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1. Lopato P. Chady T.Sikora R., Testing of composite materials using advanced NDT methods,The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol.30, no.4, 2011, 1260-70.

2. Hindle F. Mouret G. Eliet S. Guinet M. Cuisset A. Bocquet R. Yasui T. Rovera D.,Widely tunable THz synthesizer,Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, vol.104, no.4, Sept. 2011, 763-8.

3. Seletskiy DV. Hasselbeck MP. Cederberg JG. Katzenmeyer A. Toimil-Molares ME. Le'onard F. Talin AA. Sheik-Bahae M., Efficient terahertz emission from InAs nanowires, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.11, 15 Sept. 2011, 115421 (7 pp.).

4. Khorsandi A. Sabouri SG. Fathi S. Asadnia-Jahromi M.,Modified grating-based external cavity diode laser for simultaneous dual-wavelengths operation,Optics and Laser Technology, vol.43, no.5, July 2011, 956-9.

5. Monnai Y. Shinoda H. Hillmer H., Focused terahertz radiation formed by coherently scattered surface plasmon polaritons from partially uncorrugated metal surfaces,Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, vol.104, no.4, Sept. 2011, 913-17.

6. Spevak IS. Timchenko MA. Gavrikov VK. Shulga VM. Feng J. Sun HB. Kats AV.,High quality resonances for terahertz radiation diffraction at periodically corrugated semiconductor interfaces,Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, vol.104, no.4, Sept. 2011, 925-30. Publisher: Springer Berlin, Germany.

7. Andres-Garcia B. Garcia-Munoz E. Bauerschmidt S. Preu S. Malzer S.Dohler GH.Lijun Wang.Segovia-Vargas D.,Gain Enhancement by Dielectric Horns in the Terahertz Band,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol.59, no.9, Sept. 2011, 3164-70.

8. Samoilovich MI. Bovtun V. Belyapin AF. Tsvetkov MY. Kleshcheva SM. Kempa M. Nuzhnyi D.,The peculiarities of phase transformations and crystallisation in lattice packing nanocavities of silica nanospheres matrices,Engineering Physics, no.6, 2011, 21-31.

9. Han, SP; Ko, H; Kim, N; Ryu, HC; Lee, CW; Leem, YA; Lee, D; Jeon, MY; Noh, SK; Chun, HS; Park, KH,Optical fiber-coupled InGaAs-based terahertz time-domain spectroscopy system, OPTICS LETTERS, vol: 36, no: 16, 2011, 3094-3096. 

10. Cunsolo A.  Leu BM.  Said AH.  Cai YQ.,Structural and microscopic relaxations in glycerol: An inelastic x-ray scattering study,Journal of Chemical Physics, vol.134, no.18, 14 May 2011, 184502 (6 pp.).

11. Ney M.  Abdulhalim I.,Modeling of reflectometric and ellipsometric spectra from the skin in the terahertz and submillimeter waves region,Journal of Biomedical Optics, vol.16, no.6, June 2011, 067006 (15 pp.).

12. Jha KR.  Singh G., Performance analysis of an open-loop resonator loaded terahertz microstrip antenna, Microelectronics Journal, vol.42, no.7, July 2011, 950-6.

13. Weixian Qian Qian Chen Guohua Gu,The high-frequency constant-statistics constraint nonuniformity correction algorithm,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.6,June 2011,778-792.

14. Yang Peng-fei. Yao Jian-quan. Xu Wei., THz modulator based on the Drude model, Optoelectronics Letters, vol.7, no.1, Jan. 2011, 19-21.

15. Wang T-J. Marceau C. Yuan S.  Chen Y. Wang Q. The'berge F. Chateauneuf M. Dubois J. Chin SL. ,External focusing effect on terahertz emission from a two-color femtosecond laser-induced filament in air,Laser Physics Letters, vol.8, no.1, Jan. 2011, 57-61.

16. Cazzoli G. Puzzarini C. Stopkowicz S. Gauss J.,Precise laboratory measurements of trans-DCOOH and trans-HCOOD for astrophysical observations,Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, vol.196, no.1, Sept. 2011, 10 (7 pp.).

17. van Capel PJS. Turchinovich D.  Porte HP.  Lahmann S. Rossow U. Hangleiter A.  Dijkhuis JI.,Correlated terahertz acoustic and electromagnetic emission in dynamically screened InGaN/GaN quantum wells,Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.8, 15 Aug. 2011, 085317 (8 pp.).

18. Glushkov VV. Gorshunov BP. Zhukova ES. Demishev SV. Pronin AA. Sluchanko NE. Kaiser S. Dressel M.,Spin excitations of the correlated semiconductor FeSi probed by THz radiation,Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.7, 15 Aug. 2011, 073108 (4 pp.).

19. Lanzillotti-Kimura ND. Fainstein A. Perrin B. Jusserand B.,Theory of coherent generation and detection of THz acoustic phonons using optical microcavities,Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.6, 1 Aug. 2011, 064307 (9 pp.).

20. Jung-Fu Lin. Tse JS. Alp EE. Jiyong Zhao. Lerche M. Sturhahn W. Yuming Xiao. Chow P.,Phonon density of states of Fe2O3 across high-pressure structural and electronic transitions,Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.6, 1 Aug. 2011, 064424 (7 pp.).

21. De-Hua Yang. Okoh D. Guo-Hua Zhou. Ai-Hua Li. Guo-Ping Li. Jing-Quan Cheng.,Panel positioning error and support mechanism for a 30-m Thz radio telescope,Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol.11, no.6, June 2011, 725-36.

22. Kogut A. Fixsen DJ. Chuss DT. Dotson J. Dwek E. Halpern M. Hinshaw GF. Meyer SM. Moseley SH. Seiffert MD. Spergel DN. Wollack EJ.,the Primordial Inflation Explorer (PIXIE): a Nulling Polarimeter for Cosmic Microwave Background Observations,Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, vol.2011, no.7, July 2011, 025 (34 pp.).

23. Jung-Il Kim. Seok-Gy Jeon. Geun-Ju Kim. Jaehong Kim.,Enhancement of terahertz radiation in a Smith-Purcell backward-wave oscillator by an inverse wet-etched grating,Physics Letters A, vol.375, no.3, 17 Jan. 2011, 589-92.

24. Schuster F. Knap W. Nguyen V., CMOS detectors: terahertz imaging achieved with low-cost CMOS detectors,Laser Focus World, vol.47, no.7, July 2011, 5 pp..

25. Voisiat B. Biciunas A. Kasalynas I. Raciukaitis G.,Band-pass filters for THz spectral range fabricated by laser ablation,Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, vol.104, no.3, Sept. 2011, 953-8.

