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发布时间:2012-10-30 19:45:51 阅读:27193


1.Suhandy;Diding;Suzuki,Tetsuhito;Ogawa, Yuichi;Kondo,Naoshi; Naito, Hirotaka; Ishihara, Takeshi;Takemoto,Yuichiro;Liu, Weijie, A quantitative study for determination of glucose concentration using attenuated total reflectance terahertz (ATR-THz) spectroscopy.Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food.v 5,n 3,p 90-95,2012

2.Xie,Zheng-Wen; Wang,Qiang; Ma,Ye-Hao,Quantitative research of orange and carbendazim mixtures by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy.Zhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology).v 43,n 6,p 2198-2201,June 2012

3.Wu,Xiaojun;Yiwen,E.;Xu,Xinlong;Wang,Li,Label-free monitoring of interaction between DNA and oxaliplatin in aqueous solution by terahertz spectroscopy.Applied Physics Letters,v 101,n 3,July 16,2012

4.Vendik,Irina B.; Vendik,Orest G.;Odit,Mikhail A.;Kholodnyak,Dmitry V.; Zubko, Svetlana P.;Sitnikova, Margarita F.;Turalchuk, Pavel A.;Zemlyakov, Kirill N.;Munina,Irina V.;Kozlov, Dmitry S.;Turgaliev, Viacheslav M.;Ustinov, Alexey B.;Park, Yeonsang;Kihm,Jinyun;Lee,Chang-Won,Tunable metamaterials for controlling THz radiation.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,v 2,n 5, p 538-549,2012

5.Xu,Ying; Hong, Zhi,Monte Carlo simulation of the effect of bias electric field on intensity of THz radiation.Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao (Gongxue Ban)/Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science),v 46,n 5,p 899-904,May 2012

6.Natrella, Michele; Mitrofanov, Oleg; Mueckstein, Raimund; Graham, Chris; Renaud, Cyril C.; Seeds, Alwyn J.,Modelling of surface waves on a THz antenna detected by a near-field probe.Optics Express,v 20,n 14,p 16023-16032,July 2, 2012

7.Yang, Yihong; Mandehgar, Mahboubeh; Grischkowsky, Daniel R.,Understanding THz pulse propagation in the atmosphere.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,v 2,n 4,p 406-415,2012

8.Badhwar, Shruti; Puddy, Reuben; Kidambi, Piran R.; Sibik, Juraj; Brewer, Anthony; Freeman, Joshua R.; Beere, Harvey E.; Hofmann, Stephan; Zeitler, J. Axel; Ritchie, David A.,Indirect modulation of a terahertz quantum cascade laser using gate tunable graphene.IEEE Photonics Journal,v 4,n 5,p 1776-1782,2012

9.Maly, Thorsten; Sirigiri, Jagadishwar R.,Simplified THz Instrumentation for High-Field DNP-NMR Spectroscopy.Applied Magnetic Resonance,v 43,n 1-2, p 181-194,July 2012

10.Shibata, K.; Umeno, A.; Cha, K.M.; Hirakawa, K.,Photon-assisted tunneling through self-assembled InAs quantum dots in the terahertz frequency range.Physical Review Letters,v 109,n 7,August 16, 2012

11.Cui, M.; Hovenier, J.N.; Ren, Y.; Polo, A.; Gao, J.R.,Terahertz wavefronts measured using the Hartmann sensor principle.Optics Express,v 20,n 13,p 14380-14391,June 18,2012

12.Brandstetter, Martin; Benz, Alexander; Deutsch, Christoph; Detz, Hermann; Klang, Pavel; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell; Schrenk, Werner; Strasser, Gottfried; Unterrainer, Karl,Superconducting microdisk cavities for THz quantum cascade lasers.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,v 2,n 5,p 550-555,2012

13.Yan, Li-Xin; Hua, Jian-Fei; Du, Ying-Chao; Huang, Yuan-Fang; You, Yan; Wang, Dan; Huang, Wen-Hui; Tang, Chuan-Xiang,UV pulse trains by α-BBO crystal stacking for the production of THz-rap-rate electron bunches.Journal of Plasma Physics,v 78,n 4,p 429-431,August 2012

14.Jung, Euna; Park, Hongkyu; Moon, Kiwon; Lim, Meehyun; Do, Youngwoong; Han, Haewook; Choi, Hyuck Jae; Min, Byung-Hyun; Kim, Sangin; Park, Ikmo; Lim, Hanjo,THz time-domain spectroscopic imaging of human articular cartilage.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,v 33,n 6,p 593-598,June 2012

15.Sharma, G.; Al-Naib, I.; Hafez, H.; Morandotti, R.; Cooke, D.G.; Ozaki, T.,Carrier density dependence of the nonlinear absorption of intense THz radiation in GaAs.Optics Express,v 20,n 16, p 18016-18024,July 30,2012

16.Li, Xiaoze; Wang, Jianguo; Song, Zhiming; Chen, Changhua; Sun, Jun; Zhang, Xiaowei; Zhang, Yuchuan,Design and numerical simulations of a high power 0.15 THz oscillator.Physics of Plasmas,v 19,n 8,August 2012

17.Pleter, Anton; Trontelj, Janez,A self-mixing NMOS channel-detector optimized for mm-wave and THZ signals.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,v 33,n 6,p 615-626,June 2012

18.Serita, Kazunori; Mizuno, Shori; Murakami, Hironaru; Kawayama, Iwao; Takahashi, Yoshinori; Yoshimura, Masashi; Mori, Yusuke; Darmo, Juraj; Tonouchi, Masayoshi,Scanning laser terahertz near-field imaging system.Optics Express,v 20,n 12,p 12959-12965,June 4, 2012

19.Tomaino, J.L.; Jameson, A.D.; Paul, M.J.; Kevek, J.W.; Van Der Zande, A.M.; Barton, R.A.; Choi, H.; McEuen, P.L.; Minot, E.D.; Lee, Yun-Shik ,High-contrast imaging of graphene via time-domain terahertz spectroscopy.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,v 33,n 8,p 839-845,August 2012

20.Xie, Ling-Hai; Dai, Hao; Jin, Biao-Bing; Han, Yuan; Tai, Qiang; Yi, Ming-Dong; Yang, Tao; Wu, Pei-Heng; Huang, Wei,Characterization of hindered amine light stabilizers in polymer matrix using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy.Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics,v 213,n 14,p 1441-1447,July 26,2012

21.Liu, Pengxiang; Xu, Degang; Jiang, Hao; Zhang, Zhuo; Zhong, Kai; Wang, Yuye; Yao, Jianquan,Theory of monochromatic terahertz generation via Cherenkov phase-matched difference frequency generation in LiNbO3 crystal.Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics,v 29,n 9,p 2425-2430,September 1, 2012

22.Yoo, Hyung Keun; Kang, Chul; Lee, Joong Wook; Yoon, Youngwoon; Lee, Hanju; Lee, Kiejin; Kee, Chul-Sik,Transmittances of terahertz pulses through organic copper phthalocyanine films on Si under optical carrier excitation.Applied Physics Express,v 5,n 7,July 2012

23.Kim, J.J.; Jang, D.G.; Hur, M.S.; Jang, H.; Suk, H.,Relativistic terahertz pulse generation by non-linear interaction of a high-power fs laser with underdense plasmas.Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,  v 45, n 39,  October 3, 2012

24.Smirnova, I.N.; Sapozhnikov, D.A.; Kargovsky, A.V.; Volodin, V.A.; Cherkasova, O.P.; Bocquet, R.; Shkurinov, A.P.,Lowest-lying vibrational signatures in corticosteroids studied by terahertz time-domain and Raman spectroscopies.Vibrational Spectroscopy,v 62,p 238-247,September 2012

25.Zhao, Hui; Zhao, Kun; Bao, Rima,Fuel property determination of biodiesel-diesel blends by terahertz spectrum.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,v 33,n5,p 522-528,May 2012

26.Nguyen, T.D.; Liu, S.; Lima, M.D.; Fang, S.; Baughman, R.H.; Nahata, A.; Vardeny, Z.V.,Terahertz surface plasmon polaritons on freestanding multi-walled carbon nanotube aerogel sheets.Optical Materials Express,v 2,n 6,p 782-788,2012

27.Li, Shaopeng; Liu, Hongjun; Huang, Nan; Sun, Qibing; Li, Xuefeng,High efficiency terahertz-wave photonic crystal fiber optical parametric oscillator.Applied Optics,v 51,n 22,p 5579-5584,August 1,2012

28.Ezerskaya, Anna A.; Ivanov, Dmitry V.; Kozlov, Sergey A.; Kivshar, Yuri S.,Spectral approach in the analysis of pulsed terahertz radiation.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,v 33,n 9,p 926-942,September 2012

29.Paul, M.J.; Tomaino, J.L.; Kevek, J.W.; Deborde, T.; Thompson, Z.J.; Minot, E.D.; Lee, Yun-Shik,Terahertz imaging of inhomogeneous electrodynamics in single-layer graphene embedded in dielectrics.Applied Physics Letters,v 101,n 9,August 27,2012

30.Wang, Dong; Liu, Jinsong,Polarization property of the THz wave generated from a two-color laser-induced gas plasma.Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics,v 86,n 2,August 20, 2012

31.Priebe, Sebastian; Britz, David M.; Jacob, Martin; Sarkozy, Stephen; Leong, Kevin M. K. H.; Logan, Jennifer E.; Gorospe, Ben S.; Kürner, Thomas,Interference investigations of active communications and passive earth exploration services in the THz frequency range.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,v 2,n 5,p 525-537,2012

32.Li, Yunda; Li, Qi; Xue, Kai; Wang, Qi,THz reflection properties measurement of several kinds of optical brackets.Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers,v 39,n SUPPL.1,June 2012

33.Yang, Chan-Shan; Chang, Chia-Hua; Lin, Mao-Hsiang; Yu, Peichen; Wada, Osamu; Pan, Ci-Ling,THz conductivities of indium-tin-oxide nanowhiskers as a graded-refractive-index structure.Optics Express,v 20,n SUPPL.4,p A441-A451,July 2,2012

34.Palac,Jes; Vidal, Borja,Terahertz radiation shaping based on third-order dispersion and self-phase modulation in standard single-mode optical fiber.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,v 33,n 6,p 605-614,June 2012

35.Luo, Yi; Huang, Wan-xia; Luo, Zi-yi,Attenuation of terahertz transmission through rain.Optoelectronics Letters,v 8,n 4,p 310-313,July 2012

36.Kim, Geun-Ju; Kim, Jung-Il; Jeon, Seok-Gy; Kim, Jaehong; Park, Kyung-Kook; Oh, Chang-Hyun,Enhanced continuous-wave terahertz imaging with a horn antenna for food inspection.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,v 33,n 6,p 657-664,June 2012

37.Takatsuka, Yuya; Takahagi, Kazuhiro; Sano, Eiichi; Ryzhii, Victor; Otsuji, Taiichi,Gain enhancement in graphene terahertz amplifiers with resonant structures.Journal of Applied Physics,v 112,n 3,August 2012

38.Deng, L.Y. ; Teng, J.H.; Zhang, L.; Wu, Q.Y.; Liu, H.; Zhang, X.H.; Chua, S.J.,Extremely high extinction ratio terahertz broadband polarizer using bilayer subwavelength metal wire-grid structure.Applied Physics Letters, v 101,n 1,July 2, 2012

39.Vegesna, Subash; Zhu, Yanhan; Bernussi, Ayrton; Saed, Mohammad,Terahertz two-layer frequency selective surfaces with improved transmission characteristics.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,v 2,n 4,p 441-448,2012

40.Du, Fei; Li, Chun; Zhou, Mulin; Wang, Weimin; Su, Luning; Zheng, Yi; Li, Yutong; Ma, Jinglong; Sheng, Zhengming; Chen, Liming; Lu, Xin; Wang, Zhaohua; Wei, Zhiyi; Zhang, Jie,Polarization of terahertz emission out of incident plane from laser interactions with solid targets.Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,v 55,n4,p 589-592,April 2012

41.Gopal, A.; May, T.; Herzer, S.; Reinhard, A.; Minardi, S.; Schubert, M.; Dillner, U.; Pradarutti, B.; Polz, J.; Gaumnitz, T.; Kaluza, M.C.; Jäckel, O.; Riehemann, S.; Ziegler, W.; Gemuend, H-P.; Meyer, H-G.; Paulus, G.G.,Observation of energetic terahertz pulses from relativistic solid density plasmas.New Journal of Physics,v 14,August 2012

42.Ramanandan, Gopika K. P.; Ramakrishnan, Gopakumar; Planken, Paul C. M.,Oxidation kinetics of nanoscale copper films studied by terahertz transmission spectroscopy.Journal of Applied Physics,v 111, n 12,June 15, 2012

43.Kaushik, Mayank; Ng, Brian W.-H.; Fischer, Bernd M.; Abbott, Derek ,Terahertz fingerprinting in presence of quasi-ballistic scattering.Applied Physics Letters,v 101,n 6,August 6, 2012

44.Otsuji, Taiichi; Boubanga-Tombet, Stephane; Satou, Akira; Suemitsu, Maki; Ryzhii, Victor,Spectroscopic study on ultrafast carrier dynamics and terahertz amplified stimulated emission in optically pumped graphene.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,v 33,n 8,p 825-838,August 2012

45.Khachatrian, Ani; Melinger, Joseph S.; Qadri, Syed B.,Waveguide terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of ammonium nitrate polycrystalline films.Journal of Applied Physics,v 111,n 9,May 1, 2012

46.Li, Yu-Tong; Wang, Wei-Min; Li, Chun; Sheng, Zheng-Ming,High power terahertz pulses generated in intense laser-plasma interactions. Chinese Physics B,v 21,n 9,September 2012

47.Schumann, Steffen; Jansen, Christian; Schwerdtfeger, Michael; Busch, Stefan; Peters, Ole; Scheller, Maik; Koch, Martin,Spectrum to space transformed fast terahertz imaging.Optics Express,v 20,n 17,p 19200-19205,August 13, 2012

48.Novitsky, A.; Zalkovskij, M.; Malureanu, R.; Jepsen, P.U.; Lavrinenko, A.V.,Optical waveguide mode control by nanoslit-enhanced terahertz field.Optics Letters,v 37,n 18,p 3903-3905,September 15, 2012

49.Alves, Fabio; Grbovic, Dragoslav; Kearney, Brian; Karunasiri, Gamani ,Microelectromechanical systems bimaterial terahertz sensor with integrated metamaterial absorber.Optics Letters, v 37, n 11, p 1886-1888, June 1, 2012

50.Richter, H.; Greiner-Bär, M.; Demann, N.; Pfund, J.; Wienold, M.; Schrottke, L.; Hey, R.; Grahn, H.T.; Hübers, H.-W.,v.Applied Physics Letters, v 101, n 3, July 16, 2012

51.Dunning, M.; Hast, C.; Hemsing, E.; Jobe, K.; McCormick, D.; Nelson, J.; Raubenheimer, T.O.; Soong, K.; Szalata, Z.; Walz, D.; Weathersby, S.; Xiang, D.,Generating periodic terahertz structures in a relativistic electron beam through frequency down-conversion of optical lasers.Physical Review Letters, v 109, n 7, August 16, 2012

52.Rizza, Carlo ; Ciattoni, Alessandro; Spinozzi, Elisa; Columbo, Lorenzo ,Terahertz active spatial filtering through optically tunable hyperbolic metamaterials.Optics Letters, v 37, n 16, p 3345-3347, August 15, 2012

53.Ali Khorrami, Mohammad; El-Ghazaly, Samir; Yu, Shui-Qing; Naseem, Hameed ,Terahertz plasmon amplification using two-dimensional electron-gas layers.Journal of Applied Physics, v 111, n 9, May 1, 2012

54.Shen, Jian; Fan, Xin; Chen, Zhiyuan; Decamp, Matthew F.; Zhang, Huaiwu; Xiao, John Q.,Damping modulated terahertz emission of ferromagnetic films excited by ultrafast laser pulses.Applied Physics Letters,  v 101, n 7,  August 13, 2012

55.Zhu, Yanhan; Zhao, Yong; Holtz, Mark; Fan, Zhaoyang; Bernussi, Ayrton A. ,Effect of substrate orientation on terahertz optical transmission through VO thin films and application to functional antireflection coatings.Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, v 29, n 9, p 2373-2378, September 1, 2012

56.Zyaei, M.; Rostami, A.; Saghai, H. Rasooli; Baghban, H.,Coherent population trapping in quantum cascade photodetector as a new method for terahertz detection.Optik, v 123, n 18, p 1650-1653, September 2012

57.Pozela, Juras; Širmulis, Edmundas; Pozela, Karolis; Šilenas, Aldis; Juciene, Vida,New type of 5-22 THz radiation sources based on semiconductor resonant reflectors.Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, v 9, n 7, p 1696-1698, July 2012

58.Kukushkin, V.A.,Intersubband rabi oscillations in asymmetric nanoheterostructures: Implications for a tunable continuous-wave source of a Far-infrared and THz radiation.Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, v 12, n 6, p 4650-4657, 2012

59.Paul, M.J.; Kuhta, N.A.; Tomaino, J.L.; Jameson, A.D.; Maizy, L.P.; Sharf, T.; Rupesinghe, N.L.; Teo, K.B.K.; Inampudi, S.; Podolskiy, V.A.; Minot, E.D.; Lee, Yun-Shik,Terahertz transmission ellipsometry of vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes.Applied Physics Letters, v 101, n 11, September 10, 2012

60.Zhao, Chongfeng; Huang, Binke; Shi, Zhensheng,Characteristic equation method for propagation properties of terahertz wave in circular hollow waveguide.Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, v 46, n 6, p 12-16, June 2012

61.Docherty, Callum J.; Johnston, Michael B.,Terahertz properties of graphene.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 8, p 797-815,  August 2012

62.Dai, Chao; Zhao, Kun; Zhao, Hui; Tian, Lu,Optical properties of selected Chinese Traditional Patent Medicines and Western Medicines terahertz range.Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers,  v 39, n SUPPL.1, June 2012

63.Moon, Kiwon; Do, Youngwoong; Lim, Meehyun; Lee, Gyuseok; Kang, Hyeona; Park, Kee-Su; Han, Haewook,Quantitative coherent scattering spectra in apertureless terahertz pulse near-field microscopes.Applied Physics Letters, v 101, n 1, July 2, 2012

64.Savage, Lynn,Conscripting terahertz sensors.Photonics Spectra, v 46, n 4, p 52-56, April 2012

65.Yang, Chan-Shan; Chang, Chia-Hua; Lin, Mao-Hsiang; Yu, Peichen; Wada, Osamu; Pan, Ci-Ling,THz conductivities of indium-Tin-oxide nanowhiskers as a graded-refractive-index structure.Optics Express, v 20, n 14, p A441-A451, July 2, 2012

66.Adamonis, Juozas; Bertulis, Klemensas; Biciunas, Andrius; Adomavicius, Ramunas; Krotkus, Arunas,Ultrafast photoconductors from low-temperature-grown GaAs for terahertz components activated by femtosecond 1-μm wavelength laser pulses.Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, v 9, n 7, p 1693-1695, July 2012

67.Shimano, Ryo; Watanabe, Shinichi; Matsunaga, Ryusuke,Intense terahertz pulse-induced nonlinear responses in carbon nanotubes.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,  v 33, n 8, p 861-869,  August 2012,  Terahertz Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanomaterials

68.Li, Ling; Liao, Hui; Huang, Jing-Zhen; Zhai, Jian-Pang,Simulation and fabrication of one dimensional terahertz photonic filter.Shenzhen Daxue Xuebao (Ligong Ban)/Journal of Shenzhen University Science and Engineering, v 29, n 4, p 295-299, July 2012

69.Kong, Hui; Li, Gaofang; Jin, Zuanming; Ma, Guohong; Zhang, Zhenwei; Zhang, Cunlin,Polarization-independent metamaterial absorber for terahertz frequency.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 6, p 649-656, June 2012

70.Arikawa, Takashi; Wang, Xiangfeng; Belyanin, Alexey A.; Kono, Junichiro ,v.Optics Express,  v 20, n 17, p 19484-19492, August 13, 2012

71.Li, Jing-hui; Li, Xi-fu; Zhang, Hui-yun; Zhang, Yu-ping; Musideke, Mayilamu; Yao, Jian-quan,Theoretical research on cascaded terahertz difference-frequency generation based on sphalerite crystals.Optoelectronics Letters, v 8, n 5, p 389-392, September 2012

72.Tsujimoto, M.; Minami, H.; Delfanazari, K.; Sawamura, M.; Nakayama, R.; Kitamura, T.; Yamamoto, T.; Kashiwagi, T.; Hattori, T.; Kadowaki, K. ,Terahertz imaging system using high-T superconducting oscillation devices.Journal of Applied Physics,  v 111, n 12, June 15, 2012

73.Adomavicius, R.; Adamonis, J.; Biciunas, A.; Krotkus, A.; Atrashchenko, A.; Evtikhiev, V.; Ulin, V.; Kaliteevski, M.; Abram, R.,Terahertz pulse emission from nanostructured (311) surfaces of gaas.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 6, p 599-604, June 2012

74.Nusinovich, G.S.; Sprangle, P.; Semenov, V.E.; Dorozhkina, D.S.; Glyavin, M.Yu.,On the sensitivity of terahertz gyrotron based systems for remote detection of concealed radioactive materials.Journal of Applied Physics,  v 111, n 12, June 15, 2012

75.Diao, J.M.; Yang, F.; Nie, Z.P.; Ouyang, J.; Yang, P.,Separated fractal antennas for improved emission performance of terahertz radiations.Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,  v 26, n 8-9, p 1158-1167, 2012

76.Mayorga, Iván Cámara; Schmitz, Andreas; Klein, Thomas; Leinz, Christian; Güsten, Rolf,First in-field application of a full photonic local oscillator to terahertz astronomy.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,  v 2, n 4, p 393-399, 2012

