Devices, J LOW TEMP PHYS, 167, 3-4, MAY 2012
823.Asakawa, K; Kurakami, Y; Saito, M; Suhara, M, A novel method to clarify nonlinear equivalent circuits of tunnel diodes by extracting rate constants for nonequilibrium electrons, PHYS STATUS SOLIDI C, 9, 2, 2012
824.Daghestani, NS; Cataluna, MA; Berry, G; Ross, G; Rose, MJ, InAs/GaAs quantum dots for THz generation, PHYS STATUS SOLIDI C, 9, 2, 2012
825.Nakamura, M; Takahagi, S; Saito, M; Suhara, M, Analysis of a monolithic integrated rectenna by using an InGaAs/InAlAs triple-barrier resonant tunneling diode for zero bias detection of submilimeter-waves, PHYS STATUS SOLIDI C, 9, 2, 2012
826.Ogiso, H; Nakano, S, Dielectric function of LiNbO3 implanted with MeV ion implantation and annealing treatment, NUCL INSTRUM METH B, 272, FEB 2012
827.Gozzelino, L; Gerbaldo, R; Ghigo, G; Laviano, F; Mezzetti, E; Cherubini, R; Minetti, B, Fast neutron irradiation of high-T-c superconducting materials engineered for magnetic field and THz photon detection, NUCL INSTRUM METH B, 272, FEB 2012
828.Petrov, NV; Bespalov, VG; Volkov, MV, Phase retrieval of THz radiation using set of 2D spatial intensity measurements with different wavelengths, PROC SPIE, 8281, 82810J, 2012
829.Bedford, RG; Dang, T; Tomich, D, Recent VECSEL developments for Sensors Applications, PROC SPIE, 8242, 82420W, 2012
830.Guina, M; Harkonen, A; Paajaste, J; Alanko, JP; Suomalainen, S; Grebing, C; Steinmeyer, G, Passively mode-locked GaSb-based VECSELs emitting sub-400 fs pulses at 2 mu m, 8242, PROC SPIE, 824204, 2012
831.Nose, T; Ito, T; Watanabe, T; Ito, K; Yanagihara, S; Ito, R; Honma, M, Preparation of porous polymer materials for bulky liquid crystal devices, PROC SPIE, 8279, 827909, 2012
832.Pan, CL; Pan, RP, Characterization and Applications of Liquid Crystals in the THz Frequency Range, PROC SPIE, 8279, 82790I, 2012
833.Mikhail Yu. Glyavin, Naum S. Ginzburg, Arkady L. Goldenberg, Gregory G. Denisov, Alexey G.Luchinin, Vladimir N.Manuilov, Vladimir E. Zapevalov, Irina V. Zotova. THz Gyrotrons: Status and Possible Optimizations. Journal Terahertz & Technology., Vol.5, No.2, June 2012. PP.67-77
834.Kei Takeya, Koji Suizu and Kodo Kawase, THz Generation Using Cherenkov Phase Matching. Journal Terahertz & Technology., Vol.5, No.2, June 2012. PP.78-86
835.Xinchao Lu, Li Wang, Weili Zhang. Resonant Field Enhancement in Hybrid Plasmonic Geometries., Vol.5, No.2, June 2012. PP.87-96
836.Aritra Acharyya and J. P. Banerjee. Analysis of Photo-Irradiated Double-Drift Region Silicon Impact Avalanche Transit Time Devices in the Millimeter-wave and Terahertz Regime., Vol.5, No.2, June 2012. PP.97-113