26. Havermeyer F.Ho L. Moser C., Compact single mode tunable laser using a digital micromirror device Frank,Optics Express, vol.19, no.15, 18 July 2011, 14642-52.

27. Decker M. Feth N. Soukoulis CM. Linden S. Wegener M.,Retarded long-range interaction in split-ring-resonator square arrays,Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.8, 15 Aug. 2011, 085416 (7 pp.).

28. Dai ZX. Wang JL.Heng Y.,Equivalent circuit model for designing coupled resonators photonic crystal filters,Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, vol.17, 2011, 213-24.

29. Vakil A.Engheta N., Transformation optics using graphene,Science, vol.332, no.6035, 10 June 2011, 1291-4.

30. Wang ZH. Zhang Y. Xu RM. Lin WG.,A novel broadband coaxial probe to conical wire transition at THz frequency,Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, vol.16, 2011, 31-45.

31. Nedelcu L. Toacsan MI. Banciu MG. Ioachim A.,Microwave properties of Ba(Zn sub(1/3)Ta sub(2/3))O sub(3)  dielectric resonators,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol.509, no.2, 12 Jan. 2011, 477-81.

32. Xun Ma. John S.,Quantum-dot all-optical logic in a structured vacuum,Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics), vol.84, no.1, July 2011, 013830 (18 pp.).

33. Konoplev IV. MacLachlan AJ. Robertson CW. Cross AW. Phelps ADR.,Cylindrical periodic surface lattice as a metadielectric: Concept of a surface-field Cherenkov source of coherent radiation,Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics), vol.84, no.1, July 2011, 013826 (12 pp.).

34. Ostertag JP. Scheffler M. Dressel M. Jourdan M.,Terahertz conductivity of the heavy-fermion compound UNi2Al3,Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.3, 15 July 2011, 035132 (6 pp.).

35. Foteinopoulou S.  Kafesaki M.  Economou EN.  Soukoulis CM.,Two-dimensional polaritonic photonic crystals as terahertz uniaxial metamaterials,Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.3, 15 July 2011, 035128 (22 pp.).

36. Hartmann RR.  Shelykh IA.  Portnoi ME.,Excitons in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes,Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.3, 15 July 2011, 035437 (8 pp.).

37. Baida FI.  Boutria M.  Oussaid R.  Van Labeke D.,Enhanced-transmission metamaterials as anisotropic plates,Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.3, 15 July 2011, 035107 (8 pp.).

38. Chengxun Yuan.  Zhongxiang Zhou.  Xiaoli Xiang.  Hongguo Sun.  He Wang.  Mengda Xing.  Zhengjun Luo.,Propagation properties of broadband terahertz pulses through a bounded magnetized thermal plasma,Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B (Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms), vol.269, no.1, 1 Jan. 2011, 23-9.

39. Nagel M.  Michalsld A.  Kurz H.,Contact-free fault location and imaging with on-chip terahertz time-domain reflectometry,Contact-free fault location and imaging with on-chip terahertz time-domain reflectometry

40. Unuma T.  Ino Y.  Peiponen K-E.  Vartiainen EM.  Kuwata-Gonokami M.  Hirakawa K., Causality-based method for determining the time origin in terahertz emission spectroscopy,Optics Express, vol.19, no.13, 2011, 12759-65.

41. Fan K.  Strikwerda AC.  Hu Tao.  Xin Zhang.  Averitt RD.,Stand-up magnetic metamaterials at terahertz frequencies,Optics Express, vol.19, no.13, 2011, 12619-27.

42. Jingbo Wu.  Biaobing Jin.  Yuhua Xue.  Caihong Zhang.  Hao Dai.  Labao Zhang.  Chunhai Cao.  Lin Kang.  Weiwei Xu.  Jian Chen.  Peiheng Wu., Tuning of superconducting niobium nitride terahertz metamaterials,Optics Express, vol.19, no.13, 2011, 12021-6.

43. Chen Kang.  Wen Qiye.  Zhang Huaiwu.,Study on the broadband terahertz metamaterial absorber,Electronic Components & Materials, vol.30, no.7, July 2011, 56-9.

44. Rao Zhi-Ming.  Wang Xin-Bing.  Lu Yan-Zhao.  Zuo Du-Luo.  Wu Tao.,Two Schemes for Generating Efficient Terahertz Waves in Nonlinear Optical Crystals with a Mid-infrared CO2 Laser,Chinese Physics Letters, vol.28, no.7, July 2011, 074215 (4 pp.).

45. Guoyong Duan.  Vainshtein SN.  Kostamovaara JT.,Peculiarities of surface breakdown in GaAs bipolar junction structures,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol.58, no.8, Aug. 2011, 2551-8.

46. Rose A.  Smith DR.,Broadly tunable quasi-phase-matching in nonlinear metamaterials,Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics), vol.84, no.1, July 2011, 013823 (5 pp.).

47. Notthoff C.  Reuter D.  Wieck AD.  Lorke A.,Edge-induced magnetoplasmon excitation in a two-dimensional electron gas under quantum Hall conditions,Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.3, 15 July 2011, 035311 (5 pp.).

48. Ibrahimkutty S.  Issenmann D.  Schleef S.  Muller A-S.  Mathis Y-L.  Gasharova B.  Huttel E.  Steininger R.  Gottlicher J.  Baumbach T.  Bartels A.  Janke C.  Plech A.,Asynchronous sampling for ultrafast experiments with low momentum compaction at the ANKA ring,Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, vol.18, no.4, July 2011, 539-45.

49. Kejia Wang.  Lan Ding.  Jinsong Liu.  Jing Zhang.  Xinmi Yang.  Chin JY.  Tie Jun Cui.,Theoretical and experimental research on designer surface plasmons in a metamaterial with double sets of circular holes,Optics Express, vol.19, no.12, 6 June 2011, 11375-80.

50. Kawada Y.  Yasuda T.  Nakanishi A.  Akiyama K.  Takahashi H.,Single-shot terahertz spectroscopy using pulse front tilting of an ultra-short probe pulse,Optics Express, vol.19, no.12, 6 June 2011, 11228-35.

51. Lin Zhang.  Yan Yan.  Yang Yue.  Qiang Lin.  Painter O.  Beausoleil RG.  Willner AE.,On-chip two-octave supercontinuum generation by enhancing self-steepening of optical pulses,Optics Express, vol.19, no.12, 6 June 2011, 11584-90.

52. Kiwon Moon.  Euna Jung.  Meehyun Lim.  Youngwoong Do.  Haewook Han.,Quantitative analysis and measurements of near field interactions in terahertz microscopes,Optics Express, vol.19, no.12, 6 June 2011, 11539-44.