77.Cortie, D.L.; Lewis, R.A.,Terahertz surfoluminescence.Surface Science,  v 606, n 21-22, p 1573-1576, November 2012

78.Yasui, Takeshi; Kawamoto, Kohji; Hsieh, Yi-Da; Sakaguchi, Yoshiyuki; Jewariya, Mukesh; Inaba, Hajime; Minoshima, Kaoru; Hindle, Francis; Araki, Tsutomu,Enhancement of spectral resolution and accuracy in asynchronous-optical- sampling terahertz time-domain spectroscopy for lowpressure gas-phase analysis.Optics Express, v 20, n 14, p 15071-15078,  July 2, 2012

79.Haase, Christa; Liu, Jinjun; Merkt;ric,Vibrational spectra of chloroform, freon-11 and selected isotopomers in the terahertz region.Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, v 262, n 1, p 61-63, July 2010

80.Kang, Xu-Sheng; Hou, Di-Bo; Zhang, Guang-Xin; Chen, Xi-Ai; Yue, Fei-Heng; Huang, Ping-Jie; Zhou, Ze-Kui,Spectral analysis of nitrofurantoin in the terahertz frequency range.Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, v 32, n 7, p 1744-1747, July 2012

81.Hou, Yu; Fan, Fei; Wang, Xianghui; Chang, Shengjiang,Broadband tuning multifunctional photonic crystal fiber for terahertz device.Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers, v 39, n SUPPL.1, June 2012

82.Xu, Baocui; Zhang, Hongmei; Liu, De; Kong, Xiaojun,Transverse wave-vector-dependent electron transport in terahertz quantum cascade lasers.International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control,  v 16, n 3, p 301-306, July 2012

83.Zhang, Hui; Zhang, Wei-Yu; Xu, Wang; Guo, Yi-Fei; Chang, Sheng-Jiang,Study on the influencing factors of photonic crystal's band gaps in THz waveband.Faguang Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Luminescence,  v 33, n 8, p 883-887,  August 2012

84.Yang, Benjamin B.; Katz, Sarah L.; Willis, Keely J.; Weber, Marcus J.; Knezevic, Irena; Hagness, Susan C.; Booske, John H.,v.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, v 2, n 4, p 449-459, 2012

85.Zhang, Rong; Guo, Xuguang; Cao, Juncheng; Liu, Huichun,Asymmetric fabry-perot oscillations in metal grating-coupled terahertz quantum well photodetectors.IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, v 48, n 9, p 1214-1219, 2012

86.Kanda, Natsuki; Konishi, Kuniaki; Kuwata-Gonokami, Makoto,Dynamics of photo-induced terahertz optical activity in metal chiral gratings.Optics Letters,  v 37, n 17, p 3510-3512,  September 1, 2012

87.Niu, Chao; Chang, Sheng-jiang,Reflective terahertz tunable polarization controller.Optoelectronics Letters, v 8, n 4, p 264-268, July 2012

88.Li, Gaofang; Li, Dong; Jin, Zuanming; Ma, Guohong,v.Optics Communications, v 285, n 20, p 4102-4106, September 15, 2012

89.Ryzhii, V.; Otsuji, T.; Ryzhii, M.; Shur, M.S.,Double graphene-layer plasma resonances terahertz detector.Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, v 45, n 30, August 1, 2012

90.Bessou, Maryelle; Duday, Henri; Caumes, Jean-Pascal; Salort, Simon; Chassagne, Bruno; Dautant, Alain;Anne; Abraham, Emmanuel,Advantage of terahertz radiation versus X-ray to detect hidden organic materials in sealed vessels. Optics Communications, v 285, n 21-22, p 4175-4179, October 1, 2012

91.Zhihui; Zhang, Dongwen; Meng, Chao; Sun, Lin; Zhou, Zhaoyan; Zhao, Zengxiu; Yuan, Jianmin,Polarization-sensitive air-biased-coherent-detection for terahertz wave.Applied Physics Letters, v 101, n 8, August 20, 2012

92.Xue, Kai; Li, Qi; Li, Yun-Da; Wang, Qi,Continuous-wave terahertz in-line digital holography.Optics Letters, v 37, n 15, p 3228-3230, August 1, 2012

93.Alves, Fabio; Kearney, Brian; Grbovic, Dragoslav; Karunasiri, Gamani,Narrowband terahertz emitters using metamaterial films.Optics Express, v 20, n 19, p 21025-21032, September 10, 2012

94.Dean, P.; Salih, M.; Khanna, S.P.; Li, L.H.; Saat, N.K.; Valavanis, A.; Burnett, A.; Cunningham, J.E.; Davies, A.G.; Linfield, E.H.,Resonant-phonon depopulation terahertz quantum cascade lasers and their application in spectroscopic imaging.Semiconductor Science and Technology, v 27, n 9, September 2012

95.Wilke, Ingrid; Ding, Yujie J.; Shubina, Tatiana V.,Optically- and electrically-stimulated terahertz radiation emission from indium nitride.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 6, p 559-592, June 2012

96.Nanni, Emilio Alessandro; Jawla, Sudheer Kumar; Shapiro, Michael A.; Woskov, Paul P.; Temkin, Richard J.,Low-loss transmission lines for high-power terahertz radiation.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,  v 33, n 7, p 695-714, July 2012,

97.Chen, Gang; Pei, Jie; Yang, Fei; Zhou, Xiao Yang; Sun, Z.L.; Cui, Tie Jun,Terahertz-wave imaging system based on backward wave oscillator.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, v 2, n 5, p 504-512, 2012

98.Isogawa, Takayuki; Kumashiro, Takuto; Song, Ho-Jin; Ajito, Katsuhiro; Kukutsu, Naoya; Iwatsuki, Katsumi; Nagatsuma, Tadao,Tomographic imaging using photonically generated low-coherence terahertz noise sources.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, v 2, n 5, p 485-492,  2012

99.Kim, Dong-Hyun ; Kim, Dae-Seon; Hwang, Sehyun; Jang, Jae-Hyung,Surface relief structures for a flexible broadband terahertz absorber.Optics Express, v 20, n 15, p 16815-16822, July 16, 2012

100.Vijayakumar, Anand; Uemukai, Masahiro; Suhara, Toshiaki,Phase-shifted Fresnel zone lenses for photomixing generation of coherent THz wave.Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v 51, n 7 PART 1, July 2012

101.Tsai, Hsiao-Rho; Enderli, Florian; Feurer, Thomas; Webb, Kevin J.,Optimization-based terahertz imaging.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, v 2, n 5, p 493-503, 2012

102.Bratman, V.L.; Bogdashov, A.A.; Denisov, G.G.; Glyavin, M. Yu; Kalynov, Yu K.; Luchinin, A.G.; Manuilov, V.N.; Zapevalov, V.E.; Zavolsky, N.A.; Zorin, V.G.,Gyrotron development for high power THz technologies at IAP RAS.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 7, p 715-723, July 2012

103.Wang, Hu; Wang, Kejia; Liu, Jinsong; Dai, Houmei; Yang, Zhengang,Theoretical research on terahertz air-breakdown coherent detection with the transient photocurrent model.Optics Express, v 20, n 17, p 19264-19270, August 13, 2012

104.Kruczek, T.; Leyman, R.; Carnegie, D.; Bazieva, N.; Erbert, G.; Schulz, S.; Reardon, C.; Rafailov, E.U.,Continuous wave terahertz radiation from an InAs/GaAs quantum-dot photomixer device.Applied Physics Letters, v 101, n 8, August 20, 2012

105.Kim, Dae-Seon; Kim, Dong-Ju; Kim, Dong-Hyun; Hwang, Sehyun; Jang, Jae-Hyung,Simple fabrication of an antireflective hemispherical surface structure using a self-assembly method for the terahertz frequency range.Optics Letters, v 37, n 13, p 2742-2744, July 1, 2012

106.Rowley, J.D.; Wahlstrand, J.K.; Zawilski, K.T.; Schunemann, P.G.; Giles, N.C.; Bristow, A.D.,Terahertz generation by optical rectification in uniaxial birefringent crystals.Optics Express, v 20, n 15, p 16968-16973, July 16, 2012

107.Ashrafi, Reza; Azana, Jos,Terahertz bandwidth all-optical Hilbert transformers based on long-period gratings.Optics Letters, v 37, n 13, p 2604-2606, July 1, 2012

108.Kim, Dae-Seon; Kim, Dong-Hyun; Hwang, Sehyun; Jang, Jae-Hyung,Broadband terahertz absorber realized by selfassembled multilayer glass spheres.Optics Express, v 20, n 12, p 13566-13572, June 4, 2012

109.Tsubouchi, Masaaki; Nagai, Masaya; Ohshima, Yasuhiro,Terahertz tomography of a photo-induced carrier based on pump-probe spectroscopy using counterpropagation geometry.Optics Letters, v 37, n 17, p 3528-3530,  September 1, 2012

110.Ponseca, Carlito S.; Yartsev, Arkady; Wang, Ergang; Andersson, Mats R.; Vithanage, Dimali; Sundström, Villy,Ultrafast terahertz photoconductivity of bulk heterojunction materials reveals high carrier mobility up to nanosecond time scale.Journal of the American Chemical Society, v 134, n 29, p 11836-11839, July 25, 2012

111.Xue, Kai; Li, Qi; Wang, Qi,Wavelet-based autofocus algorithm for terahertz digital holographic imaging.Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers,  v 39, n SUPPL.1,  June 2012

112.Brandt, N.N.; Chikishev, A. Yu.; Mankova, A.A.; Nazarov, M.M.; Sakodynskaya, I.K.; Shkurinov, A.P.,THz and IR spectroscopy of molecular systems that simulate function-related structural changes of proteins.Spectroscopy (Netherlands), v 27, n 5-6, p 429-432, 2012

113.Episkopou, Elpida; Papantonis, Stergios; Otter, William J.; Lucyszyn, Stepan,Defining material parameters in commercial em solvers for arbitrary metal-based THz structures.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, v 2, n 5, p 513-524, 2012

114.Idehara, Toshitaka; Mudiganti, Jagadish C.; Agusu, La; Kanemaki, Tomohiro; Ogawa, Isamu; Fujiwara, Toshimichi; Matsuki, Yoh; Ueda, Keisuke ,Development of a compact sub-THz gyrotron FU CW CI for application to high power THz technologies.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 7, p 724-744, July 2012,

115.Rogalev, Andrei; Goulon, José; Goujon, Gérard; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Ogawa, Isamu; Idehara, Toshitaka,X-ray detected magnetic resonance at sub-THz frequencies using a high power gyrotron source.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 7, p 777-793, July 2012

116.Llombart, Nuria; Neto, Andrea,THz time-domain sensing: The antenna dispersion problem and a possible solution.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, v 2, n 4, p 416-423, 2012

117.a-Pino, Antonio ; Llombart, Nuria; Gonzalez-Valdes, Borja; Rubiños-López, Oscar,A Bifocal ellipsoidal Gregorian reflector system for THz imaging applications.IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,  v 60, n 9, p 4119-4129, 2012

118.Fu, Xiaojian ; Yang, Guang; Sun, Jingbo; Zhou, Ji,Vibrational spectra of copper sulfate hydrates investigated with low-temperature raman spectroscopy and terahertz time domain spectroscopy.Journal of Physical Chemistry A, v 116, n 27, p 7314-7318, July 12, 2012

119.Apostolov, S.S.; Rokhmanova, T.N.; Khankina, S.I.; Yakovenko, V.M.; Yampol'Skii, V.A.,Transformation of the polarization of THz waves by their reflection and transmission through a finite layered superconductor.Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, v 38, n 9, p 1109-1118, September 2012

120.Chen, Haibin; Wang, Hui; Hou, Honglu; Chen, Daru,A terahertz single-polarization single-mode photonic crystal fiber with a rectangular array of micro-holes in the core region.Optics Communications,  v 285, n 18, p 3726-3729,  August 15, 2012

121.Bruchhausen, Axel; Lloyd-Hughes, James; Hettich, Mike; Gebs, Raphael; Grossmann, Martin; Ristow, Oliver; Bartels, Albrecht; Fischer, Milan; Beck, Mattias; Scalari, Giacomo; Faist;me; Rudra, Alok; Gallo, Pascal; Kapon, Eli; Dekorsy, Thomas,Investigation of coherent acoustic phonons in terahertz quantum cascade laser structures using femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy.Journal of Applied Physics, v 112, n 3, August 2012

122.Shin, Young-Min,Superimposed coherent terahertz wave radiation from mono-energetically bunched multi-beam.Physics of Plasmas, v 19, n 6, June 2012

123.Kim, Namje; Han, Sang-Pil; Ryu, Han-Cheol; Ko, Hyunsung; Park, Jeong-Woo; Lee, Donghun; Jeon, Min Yong; Park, Kyung Hyun,Distributed feedback laser diode integrated with distributed Bragg reflector for continuous-wave terahertz generation.Optics Express, v 20, n 16, p 17496-17502, July 30, 2012

124.Blin, Stéphane; Teppe;ric; Tohme, Lucie; Hisatake, Shintaro; Arakawa, Kazuki; Nouvel, Philippe; Coquillat, Dominique; Pénarier, Annick; Torres, Jérémie; Varani, Luca; Knap, Wojciech; Nagatsuma, Tadao,Plasma-wave detectors for terahertz wireless communication.IEEE Electron Device Letters, v 33, n 10, p 1354-1356, 2012

125.Idehara, Toshitaka; Sabchevski, Svilen Petrov,Development and applications of high-frequency gyrotrons in FIR FU covering the sub-THz to THz range.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 7, p 667-694, July 2012

126.How Gan, Choon,Analysis of surface plasmon excitation at terahertz frequencies with highly doped graphene sheets via attenuated total reflection.Applied Physics Letters, v 101, n 11, September 10, 2012

127.Vicarelli, L.; Vitiello, M.S.; Coquillat, D.; Lombardo, A.; Ferrari, A.C.; Knap, W.; Polini, M.; Pellegrini, V.; Tredicucci, A.,Graphene field-effect transistors as room-temperature terahertz detectors.Nature Materials, v 11, n 10, p 865-871, October 2012

128.Lin, Hai; Pantoja, Mario F.; Garcia, Salvador G.; Bretones, Amelia R.; Martin, Rafael G.,An FDTD thin-wire model for modeling carbon nanotube dipoles at THz regime.IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v 11, p 708-711, 2012

129.Baik, Chan-Wook; Hong, Seogwoo; Kim, Jongseok; Ahn, Ho Young; Choi, Jun Hee; Kim, Sun Il; Lee, Jooho; Kim, Yongsung; Kim, Jong Min; Hwang, Sungwoo; Jun, So Yeon; Yu, Segi,Frequency shifts in two-level ultra-deep reactive ion etched slow-wave structures for 0.1 THz backward-wave oscillations.Applied Physics Letters, v 101, n 7, August 13, 2012

130.Wu, Thomas Y,High dynamic range terahertz-wave transmission loss measurement at 330-500GHz.Measurement Science and Technology, v 23, n 8, August 2012

131.Qiao, W.; Stephan, D.; Hasselbeck, M.; Liang, Q.; Dekorsy, T.,Low-temperature THz time domain waveguide spectrometer with butt-coupled emitter and detector crystal.Optics Express, v 20, n 18, p 19769-19777,  August 27, 2012

132.Suvorov, E.V.; Akhmedzhanov, R.A.; Fadeev, D.A.; Ilyakov, I.E.; Mironov, V.A.; Shishkin, B.V.,Terahertz emission from a metallic surface induced by a femtosecond optic pulse.Optics Letters,  v 37, n 13, p 2520-2522,  July 1, 2012

133.Middendorf, J.R.; Brown, E.R.,THz generation using extrinsic photoconductivity at 1550 nm.Optics Express,  v 20, n 15, p 16504-16509,  July 16, 2012

134.Kitagawa, Jiro; Kodama, Mitsuhiro; Koya, Shingo; Nishifuji, Yusaku; Armand, Damien; Kadoya, Yutaka,THz wave propagation in two-dimensional metallic photonic crystal with mechanically tunable photonic-bands.Optics Express, v 20, n 16, p 17271-17280, July 30, 2012

135.Mazhorova, Anna; Markov, Andrey; Ung, Bora; Rozé, Mathieu; Gorgutsa, Stepan; Skorobogatiy, Maksim,Thin chalcogenide capillaries as efficient waveguides from mid-infrared to terahertz.Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics,  v 29, n 8, p 2116-2123,  August 1, 2012

136.Abreu, Elsa; Liu, Mengkun; Lu, Jiwei; West, Kevin G.; Kittiwatanakul, Salinporn; Yin, Wenjing; Wolf, Stuart A.; Averitt, Richard D.,THz spectroscopy of VO epitaxial films: Controlling the anisotropic properties through strain engineering.New Journal of Physics, v 14,  August 2012

137.Dell'Anna, M.; Bagliani, D.; Biasotti, M.; Gatti, F.; Antonov, V.; Spasov, S.; Kubatkin, S.; Otto, E.; Kiviranta, M.; Coutaz, J.L.; Sypek, M.,THz spectroscopy using low temperature mesoscopic devices.Journal of Low Temperature Physics, v 167, n 3-4, p 467-472, June 2012

138.Stepanov, Andrei G.; Bonacina, Luigi; Wolf, Jean-Pierre,DAST multilayer structure for efficient generation of 6 THz quasi-single-cycle electromagnetic pulses.Optics Letters, v 37, n 13, p 2439-2441, July 1, 2012

139.Lloyd-Hughes, James; Jeon, Tae-In,A review of the terahertz conductivity of bulk and nano-materials.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 9, p 871-925, September 2012

140.Huang, Yi; Wu, Lin-Sheng; Tang, Min; Mao, Junfa,Design of a beam reconfigurable thz antenna with graphene-based switchable high-impedance surface.IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, v 11, n 4, p 836-842, 2012

141.Huang, L.; Shabaev, A.; Lambrakos, S.G.; Massa, L.,THz dielectric properties of molecular clusters of PETN and TNT calculated by density functional theory.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,  v 21, n 8, p 1620-1636, August 2012

142.Miyamaru, Fumiaki; Kubota, Shiro; Takeda, Mitsuo Wada,Terahertz response of split-ring resonators with fractal structures.Applied Physics Express, v 5, n 7, July 2012

143.Andronico, A.; Mariani, S.; Ghiglieno, F.; Claudon, J.; Munsch, M.; Gérard, J.M.; Favero, I.; Ducci, S.; Leo, G.,Tuning of a nonlinear THz emitter.Optics Express,  v 20, n 16, p 17678-17683,  July 30, 2012

144.Chow, C.W.; Yang, L.G.; Yeh, C.H.; Huang, C.B.; Shi, J.W.; Pan, C.L. ,10 Gb/s optical carrier distributed network with W-band (0.1 THz) short-reach wireless communication system.Optics Communications,  v 285, n 21-22, p 4307-4311,  October 1, 2012

145.Mirzaei, B.; Rostami, A.; Baghban, H.,Terahertz dual-wavelength quantum cascade laser based on GaN active region.Optics and Laser Technology, v 44, n 2, p 378-383, March 2012

146.Zídek, Karel; Zheng, Kaibo; Ponseca, Carlito S.; Messing, Maria E.; Wallenberg, L. Reine; Chábera, Pavel; Abdellah, Mohamed; Sundström, Villy; Pullerits,Electron transfer in quantum-dot-sensitized ZnO nanowires: Ultrafast time-resolved absorption and terahertz study.Journal of the American Chemical Society, v 134, n 29, p 12110-12117, July 25, 2012

147.Gutin, A.; Kachorovskii, V.; Muraviev, A.; Shur, M.,Plasmonic terahertz detector response at high intensities.Journal of Applied Physics, v 112, n 1, July 1, 2012

148.Xu, Li-Hong; Lees, R.M.; Crabbe, G.T.; Myshrall, J.A.; Müller, H.S.P.; Endres, C.P.; Baum, O.; Lewen, F.; Schlemmer, S.; Menten, K.M.; Billinghurst, B.E.,Terahertz and far-infrared synchrotron spectroscopy and global modeling of methyl mercaptan.Journal of Chemical Physics, v 137, n 10, September 14, 2012

149.Qadri, Syed B. ; Wu, Dong H.; Graber, Benjamin D.; Mahadik, Nadeemullah A.; Garzarella, Anthony,Failure mechanism of THz GaAs photoconductive antenna.Applied Physics Letters, v 101, n 1, July 2, 2012

150.Scherger, Benedikt; Born, Norman; Jansen, Christian; Schumann, Steffen; Koch, Martin; Wiesauer, Karin,Compression molded terahertz transmission blaze-grating.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, v 2, n 5, p 556-561, 2012

151.Lu, Chengzhen; Liu, Chen; Cui, Erliang; Li, Jia; Liu, Wei; Sun, Ping,Analysis on the characteristics of animal tissues based on the Terahertz time domain spectroscopy system.Chinese Optics Letters, v 10, n SUPPL.1, June 2012

152.Matsuki, Yoh; Ueda, Keisuke; Idehara, Toshitaka; Ikeda, Ryosuke; Kosuga, Kosuke; Ogawa, Isamu; Nakamura, Shinji; Toda, Mitsuru; Anai, Takahiro; Fujiwara, Toshimichi,Application of continuously frequency-tunable 0.4 THz gyrotron to dynamic nuclear polarization for 600 MHz solid-state NMR.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 7, p 745-755, July 2012

153.Basharin, Alexey A.; Kafesaki, Maria; Economou, Eleftherios N.; Soukoulis, Costas M.,Backward wave radiation from negative permittivity waveguides and its use for THz subwavelength imaging.Optics Express,  v 20, n 12, p 12752-12760,  June 4, 2012

154.Trushin, Maxim; Schliemann, John,Polarization-sensitive absorption of THz radiation by interacting electrons in chirally stacked multilayer graphene.New Journal of Physics, v 14, September 2012

155.Huang, L.; Shabaev, A.; Lambrakos, S.G.; Bernstein, N.; Jacobs, V.; Finkenstadt, D.; Massa, L.,Dielectric response of high explosives at THz frequencies calculated using density functional theory.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, v 21, n 7, p 1120-1132, July 2012

156.Klimenko, Oleg A.; Knap, Wojciech; Iniguez, Benjamin; Coquillat, Dominique; Mityagin, Yury A.; Teppe, Frederic; Dyakonova, Nina; Videlier, Hadley; But, Dmitry; Lime, Francois; Marczewski, Jacek; Kucharski, Krzysztof,Temperature enhancement of terahertz responsivity of plasma field effect transistors.Journal of Applied Physics, v 112, n 1, July 1, 2012

157.Parida, R.K.; Agrawala, N.C.; Dash, G.N.; Panda, A.K.,Characteristics of a GaN-based Gunn diode for THz signal generation.Journal of Semiconductors, v 33, n 8, August 2012

158.Gente, Ralf; Jansen, Christian; Geise, Robert; Peters, Ole; Gente, Michael; Krumbholz, Norman; Möller, Christoph; Busch, Stefan; Koch, Martin,Scaled bistatic radar cross section measurements of aircraft with a fiber-coupled THz time-domain spectrometer.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, v 2, n 4, p 424-431, 2012

159.Mateos, Javier; González, Toms,Plasma enhanced terahertz rectification and noise in InGaAs HEMTs.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, v 2, n 5, p 562-569, 2012

160.Cui, Yumeng; Fu, Wenjie; Guan, Xiaotong; Hu, Min; Yan, Yang; Liu, Shenggang,Experiment studies on two-dimension terahertz raster scan imaging.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 5, p 513-521, May 2012

161.Carelli, P.; Chiarello, F.; Cibella, S.; Di Gaspare, A.; Leoni, R.; Ortolani, M.; Torrioli, G.,A fast terahertz spectrometer based on frequency selective surface filters.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 5, p 505-512, May 2012

162.Chen, Ruolin; Sun, Guan; Xu, Guibao; Ding, Yujie J.; Zotova, Ioulia B.,Generation of high-frequency terahertz waves in periodically poled based on backward parametric interaction.Applied Physics Letters, v 101, n 11, September 10, 2012

163.Li, Huiyu; Li, Qi; Xia, Zhiwei; Zhao, Yongpeng; Chen, Deying; Wang, Qi,Influence of Gaussian beam on conductor cylinder terahertz radar cross section.Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers, v 39, n SUPPL.1, June 2012

164.Fan, Fei; Chang, Sheng-Jiang; Niu, Chao; Hou, Yu; Wang, Xiang-Hui,Magnetically tunable silicon-ferrite photonic crystals for terahertz circulator. Optics Communications, v 285, n 18, p 3763-3769, August 15, 2012

165.Mikulics, Martin; Zhang, Jie; Serafini, John; Adam, Roman; Grützmacher, Detlev; Sobolewski, Roman,Subpicosecond electron-hole recombination time and terahertz-bandwidth photoresponse in freestanding GaAs epitaxial mesoscopic structures.Applied Physics Letters, v 101, n 3, July 16, 2012

166.Ren, Lei ; Zhang, Qi; Nanot, Sébastien; Kawayama, Iwao; Tonouchi, Masayoshi; Kono, Junichiro,Terahertz dynamics of quantum-confined electrons in carbon nanomaterials.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 8, p 846-860, August 2012

167.Shi, Q.W. ; Huang, W.X.; Xu, Y.J.; Zhang, Y.X.; Yue, F.; Qiao, S.; Zheng, S.P.; Yan, J.Z.,Synthesis and terahertz transmission properties of nano-porous vanadium dioxide films.Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, v 45, n 38, September 26, 2012

168.Ren, Y.; Hayton, D.J.; Hovenier, J.N.; Cui, M.; Gao, J.R.; Klapwijk, T.M.; Shi, S.C.; Kao, T.-Y.; Hu, Q.; Reno, J.L.,Frequency and amplitude stabilized terahertz quantum cascade laser as local oscillator.Applied Physics Letters,  v 101, n 10,  September 3, 2012

169.Li, Qi; Li, Yun-Da; Ding, Sheng-Hui; Wang, Qi,Terahertz computed tomography using a continuous-wave gas laser.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 5, p 548-558, May 2012

170.Shi, Qiwu; Huang, Wanxia; Wu, Jing; Zhang, Yaxin; Xu, Yuanjie; Zhang, Yang; Qiao, Shen; Yan, Jiazhen,Terahertz transmission characteristics across the phase transition in films deposited on Si, sapphire, and substrates.Journal of Applied Physics, v 112, n 3, August 2012

171.Idehara, Toshitaka,Introduction to the special issue "high power thz technologies opened by high frequency gyrotrons.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 7, p 665-666, July 2012

172.Drexler, C.; Dyakonova, N.; Olbrich, P.; Karch, J.; Schafberger, M.; Karpierz, K.; Mityagin, Yu.; Lifshits, M.B.; Teppe, F.; Klimenko, O.; Meziani, Y.M.; Knap, W.; Ganichev, S.D.,Helicity sensitive terahertz radiation detection by field effect transistors.Journal of Applied Physics, v 111, n 12, June 15, 2012

173.Maysonnave, J.; Maussang, K.; Freeman, J.R.; Jukam, N.; Rungsawang, R.; Khanna, S.P.; Linfield, E.H.; Davies, A.G.; Beere, H.E.; Ritchie, D.A.; Dhillon, S.S.; Tignon, J.,Mode-locking of a terahertz laser by direct phase synchronization.Optics Express, v 20, n 19, p 20855-20862,  September 10, 2012

174.Li, Yi-Nan; Li, Jian; Zeng, Zhou-Mo; Li, Jie; Tian, Zhen; Wang, Wei-Kui,Terahertz spectroscopy for quantifying refined oil mixtures.Applied Optics, v 51, n 24, p 5885-5889, August 20, 2012

175.Gerhard, M.; Theuer, M.; Beigang, R.,Coupling into tapered metal parallel plate waveguides using a focused terahertz beam.Applied Physics Letters,  v 101, n 4, July 23, 2012

176.Hussain, Babar; Ahmed, Mushtaq; Nawaz, M.; Saleem, M.; Razzaq, M.; Aslam Zia, M.; Iqbal, M.,Simultaneous determination of thickness and refractive index based on time-of-flight measurements of terahertz pulse. Applied Optics, v 51, n 21, p 5326-5330, July 20, 2012

177.Blanchard, F. ; Ooi, K.; Tanaka, T.; Doi, A.; Tanaka, K.,Terahertz spectroscopy of the reactive and radiative near-field zones of split ring resonator.Optics Express,  v 20, n 17, p 19395-19403,  August 13, 2012

178.Sydoruk, O.; Syms, R.R.A.; Solymar, L.,Distributed gain in plasmonic reflectors and its use for terahertz generation.Optics Express, v 20, n 18, p 19618-19627, August 27, 2012

179.Kokabi, Alireza; Kamrani, Hamed; Fardmanesh, Mehdi,Terahertz radiation power characterization and optimization of stack of intrinsic Josephson junctions.IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, v 22, n 4, 2012

180.Parashar, Jetendra; Sharma, Hirdesh,Optical rectification in a carbon nanotube array and terahertz radiation generation.Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, v 44, n 10, p 2069-2071, July 2012

181.Borodin, Alexander V. ; Esaulkov, Mikhail N.; Kuritsyn, Ilya I.; Kotelnikov, Igor A.; Shkurinov, Alexander P,On the role of photoionization in generation of terahertz radiation in the plasma of optical breakdown.Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, v 29, n 8, p 1911-1919, August 1, 2012

182.Bao, Yongjun; He, Cheng; Zhou, Fan; Stuart, Colin; Sun, Cheng,A realistic design of three-dimensional full cloak at terahertz frequencies.Applied Physics Letters, v 101, n 3,  July 16, 2012

183.Wang, Zhihai; Ishibashi, Koji; Komiyama, S.; Nagai, N.; Hirakawa, K.,Integrating a plasmonic coupler to photo detector of terahertz frequency.Applied Physics Letters,  v 101, n 9, August 27, 2012

184.Reyes-Coronado, A.; Acosta, M.F.; Merino, R.I.; Orera, V.M.; Kenanakis, G.; Katsarakis, N.; Kafesaki, M.; Mavidis, Ch.; García De Abajo, J.; Economou, E.N.; Soukoulis, C.M.,Self-organization approach for THz polaritonic metamaterials.Optics Express,  v 20, n 13, p 14663-14682, June 18, 2012

185.Matsubara, Eiichi; Nagai, Masaya; Ashida, Masaaki,Ultrabroadband coherent electric field from far infrared to 200 THz using air plasma induced by 10 fs pulses.Applied Physics Letters, v 101, n 1, July 2, 2012

186.Yamazaki, Toshiaki; Kuzuwata, Mitsuru; Shioda, Tatsutoshi,Spectral waveform measurement of 2 THz optical frequency comb by dual-heterodyne mixing.Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, v 29, n 7, p 1707-1711, July 2012

187.Riley, Michael; Redo-Sanchez, Albert; Karampourniotis, Panagiotis; Plawsky, Joel; Lu, Toh-Ming,Nanostructured porous silicon films for terahertz optics.Nanotechnology, v 23, n 32, August 17, 2012

188.Sypek, Maciej; Makowski, Michal;rault, Emilie; Siemion, Agnieszka; Siemion, Andrzej; Suszek, Jaroslaw; Garet;ric; Coutaz, Jean-Louis,Highly efficient broadband double-sided Fresnel lens for THz range.Optics Letters,  v 37, n 12, p 2214-2216, June 15, 2012

189.Woo, J.H. ; Choi, E.; Kang, Boyoung; Kim, E.S.; Kim, J.; Lee, Y.U.; Hong, Tae Y.; Kim, Jae H.; Lee, Ilha; Lee, Young Hee; Wu, J.W.,Anisotropic change in THz resonance of planar metamaterials by liquid crystal and carbon nanotube.Optics Express, v 20, n 14, p 15440-15451, July 2, 2012

190.Fujita, Kazuue; Yamanishi, Masamichi; Furuta, Shinichi; Tanaka, Kazunori; Edamura, Tadataka; Kubis, Tillmann; Klimeck, Gerhard,Indirectly pumped 3.7 THz InGaAs/InAlAs quantum-cascade lasers grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy.Optics Express, v 20, n 18, p 20647-20658, August 27, 2012

191.Zhu, Jiapeng ; Xu, Hongliang; Feng, Guangyao; Lan, Jieqin,Design of a quasi-isochronous storage ring for THz light source.Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu/High Power Laser and Particle Beams,  v 24, n 6, p 1453-1457,  June 2012

192.Jo, C.A.A.; Vasconcelos, M.S.; Mauriz, P.W.; Albuquerque, E.L.,Omnidirectional band gaps in quasiperiodic photonic crystals in the THz region.Optical Materials, v 35, n 1, p 18-24, November 2012

193.Asai, Hidehiro; Tachiki, Masashi; Kadowaki, Kazuo,Proposal of terahertz patch antenna fed by intrinsic Josephson junctions.Applied Physics Letters, v 101, n 11, September 10, 2012

194.Fan, Fei; Hou, Yu; Jiang, Zi-Wei; Wang, Xiang-Hui; Chang,Sheng Jiang,Terahertz modulator based on insulator-metal transition in photonic crystal waveguide.Applied Optics, v 51, n 20, p 4589-4596,  July 10, 2012

195.Preu, S.; Mittendorff, M.; Lu, H.; Weber, H.B.; Winnerl, S.; Gossard, A.C.,1550 nm ErAs:In(Al)GaAs large area photoconductive emitters.Applied Physics Letters, v 101, n 10, September 3, 2012

196.Zhu, Jun; Li, Zhiquan,Physical characteristics with SPP in the metallic nanowires structure.Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, v 55, n 10, p 1776-1780, October 2012

197.Yuryev, Vladimir A.; Arapkina, Larisa V.; Storozhevykh, Mikhail S.; Chapnin, Valery A.; Chizh, Kirill V.; Uvarov, Oleg V.; Kalinushkin, Victor P.; Zhukova, Elena S.; Prokhorov, Anatoly S.; Spektor, Igor E.; Gorshunov, Boris P.,Ge/Si(001) heterostructures with dense arrays of Ge quantum dots: Morphology, defects, photo-emf spectra and terahertz conductivity.Nanoscale Research Letters, v 7, 2012

198.Cao, Xiao-Long; Li, Zhong-Yang; Yao, Jian-Quan; Wang, Yu-Ye; Zhu, Neng-Nian; Zhong, Kai; Xu, De-Gang,Intersubband absorption with difference-frequency generation in GaAs asymmetric quantum wells.Chinese Physics B, v 21, n 8, August 2012

199.Cunsolo, Alessandro,On the absence of a positive sound dispersion in the THz dynamics of glycerol: An inelastic x-ray scattering study.Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, v 24, n 37, September 19, 2012

200.Saito, Teruo; Yamada, Naoki; Ikeuti, Shinji; Ogasawara, Shinya; Tatematsu, Yoshinori; Ikeda, Ryosuke; Ogawa, Isamu; Idehara, Toshitaka; Manuilov, Vladimir N.; Shimozuma, Takashi; Kubo, Shin; Nishiura, Masaki; Tanaka, Kenji; Kawahata, Kazuo,Generation of high power sub-terahertz radiation from a gyrotron with second harmonic oscillation. Physics of Plasmas, v 19, n 6, June 2012

201.Hamm, Peter; Savolainen, Janne; Ono, Junichi; Tanimura, Yoshitaka,Note: Inverted time-ordering in two-dimensional-Raman-terahertz spectroscopy of water.Journal of Chemical Physics, v 136, n 23, June 21, 2012

202.Sun, Wenfeng; Wang, Xinke; Zhang, Yan,A method to monitor the oil pollution in water with reflective pulsed terahertz tomography.Optik,  v 123, n 21, p 1980-1984, November 2012

203.Otsuji, T.; Boubanga Tombet, S.A.; Satou, A.; Fukidome, H.; Suemitsu, M.; Sano, E.; Popov, V.; Ryzhii, M.; Ryzhii, V.,Graphene-based devices in terahertz science and technology.Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,  v 45, n 30, August 1, 2012

204.Yi, Minwoo; Kim, Hyosub; Jin, Kyong Hwan; Ye, Jong Chul; Ahn, Jaewook,Terahertz substance imaging by waveform shaping.Optics Express,  v 20, n 18, p 20783-20789, August 27, 2012

205.Ren, Lei; Zhang, Qi; Yao, Jun; Sun, Zhengzong; Kaneko, Ryosuke; Yan, Zheng; Nanot, Sébastien; Jin, Zhong; Kawayama, Iwao; Tonouchi, Masayoshi; Tour, James M.; Kono, Junichiro,Terahertz and infrared spectroscopy of gated large-area graphene.Nano Letters, v 12, n 7, p 3711-3715, July 11, 2012

206.Fumeaux, Christophe; Lin, Hungyen; Serita, Kazunori; Withayachumnankul, Withawat; Kaufmann, Thomas; Tonouchi, Masayoshi; Abbott,Derek,Distributed source model for the full-wave electromagnetic simulation of nonlinear terahertz generation.Optics Express, v 20, n 16, p 18397-18414, July 30, 2012

207.Li, Binbin; Yan, Shengmei; Xiong, Wei; Shen, Jingling; Yao,Jun,Terahertz-metallic aperture arrays designing.Chinese Optics Letters, v 10, n SUPPL.1, June 2012

208.Li, Zhi; Zhang, Zhaohui; Zhao, Xiaoyan; Su, Haixia; Yan, Fang; Zhang, Han,Method for improving terahertz band absorption spectrum measurement accuracy using noncontact sample thickness measurement.Applied Optics, v 51, n 20, p 4879-4884, July 10, 2012

209.jcik, Pawe ; Spisak, Bartomiej J.; Wooszyn, MacIej; Adamowski, Janusz,Tuning of terahertz intrinsic oscillations in asymmetric triple-barrier resonant tunneling diodes.Journal of Applied Physics, v 111, n 12, June 15, 2012

210.Arzhannikov, A.V.; Timofeev, I.V.,Generation of powerful terahertz emission in a beam-driven strong plasma turbulence.Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, v 54, n 10, October 2012

211.Dyer, G.C.; Aizin, G.R.; Preu, S.; Vinh, N.Q.; Allen, S.J.; Reno, J.L.; Shaner, E.A.,Inducing an incipient terahertz finite plasmonic crystal in coupled two dimensional plasmonic cavities.Physical Review Letters,v 109, n 12, September 18, 2012

212.Ryu, Jung-Wan; Cho, Jinhang; Kim, Chil-Min; Shinohara, Susumu; Kim, Sang Wook,Terahertz beat frequency generation from two-mode lasing operation of coupled microdisk laser.Optics Letters, v 37, n 15, p 3210-3212,  August 1, 2012

213.Zhao, Pu; Ragam, Srinivasa; Ding, Yujie J.; Zotova, Ioulia B.,Terahertz intracavity generation from output coupler consisting of stacked GaP plates.Applied Physics Letters,  v 101, n 2, July 9, 2012

214.Chou, Shin G.; Stutzman, Paul E.; Wang, Shuangzhen; Garboczi, Edward J.; Egelhoff, William F.; Plusquellic, David F.,High-resolution terahertz optical absorption study of the antiferromagnetic resonance transition in hematite.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v 116, n 30, p 16161-16166,  August 2, 2012

215.Ghasempour Ardakani, Abbas ; Reza Bahrampour, Ali; Mohammad Mahdavi, Seyed; Hosseini, Mehdi,Tunability of terahertz random lasers with temperature based on superconducting materials.Journal of Applied Physics,  v 112, n 4,  August 15, 2012

216.Hou, Lei; Shi, Wei; Han, Xiaowei; Yan, Zhijin,Enhanced terahertz emission from photoconductive antenna with ohmic contact electrodes biased by out-of-phase voltages.Electronics Letters, v 48, n 13, p 780-781, June 21, 2012

217.Otsuka, Makoto; Nishizawa, Jun-Ichi; Fukura, Naomi; Sasaki,Tetsuo,Characterization of poly-amorphous indomethacin by terahertz spectroscopy.Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, v 33, n 9, p 953-962, September 2012

218.Neshat, M.; Armitage, N.P.,Improved measurement of polarization state in terahertz polarization spectroscopy.Optics Letters,  v 37, n 11, p 1811-1813, June 1, 2012

219.Oh, T.I. ; You, Y.S.; Kim, K.Y.,Two-dimensional plasma current and optimized terahertz generation in two-color photoionization.Optics Express,  v 20, n 18, p 19778-19786, August 27, 2012

220.Maysonnave, Jean; Jukam, Nathan; Ibrahim, M. Shahrizan M.; Rungsawang, Rakchanok; Maussang, Kenneth;  Julien;Pierrick; Dean, Paul; Khanna, Suraj P.; Steenson, D. Paul; Linfield, Edmund H.; Davies, A. Giles; Dhillon, Sukhdeep S.;Tignon,Measuring the sampling coherence of a terahertz quantum cascade laser.Optics Express, v 20, n 15, p 16662-16670, July 16, 2012

221.Delaney, S.P.; Witko, E.M.; Smith, T.M.; Korter, T.M., Investigating tautomeric polymorphism in crystalline anthranilic acid using terahertz spectroscopy and solid-state density functional theory, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 116, 30, 8051-8057, August 2, 2012

222.Chen, W.-C.; Mock, J.J.; Smith, D.R.; Akalin, D.R.; Padilla, W.J., Controlling Gigahertz and Terahertz Surface ElectromagneticWaves with Metamaterial Resonators, Physical Review X, 1, 2, 2011

223.Chattopadhyay, T., Terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer (TOAD) based half-adder and using it to design all-optical flip-flop, Optik, 123, 21, 1961-1964, November 2012

224.Hanham, S.M.; Fernández-Domínguez, A.I.; Teng, J.H.; Ang, S.S.; Lim, K.P.; Yoon, S.F.; Ngo, C.Y.; Klein, N.; Pendry, J.B.; Maier, S.A., Broadband terahertz plasmonic response of touching InSb disks, Advanced Materials, 24, 35, OP226-OP230, September 11, 2012

225.Shuba, M.V.; Seliuta, D.; Kuzhir, P.P.; Maksimenko, S.A.; Ksenevich, V.K.; Kašalynas, I.; MacUtkevic, J.; Valušis, G., Antenna resonances in terahertz photoconductivity of single wall carbon nanotube fibers, Diamond and Related Materials, 27-28, 36-39, July-August 2012

226.Zhou, S.F.; Chan, H.P.; Reekie, L.; Chow, Y.T.; Chung, P.S.; Luk, K.M., Polymer fiber polarizer for terahertz applications, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24, 17, 1490-1492, 2012

227.Gao, Xiang; Li, Chao; Gu, Sheng-Ming; Fang, Guang-You, Design of a T-shaped terahertz imager , Hongwai Yu Haomibo Xuebao/Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 31, 3, 197-202, June 2012

228.Gao, Zhen; Shen, Linfang; Zheng, Xiaodong, Highly-confined guiding of terahertz waves along subwavelength grooves, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24, 15, 1343-1345, 2012

229.Suzuki, T.; Shimano, R., Exciton Mott transition in Si revealed by terahertz spectroscopy, Physical Review Letters, 109, 4, July 26, 2012

230.Kao, Tsung-Yu; Hu, Qing; Reno, J.L., Perfectly phase-matched third-order distributed feedback terahertz quantum-cascade lasers, Optics Letters, 37, 11, 2070-2072, June 1, 2012

231.Miyamaru, F.; Kubota, S.; Nakanishi, T.; Kawashima, S.; Sato, N.; Kitano, M.; Takeda, M.W., Transmission properties of double-gap asymmetric split ring resonators in terahertz region, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 5, July 30, 2012