53. Prasad V.  Dahiya B., Modifications of laser field assisted intersubband transitions in the coupled quantum wells due to static electric field,Physica Status Solidi B, vol.248, no.7, July 2011, 1727-34.

54. Xu Y.  Nerguizian C.  Bosisio RG.,Wideband planar Goubau line integrated circuit components at millimetre waves,IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol.5, no.8, 6 June 2011, 882-5.

55. Moldovan-Doyen IC.  Xu G.  Greusard L.  Sevin G.  Strupiechonski E.  Beaudoin G.  Sagnes I.  Khanna SP.  Linfield EH.  Davies AG.  Colombelli R.  De Wilde Y.,Low temperature near-field scanning optical microscopy on infrared and terahertz photonic-crystal quantum cascade lasers,Applied Physics Letters, vol.98, no.23, 6 June 2011, 231112 (3 pp.).

56. Xiao-Yu Peng.  Xin-Hai Zhang.  Jing-Hua Teng.  Hong-Cheng Guo.  Yong-Lim Foo.,To realize the optimal probe pulse length for detection of pulsed terahertz signal with spectral-encoding technique,Applied Physics Letters, vol.98, no.23, 6 June 2011, 231111 (3 pp.).

57. Ren Y.  Hovenier JN.  Higgins R.  Gao JR.  Klapwijk TM.  Shi SC.  Klein B.  Kao T-Y.  Hu Q.  Reno JL.,High-resolution heterodyne spectroscopy using a tunable quantum cascade laser around 3.5 THz,Applied Physics Letters, vol.98, no.23, 6 June 2011, 231109 (3 pp.).

58. Tanvir H.  Rahman BMA.  Kejalakshmy N.  Agrawal A.  Grattan KTV.,Evolution of Highly Confined Surface Plasmon Modes in Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Waveguides,Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol.29, no.14, 15 July 2011, 2116-25.

59. Shimano R.  Ikebe Y.  Takahashi KS.  Kawasaki M.  Nagaosa N.  Tokura Y.,Terahertz Faraday Rotation Induced by an Anomalous hall Effect in the Itinerant Ferromagnet SrRuO3 ,Europhysics Letters, vol.95, no.1, July 2011, 17002 (5 pp.).

60. Zhou Y.  Wu MW.,Optical response of graphene under intense terahertz fields,Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.83, no.24, 15 June 2011, 245436 (14 pp.).

61. Ning Zhang.  Maochang Ge.,Control Method to Data Transmission for Different Structure Network,Advanced Materials Research, vol.186, 2011, 581-5.

62. Kyungjun Song.  Mazumder P.,Dynamic Terahertz Spoof Surface Plasmon-Polariton Switch Based on Resonance and Absorption,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol.58, no.7, July 2011, 2172-6.

63. Cole JM.  Burgi H-B.  McIntyre GJ.,Distinction of disorder, classical and quantum vibrational contributions to atomic mean-square amplitudes in dielectric pentachloronitrobenzene,Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.83, no.22, 1 June 2011, 224202 (11 pp.).

64. Zhang Z.  Dou W.,Binary diffractive small lens array for THZ imaging system,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol.25, no.2-3, 2011, 177-87.

65. Ryzhii, Maxim; Otsuji, Taiichi; Mitin, Vladimir; Ryzhii, Victor,Characteristics of p-i-n terahertz and infrared photodiodes based on multiple graphene layer structures,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol:50,7,2011,070117.

66. Song, H.  Mulcahy, T., A large orbit electron gun design for a terahertz harmonic gyrotron, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Vol.25, no.10,2011,1437-1447.

67. Pereira Jr. Mauro F., Microscopic approach for intersubband-based thermophotovoltaic structures in the terahertz and mid-infrared,Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics,vol.28, no.8,2011,2014-2017.

68. Wallauer, Jan Bitzer Andreas Waselikowski Stefan   Walther Markus, Near-field signature of electromagnetic coupling in metamaterial arrays: A terahertz microscopy study,Optics Express,vol.19,no.18, August 29, 2011,17283-17292.

69. Yildirim Hasan Aslan Bulent,Donor-related third-order optical nonlinearites in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells at the THz region,Semiconductor Science and Technology,vol.26,no.8,August 2011.

70. Caumes Jean-Pascal Younus Ayesha  Salort  Simon Chassagne Bruno Recur Beno,Terahertz tomographic imaging of XVIIIth dynasty Egyptian sealed pottery,Applied Optics,vol.25,no.20,July 10, 2011,3604-3608.

71. Siegel Peter H., Terahertz pioneer: David H. Auston, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,vol.1,no.1,September 2011,6-8.

72. Siegel Peter H., Terahertz pioneers, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,vol.1,no.1,September 2011,5.

73. Koyama Matsumoto MacHida Ota, Multi-scale simulation for terahertz wave emission from the intrinsic Josephson junctions,Superconductor Science and Technology,vol.24,no.8,August 2011.

74. Tax David S. Choi Eunmi M.  Mastovsky Ivan Neilson Jeffrey M.  Shapiro Michael A. Sirigiri Jagadishwar R.  Temkin Richard J. Torrezan Antonio C., Erratum: Experimental results on a 1.5 MW, 110 GHz gyrotron with a smooth mirror mode converter,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.7,July 2011,973.

75. Stenflo L. Brodin G., Comment on "Terahertz wave generation by the upper hybrid wave",Physics of Plasmas,vol.18,no.7,July 2011.

76. Watanabe Shinichi Minami Nobutsugu Shimano Ryo, Errtum: Intense terahertz pulse induced exciton generation in carbon nanotubes,Optics Express,vol.19,no.16,August 1, 2011,15388.

77. Singh Monika Kumar Sanjay Sharma R.P., Response to "Comment on 'Terahertz wave generation by upper hybrid wave'" ,Physics of Plasmas,vol.18,no.7,July 2011.

78. Suzuki Safumi Karashima Koichi Ishigaki Kaname Asada Masahiro, Heterodyne mixing of sub-terahertz output power from two resonant tunneling diodes using inp Schottky barrier diode,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,vol.50,August 2011.

79. Jain Vibhor Rodwell Mark J. W., Transconductance degradation in near-THz InP double-heterojunction bipolar transistors,IEEE Electron Device Letters,vol.32,no.8,August 2011,1068-1070.

80. Fisher W.M. Rand S.C., Erratum: Optically-induced charge separation and terahertz emission in unbiased dielectrics,Journal of Applied Physics,vol.109,no.12,June 15, 2011.