232.Li, Mingjie; Wu, Bo; Ekahana, S.A.; Utama, M.I.B.; Xing, Guichuan; Xiong, Qihua; Sum, T.C.; Zhang, Xinhai, Size and surface effects on transient photoconductivity in CdS nanobelts probed by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 9, August 27, 2012

233.Liang, Hua-Wei; Ruan, Shuang-Chen; Zhang, Min; Su, Hong, Study on the focusing characteristics of conical metal nanowires, Shenzhen Daxue Xuebao (Ligong Ban)/Journal of Shenzhen University Science and Engineering, 29, 4, 300-303, July 2012

234.Ulbricht, R.; Kurstjens, R.; Bonn, M., Assessing charge carrier trapping in silicon nanowires using picosecond conductivity measurements, Nano Letters, 12, 7, 3821-3827, July 11, 2012

235.Zuo, Jian; Zhang, Zhenwei; Zhang, Liangliang; Mu, Kaijun; Zhang, Cunlin, Research on distribution of leaf water by terahertz spectrum, Chinese Optics Letters, 10, SUPPL.1, June 2012

236.Shibayama, H.; Shiraishi, M.; Suzuki, S.; Asada, M., Dependence of output power on slot antenna width in terahertz oscillating resonant tunneling diodes, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 33, 5, 475-478, May 2012

237.Doradla, P.; Joseph, C.S.; Kumar, J.; Giles, R.H., Characterization of bending loss in hollow flexible terahertz waveguides, Optics Express, 20, 17, 19176-19184, August 13, 2012

238.Pan, Z.Y.; Zhang, P.; Chen, Z.C.; Vienne, G.; Hong, M.H., Hybrid SRRs design and fabrication for broadband terahertz metamaterials, IEEE Photonics Journal, 4, 5, 1267-1272, 2012

239.Lehman, J.; Dowell, M.; Popovic, N.B.; Betz, K.; Grossman, E., Laser power-meter comparison at far-infrared wavelengths and terahertz frequencies, Metrologia, 49, 4, 583-587, August 2012

240.Ghasemi, A.H.B.; Latifi, H., Localized modes in a defectless photonic crystal waveguide at terahertz frequencies, Optics Letters, 37, 13, 2727-2729, July 1, 2012

241.Grichener, A.; Rebeiz, G.M., A 15-50-GHz quasi-optical scalar network analyzer scalable to terahertz frequencies, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 60, 8, 2622-2633, 2012

242.Han, S.P.; Kim, N.; Ko, H.; Ryu, H.C.; Park, J.W.; Yoon, Y.J.; Shin, J. H.; Lee, D.H.; Park, S.H.; Moon, S.H.; Choi, S.W.; Chun, H.S.; Park, K.H., Compact fiber-pigtailed InGaAs photoconductive antenna module for terahertzwave generation and detection, Optics Express, 20, 16, 18432-18439, July 30, 2012

243.Ang, Y.S.; Sultan, S.; Tawfiq, A.; Cao, Juncheng; Zhang, Chao, Terahertz photon mixing effect in gapped graphene, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 33, 8, 816-824, August 2012, Terahertz Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanomaterials

244.Telenkov, Maksim P.; Mityagin, Y.A.; Kartsev, P.F., Intersubband terahertz transitions in Landau level system of cascade GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structures in strong tilted magnetic field, Nanoscale Research Letters, 7, August 31, 2012

245.Sensale-Rodriguez, B.; Yan, R.; Rafique, S.; Zhu, Mingda; Li, Wei; Liang, Xuelei; Gundlach, D.; Protasenko, V.; Kelly, M.M.; Jena, D.; Liu, Lei; Xing, Huili G., Extraordinary control of terahertz beam reflectance in graphene electro-absorption modulators, Nano Letters, 12, 9, 4518-4522, September 12, 2012

246.Park, J.W.; Im, K.H.; Hsu, D.K.; Jung, J.A.; Yang, I.Y., Terahertz spectroscopy approach of the fiber orientation influence on CFRP composite solid laminates, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 26, 7, 2051-2054, July 2012

247.Averkov, Yu. O.; Yakovenko, V.M.; Yampol'Skii, V.A.; Nori, F., Conversion of terahertz wave polarization at the boundary of a layered superconductor due to the resonance excitation of oblique surface waves, Physical Review Letters, 109, 2, July 10, 2012

248.Hussain, S.; Min W.J.; Jang, J.H., Dual-band terahertz metamaterials based on nested split ring resonators, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 9, August 27, 2012

249.Zhang, Y.; Chuang, T.-H.; Zakeri, Kh.; Kirschner, J., Relaxation time of terahertz magnons excited at ferromagnetic surfaces, Physical Review Letters, 109, 8, August 24, 2012

250.Yan, H.; Li, Zhiqiang; Li, Xuesong; Zhu, Wenjuan; Avouris, P.; Xia, Fengnian, Infrared spectroscopy of tunable Dirac terahertz magneto-plasmons in graphene, Nano Letters, 12, 7, 3766-3771, July 11, 2012

251.Hu, Bin; Wang, Qi Jie; Zhang, Ying, Broadly tunable one-way terahertz plasmonic waveguide based on nonreciprocal surface magneto plasmons, Optics Letters, 37, 11, 1895-1897, June 1, 2012

252.Lee, S.; Kim, S.; Kim, T.T.; Kim, Y.; Choi, M.; Lee, S.H.; Kim, J.Y.; Min, B., Reversibly stretchable and tunable terahertz metamaterials with wrinkled layouts, Advanced Materials, 24, 26, 3491-3497, July 10, 2012

253.Ponseca, C.S.; Nemec, H.; Vukmirovic, N.; Fusco, S.; Wang, E.; Andersson, M.R.; Chabera, P.; Yartsev, A.; Sundström, V., Electron and hole contributions to the terahertz photoconductivity of a conjugated polymer:Fullerene blend identified, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 3, 17, 2442-2446, September 6, 2012

254.Al-Naib, I.; Singh, R.; Rockstuhl, C.; Lederer, F.; Delprat, S.; Rocheleau, D.; Chaker, M.; Ozaki, T.; Morandotti, R., Excitation of a high-Q subradiant resonance mode in mirrored single-gap asymmetric split ring resonator terahertz metamaterials, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 7, August 13, 2012

255.Nguyen, T.D.; Nahata, A.; Vardeny, Z.V., Measurement of surface plasmon correlation length differences using Fibonacci deterministic hole arrays, Optics Express, 20, 14, 15222-15231, July 2, 2012

256.Xiao, X.; Li, Y.; Hou, B.; Zhou, B.; Wen, W., Subwavelength polarization rotators via double-layer metal hole arrays, Optics Letters, 37, 17, 3594-3596, September 1, 2012

257.Siegel, P.H., Terahertz pioneers: A series of interviews with significant contributors to terahertz science and technology, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2, 5, 477, 2012

258.Siegel, P.H., Terahertz Pioneers: A series of interviews with significant contributors to terahertz science and technology, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2, 4, 377, 2012

259.Lee, Y.S., Introduction to the special issue on terahertz spectroscopy of carbon nanomaterials, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 33, 8, 795-796, August 2012

260.Mendis, R.; Liu, Jingbo; Mittleman, D.M., Terahertz mirage: Deflecting terahertz beams in an inhomogeneous artificial dielectric based on a parallel-plate waveguide, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 11, September 10, 2012

261.Jacob, R.; Winnerl, S.; Fehrenbacher, M.; Bhattacharyya, J.; Schneider, H.; Wenzel, M.T.; Ribbeck, H.G.V.; Eng, L.M.; Atkinson, P.; Schmidt, O.G.; Helm, M., Intersublevel spectroscopy on single InAs-quantum dots by terahertz near-field microscopy, Nano Letters, 12, 8, 4336-4340, August 8, 2012

262.Nishizawa, S.; Kawaguchi, M.; Shimizu, A., Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, Toraibarojisuto/Journal of Japanese Society of Tribologists, 57, 7, 474-480, 2012

263.Richard, C.; Margul&#232;s, L.; Motiyenko, R.A.; Guillemin, J.-C., Analysis of the terahertz rotational spectrum of the three mono- <sup>13</sup>C ethyl cyanides (<sup>13</sup>C-CH<inf>3</inf>CH<inf>2</inf>CN), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 543, 2012

264.Astley, V.; Reichel, K.S.; Jones, J.; Mendis, R.; Mittleman, D.M., A mode-matching analysis of dielectric-filled resonant cavities coupled to terahertz parallelplate waveguides, Optics Express, 20, 19, 21766-21772, September 10, 2012

265.Pallas, F.; Herault, E.; Roux, J.-F.; Kevorkian, A.; Coutaz, J.-L.; Vitrant, G., Simultaneous passively Q-switched dual-wavelength solid-state laser working at 1065 and 1066 nm, Optics Letters, 37, 14, 2817-2819, July 15, 2012

266.Shi, Qiwu; Huang, Wanxia; Zhang, Yaxin; Qiao, Shen; Wu, Jing; Zhao, Dong; Yan, Jiazhen, Enhanced hydrophilicity of the Si substrate for deposition of VO <inf>2</inf> film by sol-gel method, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 23, 9, 1610-1615, September 2012

267.Jang, K.-H.; Park, S.H.; Lee, K.; Park, G.-S.; Jeong, Y.U., High-order photonic bandgap reflex klystron using carbon nanotube multi-beam cathode, Electronics Letters, 48, 12, 707-708, June 7, 2012

268.Magri, V.P.R.; Lima, R.A.A.; Mosso, M.M., Gigabyte and terabyte per second connections with semiconductor waveguide technology, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 54, 10, 2438-2444, October 2012

269.Xu, Zhao; Mazumder, P., Bio-sensing by mach-zehnder interferometer comprising doubly-corrugated spoofed surface plasmon polariton (DC-SSPP) waveguide, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2, 4, 460-466, 2012

270.Puzzarini, C.; Cazzoli, G.; L&#243;pez, J.C.; Alonso, J.; Luis; B., Agostino; Baldan, A.; Stopkowicz, S.; Cheng, Lan; Gauss, J., Rotational spectra of rare isotopic species of fluoroiodomethane: Determination of the equilibrium structure from rotational spectroscopy and quantum-chemical calculations, Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, 2, July 14, 2012

271.Zlobina, E.A.; Kablukov, S.I.; Babin, S.A., Phase matching for parametric generation in polarization maintaining photonic crystal fiber pumped by tunable Yb-doped fiber laser, Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 29, 8, 1959-1967, August 1, 2012

272.Komarevskiy, N.; Shklover, V.; Braginsky, L.; Hafner, C.; Lawson, J., Potential of glassy carbon and silicon carbide photonic structures as electromagnetic radiation shields for atmospheric re-entry, Optics Express, 20, 13, 14189-14200, June 18, 2012

273.Shurakov, A.; Seliverstov, S.; Kaurova, N.; Finkel, M.; Voronov, B.; Goltsman, G., Input bandwidth of hot electron bolometer with spiral antenna, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2, 4, 400-405, 2012

274.Asai, S.; Yamazaki, T.; Miyazaki, A.; Suehara, T.; Namba, T.; Kobayashi, T.; Saito, H.; Idehara, T.; Ogawa, I.; Sabchevski, S., Direct measurement of positronium hyperfine structure: &tilde; A new horizon of precision spectroscopy using gyrotrons, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 33, 7, 766-776, July 2012

275.Tatartschuk, E.; Gneiding, N.; Hesmer, F.; Radkovskaya, A.; Shamonina, E., Mapping inter-element coupling in metamaterials: Scaling down to infrared, Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 9, May 1, 2012

276.Shiffler, D.; Fairchild, S.; Tang, W.; Maruyama, B.; Golby, K.; LaCour, M.; Pasquali, M.; Lockwood, N., Demonstration of an acid-spun single-walled nanotube fiber cathode, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 40, 7 PART 2, 1871-1877, 2012

277.Zhang, Liang; Donaldson, C.R.; He, Wenlong, Design and measurement of a polarization convertor based on a truncated circular waveguide, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45, 34, August 29, 2012

278.Thammawongsa, N.; Moongfangklang, N.; Mitatha, S.; Yupapin, P.P., Novel nano-antenna system design using photonic spin in a PANDA ring resonator, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 31, 75-87, 2012

279.Jang, K.-H.; Lee, K.; Hee P.S.; Miginsky, S.; Uk J.Y., Frequency multiplying oscillator with an electron beam accelerated in a drift space, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 1, July 2, 2012

280.Preussler, S.; Zadok, A.; Wiatrek, A.; Tur, M.; Schneider, T., Enhancement of spectral resolution and optical rejection ratio of Brillouin optical spectral analysis using polarization pulling, Optics Express, 20, 13, 14734-14745, June 18, 2012

281.Lin, J.-W.; Lu, C.-L.; Chuang, H.-P.; Kuo, F.-M.; Shi, Jin-Wei; Huang, C.-B.; Pan, C.-L., Photonic generation and detection of W-band chirped millimeter-wave pulses for radar, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24, 16, 1437-1439, 2012

282.Bruna, P.; Serrano, J.; Pineda, E.; Duarte, M.;a Jazm&#237;n; Zhao, Kun; Wang, Wei Hua; C.D., Inelastic X-ray scattering in metallic glasses, Intermetallics, 30, 148-153, November 2012

283.Ourir, A.; Lerosey, G.; Lemoult, F.; Fink, M.; De R.J., Far field subwavelength imaging of magnetic patterns, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 11, September 10, 2012

284.Gonzalez, A.; Uzawa, Y., Tolerance analysis of ALMA band 10 corrugated horns and optics, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 60, 7, 3137-3145, 2012

285.Butkute, R.; Pacebutas, V.; Cechavicius, B.; Adomavicius, R.; Koroliov, A.; Krotkus, A., Thermal annealing effect on the properties of GaBiAs, Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 9, 7, 1614-1616, July 2012

286.Yurchenko, V.B., High-Q reflection notch method for mm wave measurements of large dielectric losses using a stack resonator: Analysis and simulations, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 24, 265-279, 2012

287.Shioda, T.; Yamazaki, T., Ultrafast optical frequency comb synthesizer and analyzer, Optics Letters, 37, 17, 3642-3644, September 1, 2012

288.Liu, Hong; Liu, Yunquan; Fu, Libin; Xin, Guoguo; Ye, Difa; Liu, Jie; He, X.T.; Yang, Yudong; Liu, Xianrong; Deng, Yongkai; Wu, Chengyin; Gong, Qihuang, Low yield of near-zero-momentum electrons and partial atomic stabilization in strong-field tunneling ionization, Physical Review Letters, 109, 9, August 27, 2012

289.Horii, F.; Idehara, T.; Fujii, Y.; Ogawa, I.; Horii, A.; Entzminger, G.; Doty, F.D., Development of dnp-enhanced high-resolution solid-state nmr system for the characterization of the surface structure of polymer materials, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 33, 7, 756-765, July 2012

290.Cao, Wei; Singh, R.; Al-Naib, I.A. I; He, Mingxia; Taylor, A.J.; Zhang, Weili, Low-loss ultra-high-Q dark mode plasmonic Fano metamaterials, Optics Letters, 37, 16, 3366-3368, August 15, 2012

291.Ulbricht, R.; Pijpers, J.J. H.; Groeneveld, E.; Koole, R.; Donega, C.D.M.; Vanmaekelbergh, D.; Delerue, C.; Allan, G.; Bonn, M., Loosening quantum confinement: Observation of real conductivity caused by hole polarons in semiconductor nanocrystals smaller than the Bohr radius, Nano Letters, 12, 9, 4937-4942, September 12, 2012

292.Fekete, L.; Nemec, H.; Mics, Z.; Kadlec, F.; Kuzel, P.; Nov&#225;k, V.; Lorinc&#237;k, J.; Martin, M.; Mangeney, J.; Delagnes, J.C.; Mounaix, P., Ultrafast carrier response of Br<sup>+</sup>-irradiated In <inf>0.53</inf>Ga<inf>0.47</inf>As excited at telecommunication wavelengths, Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 9, May 1, 2012

293.Edwards, J.M.; O'Brient, R.; Lee, A.T.; Rebeiz, G.M., Dual-polarized sinuous antennas on extended hemispherical silicon lenses, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 60, 9, 4082-4091, 2012

294.Siaw, T.A.; Walker, S.A.; Armstrong, B.D.; Han, S.-I., Inductively coupled NMR probe for versatile dynamic nuclear polarization operation at 7 T: Observation of 61 &plusmn; 2% <sup>1</sup>H polarization at 4 K, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 221, 5-10, August 2012

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311.Song, H.-J.; Ajito, K.; Muramoto, Y.; Wakatsuki, A.; Nagatsuma, T.; Kukutsu, N., Uni-travelling-carrier photodiode module generating 300 GHz power greater than 1 mW, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 22, 7, 363-365, 2012

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320.Zheng, Jie; Ge, Chun; Wagner, Clark J.; Lu, Meng; Cunningham, B.T.; Hewitt, J. D.; Eden, J. G., Tunable ring laser with internal injection seeding and an optically-driven photonic crystal reflector, Optics Express, 20, 13, 14292-14301, June 18, 2012

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329.Yu, Shanshan; Miller, C.E.; Drouin, B.J.; M&#252;ller, H.S. P., High resolution spectral analysis of oxygen. I. Isotopically invariant Dunham fit for the X<sup>3</sup>&Sigma;<inf>g</inf><sup>-</sup>, a <sup>1</sup>&Delta;<inf>g</inf>, b<sup>1</sup>&Sigma;<inf>g</inf><sup>+</sup> states, Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, 2, July 14, 2012

330. Liu, Shuangyi; Huang, Limin; Li, J.; Obrien, S., Intrinsic dielectric frequency dependent spectrum of a single domain tetragonal BaTiO<inf>3</inf>, Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 1, July 1, 2012

331.Chi, Mingjun; Jensen, O.B.; Petersen, P.M., Dual-wavelength high-power diode laser system based on an external-cavity tapered amplifier with tunable frequency difference, Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 29, 9, 2617-2621, September 1, 2012

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371.Siegel, P.H., Editorial, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2, 4, 373-376, 2012

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373.Ruiz, J.; Kasparek, W.; Lechte, C.; Plaum, B.; Idei, H., Numerical and experimental investigation of a 5-port mitre-bend directional coupler for mode analysis in corrugated waveguides, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 33, 5, 491-504, May 2012

374.Moll, J.; Sch&#246;ps, P.; Krozer, V., Towards three-dimensional millimeter-wave radar with the bistatic fast-factorized back-projection algorithm-potential and limitations, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2, 4, 432-440, 2012

375.Goldsmith, P.F.; Lis, D.C., Early science results from the heterodyne instrument for the far infrared (HIFI) on the herschel space observatory, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2, 4, 383-392, 2012

376.Keilmann, F.; Amarie, S., Mid-infrared frequency comb spanning an octave based on an er fiber laser and difference-frequency generation, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 33, 5, 479-484, May 2012

377.Kulygin, M.; Denisov, G., Nanosecond laser-driven semiconductor switch for 70 GHz microwave radiation, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 33, 6, 638-648, June 2012

378.Chen, Dapeng; Zeng, Zhi; Zhang, Cunlin; Tao, Ning; Zhang, Zheng, Air-coupled ultrasonic infrared thermography for inspecting impact damages in CFRP composite, Chinese Optics Letters, 10, SUPPL.1, June 2012

379.Xu, Yuanjie; Huang, Wanxia; Shi, Qiwu; Zhang, Yang; Zhang, Yubo; Song, Linwei; Zhang, Yaxin, Effects of porous nano-structure on the metal-insulator transition in VO<inf>2</inf> films, Applied Surface Science, 259, 256-260, October 15, 2012

380.Beneduci, A.; Chidichimo, G., Open-ended waveguide measurement and numerical simulation of the reflectivity of petri dish supported skin cell monolayers in the mm-wave range, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 33, 5, 529-547, May 2012

381.H&#246;pfner, H.; Fritsche, C.; Ludwig, A.; Ludwig, A.; Stromberg, F.; Wende, H.; Keune, W.; Reuter, D.; Wieck, A.D.; Gerhardt, N.C.; Hofmann, M.R., Magnetic field dependence of the spin relaxation length in spin light-emitting diodes, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 11, September 10, 2012

382.Liu, Jianguo; Zeng, Xiaoyan; Li, Hua, Synthesis, structure and spectroscopic properties of a novel compound bis(benzylamino)silver(I) benzylcarbamate, Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, 68, 4, 401-406, August 2012

383.Edwards, D.T.; Takahashi, S.; Sherwin, M.S.; Han, S., Distance measurements across randomly distributed nitroxide probes from the temperature dependence of the electron spin phase memory time at 240 GHz, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 223, 198-206, October 2012

384.Mar&#237;n-Soler, A.; Grud&#233;n, M.; Sanchez-Heredia, J.D.; Hallbj&#246;rner, P.; Martinez-Gonzalez, A.M.; Rydberg, A.; Sanchez-Hernandez, D.A., Sample selection algorithms for enhanced MIMO antenna measurements using mode-stirred reverberation chambers, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 60, 8, 3892-3900, 2012

385.Qing, Tao; Nie, Zaiping; He, Shiquan; Zong, Xianzheng, Numerical solutions of the integral equation for excitation-transmission- radiation of the beam waveguide, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 33, 9, 963-971, September 2012

386.Liu, Diwei; Yan, Yang; Liu, Shenggang, Time-dependent multi-mode nonlinear theory of dual-frequency operation coaxial gyrotron with two electron beams, Fusion Engineering and Design, 87, 9, 1533-1535, September 2012

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388.Essimbi, B.Z.; J&#228;ger, D., Development of short electrical pulses in a schottky line periodically loaded with resonant tunneling diodes, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 33, 6, 627-637, June 2012