81. Beardsley R.P.  Campion R.P. Glavin B.A.  Kent A.J.,A GaAs/AlAs superlattice as an electrically pumped THz acoustic phonon amplifier,New Journal of Physics,vol.13,July 2011.

82. Dinyari Khodadad N. Barbour Russell J. Golter D. Andrew Wang Hailin,Mechanical tuning of whispering gallery modes over a 0.5 THz tuning range with MHz resolution in a silica microsphere at cryogenic temperatures,Optics Express,vol.19,no.19,September 12, 2011,17966-17972.

83. Poolman R.H. Muljarov E.A. Ivanov A.L.,Far-infrared response of acoustically modulated transverse optical-phonon polaritons,IET Optoelectronics,vol.5,no.3,June 2011,128-132.

84. Luo Wenfeng Zhao Wei Duan Yixiang Wang Haojing,Diagnostics of air plasma ablated by 1064 nm laser pulses,Chinese Optics Letters,vol.9,no.SUPPL. 1,June 2011,S10303.

85. Wu Liang Ling Furi Tian Xiaoguang Zhao Haitao Liu Jinsong Yao Jianquan,Far-infrared dispersion of complex dielectric constant in the ferroelectric near-stoichiometric LiNbO3:Ce,Optical Materials,vol.33,no.11,September 2011,1737-1740.

86. Du Qiujiao Liu Jinsong Yang Hongwu Yi Xunong,Bilayer fractal structure with multiband left-handed characteristics,Applied Optics,vol.50,no.24,August 20 2011,4798-4804.

87. Jin Zhou Yong Jun Cui Tie, Broadband slow-wave systems of subwavelength thickness excited by a metal wire,Applied Physics Letters,vol.99,no.10,September 5 2011.

88. Chen Pai-Yen Alù's Andrea, Atomically thin surface cloak using graphene monolayers,ACS Nano,vol.5,no.7,July 26 2011,5855-5863.

89. Chen Z. Tan Z.Y. Han Y.J. Zhang R. Guo X.G. Li H.  Cao J.C. Liu H.C.,Wireless communication demonstration at 4.1THz using quantum cascade laser and quantum well photodetector,Electronics Letters,vol.47,no.17,August 18 2011,1002-1004.

90. Hase Muneaki Tominaga Junji,Thermal conductivity of GeTe/Sb2Te3 superlattices measured by coherent phonon spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters,vol.99,no.3,July 18 2011.

91. Chmielak Bartos Waldow Michael Matheisen Christopher Ripperda Christian Bolten Jens Wahlbrink Thorsten Nagel Michael Merget Florian Kurz Heinrich, Pockels effect based fully integrated, strained silicon electro-optic modulator,vol.19,no.18,August 29 2011,17212-17219.

92.Rabbaa S. Stiens J., Charge density and plasmon modes in a triangular quantum well model for doped and undoped gated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,vol.32,no.32,August 17 2011.

93. Zhang J.X. Han L.  Wu Y. Zong N. Fu P.Z. Wang B.S. Zhang G.C. Xu Z.Y. Wu Y.C., Multiple-wavelength lasing by multiform self-frequency conversion in Nd3+-doped La2CaB10O19 crystals,Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics,vol.103,no.4,June 2011,853-856.

94. Kania P.  Hermanns M. nken S. Giesen T.F.,Millimeter-wave spectroscopy of titanium dioxide TiO2,Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy,vol.268,no.1-2,July-August 2011,173-176.

95. Smeenk C.T.L. Arissian L. Zhou B. Mysyrowicz A. Villeneuve D.M. Staudte A.  Corkum P.B., Partitioning of the linear photon momentum in multiphoton ionization,Physical Review Letters,vol.106,no.19,May 10 2011.

96. Havermeyer Frank Ho Lawrence Moser Christophe,Compact single mode tunable laser using a digital micromirror device,Optics Express,vol.19,no.15,July 18 2011,14642-14652.

97. Kotelnikov I.A. Borodin A.V. Shkurinov A.P., Multiphoton ionization of atoms by a two-color laser pulse,Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics,vol.112,no.6,June 2011,946-951.

98. Latif A.A. Awang N.A. Zulkifli M.Z. Harun S.W. Ghani Z.A. Ahmad H., Dual-wavelength tunable fibre laser with a 15-dBm peak power,Quantum Electronics,vol.41,no.8,2011,709-714.

99. Kim Sung Youb Park Harold S.,On the effective plate thickness of monolayer graphene from flexural wave propagation,Journal of Applied Physics,vol.110,no.5,September 1 2011.

100. Wang Yajun Chen Zhang Cheng Yanlin Shi Zhigui Yi, Hairong,220 GHz folded waveguide slow-wave structure,Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu/High Power Laser and Particle Beams,vol.23,no.6,June 2011,1589-1592.

101. Duan Huiping Li Hongbin Xie Jing Panikov Nicolai S. Cui Hong-Liang, Agent identification using a sparse Bayesian model,IEEE Sensors Journal,vol.11,no.10,2011,2556-2564.

102. Dmitrievskii A.N. Konov V.I. Volodin I.A. Degtyareva O.V. Terpugov E.L. Terpugova S.E. Savranskii V.V.,Study of reaction of a viscous oil structure on actions by a physical field,Doklady Earth Sciences,vol.437,no.1,401-406.

103. Ong Jun Rong Cooper Michael L. Gupta Greeshma Green William M.J. Assefa Solomon Xia Fengnian Mookherjea Shayan,Low-power continuous-wave four-wave mixing in silicon coupled-resonator optical waveguides,Optics Letters,vol.36,no.15,August 1 2011,2964-2966.

104. Yang Cai-Qin Wang Jing Zhang Zhen-Wei,Synthesis and spectral characteristic of pharmaceutical dipfluzine hydrochloride-benzoic acid co-crystal,Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,vol.31,no.9,September 2011,2476-2479.

105. Kim Pil-Joo Jazbinsek Mojca Kwon O-Pil,Selective growth of highly efficient electrooptic stilbazolium crystals by sequential crystal growth in different solvents,Crystal Growth and Design,vol.11,no.7,July 6 2011,3060-3064.

106. Stragier X.F.D. Luiten O.J. Van Der Geer S.B. Van Der Wiel M.J. Brussaard G.J.H.,Experimental validation of a radio frequency photogun as external electron injector for a laser wakefield accelerator,Journal of Applied Physics,vol.110,no.2,July 15 2011.

107. Baryshev Andrey Baselmans Jochem J. A. Freni Angelo Gerini Giampiero Hoevers Henk Iacono Annalisa Neto Andrea, Progress in antenna coupled kinetic inductance detectors,IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,vol.1,no.1,September 2011,112-123.