389.Uno, K.; Jitsuno, T.; Akitsu, T., Simple short-pulse CO<inf>2</inf> laser excited by longitudinal discharge without high-voltage switch, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 33, 5, 485-490, May 2012

390.Liu, Yong; Tang, Xiao-Hong; Wu, Tao, SIW-based W-band low phase-noise injection-locked harmonic oscillator, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 33, 9, 943-952, September 2012

391.Wu, L.; Shen, W.; Qian, R.; Sun, X.-W., Design of substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) elliptic filter with novel coupling scheme, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 26, 5-6, 827-835, 2012

392.Rao, K.M.; Sipe, J.E., Coherent photocurrent control in graphene in a magnetic field, Physical Review B, 86, 11, 115427, 15 Sept. 2012

393.Panda, P.C.; Srivastava, V.; Vohra, A., Sheet Electron-Beam Transport Analysis Through Closed Short PCM for Vacuum Subterahertz Devices, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 40, 9, 2119-25, Sept. 2012

394.Balci, S.; Baughman, W.; Wilbert, D.S.; Gang Shen; Kung, P.; Kim, S.M., Characteristics of THz carrier dynamics in GaN thin film and ZnO nanowires by temperature dependent terahertz time domain spectroscopy measurement, Solid-State Electronics, 78, 68-74, Dec. 2012

395.Watanabe, T.; Boubanga T.S.; Tanimoto, Y.; Yuye Wang; Minamide, H.; Ito, H.; Fateev, D.; Popov, V.; Coquillat, D.; Knap, W.; Meziani, Y.; Otsuji, T., Ultrahigh sensitive plasmonic terahertz detector based on an asymmetric dual-grating gate HEMT structure, Solid-State Electronics, 78, 109-14, Dec. 2012

396.Chatzakis, I.; Luo, L.; Wang, J.; Shen, N.-H.; Koschny, T.; Zhou, J.; Soukoulis, C.M., Reversible modulation and ultrafast dynamics of terahertz resonances in strongly photoexcited metamaterials, Physical Review B, 86, 12, 125110, 15 Sept. 2012

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398.Lupu, R.E.; Scott, K.S.; Aguirre, J.E.; Aretxaga, I.; Auld, R.; Barton, E.; Beelen, A.; Bertoldi, F.; Bock, J.J.; Bonfield, D.; Bradford, C.M.; Buttiglione, S.; Cava, A.; Clements, D.L.; Cooke, J.; Cooray, A.; Dannerbauer, H.; Dariush, A.; De Zotti, G.; Dunne, L.; Dye, S.; Eales, S.; Frayer, D.; Fritz, J.; Glenn, J.; Hughes, D.H.; Ibar, E.; Ivison, R.J.; Jarvis, M.J.; Kamenetzky, J.; Kim, S.; Lagache, G.; Leeuw, L.; Maddox, S.; Maloney, P.R.; Matsuhara, H.; Murphy, E.J.; Naylor, B.J.; Negrello, M.; Nguyen, H.; Omont, A.; Pascale, E.; Pohlen, M.; Rigby, E.; Rodighiero, G.; Serjeant, S.; Smith, D.; Temi, P.; Thompson, M.; Valtchanov, I.; Verma, A.; Vieira, J.D.; Zmuidzinas J., Measurements of co Redshifts with Z-spec for Lensed Submillimeter Galaxies Discovered in the H-atlas Survey, Astrophysical Journal, 757, 2, 135, 1 Oct. 2012

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401.Bru&uml;ggemann, C.; Akimov, A.V.; Glavin, B.A.; Belotelov, V.I.; Akimov, I.A.; Ja&uml;ger, J.; Kasture, S.; Gopal, A.V.; Vengurlekar, A.S.; Yakovlev, D.R.; Kent, A.J.; Bayer, M., Modulation of a surface plasmon-polariton resonance by subterahertz diffracted coherent phonons, Physical Review B, 86, 12, 121401, 15 Sept. 2012

402.Gladun, A.D.; Leiman, V.G.; Arsenin, A.V., Terahertz radiation emission mechanism from ferromagnetic metal films excited by femtosecond laser pulses, Journal of Radio Electronics, 6, 11, June 2012

403.Dani, K.M.; Lee, J.; Sharma, R.; Mohite, A.D.; Galande, C.M.; Ajayan, P.M.; Dattelbaum, A.M.; Htoon, H.; Taylor, A.J.; Prasankumar, R.P., Intraband conductivity response in graphene observed using ultrafast infrared-pump visible-probe spectroscopy, Physical Review B, 86, 12, 125403, 15 Sept. 2012

404.Semenenko, V.L.; Leiman, V.G.; Arsenin, A.V.; Stebunov, Yu.V.; Ryzhii, V.I., Antenna and detector of terahertz radiation based on the double-carbon-nanotube system, Journal of Radio Electronics, 6, 15, June 2012

405.Sensale-Rodriguez, B.; Yan, R.; Kelly, M.M.; Fang, T.; Tahy, K.; Wan Sik Hwang; Jena, D.; Lei Liu; Xing, H.G., Broadband graphene terahertz modulators enabled by intraband transitions, Nature Communications, 3, 780, April 2012

406.Takahara, M.; Jinn, H.; Wakabayashi, S.; Moriyasu, T.; Kohmoto, T., Observation of coherent acoustic phonons and magnons in an antiferromagnet NiO, Physical Review B, 86, 9, 094301, 1 Sept. 2012

407.Li Jing; Xie Wei-xin; Pei Ji-hong, THz-TDS Signal Classification via Sparse Representation, Signal Processing, 28, 5, 645-52, 25 May 2012

408.Armstrong, C.M., The truth about terahertz, IEEE Spectrum, 49, 9, 36-41, Sept. 2012

409.Weightman, P., Prospects for the study of biological systems with high power sources of terahertz radiation, Physical Biology, 9, 5, 053001, Oct. 2012

410.Nam, K.M.; Zurk, L.M.; Schecklman, S., Modeling terahertz diffuse scattering from granular media using radiative transfer theory, Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 38, 205-23, 2012

411.Kalashnikov, K.V.; Khudchenko, A.V.; Koshelets, V.P., Cryogenic harmonic phase detector, Nonlinear World, 10, 125-6, 2012

412.Ajito, K.; Ueno, Y.; Ho-Jin Song, Visualization of Pharmaceutical Drug Molecules by Terahertz Chemical Imaging, NTT Technical Review, 10, 2, 6, Feb. 2012

413.Mahdi, S.; Meister, S.; Al-saadi, A.; Franke, B.A.; Sha Wang; Eichler, H.J.; Zimmermann, L.; Tian Hui; Richter, H.H.; Stolarek, D., Raman Scattering and gain in Silicon-on-insulator Nanowire Waveguides, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 21, 2, 1250021, June 2012

414.Bussmann, R.S.; Gurwell, M.A.; Hai Fu; Smith, D.J.B.; Dye, S.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Baker, A.J.; Bonfield, D.; Cava, A.; Clements, D.L.; Cooray, A.; Coppin, K.; Dannerbauer, H.; Dariush, A.; De Zotti, G.; Dunne, L.; Eales, S.; Fritz, J.; Hopwood, R.; Ibar, E.; Ivison, R.J.; Jarvis, M.J.; Kim, S.; Leeuw, L.L.; Maddox, S.; Micha&lstrok;owski, M.J.; Negrello, M.; Pascale, E.; Pohlen, M.; Riechers, D.A.; Rigby, E.; Scott, D.; Temi, P.; Van der Werf, P.P.; Wardlow, J.; Wilner, D.; Verma, A., A detailed gravitational lens model based on submillimeter array and Keck adaptive optics imaging of a Herschel-ATLAS submillimeter galaxy at z = 4.243, Astrophysical Journal, 756, 2, 134, 10 Sept. 2012

415.Baudisch, M.; Wagner, M.; Schneider, H.; Stehr, D.; Helm, M.; Atkinson, P.; Huo, Y.; Schmidt, O.G.; Andrews, A.M.; Strasser, G., Fano effect due to ponderomotive coupling in intersubband response of semiconductor quantum wells, Physical Review B, 86, 7, 075305, 15 Aug. 2012

416.Wakatsuki, A.; Muramoto, Y.; Ishibashi, T., Development of terahertz-wave photomixer module using a uni traveling carrier photodiode, NTT Technical Review, 10, 2, 7, Feb. 2012

417.Fateev, D.V.; Popov, V.V.; Otsuji, T.; Meziani, Y.M.; Coquillat, D.; Knap, V.; Nikitov, S.A., Plasmonic detection of terahertz radiation in two-dimension channel of double-grating-gate field-effect transistors with asymmetric unit cell, Nonlinear World, 10, 82-3, 2012

418.Kim, S.; Wardlow, J.L.; Cooray, A.; Fleuren, S.; Sutherland, W.; Khostovan, A.A.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Bussmann, R.S.; Buttiglione, S.; Cava, A.; Clements, D.; Dariush, A.; De Zotti, G.; Dunne, L.; Dye, S.; Eales, S.; Fritz, J.; Hopwood, R.; Ibar, E.; Ivison, R.; Jarvis, M.; Maddox, S.; Micha&lstrok;owski, M.J.; Pascale, E.; Pohlen, M.; Rigby, E.; Scott, D.; Smith, D.J.B.; Temi, P.; van der Werf, P., Spitzer-IRAC identification of Herschel-atlas SPIRE sources, Astrophysical Journal, 756, 1, 28, 1 Sept. 2012

419.Aihara, K.; Kukutsu, N., NTT R&amp;D of Systems and Devices for Safety, NTT Technical Review, 10, 2, 7, Feb. 2012

420.Olbrich, P.; Zoth, C.; Lutz, P.; Drexler, C.; Bel'kov, V.V.; Terent'ev, Ya.V.; Tarasenko, S.A.; Semenov, A.N.; Ivanov, S.V.; Yakovlev, D.R.; Wojtowicz, T.; Wurstbauer, U.; Schuh, D.; Ganichev, S.D., Spin-polarized electric currents in diluted magnetic semiconductor heterostructures induced by terahertz and microwave radiation, Physical Review B, 86, 8, 085310, 15 Aug. 2012

421.Lassmann, K.; Gorshunov, B.P.; Prokhorov, A.S.; Zhukova, E.S.; Korolev, P.S.; Kalinushkin, V.P.; Plotnichenko, V.G.; Abrosimov, N.V.; Sennikov, P.G.; Pohl, H.-J.; Dressel, M., Nonlocal host isotope effect in silicon: high-resolution spectroscopy of the 29 cm<sup>-1</sup> oxygen vibrational line, Physical Review B, 86, 7, 075201, 15 Aug. 2012

422.Shi-Zeng Lin; Xiao Hu, In-plane dissipation as a possible synchronization mechanism for terahertz radiation from intrinsic Josephson junctions of layered superconductors, Physical Review B, 86, 5, 054506, 1 Aug. 2012

423.Sinitsyn, N.I.; Elkin, V.A.; Betskii, O.V., Special role of structurisation of water-containing environment in an organism in biomedical radioelectronic nanotechnologies on millimetric and terahertz ranges, Biomedical Technologies and Radio Electronics, 2, 22-32, 2012

424.Yee S.A.; Chao Zhang, Strong Nonlinear Optical Response of Bilayer Graphene in the Terahertz Regime, Key Engineering Materials, 500, 62-5, 2012

425.Mengyue Li; Jie Yuan; Kinev, N.; Jun Li; Gross, B.; Gue&acute;non, S.; Ishii, A.; Hirata, K.; Hatano, T.; Koelle, D.; Kleiner, R.; Koshelets, V.P.; Huabing Wang; Peiheng Wu, Linewidth dependence of coherent terahertz emission from Bi<sub>2</sub>Sr<sub>2</sub>CaCu<sub>2</sub>O<sub>8</sub> intrinsic Josephson junction stacks in the hot-spot regime, Physical Review B, 86, 6, 060505, 1 Aug. 2012

426.Dezaki, H.; Jing Menglong; Balasekaran, S.; Tanabe, T.; Oyama, Y., Room Temperature Terahertz Emission Via Intracenter Transition in Semiconductors, Key Engineering Materials, 500, 66-9, 2012

427.Mrozek, J.; Ne&caron;mec, H., Calculation of terahertz conductivity spectra in semiconductors with nanoscale modulation, Physical Review B, 86, 7, 075308, 15 Aug. 2012

428.Kin C.F.; Schwab, K.C., Ultrasensitive and Wide-bandwidth Thermal Measurements of Graphene at Low Temperatures, Physical Review X, 2, 3, 031006, July 2012

429.Kumar, A.; Kumar, N.; Singh, U.; Vyas, V.; Sinha, A.K., RF behavior and cavity design for 0.3THz, 4kW gyrotron for material processing application, Infrared Physics &amp; Technology, 55, 4, 337-44, July 2012

430.Davidovich, M.V., Near field antenna diagnostics of plasma and plasmous nanostructures by solution of inverse problem for waveguide probe, Antennae, 3, 25-32, 2012

431.Aoki, M.; Tripathi, S.R.; Takeda, M.; Hiromoto, N., Passive imaging and emissivity measurement with a 4 K-cryocooled terahertz photoconductive detector, IEICE Electronics Express, 9, 5, 333-8, 10 March 2012

432.Yun-ching Chang; Yaohui Gao; Chao Wang; Yao, J.; Jiping Cheng; Yin, S.; Ruffin, P.; Brantley, C.; Edwards, E.; Luo, C., Noncontact detection of the location of buried conductive grids with pulsed THz wave, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 54, 5, 1135-8, May 2012

433.Teranishi, A.; Shizuno, K.; Suzuki, S.; Asada, M.; Sugiyama, H.; Yokoyama, H., Fundamental oscillation up to 1.08 THz in resonant tunneling diodes with high-indium-composition transit layers for reduction of transit delay, IEICE Electronics Express, 9, 5, 385-90, 10 March 2012

434.Mitatha, S.; Udomariyasap, P.; Noppanakeepong, S.; Yupapin, P.P., Highly capacity RFID generated by a soliton pulse within a panda ring resonator, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,  54, 5, 1339-42, May 2012

435.Prechtel, L.; Li Song; Schuh, D.; Ajayan, P.; Wegscheider, W.; Holleitner, A.W., Time-resolved ultrafast photocurrents and terahertz generation in freely suspended grapheme, Nature Communications, 3, 646, Jan. 2012

436.Hristov, H.D.; Rodriguez, J.M.; Grote, W., The grooved-dielectric Fresnel zone plate: an effective terahertz lens and antenna, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 54, 6, 1343-8, June 2012

437.Krenitskii, A.P.; Alaverdyan, S.A.; Meshchanov, V.P., Quasi-optical and waveguide components for UH, EH and THz frequencies based on film slides, Antennae, 3, 15-17, 2012

438.Jiangfeng Zhou; Chowdhury, D.R.; Rongkuo Zhao; Azad, A.K.; Hou-Tong Chen; Soukoulis, C.M.; Taylor, A.J.; O'Hara, J.F., Terahertz chiral metamaterials with giant and dynamically tunable optical activity, Physical Review B, 86, 3, 035448, 15 July 2012

439.Jonuscheit, J., THz spectrometer tests substances. TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 36, SI, IX-X, JUN 2012

440.Ginzburg, N.S.; Zotova, I.V.; Malkin, A.M.; Tarakanov, V.P., Using the Lorentz Transformation to Simulate Terahertz-Range Superradiance of Picosecond Electron Bunches Moving in an Undulator Field. TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 38, 6, 531-534, JUN 2012

441.Munina, I.V.; Turgaliev, V.M.; Vendik, I.B., Tunable Terahertz Metamaterials Based on Electrically Controlled Piezoelectric Actuators. TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 38, 6, 579-582, JUN 2012

442.Myasin, E.A.; Evdokimov, V.V.; Il'in, A.Y., A Terahertz Orotron with Double-Row Periodic Structure and Broad Electron Beam. TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 38, 6, 497-498, Jun 2012

443.Ginzburg, N.S.; Zotova, I.V.; Sergeev, A.S.; Zaslavskii, V.G.; Zheleznov, I.V., Nonlinear dynamics of planar gyrotrons with transverse diffraction coupling of radiation. TECHNICAL PHYSICS. 57, 8, 1135-1142, AUG 2012

444.Pentin, I.V.; Smirnov, A.V.; Ryabchun, S.A.; Ozhegov, R.V.; Gol'tsman, G.N.; Vaks, V.L.; Pripolzin, S.I.; Pavel'ev, D.G.; Koshurinov, Y.I.; Ivanov, A.S., Semiconducting superlattice as a solid-state terahertz local oscillator for NbN hot-electron bolometer mixers. TECHNICAL PHYSICS. 57, 7, 971-974, JUL 2012

445.Ariyoshi, S.; Takahashi, K.; Noguchi, T.; Kurakado, M.; Koga, K.; Furukawa, N.; Otani, C., Terahertz detector with transmission-line type superconducting tunnel junctions. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 25, 7, 075011, JUL 2012

446.Yuan, J.; Li, M.Y.; Li, J.; Gross, B.; Ishii, A.; Yamaura, K.; Hatano, T.; Hirata, K.; Takayama-Muromachi, E.; Wu, P.H.; Koelle, D.; Kleiner, R.; Wang, H.B., Terahertz emission from Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta intrinsic Josephson junction stacks with all-superconducting electrodes. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 25, 7, 075015, JUL 2012

447.Kaufmann, P.; Holman, G.D.; Su, Y.; de Castro, C.G.G.; Correia, E.; Fernandes, L.O.T.; de Souza, R.V.; Marun, A.; Pereyra, P., Unusual Emissions at Various Energies Prior to the Impulsive Phase of the Large Solar Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection of 4 November 2003. SOLAR PHYSICS. 279, 2, 465-475, AUG 2012

448.Lee, H. J.; Lee, J.H.; Moon, H.S.; Jang, I.S.; Choi, J.S.; Yook, J.G.; Jung, H.I., A planar split-ring resonator-based microwave biosensor for label-free detection of biomolecules. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL. 169, 26-31, JUL 5 2012

449.Kuznetsov, A.I.; Miroshnichenko, A.E.; Fu, Y.H.; Zhang, J.B.; Luk'yanchuk, B., Magnetic light. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2, 492, JUL 4 2012

450.Liu, R.Y.; Zuo, J.W.; Li, Y.R.; Zhou, Y.R.; Wang, Y.P., Frequency-domain terahertz transmission spectra of Mn-3 and Mn-12 single-molecule magnets. SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY. 55, 7, SI, 1245-1248, JUL 2012

451.Nishida, A.; Kashiwazaki, H.; Yoshida, S.; Higashiguchi, T.; Yugami, N.; Kodama, R., A tapered parallel plate waveguide for frequency up-conversion of terahertz radiation (vol 83, 045104, 2012). REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS. 83, 7, 079901, JUL 2012

452.Wu, K.; Cheng, Y.J.; Djerafi, T. ; Hong, W., Substrate-Integrated Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Antenna Technology. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE. 100, 7, SI, 2219-2232, JUL 2012



455.Kaya, E.; Turan, N.; Gunduz, B.; Colak, N.; Korkoca, H., Synthesis, characterization of poly-2-(2-hydroxybenzylideneamino)-6-phenyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo[b]thiophene-3-carbonitrile: Investigation of antibacterial activity and optical properties. POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 52, 7, 1581-1589, JUL 2012

456.He, X.Y.; Wang, Q.J.; Yu, S.F., Numerical Study of Gain-Assisted Terahertz Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide. PLASMONICS. 7, 3, 571-577, SEP 2012

457.Wang, Y.; Wang, X.; Wu, Q.; He, X.J.; Gui, T.L.; Tong, Y.J., Surface Plasmon Resonant THz Wave Transmission on Carbon Nanotube Film. PLASMONICS. 7, 3, 411-415, SEP 2012

458.Hu, B.; Wang, Q.J.; Kok, S.W.; Zhang, Y., Active Focal Length Control of Terahertz Slitted Plane Lenses by Magnetoplasmons. PLASMONICS. 7, 2, 191-199, JUN 2012

459.Kumar, M.; Tripathi, V.K., Terahertz radiation from a laser bunched relativistic electron beam in magnetic wiggler. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS. 19, 7, 073109, JUL 2012

460.Yuan, X.S.; Lan, Y.; Han, Y.; Yan, Y., Nonlinear theory for a terahertz gyrotron with a special cross-section interaction cavity. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS. 19, 5, 053107, MAY 2012

461.Boldyrev, K. N.; Stanislavchuk, T. N.; Klimin, S. A.; Popova, M. N.; Bezmaternykh, L. N., Terahertz spectroscopy of multiferroic EuFe3(BO3)(4). PHYSICS LETTERS A. 376, 37, 2562-2564, JUL 30 2012

462.Mueller, F.; Peier, P.; Schlott, V.;  Steffen, B.; Feurer, T.;  Kuske, P., Electro-optical measurement of sub-ps structures in low charge electron bunches. PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS-ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS. 15, 7, 070701, JUL 12 2012

463.Tomaino, J. L.; Jameson, A. D.; Lee, Yun-Shik; Khitrova, G.; Gibbs, H. M.; Klettke, A. C.; Kira, M.; Koch, S. W., Terahertz Excitation of a Coherent Lambda-Type Three-Level System of Exciton-Polariton Modes in a Quantum-Well Microcavity. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 108, 26, 267402, JUN 26 2012

464.Bai, Y.; Song, L.W.; Xu, R.J.; Li, C.); Liu, P.; Zeng, Z.N.; Zhang, Z.X.; Lu, H.H.; Li, R.X.; Xu, Z.Z., Waveform-Controlled Terahertz Radiation from the Air Filament Produced by Few-Cycle Laser Pulses. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 108, 25, 255004, JUN 20 2012

465.Andonian, G.; Stratakis, D.; Babzien, M.; Barber, S.; Fedurin, M.; Hemsing, E.; Kusche, K.; Muggli, P.; O'Shea, B.; Wei, X.; Williams, O.; Yakimenko, V.; Rosenzweig, J. B., Dielectric Wakefield Acceleration of a Relativistic Electron Beam in a Slab-Symmetric Dielectric Lined Waveguide. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 108, 24, 244801, JUN 15 2012