108. Saha Shimul C. Grant James P. Ma Yong Khalid A. Hong Feng Cumming David R.S.,Method for vector characterization of polar liquids using frequency-domain spectroscopy,Optics Letters,vol.36,no.17,September 1 2011,3329-3331.

109. Trofimov Vyacheslav A. Varentsova Svetlana A.  Shen Jingling Zhang Cunlin Zhou Qingli Shi Yulei,2D signature for detection and identification of drugs,Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,vol.8040,2011.

110. Bartkowska J.A., Dynamical magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic BiFeO3,International Journal of Thermophysics,vol.32,no.4,April 2011,739-745.

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113. Porte Henrik P. Turchinovich Dmitry Persheyev Saydulla Fan Yongchang Rose Mervyn J. Jepsen Peter Uhd,Effect of copper on the carrier lifetime in black silicon,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.7,July 2011,883-886.

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119. Kramer Olivier Djerafi Tarek Wu Ke, Very small footprint 60 GHz stacked Yagi antenna array,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,vol.59,no.9,September 2011,3204-3210.

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126. He Xun-Jun Qiu Liang Wang Yue Geng Zhao-Xin Wang Jian-Min Gui Tai-Long,A compact thin-film sensor based on nested split-ring-resonator (SRR) metamaterials for microwave applications,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.7,July 2011,902-913.

127. Ponnampalam Lalitha Fice Martyn J. Pozzi, Francesca  Renaud, Cyril C. Rogers David C. Lealman Ian F. Moodie David G. Cannard Paul J. Lynch Colm Johnston Lilianne Robertson Michael J. Cronin Richard Pavlovic Leon Naglic Luka Vidmar Matjaz Seeds Alwyn J.,Monolithically integrated photonic heterodyne system,Journal of Lightwave Technology,vol.29,no.15,2011,2229-2234.

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131. Tao Hu Chieffo Logan R. Brenckle Mark A. Siebert Sean M. Liu Mengkun Strikwerda Andrew C. Fan Kebin Kaplan David L. Zhang Xin Averitt Richard D. Omenetto Fiorenzo G.,Metamaterials on paper as a sensing platform,Advanced Materials,vol.23,no.28,July 26 2011,3197-3201.

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133. Zhang X. Lu Y. Zhou T.G. Yan S.L. Fang L. Zhao X.J.,Inductively coupled Josephson phase amplification and its application as subterahertz-wave direction sensor,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,vol.21,no.4,August 2011,3475-3478.

134. M. Mikulics, P. Kordoš, Dagmar Gregušová, R. Adam, Martin Kočan, Shuai Wu, J. Zhang, Roman Sobolewski,D. Grützmacher, and Michel Marso,Monolithic integration of ultrafast photodetector and MESFET in the GaN material system,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,vol.23,no.17,2011,1189-1191.

135. Nabiev Sh.Sh. Nadezhdinskii A.I. Stavrovskii D.B. Vaks V.L. Domracheva E.G. Pripolzin S.I. Sobakinskaya E.A. Chernyaeva M.B.,Analysis of the products of the natural decay of high explosives by subterahertz and infrared Fourier spectroscopy,Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A,vol.85,no.8,August 2011,1404-1410.

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138. Meng Kun Li Zeren Liu Qiao, Analysis and optimization of the performance of the electro-optic technique used for ultrashort relativistic electron bunches,Chinese Optics Letters,vol.9,no.SUPPL. 1,June 2011.

139. Prabhakar Pranav Kumar Doble Mukesh,Interaction of cinnamic acid derivatives with commercial hypoglycemic drugs on 2-deoxyglucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,vol.59,no.18,September 28 2011,9835-9844.

140. Wang Dawei Lei Xiaoli Wu Zhaoxin, Theoretical study of density-dependent intraexcitonic transitions in optically excited quantum wells,Journal of Physics Condensed Matter,vol.23,no.34,August 31 2011.

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144. Duan Guoyong Vainshtein Sergey N. Kostamovaara Juha T.,Peculiarities of surface breakdown in GaAs bipolar junction structures, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,vol.58,no.8,August 2011,2551-2558.

145. Okawachi Yoshitomo Saha Kasturi Levy Jacob S. Wen Y. Henry Lipson Michal Gaeta Alexander L.,Octave-spanning frequency comb generation in a silicon nitride chip,Optics Letters,vol.36,no.17,September 1 2011,3398-3400.

146. Perticaroli Stefania Comez Lucia Paolantoni Marco Sassi Paola Morresi Assunta Fioretto Daniele,Extended frequency range depolarized light scattering study of N-acetyl-leucine-methylamide-water solutions,Journal of the American Chemical Society,vol.133,no.31,August 10 2011,12063-12068.

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148. Katayama Ikufumi Koga Sho Shudo Ken-Ichi Takeda Jun Shimada Toru Kubo Atsushi Hishita Shunichi Fujita Daisuke Kitajima Masahiro,Ultrafast dynamics of surface-enhanced Raman scattering due to Au nanostructures,Nano Letters,vol.11,no.7,July 13 2011,2648-2654.

149. Hook IV Loyd R. Lee Samuel C., Design and simulation of 2-D 2-dot quantum-dot cellular automata logic,IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology,vol.10,no.5,September 2011,996-1003.

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153. Dai Lei Xia Juan Jiang Chun, Ultrawideband air-core plasmonic slow-light waveguide with ultralow high-order dispersion,Applied Optics,vol.50,no.23,August 10 2011,4566-4573.

154. Ghosh Parimal Garai Sisir Kumar,A novel all optical method of implementing an n-bit wavelength encoded complete digital data comparator using nonlinear semiconductor optical amplifiers,Optik,vol.122,no.17,September 2011,1544-1551.

155. Khorsandi Alireza Sabouri Saeed Ghavami,Intracavity configuration for tuning and obtaining simultaneous dual-wavelength operation from CW Nd:YAG laser,Chinese Optics Letters,vol.9,no.7,July 2011.

156. Kurosu Takayuki Tanizawa Ken Petit Stephane Namiki Shu, Parametric tunable dispersion compensation for the transmission of sub-picosecond pulses,Optics Express,vol.19,no.16,August 1 2011,15549-15559.

157. Cuadrado-Laborde Christian, Andrés Miguel V.,Design of an ultra-broadband all-optical fractional differentiator with a long-period fiber grating,Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol.42, no.9-10, September 2011, 571-576.