466.Urzhumov, Y.; Lee, J.S.; Tyler, T.; Dhar, S.; Nguyen, V.; Jokerst, N.M.; Schmalenberg, P.; Smith, D.R., Electronically reconfigurable metal-on-silicon metamaterial. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 87, 7, 075112, AUG 8 2012

467.Nuzhnyy, D.; Petzelt, J.; Savinov, M.; Ostapchuk, T.; Bovtun, V.; Kempa, M.; Hlinka, J.; Buscaglia, V.; Buscaglia, M. T.; Nanni, P., Broadband dielectric response of Ba(Zr,Ti)O-3 ceramics: From incipient via relaxor and diffuse up to classical ferroelectric behavior. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 87, 1, 014106, JUL 12 2012

468.Wang, W. Y.; Xu, W., Magneto-photon-phonon interaction in a parabolically confined quantum dot in the presence of high magnetic fields and intense terahertz radiation fields. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 86, 4, 045307, JUL 9 2012

469.Slepyan, G. Ya; Yerchak, Y. D.; Maksimenko, S. A.; Hoffmann, A.; Bass, F. G., Mixed states in Rabi waves and quantum nanoantennas. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 85, 24, 245134, JUN 28 2012

470.Wall-Clarke, A.; Savel'ev, S., Nonlinear effects in the Josephson-vortex terahertz photonic crystal: Second harmonic generation. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 85, 21, 214521, JUN 20 2012

471.Kaipa, C.S.R.; Yakovlev, A.B.; Hanson, G.W.; Padooru, Y.R.; Medina, F.; Mesa, F.,  Enhanced transmission with a graphene-dielectric microstructure at low-terahertz frequencies. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 85, 24, 245407, JUN 5 2012

472.Lapert, M.; Sugny, D., Field-free molecular orientation by terahertz laser pulses at high temperature. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 85, 6, 063418, JUN 29 2012

473.Ding, Y.B.; Zhang, G.P.; Cheng, Y.Z., Giant optical activity and negative refractive index in the terahertz region using complementary chiral metamaterials. PHYSICA SCRIPTA. 85, 6, 065405, JUN 2012

474.Dong, H. M.; Li, L. L.; Wang, W. Y.; Zhang, S. H.; Zhao, C. X.; Xu, W., Terahertz plasmon and infrared coupled plasmon-phonon modes in graphene. PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES. 44, 9, 1889-1893, JUN 2012

475.Liu, D.F.; Li, X.Y.; Cheng, Y. ; Sun, Y.H., Hot-optical-phonon effects on electron relaxation in optically pumped step quantum well structures. PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES. 44, 7-8, 1535-1538, APR-MAY 2012

476.Li, H.; Du, S.Q.; Xie, L.; Chen, L.; Peng, Y.; Zhu, Y.M.; Wu, T.; Li, H.; Dong, P.; Wang, J.T., Identifying Radix Curcumae by using terahertz spectroscopy. OPTIK. 123, 13, 1129-1132, 2012

477.Kreier, D.; Baum, P., Avoiding temporal distortions in tilted pulses. OPTICS LETTERS. 37, 12, 2373-2375, JUN 15 2012

478.Jha, K.R.; Singh, G., Analysis and design of ring-resonator integrated hemi-elliptical lens antenna at terahertz frequency, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS. 285, 16, SI, 3445-3452, JUL 15 2012

479.Singh, N.; Tuniz, A.; Lwin, R.; Atakaramians, S.; Argyros, A.; Fleming, S.C.; Kuhlmey, B.T., Fiber-drawn double split ring resonators in the terahertz range. OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS. 2, 9, SEP 1 2012

480.Alves, F.; Karamitros, A.; Grbovic, D.; Kearney, B.; Karunasiri, G., Highly absorbing nano-scale metal films for terahertz applications. OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 51, 6, 063801, JUN 2012

481.Chen, X.L.; Chen, X.; Zhu, Z.Y., Electrical and optical properties of MWNTs/HDPE composites in Terahertz region. NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES. 23, 3, 156-162, JUN 20 2012

482.Atack, R., "Human eyes are sensitive to light with a frequency of 400 to 790 terahertz - not even one octave". NEW SCIENTIST. 215, 2878, 65-65, AUG 18 2012

483.Eom, B.H.; Day, P.K.; LeDuc, H.G.; Zmuidzinas, J., A wideband, low-noise superconducting amplifier with high dynamic range. NATURE PHYSICS. 8, 8, 623-627, AUG 2012

484.Madeo, J.; Cavalie, P.; Freeman, J.R.; Jukam, N.; Maysonnave, J.; Maussang, K.; Beere, H.E.; Ritchie, D.A.; Sirtori, C.; Tignon, J.; Dhillon, S.S., All-optical wavelength shifting in a semiconductor laser using resonant nonlinearities. NATURE PHOTONICS. 6, 8, 519-524, AUG 2012

485.Vitiello, M.S.; Consolino, L.; Bartalini, S.; Taschin, A.; Tredicucci, A.; Inguscio, M.; De Natale, P., Quantum-limited frequency fluctuations in a terahertz laser. NATURE PHOTONICS. 6, 8, 525-528, AUG 2012

486.Yao, Y.; Hoffman, A.J.; Gmachl, C.F., Mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers. NATURE PHOTONICS. 6, 7, 432-439, JUL 2012

487.Xu, G.Y.; Colombelli, R.; Khanna, S.P.; Belarouci, A.; Letartre, X.; Li, L.H.; Linfield, E.H.; Davies, A.G.; Beere, H.E.; Ritchie, D.A., Efficient power extraction in surface-emitting semiconductor lasers using graded photonic heterostructures. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 3, 952, JUL 2012

488.Zhang, S.; Zhou, J.F.; Park, Y.S.; Rho, J.; Singh, R.; Nam, S.; Azad, A.K.; Chen, H.T.; Yin, X.B.; Taylor, A.J.; Zhang, X., Photoinduced handedness switching in terahertz chiral metamolecules. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 3, 942, JUL 2012

489.Liu, M.K.; Hwang, H.Y.; Tao, H.; Strikwerda, A.C.; Fan, K.; Keiser, G.R.; Sternbach, A.J.; West, K.G.; Kittiwatanakul, S.; Lu, J.W.; Wolf, S.A.; Omenetto, F.G.; Zhang, X.; Nelson, K.A.; Averitt, R.D., Terahertz-field-induced insulator-to-metal transition in vanadium dioxide metamaterial. NATURE. 487, 7407, 345-348, JUL 19 2012

490.Hou, Y.; Liu, J.R.; Buchanan, M.; Thorpe, A.J.S.; Poole, P.J.; Liu, H.C.; Wu, K.; Roorda, S.; Zhang, X.P., Terahertz Generation Using Implanted InGaAs Photomixers and Multi-wavelength Quantum Dot Lasers. NANO-MICRO LETTERS. 4, 1, 10-13, 2012

491.De Gregori, S.; De Petris, M.; Decina, B.; Lamagna, L.; Pardo, J. R.; Petkov, B.; Tomasi, C.; Valenziano, L., Millimetre and submillimetre atmospheric performance at Dome C combining radiosoundings and atm synthetic spectra. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 425, 1, 222-230, SEP 2012

492.Fleuren, S.; Sutherland, W.; Dunne, L.; Smith, D.J.B.; Maddox, S.J.; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.; Findlay, J.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Bond, N.A.; Bonfield, D.G.; Bourne, N.; Cooray, A.; Buttiglione, S.; Cava, A.; Dariush, A.; De Zotti, G.; Driver, S.P.; Dye, S.; Eales, S.; Fritz, J.; Gunawardhana, M.L.P.; Hopwood, R.; Ibar, E.; Ivison, R.J.; Jarvis, M.J.; Kelvin, L.; Lapi, A.; Liske, J.; Michalowski, M.J.; Negrello, M.; Pascale, E.; Pohlen, M.; Prescott, M.; Rigby, E.E.; Robotham, A.; Scott, D.; Temi, P.; Thompson, M.A.; Valiante, E.; van der Werf, P., Herschel-ATLAS: VISTA VIKING near-infrared counterparts in the Phase 1 GAMA 9-h data. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 423, 3, 2407-2424, JUL 2012

493.Chodorow, U.; Parka, J.; Garbat, K.; Palka, N.; Czuprynski, K.; Jaroszewicz, L., Spectral Properties of Nematic Liquid Crystal Mixtures Composed with Long and Short Molecules in THz Frequency Range. MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS. 561, SI, 74-81, 2012

494.Kumagai, T.; Ito, R.; Takeya, K.; Yoshida, H.; Kubo, H.; Fujii, A.; Nose, T.; Tonouchi, M.; Ozaki, M., Tunable Terahertz Filter Using an Etalon with a Nematic Liquid Crystal Layer and its Response Speed. MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS. 561, SI, 82-88, 2012

495.Bayat, K.; Chaudhuri, S.K.; Safavi-Naeini, S., Dielectric probes for submillimeter and terahertz-wave range instrumentation and characterizations. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 54, 9, 2095-2098, SEP 2012

496.Szentpali, B.; Matyi, G.; Furjes, P.; Laszlo, E.; Battistig, G.; Barsony, I.; Karolyi, G.; Berceli, T., Thermopile-based THz antenna. MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS. 18, 7-8, SI, 849-856, AUG 2012

497.von Chrzanowski, L.S.; Beckmann, J.; Marchetti, B.; Ewert, U.; Schade, U., Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy for Non-Destructive Testing of Hazardous Liquids. MATERIALS TESTING. 54, 6, 444-450, 2012

498.Kowerdziej, R.; Olifierczuk, M.; Salski, B.; Parka, J., Tunable negative index metamaterial employing in-plane switching mode at terahertz frequencies. LIQUID CRYSTALS. 39, 7, 827-831, 2012

499.Malinowski, A.; Lin, D.; Alam, S.U.; Zhang, Z.; Ibsen, M.; Young, J.; Wright, P.; Ozanyan, K.; Stringer, M.; Miles, R.E.; Richardson, D.J., Fiber MOPA based tunable source for terahertz spectroscopy. LASER PHYSICS LETTERS. 9, 5, 350-354, 2012

500.Cazzoli, G.; Puzzarini, C., N-2-, O-2-, H-2-, and He-broadening of SO2 rotational lines in the mm-/submm-wave and THz frequency regions: The J and K-a dependence. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER. 113, 11, SI, 1051-1057, JUL 2012

501.Guinet, M.; Rohart, F.; Buldyreva, J.; Gupta, V.; Eliet, S.; Motiyenko, R.A.; Margules, L.; Cuisset, A.; Hindle, F.; Mouret, G., Experimental studies by complementary terahertz techniques and semi-classical calculations of N-2- broadening coefficients of (CH3Cl)-Cl-35. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER. 113, 11, SI, 1113-1126, JUL 2012

502.Herberth, D.; Baum, O.; Pirali, O.; Roy, P.; Thorwirth, S.; Yamada, K.M.T.; Schlemmer, S.; Giesen, T.F., Far infrared Fourier-transform spectroscopy of mono-deuterated hydrogen peroxide HOOD. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER. 113, 11, SI, 1127-1133, JUL 2012

503.Lamouroux, J.; Gamache, R.R.; Laraia, A.L.; Ma, Q.; Tipping, R.H., Comparison of trajectory models in calculations of N-2-broadened half-widths and N-2-induced line shifts for the rotational band of (H2O)-O-16 and comparison with measurements. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER. 113, 11, 951-960, JUL 2012

504.Wen, Q.Y.; Zhang, H.W.; Yang, Q.H.; Chen, Z.; Long, Y.; Jing, Y.L.; Lin, Y.; Zhang, P.X., A tunable hybrid metamaterial absorber based on vanadium oxide films. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS. 45, 23, 235106, JUN 13 2012

505.Hishida, M.; Tanaka, K., Transition of the hydration state of a surfactant accompanying structural transitions of self-assembled aggregates. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 24, 28, 284113, JUL 18 2012

506.Niehues, G.; Kaledin, A.L.; Bowman, J.M.; Havenith, M., JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B. 116, 33, 10020-10025, AUG 23 2012

507.King, M.D.; Korter, T.M., Modified Corrections for London Forces in Solid-State Density Functional Theory Calculations of Structure and Lattice Dynamics of Molecular Crystals. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A. 116, 25, SI, 6927-6934, JUN 28 2012

508.Witko, E.M.; Korter, T.M., Terahertz Spectroscopy of the Explosive Taggant 2,3-Dimethyl-2,3-Dinitrobutane. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A. 116, 25, SI, 6879-6884, JUN 28 2012

509.Takeuchi, I.; Tomoda, K.; Nakajima, T.; Terada, H.; Kuroda, H.; Makino, K., Estimation of crystallinity of trehalose dihydrate microspheres by usage of terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES. 101, 9, SI, 3465-3472, SEP 2012

510.El Moutaouakil, A.; Suemitsu, T.; Otsuji, T.; Coquillat, D.; Knap, W., Nonresonant Detection of Terahertz Radiation in High-Electron-Mobility Transistor Structure Using InAlAs/InGaAs/InP Material Systems at Room Temperature. JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY. 12, 8, 6737-6740, AUG 2012

511.Wu, H.Q.; Khan, M., THz spectroscopy: An emerging technology for pharmaceutical development and pharmaceutical Process Analytical Technology (PAT) applications. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, 1020, 112-120, AUG 8 2012

512.Kida, N.; Tokura, Y., Terahertz magnetoelectric response via electromagnons in magnetic oxides. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. 324, 21, 3512-3515, OCT 2012

513.Liu, H.L., Magneto-spectroscopy studies of graphite nanoplatelet films, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. 324. 21, 3476-3477, OCT 2012

514.Mao, M.; Huang, W.X.; Zhang, Y.X.; Yan, J.Z.; Luo, Y.; Shi, Q.W.; Cai, J.H., Study on Phase Transition Property of Tungsten-doped Vanadium Dioxide Thin Film at Terahertz Range. JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS. 27, 8, 891-896, AUG 2012

515.Song, K.X.; Yang, Y.Q.; Zheng, P.; Xu, J.M.; Qin, H.B., Microstructures and Microwave Dielectric Properties of (Mg1-xSrx)(2)Al4Si5O18 Ceramics. JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS. 27, 6, 575-579, JUN 2012

516.Chamberlin, R.A.; Grossman, E.N., The wintertime South Pole tropospheric water vapor column: Comparisons of radiosonde and recent terahertz radiometry, use of the saturated column as a proxy measurement, and inference of decadal trends. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES. 117, D13111, JUL 7 2012

517.Frolov, A.A.; Borodin, A.V.; Esaulkov, M.N.; Kuritsyn, I.I.; Shkurinov, A.P., Theory of a laser-plasma method for detecting terahertz radiation. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS. 114, 6, 893-905, JUN 2012

518.Mukherjee, M.; Sarkar, C.K., A Simplified Theoretical Analysis of the Performance of Antenna Array Based on Carbon Nanotubes (CNT). JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE. 9, 7, 942-946, JUL 2012

519.Yang, L.C.; Zhou, X.L., High Performance Photonic Crystal Substrate Wideband Terahertz Square Microstrip Patch Antenna. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE. 9, 7, 931-935, JUL 2012

520.Yang, L.C.; Zhou, X.L.; Wang, Y.G., Multi-Frequency Terahertz Square Microstrip Patch Antenna on Two-Layer Photonic Crystal Substrates. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE. 9, 7, 936-941, JUL 2012

521.Gulyaev, Y.V.; Zilberman, P.E.; Kotov, V.D.; Mikhailov, G.M.; Chigarev, S.G.; Epshtein, E.M., Current-induced resonance in ferromagnet-antiferromagnet junctions. JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS. 57, 8, 813-817, AUG 2012

522.Ortigoso, J, Mechanism of molecular orientation by single-cycle pulses. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 137, 4, 044303, JUL 28 2012

523.Leforestier, C.; Szalewicz, K.; van der Avoird, A., Spectra of water dimer from a new ab initio potential with flexible monomers. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 137, 1, 014305, JUL 7 2012

524.Saha, S.C.; Grant, J.P.; Ma, Y.; Khalid, A.; Hong, F.; Cumming, D.R.S., Application of terahertz spectroscopy to the characterization of biological samples using birefringence silicon grating. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS. 17, 6, 067006, JUN 2012

525.Chen, F.; Nolle, J.M.; Wietzke, S.; Reuter, M.; Chatterjee, S.; Koch, M.; Agarwal, S., A Fast Degrading Odd-Odd Aliphatic Polyester-5,7 Made by Condensation Polymerization for Biomedical Applications. JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION. 23, 12, 1539-1551, 2012

526.Zheng, Z.P.; Fan, W.H., First principles investigation of L-alanine in terahertz region. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS. 38, 3, 405-413, JUN 2012

527.Chen, Z.Y.; DeCamp, M.F., Measuring optical phonon dynamics in a bismuth thin film through a surface plasmon resonance. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 112, 1, 013527, JUL 1 2012

528.Han, Y.J.; Feng, W.; Cao, J.C., Optimization of radiative recombination in terahertz quantum cascade lasers for high temperature operation. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 111, 11, 113111, JUN 1 2012

529.Iniguez-de-la-Torre, A.; Iniguez-de-la-Torre, I.; Mateos, J.; Gonzalez, T.; Sangare, P.; Faucher, M.; Grimbert, B.; Brandli, V.; Ducournau, G.; Gaquiere, C., Searching for THz Gunn oscillations in GaN planar nanodiodes. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 111, 11, 113705, JUN 1 2012

530.Seo, B.J.; Kim, K.; Kim, S.G.; Kim, A.; Cho, H.; Choi, E., Observation of trapped-modes excited in double-layered symmetric electric ring resonators. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 111, 11, 113106, JUN 1 2012

531.Glinsek, S.; Nuzhnyy, D.; Petzelt, J.; Malic, B.; Kamba, S.; Bovtun, V.; Kempa, M.; Skoromets, V.; Kuzel, P.; Gregora, I.; Kosec, M., Lattice dynamics and broad-band dielectric properties of the KTaO3 ceramics. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 111,10, 104101, MAY 15 2012

532.Kostakis, I.; Saeedkia, D.; Missous, M., Characterization of low temperature InGaAs-InAlAs semiconductor photo mixers at 1.55 mu m wavelength illumination for terahertz generation and detection. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 111, 10, 103105, MAY 15 2012

533.Macutkevic, J.; Adomavicius, R.; Krotkus, A.; Banys, J.; Kuznetsov, V.; Moseenkov, S.; Romanenko, A.; Shenderova, O., Localization and electrical transport in onion-like carbon based composites. 111, 10, 103701, MAY 15 2012

534.Matyas, A.; Chashmahcharagh, R.; Kovacs, I.; Lugli, P.; Vijayraghavan, K.; Belkin, M.A.; Jirauschek, C., Improved terahertz quantum cascade laser with variable height barriers. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 111, 10, 103106, MAY 15 2012

535.Nouvel, P.; Torres, J.; Blin, S.; Marinchio, H.; Laurent, T.; Palermo, C.; Varani, L.; Shiktorov, P.; Starikov, E.; Gruzinskis, V.; Teppe, F.; Roelens, Y.; Shchepetov, A.; Bollaert, S., Terahertz emission induced by optical beating in nanometer-length field-effect transistors. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 111, 10, 103707, MAY 15 2012

536.Yang, L.A.; Long, S.; Guo, X.; Hao, Y., A comparative investigation on sub-micrometer InN and GaN Gunn diodes working at terahertz frequency. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 111, 10, 104514, MAY 15 2012

537.Kumar, N.; Singh, U.; Kumar, A.; Sinha, A.K., A Feasibility Study of Beam-Wave Interaction in 670 GHz Gyrotron for Radioactive Material Detection Application. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 51, 7, 076705, JUL 2012

538.Hwang, H.C.; Park, K.; Park, W.K.; Han, S.T.; Kim, K.R., Design and Characterization of Plasmonic Terahertz Wave Detectors Based on Silicon Field-Effect Transistors. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 51, 6, SI, 06FE17, JUN 2012

539.Hsu, D.K.; Lee, K.S.; Park, J.W.; Woo, Y.D.; Im, K.H., NDE inspection of terahertz waves in wind turbine composites. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRECISION ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING. 13, 7, 1183-1189, JUL 2012

540.Pavlovic, L.; Trontelj, J., 300 GHz microbolometer double-dipole antenna for focal-plane-array imaging. INFORMACIJE MIDEM-JOURNAL OF MICROELECTRONICS ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS. 42, 1, 59, 2012

541.Asakawa, K.; Itagaki, Y.; Shin-Ya, H.; Saito, M.; Suhara, M., Time-Domain Analysis of Large-Signal-Based Nonlinear Models for a Resonant Tunneling Diode with an Integrated Antenna. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS. E95C, 8, 1376-1384, AUG 2012

542.Pan, J.; Hayano, K.; Mori, M.; Maezawa, K., Possibility of High Order Harmonic Oscillators Based on Active Transmission Lines Loaded with Resonant Tunneling Diode Pairs. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS. E95C, 8, AUG 2012

543.Chen, J.X.; Hong, W.; Tang, H.J.; Yaw, P.P.; Zhang, L.; Yang, G.Q.; Hou, D.B.; Wu, K., Silicon Based Millimeter Wave and THz ICs. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS. E95C, 7, 1134-1140, JUL 2012

544.Zhou, T.; Zhang, R.; Guo, X.G.; Tan, Z.Y.; Chen, Z.; Cao, J.C.; Liu, H.C., Terahertz Imaging With Quantum-Well Photodetectors. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 24, 13, 1109-1111, JUL 1 2012