158. Yu Lei Hua Xiaohui Pan Qinghua Yang Limin Xu Yizhuang Zhao Guozhong Wang He Wang Haiyan Wu Jinguang Liu Kexin Chen Jia'Er,Interactions between metal ions and carbohydrates. Syntheses and spectroscopic studies of several lanthanide nitrate-d-galactitol complexes, Carbohydrate Research, vol.346, no.14, October 18 2011, 2278-2284.

159. Das Saptarshi Appenzeller Joerg,On the importance of bandgap formation in graphene for analog device applications,IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology,vol.10,no.5,September 2011, 1093-1098.

160. Konoplev I.V. MacLachlan A.J. Robertson C.W. Cross A.W. Phelps A.D.R.,Cylindrical periodic surface lattice as a metadielectric: Concept of a surface-field Cherenkov source of coherent radiation,Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics,vol.84,no.1.

161. Watanabe Kazuya Matsumoto Yoshiyasu Yasuike Tomokazu Nobusada Katsuyuki,Adsorbate-localized versus substrate-mediated excitation mechanisms for generation of coherent Cs-Cu stretching vibration at Cu(111),Journal of Physical Chemistry A,vol.115,no.34,September 1 2011,9528-9535.

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167. Massaro A. Cingolani R. Passaseo A., 3D fem modeling and technology of piezo-electric ring mems antenna,Progress In Electromagnetics Research C,vol.23,no.2011,123-135.

168. Hua Xiaohui Pan Qinghua Yu Lei Xue Junhui Yang Limin Xu Yizhuang Zhao Guozhong Li Weihong Wang Zheming Wu Jinguang Liu Kexin Chen Jia'Er, Preparation and spectroscopic characterization of two HoCl3–galactitol complexes and one one ErCl3–galactitol complex,Journal of Molecular Structure,vol.998,no.1-3,July 13 2011,225-232.

169. Ryzhii Victor Ryzhii Maxim Mitin Vladimir Satou Akira Otsuji Taiichi,Effect of heating and cooling of photogenerated electron-hole plasma in optically pumped graphene on population inversion,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,vol.50,no.9 PART 1,September 2011.

170. eixeira N.G. Moreira R.L. Andreeta M.R.B. Hernandes A.C. Dias A., Micro Far-Infrared Reflectivity of CaNb2O6 Single Crystal Fibers Grown by the Laser-Heated Pedestal Growth Technique,Crystal Growth and Design,vol.11,no.8,August 3 2011,3472-3478.

171. Rappaport Theodore S. Murdock James N. Gutierrez Felix,State of the art in 60-GHz integrated circuits and systems for wireless communications,Proceedings of the IEEE,vol.99,no.8,August 2011,1390-1436.

172. Ma Xun John Sajeev, Quantum-dot all-optical logic in a structured vacuum,Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics,vol.84,no.1,July 27, 2011.

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174. Tao Yu Bo Lin Hai Bao Hu Jun,Adaptive aperture partition in shooting and bouncing ray method,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,vol.59,no.9,September 2011,3347-3357.

175. Kiuru Tero Mallat Juha nen Antti V. rhi Tapani,Schottky diode series resistance and thermal resistance extraction from S-parameter and temperature controlled I-V measurements,IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,vol.59,no.8,August 2011,2108-2116.

176. Siegel Peter H.,Inaugural editorial, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,vol.1,no.1,September 2011,1-4.

177. Johansen Tom K. Krozer Viktor Nodjiadjim Virginie Konczykowska Agnieszka Dupuy Jean-Yves Riet Muriel, Improved external base resistance extraction for submicrometer InP/InGaAs DHBT models,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,vol.58,no.9,September 2011,3004-3011.

178. So Jin-Kyu Jang Kyu-Ha Park Gun-Sik Garcia-Vidal F.J.,Bulk and surface electromagnetic response of metallic metamaterials to convection electrons,Applied Physics Letters,vol.99,no.7,August 15 2011.

179. Oda Yasuhisa Yamaguchi Toshikazu Shiraishi Yuya Komurasaki Kimiya Kajiwara Ken Takahashi Koji Kasugai Atsushi Sakamoto Keishi,A one-dimensional propagation of shock wave supported by atmospheric millimeter-wave plasma,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.6,June 2011,877-882.

180. Barroso Joaquim J. Hasar Ugur Cem,Resolving phase ambiguity in the inverse problem of transmission /reflection measurement methods,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.6,June 2011,857-866.

181. Terent'Ev Ya.V. Zoth C. Bel'Kov V.V. Olbrich P. Drexler C. Lechner V. Lutz P. Mukhin M.S. Tarasenko S.A. Semenov A.N. Solov'Ev V.A. Sedova I.V. Klimko G.V. Komissarova T.A. Ivanov S.V. Ganichev S.D.,Exchange interaction of electrons with Mn in hybrid AlSb/InAs/ZnMnTe structures,Applied Physics Letters,vol.99,no.7,August 15 2011.

182. Ouyang Zheng-Biao Cao En-Wen Li Cheng-Kuan,A dual-frequency orthogonal-bi-polarization laser cavity based on a photonic crystal,Shenzhen Daxue Xuebao (Ligong Ban)/Journal of Shenzhen University Science and Engineering,vol.28,no.4,July 2011,302-310.

183. Flamm Jens H. Jin Jianbo Thumm Manfred K.,Wave propagation in advanced gyrotron output couplers,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.7,July 2011,887-896.

184. Sun YF.  Sun JD.  Zhou Y.  Tan RB.  Zeng CH.  Xue W.  Qin H.  Zhang BS.  Wu DM., Room temperature GaN/AlGaN self-mixing terahertz detector enhanced by resonant antennas,Room temperature GaN/AlGaN self-mixing terahertz detector enhanced by resonant antennas

185. Ye Jinwu Zhang Cunlin,Superradiance, Berry phase, photon phase diffusion, and number squeezed state in the U(1) Dicke (Tavis-Cummings) model,Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics,vol.84,no.2,August 25 2011.

186. Aznabet M. Navarro-C a M. Beruete M. Falcone F. Sorolla M.  El Mrabet O. Essaaidi M.,Transmission properties of stacked SRR metasurfaces in free space,Progress In Electromagnetics Research M,vol.2,2011,1-11.

187. Kumar Anil Goswami Uttam K. Poonia Sunita Singh Udaybir Kumar Nitin Alaria M.K. Bera A. Khatun Hasina Sinha A.K.,Integrated design of undepressed collector for low power gyrotron,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.6,June 2011,733-741.

188. Jones Charles R. Dutta Jo Yu Guofen Gao Yuanci,Measurement of dielectric properties for low-loss materials at millimeter wavelengths,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.6,June 2011,838-847.

189. Markos Constantine Taki Kalluri Dikshitulu,Thin film reflection properties of a warm isotropic plasma slab between two half-space dielectric media,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.7,July 2011,914-934.

190. Yu Guofen Dutta Jyotsna M. Jone, Charles R. Ga, Yuanci,The influence of a coupling film on ultra-low-loss dielectric measurement using an open resonator,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.7,July 2011,935-942.

191. Bogdashov Alexandr A. Belousov Vladimir I. Chirkov, Alexey V. Denisov Gregory G. Korchagin Vyacheslav V. Kornishin Sergey Yu. Tai Evgeny M.,Transmission line for 258 GHz gyrotron DNP spectrometry,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.6,June 2011,823-837.

192. Minin Igor V. Minin O.V., Reference phase in diffractive lens antennas: A review,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.6,June 2011,801-822.

193. Aripin Haji Mitsudo Seitaro Sudiana I. Nyoman Tani Shinji Sako Katsuhide Fujii Yutaka Saito Teruo Idehara Toshitaka Sabchevski Sliven, Rapid sintering of silica xerogel ceramic derived from sago waste ash using sub-millimeter wave heating with a 300 GHz CW gyrotron,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.62,no.7,June 2011,867-876.

194. Sattorov Matlabjon Abdurakhimovich Bera Anirban Sharma Ashok Kang Won-Jong Kwon Oh-Joon Jung Sun-Shin Kim Dae-Ho Lee Ki Wook Won Jong-Hyo Kook Chan Ho Park Gun-Sik,Thermal analysis of a strapped magnetron,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,vol.58,no.8,August 2011,2784-2788.

195. Lade Robert K. Lee Joo Hwa Kalluri Dikshitulu K.,Frequency transformer: Appropriate and different models for a building-up and collapsing magnetoplasma medium,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.7,July 2011,960-972.

196. Nehra Ashok Joshi L.M. Gupta R.K. Sharma Shivani Choyal Y. Sharma R.K.,Design and simulation of pole piece for focusing of multi-beam electron gun,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.6,June 2011,793-800.

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198. Navarro-C a M. Beruete M. Falcone F. Illescas J.M. Campillo I. Ayza M. Sorolla,Mastering the propagation through stacked perforated plates: Subwavelength holes vs. propagating holes,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,vol.59,no.8,August 2011,2980-2988.

199. Liu Rui Fu Li Hong,A novel method for calculation of eigenmodes of gyrotron resonators,Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,vol.32,no.6,June 2011,754-762.

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204. Rahani, Ehsan Kabiri; Kundu, Tribikram; Wu, Ziran; Xin, Hao. Heat induced damage detection by terahertz (THz) radiation. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 2011, 32(6): 848-856

205. Kuznetsov, Sergey A.; Paulish, Andrey G.; Gelfand, Alexander V.; Lazorskiy, Pavel A.; Fedorinin, Victor N.. Bolometric THz-to-IR converter for terahertz imaging. Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99(2): 023501

206. Yin, Guo-Bing; Li, Shu-Guang; Wang, Xiao-Yan; Liu, Shuo. High birefringence, low loss terahertz photonic crystal fibres with zero dispersion at 0.3 THz. Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20(9): 090701

207. Wang, Changlei; Gu, Jianqiang; Xing, Qirong; Liu, Feng; Li, Yanfeng; Chai, Lu; Wang, Qingyue. THz modulating property of vanadium oxide films. Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(SUPPL. 1): S10207

208. Mitrofanov, Oleg; James, Richard; Fernandez, F. A; Mavrogordatos, Themistoklis K.; Harrington, James A.. Reducing transmission losses in hollow THz waveguides. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2011, 1(1): 124-132

209. Dai, Jianming; Clough, Benjamin; Ho, I-Chen; Lu, Xiaofei; Liu, Jingle; Zhang, Xi-Cheng. Recent progresses in terahertz wave air photonics. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2011, 1(1): 274-281

210. Kim, Namje; Han, Sang-Pil; Ko, Hyunsung; Leem, Young Ahn; Ryu, Han-Cheol; Lee, Chul Wook; Lee, Donghun; Jeon, Min Yong; Noh, Sam Kyu; Park, Kyung Hyun. Tunable continuous-wave terahertz generation/detection with compact 1.55 μm detuned dual-mode laser diode and InGaAs based photomixer. Optics Express, 2011, 19(16): 15397-15403

211. Gu, Jianqiang; Wang, Changlei; Tian, Zhen; Liu, Feng; Zhang, Xueqian; Han, Jiaguang; He, Mingxia; Xing, Qirong; Zhang, Weili; Chai, Lu; Wang, Qingyue. Systematic studies of terahertz metamaterials fabricated on thin Mylar film. Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(SUPPL. 1): S10404

212. Wang, Wei-Min; Kawata, Shigeo; Sheng, Zheng-Ming; Li, Yu-Tong; Chen, Li-Ming; Qian, Lie-Jia; Zhang, Jie. Efficient terahertz emission by mid-infrared laser pulses from gas targets. Optics Letters, 2011, 36(14): 2608-2610

213. Shi, Wei; Hou, Lei; Wang, Xinmei. High effective terahertz radiation from semi-insulating-GaAs photoconductive antennas with ohmic contact electrodes. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 110(2): 023111

214. Balogh, Emeric; Kovacs, Katalin; Dombi, Peter; Fulop, Jozsef A.; Farkas, Gyozo; Hebling, Janos; Tosa, Valer; Varju, Katalin. Single attosecond pulse from terahertz-assisted high-order harmonic generation. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 2011, 84(2): 023806

215. Witko, Ewelina M.; Korter, Timothy M.. Investigation of the low-frequency vibrations of crystalline tartaric acid using terahertz spectroscopy and solid-state density functional theory. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2011, 115(35): 10052-10058

216. Lee, Cameron; Lewis, R.A.. Optical rectification for terahertz generation. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 2011, 8(9): 2761-2765

217. Que, Christopher T.; Edamura, Tadataka; Nakajima, Makoto; Tani, Masahiko; Hangyo, Masanori. Terahertz emission enhancement in InAs thin films using a silicon lens coupler. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 50(8 PART 1): 080207

218. Estacio, E.; Takatori, S.; Pham, M.H.; Yoshioka, T.; Nakazato, T.; Cadatal-Raduban, M.; Shimizu, T.; Sarukura, N.; Hangyo, M.; Que, C.T.; Tani, M.; Edamura, T.; Nakajima, M.; Misa, J.V.; Jaculbia, R.; Somintac, A.; Salvador, A. Intense terahertz emission from undoped GaAs/n-type GaAs and InAs/AlSb structures grown on Si substrates In the transmission-geometry excitation. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 2011, 103(4): 825-829