545.Gu, M.X.; Bai, P.; Chu, H.S.; Li, E.P., Design of Subwavelength CMOS Compatible Plasmonic Photodetector for Nano-Electronic-Photonic Integrated Circuits. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 24, 6, 515-517,MAR 15 2012

546.Jiao, Z.J.; Liu, J.R.; Lu, Z.G.; Zhang, X.P.; Poole, P.J.; Barrios, P.J.; Poitras, D.; Caballero, J., Tunable Terahertz Beat Signal Generation From an InAs/InP Quantum-Dot Mode-Locked Laser Combined With External-Cavity. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 24, 6, 518-520 ,

547.Kim, R.K.; Chu, S.; Han, Y.G., Stable and Widely Tunable Single-Longitudinal-Mode Dual-Wavelength Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser for Optical Beat Frequency Generation. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 24, 6, 521-523, MAR 15 2012

548.Fluckiger, R.; Lovblom, R.; Ostinelli, O.; Benedickter, H.; Bolognesi, C.R., InP/GaAsSb DHBTs Fabricated in a Low-Temperature Teflon Planarization Process. IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS. 33, 8, AUG 2012

549.Stillwell, M.E.; Saady, J.J., Use of tetrahydrozoline for chemical submission. FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL. 221, 1-3, E12-E16, SEP 10 2012

550.Houzet, G.; Blary, K.; Lepilliet, S.; Lippens, D.; Burgnies, L.; Velu, G.; Carru, J.C.; Nguema, E.; Mounaix, P., Ionic Polarization Occurrence in BaSrTiO3 Thin Film by THz-Time Domain Spectroscopy. FERROELECTRICS. 430, 36-41, 2012

551.Minkevicius, L.; Suzanoviciene, R.; Balakauskas, S.; Molis, G.; Krotkus, A.; Valusis, G.; Tamosiunas, V., Detection of tab wire soldering defects on silicon solar cells using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. ELECTRONICS LETTERS. 48, 15, 932-934, JUL 19 2012

552.Song, H.J.; Ajito, K.; Muramoto, Y.; Wakatsuki, A.; Nagatsuma, T.; Kukutsu, N., 24 Gbit/s data transmission in 300 GHz band for future terahertz communications . ELECTRONICS LETTERS. 48, 15, 953-954, JUL 19 2012

553.Dubey, A.; Shami, T.C., Metamaterials in Electromagnetic Wave Absorbers. DEFENCE SCIENCE JOURNAL. 62, 4, 261-268, JUL 2012

554.Tripathi, S.R.; Ogura, H.; Kawagoe, H.; Inoue, H.; Hasegawa, T.; Takeya, K.; Kawase, K., Measurement of chloride ion concentration in concrete structures using terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). CORROSION SCIENCE. 62, 5-10, SEP 2012

555.Chesnokov, E.N.; Koshlyakov, P.V.; Shmakov, A.G.; Korobeinichev, O.P.; Knyazkov, D.A.; Yakimov, S.A., Terahertz free-electron laser radiation to determine water concentration in flames. COMBUSTION EXPLOSION AND SHOCK WAVES. 48, 4, 387-392, JUL 2012

556.Jian, S.; Zhang, H.W.; Li, Y.X., Terahertz Emission of Ferromagnetic Ni-Fe Thin Films Excited by Ultrafast Laser Pulses. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS. 29, 6, 067502, JUN 2012

557.Zhou, H.C.; Yang, G.; Wang, K.; Long, H.; Lu, P.X., Coupled Optical Tamm States in a Planar Dielectric Mirror Structure Containing a Thin Metal Film. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS. 29, 6, 067101, JUN 2012

558.Dai, J.H.; Deng, H.X.; Dai, Z.M., Numerical modeling of a high power terahertz source in Shanghai. CHINESE PHYSICS C. 36, 7, 648-652, JUL 2012

559.Xu, X.; Wei, Y.Y.; Shen, F.; Huang, M.Z.; Tang, T.; Duan, Z.Y.; Gong, Y.B., Research of sine waveguide slow-wave structure for a 220-GHz backward wave oscillator. CHINESE PHYSICS B. 21, 6, 068402, JUN 2012

560.Feng, L.Q.; Chu, T.S., Quantum path control on the harmonic emission in the presence of a terahertz field. CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 405, 26-31, SEP 11 2012

561.Yu, J.; Liu, Y.; Su, Q.Z.; Cong, S.L., Long-lived field-free molecular orientation driven by modulated few-cycle terahertz pulses. CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 405, 89-92, SEP 11 2012

562.Li, D.; Wang, M.; Yang, C.Q.; Wang, J.; Ren, G.D., Solid State Characterizations and Analysis of Stability in Azelnidipine Polymorphs. CHEMICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN. 60, 8, 995-1002, AUG 2012

563.Hisazumi, J.; Suzuki, T.; Wakiyama, N. Nakagami, H.; Terada, K., Chemical Mapping of Hydration and Dehydration Process of Theophylline in Tablets Using Terahertz Pulsed Imaging. CHEMICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN. 60, 7, JUL 2012

564.Ebbinghaus, S.; Meister, K.; Prigozhin, M.B.; DeVries, A.L.; Havenith, M.; Dzubiella, J.; Gruebele, M., Functional Importance of Short-Range Binding and Long-Range Solvent Interactions in Helical Antifreeze Peptides. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 103, 2, L20-L22, JUL 18 2012

565.Hunger, J.; Bernecker, A.; Bakker, H.J.; Bonn, M.; Richter, R.P., Hydration Dynamics of Hyaluronan and Dextran. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 103, 1, L10-L12, JUL 3 2012

566.Fu, H.; Jullo, E.; Cooray, A.; Bussmann, R.S.; Ivison, R.J.; Perez-Fournon, I.; Djorgovski, S.G.; Scoville, N.; Yan, L.; Riechers, D.A.; Aguirre, J.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Baker, A.J.; Bradford, M.; Cava, A.; Clements, D.L.; Dannerbauer, H.; Dariush, A.; De Zotti, G.; Dole, H.; Dunne, L.; Dye, S.; Eales, S.; Frayer, D.; Gavazzi, R.; Gurwell, M.; Harris, A.I.; Herranz, D.; Hopwood, R.; Hoyos, C.; Ibar, E.; Jarvis, M.J.; Kim, S.; Leeuw, L.; Lupu, R.; Maddox, S.; Martinez-Navajas, P.; Michalowski, M.J.; Negrello, M.; Omont, A.; Rosenman, M.; Scott, D.; Serjeant, S.; Smail, I.; Swinbank, A.M.; Valiante, E.; Verma, A.; Vieira, J.; Wardlow, J.L.; van der Werf, P., A COMPREHENSIVE VIEW OF A STRONGLY LENSED PLANCK-ASSOCIATED SUBMILLIMETER GALAXY. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 753, 2, 134, JUL 10 2012 

567.Csengeri, T.; Menten, K.M.; Wyrowski, F.; Requena-Torres, M.A.; Gusten, R (Guesten, R.); Wiesemeyer, H.; Hubers, H.W.; Hartogh, P.; Jacobs, K., SOFIA observations of far-infrared hydroxyl emission toward classical ultracompact HII/OH maser regions. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS.542, L8, JUN 2012

568.Gomez-Ruiz, A.I.; Gusdorf, A.; Leurini, S.; Codella, C.; Gusten, R.; Wyrowski, F.; Requena-Torres,  M.A.; Risacher, C.; Wampfler, S.F., High-J CO emission in the Cepheus E protostellar outflow observed with SOFIA/GREAT. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 542, L9,JUN 2012

569.Heyminck, S.; Graf, U.U.; Gusten, R.; Stutzki, J.; Hubers, H.W.; Hartogh, P., GREAT: the SOFIA high-frequency heterodyne instrument. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. 542, L1, JUN 2012

570.Perez-Beaupuits, J.P.; Wiesemeyer, H.; Ossenkopf, V.; Stutzki, J.; Gusten, R.; Simon, R.; Hubers, H.W.; Ricken, O. The ionized and hot gas in M17 SW SOFIA/GREAT THz observations of [C II] and (CO)-C-12 J=13-12. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. 542, L13, JUN 2012

571.Putz, P.; Honingh, C.E.; Jacobs, K.; Justen, M.; Schultz, M.; Stutzki, J., Terahertz hot electron bolometer waveguide mixers for GREAT. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. 542, L2, JUN 2012

572.Sahai, R.; Morris, M.R.; Werner, M.W.; Gusten, R.; Wiesemeyer, H.; Sandell, G., Probing the mass and structure of the Ring Nebula in Lyra with SOFIA/GREAT observations of the [CII] 158 micron line. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. 542, L20, JUN 2012

573.Burghoff, D.; Chan, C.W.I.; Hu, Q.; Reno, J.L., Gain measurements of scattering-assisted terahertz quantum cascade lasers. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 100, 26, 261111, JUN 25 2012

574.Busch, S.F.; Schumann, S.; Jansen, C.; Scheller, M.; Koch, M.; Fischer, B.M., Optically gated tunable terahertz filters. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 100, 26, 261109, JUN 25 2012

575.Cortie, D.L.; Lewis, R.A., The importance of scattering, surface potential, and vanguard counter-potential in terahertz emission from gallium arsenide. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 100, 26, 261601, JUN 25 2012

576.Mariager, S.O.; Caviezel, A.; Beaud, P.; Quitmann, C.; Ingold, G., Coherent phonon dynamics at the martensitic phase transition of Ni2MnGa. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 100, 26, 261911, JUN 25 2012

577.Li, Y.T.;  Li, C.; Zhou, M.L.; Wang, W.M.; Du, F.; Ding, W.J.; Lin, X.X.; Liu, F.; Sheng, Z.M. ; Peng, X.Y.; Chen, L.M.; Ma, J.L.; Lu, X.; Wang, Z.H.; Wei, Z.Y.; Zhang, J., Strong terahertz radiation from relativistic laser interaction with solid density plasmas. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 100, 25, 254101, JUN 18 2012

578.Vijayraghavan, K.; Adams, R.W.; Vizbaras, A.; Jang, M.; Grasse, C.; Boehm, G.; Amann, M.C.; Belkin, M.A., Terahertz sources based on Cerenkov difference-frequency generation in quantum cascade lasers. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS.100, 25, 251104, JUN 18 2012

579.Yokota, K.; Takeda, J.; Dang, C.; Han, G.; McCarthy, D.N.; Nagao, T.; Hishita, S.; Kitajima, M.; Katayama, I., Surface metallic states in ultrathin Bi(001) films studied with terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 100, 25, 251605, JUN 18 2012

580.Albrecht, S.; Altenburg, S.; Siegel, C.; Herschbach, N.; Birkl, G., A laser system for the spectroscopy of highly charged bismuth ions. APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS. 107, 4, 1069-1074, JUN 2012

581.Sabah, C., Electric and magnetic excitations in anisotropic broadside-coupled triangular-split-ring resonators. APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING. 108, 2, 457-463, AUG 2012

582.Fiorino, S.T.; Deibel, J.A.; Grice, P.M.; Novak, M.H.; Spinoza, J.; Owens, L.; Ganti, S., A technique to measure optical properties of brownout clouds for modeling terahertz propagation. APPLIED OPTICS. 51, 16, 3605-3613, JUN 1 2012

583.Li, J.; Chen, Y.; Cao, W.; Zeng, Z., Distinguishing octane grades in gasoline using terahertz metamaterials. APPLIED OPTICS. 51, 16, 3258-3262, JUN 1 2012

584.Ivanova, B.; Spiteller, M., A quantitative solid-state Raman spectroscopic method for control of fungicides. ANALYST. 137, 14, 3355-3364, 2012

585.Agrawal, A.; Kejalakshmy, N.; Uthman, M.; Rahman, B.M.A.; Kumar, A.; Grattan, K.T.V., Ultra low bending loss equiangular spiral photonic crystal fibers in the terahertz regime. AIP ADVANCES. 2, 2, 022140, JUN 2012

586.Chen, Y.Y.; Al-Naib, I.A.I.; Gu, J.Q.; Wang, M.W.; Ozaki, T.; Morandotti, R.; Zhang, W.L., Membrane metamaterial resonators with a sharp resonance: A comprehensive study towards practical terahertz filters and sensors. AIP ADVANCES. 2, 2, 022109, JUN 2012

587.Wang, G.; Wang, W.N., Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on the Terahertz Vibrational Spectroscopy of Alanine Crystal. ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA. 28, 7, 1579-1585, JUL 2012

588.Wang, Y.; Wang, X.; He, X.J.; Mei, J.S.; Chen, M.H.; Yin, J.H.; Lei, Q.Q., Progress in terahertz surface plasmonics, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 61, 13, 137301, 2012

589.Li, J.C.; Guo, L.X.; Liu, S.H., Design and simulation of a single-sided left-handed material in THz regime. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA. 61, 12, 124102, JUN 2012

590.Liu, W.H.; Zhang, Y.X.; Hu, M.; Zhou, J.; Liu, S.G., Mechanism study of a THz source using field emission array. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA. 61, 12, 127901, JUN 2012

591.Ma, F.Y.; Chen, M.; Liu, X.L.; Liu, J.L.; Chi, Q.; Du, Y.L.; Guo, M.T.; Yuan, B., Design and characterization of a terahertz microcavity structure. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA. 61, 11, 114205, 2012

592.Neumann, J.; Gottschalk, K.E.; Astumian, R.D., Driving and Controlling Molecular Surface Rotors with a Terahertz Electric Field. ACS NANO. 6, 6, 5242-5248,  JUN 2012

593. YUAN,G. Terahertz signal generation device has band-pass filter which is connected with end of carrier photoelectric detector. UNIV ELECTRONIC SCI&TECHNOLOGY (UYEL-Non-standard). CN202260098-U.

594. VOLOSAZHIR,I ,S. 3R regenerator for fully optical time division multiplex systems has a directional coupler, a semiconductor optical amplifier, an optical switch, a clock signal source, an attenuator and a semiconductor amplifier, an insulator. UNIV SIBE TELECOMM INFORM (UYSI-Soviet Institute); UNIV SIBE TELECOM&INFORMATION (UYSI-Soviet Institute). RU2454004-C2; RU2010105390-A.

595. BELKIN,M; LU,F; YAKOLEV,V,V; PRATER,C; KJOLLER,K. Method for measuring interaction of e.g. infrared radiation, with sub-micron region of sample on substrate with probe of atomic force microscope, involves measuring probe response due to interaction of enhanced electric field with sample.BELKIN,M(BELK-Individual);LU,F(LUFF-Individual);YAKOLEV,V,V(YAKO-Individual);PRATER,C(PRAT-Individual); KJOLLER,K(KJOL-Individual). US2012167261-A1

596. YORK,A;SHROFF H;AUBUCHON,M. Spatial light modulator system for adaptive near-field imaging, has photoconductive material including opaque properties in communication with light sources, where light beam is transmitted through transmission pathways. US DEPT HEALTH&HUMAN SERVICES (USSH). WO2012087875-A1.

597. KIM,S; KANG,K; JUN,D,S. Terahertz continuous wave generator, has optical coupler used to apply optical signal, which is reflected from notch filter, and opto-electric converter that is used to photomix double side-band signals outputted through notch filter. ELECTRONICS&TELECOM RES INST (ETRI). US2012162747-A1.

598. RYU,H; KWAK,M,H; KANG,S,B; KIM,S; JUN,D,S; PAEK M,C; KANG,K,Y. Device characteristics measurement method using all-optoelectronic terahertz photomixing system, involves calculating power of antenna of transmitter. ELECTRONICS&TELECOM RES INST (ETRI). US2012166144-A1.

599. DEMERS,J,R; LOGAN,R,T. Detection of organic substance e.g. carbohydrate using tetrahertz spectroscopy, involves suspending organic substance in medium, irradiating electromagnetic radiation, detecting reflected radiation, and identifying organic substance. EMCORE CORP (EMCO-Non-standard). JP2012117966-A.

600. FEDERICI,J,F; GARY,D. Terahertz synthetic aperture imaging system comprises continuous wave photomixing detection apparatus consists of collimators coupled to terahertz detector array and terahertz radiation source for emitting radiation. NEW JERSEY INST TECHNOLOGY (NEWJ-Non-standard). US2012153148-A1.

601. HAN,S; PARK,K,H; KO,H; KIM,N; LEE,C; LEE,D; LEEM,Y,A; HAN,S,P; LEE,C,W; LEE,D,H. Terahertz-wave generation/detection module for use in e.g. spectroscopy to detect harmful substance, has lower package surrounding bottom and side of printed circuit board, to dissipate heat of active layer. ELECTRONICS&TELECOM RES INST (ETRI). US2012153161-A1; KR2012067629-A.

602.ENCINAR;GARCINUNO,J,A;PEREZ,PALOMINO,G;BARBA,GEA,M;QUINTANA,ARREGUI,X;GEDAY,M,A; OTON;SANCHEZ,J,M;BROQUETAS IBARS,A;ABRIL AGUILERA,J; NOVA,LAVADO,E. Reconfigurable beam reflectarray antenna for frequencies in terahertz and millimeter-wave range applies bias voltage to conductive components of phase-shifter cells to vary dielectric constant of liquid crystal layers of phase-shifter cells. UNIV MADRID POLITECNICA (UYMA-Non-standard); UNIV CATALUNYA POLITECNICA (UYCA-Non-standard). WO2012080532-A1.

603. DUMONT,G; ARNAUD,A; BOUTAMI,S; IMPERINETTI,P; MARY,A; POCAS,S; RABAUD,W. Matrix bolometric detector for detecting electromagnetic radiation in integrated hermetic micro-packaging field, has openings placed periodically based on period less than/equal to ratio of wavelength and average refractive index of medium. COMMISSARIAT ENERGIE ATOMIQUE (COMS). EP2466283-A1; FR2969284-A1; US2012153151-A1.

604.ISHIHARA,HAJIME;OYAMADA,ATSUYUKI;KUZUHARA,SATOSHI;KITAGUCHI,HISANOBU;EBATA,KEIJI. Terahertz light generating apparatus used in e.g. industry, has resonator structure which outputs light with resonant frequency corresponding to frequency difference of several incident lights. UNIV OSAKA PREFECTURE PUBLIC CORP (OSAU); SUMITOMO ELECTRIC IND LTD (SUME). WO2012077769-A1.

605. MEIJER,A,S;VAN,DER,ZANDE,W,J. Detector useful in image sensor for detecting terahertz radiation, comprises micro-plasma cell with cavity, and read-out electronics connected to cell to measure changes of electron density with respect to bias provided electron density. UNIV STICHTING KATHOLIEKE (UYKA-Non-standard). WO2012078043-A1; NL2005856-C.

606.KIM,N;PARK,K,H;LEEM,Y,A;KO,H;HAN,S;LEE,C;LEE,D;HAN,S,P;LEE,C,W;LEE,D,H. Terahertz wave generator comprises a dual mode semiconductor laser device to generate and beat the generated laser lights, and a photo mixer to generate a continuous terahertz wave when excited by the beat laser light. ELECTRONICS&TELECOM RES INST (ETRI). US2012147907-A1; KR2012065808-A.

607.FERMANN,M,E;HARTL,I. System for imaging in tetrahertz (THz) spectral range used in infrared spectroscopy, generates frequency grid in radiofrequency (RF) domain corresponding to THz domain to stabilize difference in repetition rates of two oscillators. IMRA AMERICA INC (IMRA-Non-standard). US2012145902-A1.

608.STIRLING-GALLACHER R; WANG Q. Active radar system for use as active imaging system used in medical and security applications has signal analyzer that analyzes receive signal obtained by receive antenna from radiation from scene. SONY CORP (SONY). EP2463683-A1; US2012146844-A1.

609.YASUDA TAKASHI; KAWADA YOICHI; NAKANISHI ATSUSHI; AKIYAMA KOUICHIRO; TAKAHASHI HIRONORI. Total reflection spectrometer measure apparatus has optical surface that condenses terahertz wave between entrance plane and reflective surface, so that reflective surface is located at obtuse angle with respect to entrance plane. HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS KK (HAMM). WO2012073561-A1; JP2012117837-A.

610.ZHANG S; ZHANG X. Electrical device, useful e.g. as integrated circuit, semiconductor and transistor, comprises a current transport layer formed using a layer of a topological material, and an electrode in electrical contact with the current transport layer. UNIV LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR (STRD). US2012138887-A1; WO2012078774-A1.

611.CONWAY N; GIEBELER C. Producing thin film of lead zirconate titanate, comprises providing substrate, applying thin film in an oxygen containing atmosphere by sputtering of lead, zirconium and titanium from respective targets to substrate and completing. PYREOS LTD (PYRE-Non-standard). DE102011000752-B3.

612.DAYI F; KOCH S; DAE F. Frequency synthesizer i.e. millimeter wave/sub-terahertz frequency synthesizer, for use in e.g. electronic microwave device, has frequency selection unit selecting desired frequency range from mixer signal and outputting synthesizer signal. SONY CORP (SONY); SONY DEUT GMBH (SONY). US2012139586-A1; JP2012120178-A; CN102487280-A.

613.MONESTERE C J. Method for determining e.g. horizontal deflection of turbine foundation to support steam turbine-generator, involves comparing detected position with predetermined position of feature to determine foundation deflection at target location. MECHANICAL DYNAMICS&ANALYSIS INC (MECH-Non-standard). US2012140247-A1.

614.OGAWA C; TAINO T. Superconductive tunnel junction detector e.g. superconductive terahertz wave detector has metal film that is embedded on upper surface of substrate, so that lower electrode is enclosed. NIPPON SIGNAL CO LTD (NIUG); UNIV SAITAMA (UYSA-Non-standard). JP2012109295-A.

615.OGAWA C; TAINO T. Terahertz detector for detecting terahertz wave, has superconductive tunnel junction element that is provided corresponding to each antenna portion with terahertz band area of different frequency. NIPPON SIGNAL CO LTD (NIUG); UNIV SAITAMA (UYSA-Non-standard). JP2012109652-A.

616.CUNDIFF S; WAHLSTRAND J; ZHANG H; CHOI S. High repetition rate THz generation system for emitting pulsed THz radiation, has radio frequency generator applying electric field to photoconductor through gold electrodes, where electrodes are insulated from photoconductor. CUNDIFF S (CUND-Individual); WAHLSTRAND J (WAHL-Individual); ZHANG H (ZHAN-Individual); CHOI S (CHOI-Individual). US2012126122-A1.

617.QIN H; SUN J; SUN Y; WU D; ZENG C; ZHANG B; ZHOU Y. Terahertz wave detector has three electrodes that pass through the low pass filter respectively corresponding to lead electrode. SUZHOU INST NANO-TECH&NANO-BIONICS (SUZH-Non-standard). CN102445711-A.

618.HU F; WANG L; WU Z. Terahertz frequency range adjustable super absorber of electrostatic micro cantilever beam structure, has opening ring which is connected with power supply lead wire, and formed on insulating layer. CHINESE ACAD SCI PHYSICS INST (CHSC-Non-standard). CN102417153-A.

619.CHU J; GAO Y; HOU Y; HUANG J; HUANG Z; LU J; SHEN X; WEI Y; ZHOU W. Tellurium-cadmium-mercury terahertz detector has electrode layer that is sputtered on graphite substrate by magnetron sputtering cadmium substrate layer. CHINESE ACAD SCI SHANGHAI INST TECHNICAL (CHSC-Non-standard). CN102376812-A.

620.KOMATSU K. Physical-property measuring apparatus has several terahertz wave detection elements to which probe lights are irradiated at different delay times. HITACHI NAKA ELECTRONICS KK (HITA-Non-standard). JP2012122830-A.

621.EGOT M; MULLER J; CATHELIN A; BELOT D. Phase shifting device for antenna array utilized for wireless electronic system to exchange e.g. Terahertz wavelength signal, has processing units comprising control units to adjust coefficient and order of digital all-pass filters. STMICROELECTRONICS SA (SGSA). FR2969835-A1; US2012163425-A1.

622.LEE W H; CHUNG T J. Resonant element for use in resonator filter in terahertz frequency band ranging from giga hertz to tera hertz, has outer layer positioned outwardly from waveguide layer and frequency adjustment layer and constituting external structure. ELECTRONICS&TELECOM RES INST (ETRI). US2012161905-A1.

623.DUPONT B; TCHAGASPANIAN M. Infrared radiation measurement system for infrared imaging system, has n-type metal-oxide-semiconductor measurement transistor with gate connected to output of operational amplifier, where output is connected to gate of reference transistor. COMMISSARIAT ENERGIE ATOMIQUE (COMS). EP2469254-A1; FR2969763-A1; US2012168624-A1.

624.JEONG Y U; PARK S H; LEE K; JANG K; JANG K H. Optical resonator for desktop type terahertz free electron laser, has mesh mirrors provided on electron beam incidence and emission portions in two-dimensional waveguide provided in undulator and refrigerated at very low temperature. KOREA ATOMIC ENERGY RES INST (KAER). WO2012081783-A1; KR2012065669-A.

625.SCHELLER M; JANSEN C; KOCH M. Photoconductive antenna for use as sensor for sample for transmitting and receiving electromagnetic radiation in terahertz-frequency range, has conductive resonators provided in substrate in proximity to photoconductive excitation spot. UNIV PHILIPPS MARBURG (UYPH-Non-standard). EP2466686-A1; WO2012080105-A1.

626.MACOR A; ANSERMET J; DE RIJK E. Passive component for transmission and manipulation of electromagnetic signals comprises corrugated or smooth wall unit alone or assembly of corrugated or smooth wall unit in hollow guiding rod. ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE LAUSANNE (EPFL). WO2012076994-A1.

627.MACOR A. Corrugated component for transmitting and manipulating electromagnetic signals, has plate assemblies stacked together in hollow guiding rod, where external shape of plate assemblies corresponds to internal shape of hollow guiding rod. ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE LAUSANNE (EPFL). WO2012076995-A1.

628.WATANABE T. Environmentally-friendly sheet for electrical/electronic appliances e.g. air conditioner, comprises flexible adhesive sheet formed on each position of switchboard breaker and earth leakage circuit breaker, and cord of electric appliance. DAIKYO KK (DAIK-Non-standard). JP2012110837-A.

629.WEI Y; HUANG C; HUANG L; ZHANG G; ZHU H. Wavelength orthogonal polarization dual laser for use in slatted non-linear frequency optical fiber communication field, has pumping system that forms reverse particle number distribution of active ion transition. FUJIAN MATERIAL STRUCTURE INST (FUJI-Non-standard). CN102468599-A.

630.HAN W; TAN Y; WANG Q. Rectangular shaped annular waveguide adapter for millimeter microwave and terahertz frequency range of electronic system, has input waveguide, where axial lines of input and output waveguides are arranged in parallel manner. CHENGDU SAINASAIDE TECHNOLOGY CO LTD (CHEN-Non-standard). CN202231131-U.

631.STOEHR H; JUERCKE R. Device for examining e.g. vertically extending vertical frame, interconnected to stand in e.g. chemical industry, has processing unit partially determining characteristic of scaffolding elements from detected scaffolding elements. BILFINGER BERGER IND SERVICES AG (BILF-Non-standard). EP2463813-A2; DE102010053914-A1; EP2463813-A3.

632.NODOP D -; LIMPERT J; TUENNERMANN A; NODOP D. Fiber amplifier system e.g. master oscillator amplifier system (MOPA) for amplifying and emitting pulsed radiation, has polarization filter or spatial filter used for selection of radiation to be amplified. UNIV SCHILLER JENA (UYJE); FRAUNHOFER GES FOERDERUNG ANGEWANDTEN EV (FRAU). DE102010052907-A1; WO2012072217-A1.

633.EVANS M J; GREGORY I S; PAGE H. Terahertz investigation system for measuring samples having orientation not controlled for terahertz measurement, e.g., tablets, has delivery unit that moves samples but does not control orientation or exact position of samples. TERAVIEW LTD (TERA-Non-standard). GB2486098-A.

634.BANGERA M G; DIAZ R P; HYDE R A; ISHIKAWA M Y; JUNG E K Y; KARE J T; LIEBERMAN E; MYHRVOLD N P; RIVET D J; SMITH M A; SWEENEY E A; WOOD L L. Article for clothing including glove, shirt and pant, comprises multilayer material, flexible layer, flexible outer layer, flexible inner layer, detector, source of electromagnetic signal, power source, and second signaling layer. SEARETE LLC (SRTE). US2012133507-A1.

635.WALSH J; HYMAN J. Characterizing and/or identifying different microorganism species from test sample, by obtaining test sample, lysing non-microorganism cells in test sample to produce lysed sample; layering test or lysed sample on density cushion. BIOMERIEUX INC (INMR). US2012135454-A1.

636.CAO J; CHEN Z; GUO X; TAN Z; ZHANG R; ZHOU T. Terahertz quantum device based transmission imaging device, has signal processing circuit and electric translation stage unit connected to oscillograph to display voltage value, measured sample and two-dimensional terahertz signal strength. CHINESE ACAD SCI SHANGHAI MICROSYSTEMS (CHSC-Non-standard). CN102445420-A.

637.HIUK S J; JIN S S; YONG M H; SEUNG J H; SEUNG J O. Terahertz imaging method for producing three-dimensional image of tumor, involves producing primary electrical signal based on terahertz electromagnetic wave reflected from normal region and tumor region. UNIV SEOUL IND COOP GROUP (USEO). KR2012047554-A; KR1149352-B1.

638.LOGAN R T; DEMERS J R. Apparatus for adjusting frequency of light beam of light source that is utilized for transmitter/receiver of terahertz spectroscopy system, has receiver for acquiring electromagnetic radiation from photoconductive switch. EMCORE CORP (EMCO-Non-standard). JP2012098264-A.

639.CHEN D; LI H; LI Q; XUE K; WANG Q. HARBIN INST TECHNOLOGY (HAIT). Single continuous terahertz laser source based radar cross section test device for testing different size target radar scattering sections, has inversion calculation module utilized for obtaining radar cross section. CN102435987-A.

640.LIU P; WANG Y; XU D; YAO J; ZHONG K. Optical frequency comb device has computer controller that reads current signal, controls delay line, and scans measured current signal to obtain comb-shaped frequency spectrum. UNIV TIANJIN (UTIJ). CN102419485-A.

641.DONG F; LIU P; LIU Q; WANG Z; XU A; LI H. Tetrahertz electromagnetic wave generating oscillator, has interaction area part form period full wave structure modulated part and energy extraction cavity, where modulated part is arranged in tetrahertz frequency band slow wave structure. CHINESE ACAD SCI ELECTRONICS INST (CHSC-Non-standard). CN102403180-A.

642.FAN F; CHANG S. High speed photonic crystal waveguide terahertz modulator for terahertz communication system, has vanadium dioxide film plated on silicon photonic crystal column array that is obtained on silicon chip with high resistance. UNIV NANKAI (UNAN). CN102393571-A.

643.ITANI N; MARUYAMA K; HASEGAWA S; ITANI Y. Electromagnetic wave imaging apparatus using two electromagnetic waves, has optical component that compensates phase shifting between pulse plane of detecting electromagnetic wave and pulse plane of probe wave. FUJITSU LTD (FUIT). US2012120231-A1; JP2012122981-A.

644.HU X; LI J; LIU F; XING Q; LI Y. Method for improving terahertz wave generating rate and transmittance of lithium niobate crystal, involves providing incident face with lithium niobate crystal, where polarizer is provided with lithium niobate crystal. UNIV TIANJIN (UTIJ). CN102436115-A.

645.JUN D S; KANG K; KIM S; PAEK M C; RYU H; KWAK M H; KANG S B; SUK J D; KWANG Y K; MUN C P; CHEOL R H; HWAN K M; KANG S. Integrated antenna device module for generating terahertz continuous wave comprises photoconductor thin film pattern formed on front surface of substrate, metal electrode, and focusing meta-material lens. ELECTRONICS&TELECOM RES INST (ETRI). US2012112230-A1; KR2012049128-A.

646.QIAO S; LING W; ZHANG Y; LIU S. Three resonance absorption peaks terahertz wave band ultra material used in e.g. switch, has non-symmetrical pattern structure that is provided with single-opening metal rings connected with electric split ring resonators respectively. UNIV ELECTRONIC SCI&TECHNOLOGY (UYEL-Non-standard). CN102427150-A.

647.MA Y; WANG H; WANG Q; WANG X. Classification of bactericide solid pesticide by detecting solid antiseptic raw medicine using THz Time-system to obtain time domain signal of each sample, calculating absorption spectrum, and analyzing using principal component analysis. CHINA METROLOGY COLLEGE (CHME-Non-standard). CN102283243-A.

648.DEMERS J R; LOGAN R T. Method for detecting organic matter e.g. lactose using tetra Hertz spectroscopy, involves detecting radiation beam transmitted through sample and/or reflected from sample, and analyzing detected radiation for identifying organic matter. EMCORE CORP (EMCO-Non-standard). DE102010050595-A1.

649.ZHANG Z; CHEN J; DOU W. Space feed transmission method of terahertz wave, involves passing mixed frequency signal through coplanar waveguide transmission line, and diffraction micro-lens array which is distributed with power of feed antenna. UNIV SOUTHEAST (UYSE). CN102427168-A.

650.CHEN Z; WANG Y; WU W; ZHAO Z. Danger detecting device has beam scanning control unit which is provided to make terahertz beam scan in view of pixel point. UNIV QINGHUA (UYQI); NUCTECH CO LTD (NUCT-Non-standard). CN202196176-U.

651.NAKANISHI A; KAWADA Y; YASUDA T; AKIYAMA K; TAKAHASHI H. Total reflection spectrometer measure apparatus, has level difference portion which defines azimuth of nonlinear optical crystal and electro-optic crystal with respect to polarized-light of laser beam. HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS KK (HAMM). JP2012088197-A.

652.LI J; ZHANG B. Periodically opening square-shaped structure for terahertz wave filter, has signal input end transmitting signal to signal output terminal through square-shaped structure transmission layer in order to filter signal. CHINA METROLOGY COLLEGE (CHME-Non-standard). CN202205868-U.

653.FEDYAEV S L; FEDYAEV L S; RUDNICHENKO V A. Device for detection of items, has scanner, monitor and television camera for personal inspection of persons in clothing store and working place. DEDAL SCI PRODN COMPLEX STOCK CO (DEDA-Soviet Institute). RU2010100085-A.

654.VASSILEV V; STOEW B; ANDERSSON G; BLOMGREN J. Detecting unit for measuring properties of paper web moving in printing press i.e. offset printer, to detect water content of paper web, has calculating unit determining measure relating to properties of paper web from signal. IMEGO AB (IMEG-Non-standard). WO2012057699-A1.

655.TENG J; TANOTO H; WU Q Y S. THz photomixer emitter used for emitting THz wave for use e.g. in THz spectroscopy includes electrode array having electric field resonance pattern, which is aligned with emission field pattern of antenna structure. AGENCY SCI TECHNOLOGY&RES (SGST). WO2012057710-A1.

656.OUCHI T. Method of manufacturing photoconductive device for integrated type terahertz (THz) wave sensing module involves removing upper substrate arranged on lower substrate, while leaving photoconductive film and antenna on lower substrate. CANON KK (CANO). US2012108004-A1.

657.BRITZ D; MILLER R R. Method for establishing terahertz link for use in wireless networks e.g. cellular networks, involves receiving detected terahertz signals from detectors, and determining whether detected signal is out of focus from focus point. BRITZ D (BRIT-Individual); MILLER R R (MILL-Individual). US2012099856-A1.

658.SARTORIUS B; ROEHLE H; STANZE D; DIETZ R. System for generating and coherent detection of terahertz radiation used in telecommunication application, has photosensitive active layer whose band edge wavelength is greater than wavelength of the laser light source. FRAUNHOFER GES FOERDERUNG ANGEWANDTEN EV (FRAU). DE102010049658-A1; WO2012055574-A1.

659.NAKANISHI A; KAWADA Y; YASUDA T; AKIYAMA K; TAKAHASHI H. Total reflection spectrometer measure apparatus for measuring total reflection of terahertz wave, has terahertz wave detection antenna fixed to output surface that is abutted against step-difference parts. HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS KK (HAMM). JP2012083166-A.

660.KUROYANAGI KAZUYOSHI. Multi-electrode type photoconduction antenna has direct current voltage supply unit that applies voltage to pad element of electrode so as to gradually increase or decrease in order of arrangement of electrode. HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS KK (HAMM). WO2012056784-A1; JP2012094705-A.

661.JANG J H. Terahertz wave resonator for use in spatial light modulator, has substrate arranged with patterns, and switching element arranged on substrate, where ends of patterns are connected with ohmic contact and Schottky contact. GWANGJU INST SCI&TECHNOLOGY (GWAN-Non-standard). KR2012040023-A; KR1139938-B1.

662.RAHMAN A; RAHMAN A K. Terahertz emitter useful in a terahertz system, comprises a bulk dendrimer such as a functionalized dendrimer for generating terahertz radiation with a high pump-terahertz conversion efficiency and high output power, and a substrate. RAHMAN A (RAHM-Individual); RAHMAN A K (RAHM-Individual). US2012099827-A1.

663.LU H; WANG X; RAO Z; CHENG Z. Method for generating fan-shaped periodic crystal carbon dioxide laser tunable terahertz wave in e.g. medical imaging field, involves translating nonlinear crystal to change crystal period tunable terahertz wave output. UNIV HUAZHONG SCI&TECHNOLOGY (UYHZ). CN102412495-A.

664.SUN B; REN Z; BAI J; LIU J. Non-linear optical difference technique based terahertz wave radiation source for use during e.g. medical diagnosis, has frequency crystal performing integral transform, and filter sheet filtering frequency pumping light to terahertz wave. UNIV NORTHWESTERN (NOUN). CN102412496-A.

665.ARIESSOHN P; KYCHAKOFF G. Terahertz and millimeter wave imaging system e.g. for power utility boiler, has electronics-software that converts beam radiation into electrical signal, and interprets electrical signal to yield information about geometric structure. ENERTECHNIX INC (ENER-Non-standard). WO2012050612-A1.

666.KANG S; LIU K; WANG J; ZHANG T; ZHANG X. Terahertz wavelength meter, has pyro-electric detector connected with outer oscillograph, where etalon obtains change of outer oscillograph to test injection of terahertz light wave length of projecting beam. UNIV HUAZHONG SCI&TECHNOLOGY (UYHZ). CN202177460-U.

667.AO T; FAN T; HE Q; HUANG L; JIANG Y; WEN Y; XU X; YANG Z. Vanadium oxide composite film preparing method, involves heating and reacting vanadium oxide powder and organic solvent by centrifugal separation process, and evaporating organic solvent to form vanadium oxide fullerene composite film. UNIV ELECTRONIC SCI&TECHNOLOGY (UYEL-Non-standard). CN102416720-A.

668.DARCIE T E; PAHLEVANINEZHAD H. System for transmission of terahertz signals in spectroscopy e.g. Raman spectroscopy, includes terahertz device, terahertz waveguide, mode-matching taper, and cap layer, where terahertz device is used to produce terahertz electrical signal. UVIC IND PARTNERSHIPS INC (UVIC-Non-standard). US2012097850-A1.

669.YON J J; IMPERINETTI P; MARY A; RABAUD W; YON J. Device for detecting e.g. thermal infrared radiation, has enclosure provided with reflector unit that prolongs another reflector unit of enclosure, and forms continuous reflecting screen with latter reflector unit. COMMISSARIAT ENERGIE ATOMIQUE (COMS). FR2966595-A1; WO2012056124-A1.

670.OUCHI T. Photoconductive device has antenna that is provided on photoconductive film for radiating or coupling with terahertz wave. CANON KK (CANO). US2012097978-A1.

671.TRIPODI L; GOMEZ RIVAS J; VAN LEUVEN P G; VAN BEURDEN M C; BERRIER A A; MATTERS-KAMMERER M K. Device for guiding electromagnetic waves in terahertz range used in terahertz imaging system, is provided with confinement structure which extends continuously along length of wire. KONINK PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NV (PHIG). WO2012049587-A1.

672.HABIB L; DAISY R. Antenna arrangement for generating and receiving terahertz radiation in e.g. food inspection field, has protrusions directed towards neighboring protrusion such that end edges of neighboring protrusions faces one another. NOVATRANS GROUP SA (NOVA-Non-standard). US2012092223-A1.

673.CAO J; CHEN Z; HAN Y; TAN Z. Method for generating audio modulation terahertz wave, involves loading audio signal to terahertz wave using terahertz quantum cascade laser provided with radiation source. CHINESE ACAD SCI SHANGHAI MICROSYSTEM (CHSC-Non-standard). CN102394848-A.

674.CATHELIN A; EGOT M; PILARD R; GLORIA D. Transmitting/receiving device for use in wireless communication device that is integrated to TV to transmit/receive signals, has group of directional antennas arranged around group of omni-directional antennas. STMICROELECTRONICS SA (SGSA); STMICROELECTRONICS CROLLES 2 SAS (SGSA). FR2965980-A1; US2012086608-A1.

675.GIDDINGS D; YUASA H; FUKUZAWA H; MORISE H; NAKAMURA S. Oscillation element for generating terahertz wave, has upper and lower electrodes comprised such that electric current is supplied with electricity at right angle to film surface of laminated film. TOSHIBA KK (TOKE). JP2012074494-A.

676.CAO J; GUO X; ZHANG R. One dimensional metal grating for terahertz quantum well detector, is made of gold material having peak frequency response equal to peak wavelength of quantum well detector. CHINESE ACAD SCI SHANGHAI MICROSYSTEM (CHSC-Non-standard). CN102386245-A.

677.BAIK C; AHN H; BAIK C W; AHN H Y. Terahertz interaction circuit for amplifying interaction between electron beam and electromagnetic waves, has waveguide with ridge portion in which portion of surface of waveguide protrudes into waveguide. SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO LTD (SMSU). US2012081003-A1; KR2012035045-A.

678.SORIN W V; TAN M R T; MATHAI S V. Integrated optical data transmission system for use in computer system to transfer optical signal, has multiplexing system combining each of sets of data signal to generate multi-channel signals that are transmitted from transmission system. HEWLETT-PACKARD DEV CO LP (HEWP). WO2012047232-A1.

679.CAO J; CHEN Z; HAN Y; TAN Z. Terahertz wave audio wireless communication link realizing method, involves utilizing terahertz quantum cascade laser as radiation source, and filtering, amplifying and outputting voltage signal to sound device. CHINESE ACAD SCI SHANGHAI MICROSYSTEM (CHSC-Non-standard). CN102394689-A.

680.C. H. Zhang, G. F. Zhao, B. B. Jin, Y. Y. Hou, H. H. Jia, J. Chen and P. H. Wu. Terahertz Imaging on Subcutaneous Tissues and Liver Inflamed by Liver Cancer Cells. Journal Terahertz & Technology., Vol.5, No.3, September 2012. PP.114-123

681.Shuhui Bo, Zhuo Chen, Jieyun Wu, Xinhou Liu, Zhen Zhen, The New Terahertz Radiation and Detection Source Based on Organic Electro-Optic Poling Polymer. Journal Terahertz & Technology., Vol.5, No.3, September 2012. PP. 124-130

682.Dongxiao Yang, Tao Li, Lei Rao, Song Xia, Le Zhang. Terahertz Functional Devices Based on Photonic Crystal and Surface Plasmon Polaritons., Journal Terahertz & Technology. Vol.5, No.3, September 2012. PP.131-143

683.Isabelle You. Report on TRDNC and TST Updating in SICAST 2011., Journal Terahertz & Technology. Vol.5, No.3, September 2012. PP. 144-152


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