219. Zheng, Zhuanping; Fan, Wenhui; Xue, Bing. Study on benzoic acid by THz time-domain spectroscopy and density functional theory. Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(SUPPL. 1): S10506

220. Ulbricht, Ronald; Hendry, Euan; Shan, Jie; Heinz, Tony F.; Bonn, Mischa. Carrier dynamics in semiconductors studied with time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy. Reviews of Modern Physics, 2011, 83(2): 543-586

221. Jung, Euna; Lim, Meehyun; Moon, Kiwon; Do, Youngwoong; Lee, Soonsung; Han, Haewook; Choi, Hyuck Jae; Cho, Kyoung-Sik; Kim, Kyu-Rae. Terahertz pulse imaging of micro-metastatic lymph nodes in early-stage cervical cancer patients. Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, 2011, 15(2): 155-160

222. Maraghechi, Pouya; Elezzabi, Abdulhakem Y.. Experimental confirmation of design techniques for effective bow-tie antenna lengths at THz frequencies. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 2011, 32(7): 897-901

223. Koseoglu, H.; Turkoglu, F.; Simsek, Y.; Ozyuzer, L. The fabrication of THz emitting mesas by reactive ion-beam etching of superconducting Bi2212 with multilayer masks. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2011, 24(1-2): 1083-1086

224. Kuleshov, D.I.; Shcherbatko, I.V.; Yanovskyi, M.S.. Form birefringence characteristics of dielectric subwavelength gratings in terahertz band. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (English translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika), 2011, 70(13): 1133-1142

225. Anthony, Jessienta; Leonhardt, Rainer; Leon-Saval, Sergio G.; Argyros, Alexander. THz propagation in kagome hollow-core microstructured fibers. Optics Express, 2011, 19(19): 18470-18478

226. Li, Qi; Yao, Rui; Ding, Shenghui; Wang, Qi. Experiment on 2.52 THz transmission-mode imaging for concealed objects. Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2011, 38(7): 0711001

227. Liang, Yuqing; Fan, Wenhui; Xue, Bing. Terahertz TDS signal de-noising using wavelet shrinkage. Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(SUPPL. 1): S10504

228. Wang, T.-J.; Daigle, J.-F.; Yuan, S. Remote generation of high-energy terahertz pulses from two-color femtosecond laser filamentation in air. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics A, 2011, 83(5): 053801

229. Zhang, Liangliang; Zhong, Hua; Deng, Chao; Zhang, Cunlin; Zhao, Yuejin. THz wave polarization-controlled spectroscopic imaging for anisotropic materials.Optics Communications , 2011, 284(19): 4356-4359

230. Takatsuka, Yuya; Sano, Eiichi; Ryzhii, Victor; Otsuji, Taiichi. Terahertz amplifiers based on multiple graphene layer with field-enhancement effect.Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 50(7 ): 070118

231. Liu, Wen-Xin; Huang, Wen-Hui; Du, Ying-Chao; Yan, Li-Xin; Wu, Dai; Tang, Chuan-Xiang. Terahertz coherent transition radiation based on an ultrashort electron bunching beam. Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20(7): 074102

232. Wang, Wei-Min; Kawata, Shigeo; Sheng, Zheng-Ming; Li, Yu-Tong; Zhang, Jie.Towards gigawatt terahertz emission by few-cycle laser pulses.Physics of Plasmas , 2011, 18(7): 073108

233. Dean, Paul; Lim, Yah Leng; Valavanis, Alex; Kliese, Russell; Nikolic, Milan; Khanna, Suraj P.; Lachab, Mohammad; Indjin, Dragan; Ikonic, Zoran; Harrison, Paul; Rakic, Aleksandar D.; Linfield, Edmund H.; Davies, A. Giles. Optics Letters , 2011, 36(13): 2587-2589

234. Leng Lim, Yah; Dean, Paul; Nikoli, Milan; Kliese, Russell; Khanna, Suraj P.; Lachab, Mohammad; Valavanis, Alex; Indjin, Dragan; Ikoni, Zoran; Harrison, Paul; Linfield, Edmund H.; Giles Davies, A.; Wilson, Stephen J.; Raki, Aleksandar D. tration of a self-mixing displacement sensor based on terahertz quantum cascade lasers. Applied Physics Letters 2011, 99(8): 081108

235. Feng, Hui; Wang, Li. Surface plasmon resonance sensor working at terahertz frequency. Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2011, 31(8): 2017-2020

236. Poolman, R.H.; Ivanov, A.L.; Muljarov, E.A. Ultrasonic control of terahertz radiation via lattice anharmonicity in LiNbO3. Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98(26): 263505

237. Takida, Yuma; Maeda, Shingo; Ohira, Tatsuya; Kumagai, Hiroshi; Nashima, Shigeki. Noncascading THz-wave parametric oscillator synchronously pumped by mode-locked picosecond Ti:sapphire laser in doubly-resonant external cavity. Optics Communications , 2011, 284(19): 4663-4666

238. Liu, Yong; Liu, Jin-Song; Wang, Ke-Jia. A method to control the polarization of random terahertz lasing in two-dimensional disordered ruby medium. Chinese Physics B , 2011, 20(9): 094205

239. Malik, Anil K.; Malik, Hitendra K.; Stroth, Ulrich. Strong terahertz radiation by beating of spatial-triangular lasers in a plasma. Applied Physics Letters , 2011, 99 (7): 071107

240. Diao, J.M.; Yang, F.; Du, L.; Ouyang, J.; Yang, P. Enhancing terahertz radiation from dipole photoconductive antenna by blending tips. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters , 2011, 25(7): 127-134

241. Wu, Huihui; Liu, Hongjun; Huang, Nan; Sun, Qibing; Wen, Jin. High-power picosecond terahertz-wave generation in photonic crystal fiber via four-wave mixing. Applied Optics, 2011, 50(27I): 5338-5343

242. Tian, Zhen; Han, Jiaguang; Gu, Jianqiang; He, Mingxia; Xing, Qirong; Zhang, Weili. Terahertz superconducting plasmonic crystals, 2011, 9: S10403

243. Li, Min; Pan, Haifeng; Tong, Yuqi; Chen, Cheng; Shi, Yi; Wu, Jian; Zeng, Heping. All-optical ultrafast polarization switching of terahertz radiation by impulsive molecular alignment. Optics Letters, 2011, 36(18): 3633-3635

244. He, Jiayuan; Miao, Qingyuan; He, Jian; Zhang, Xueming. Generation of tunable dual-wavelength optical short pulses for the generation and modulation of terahertz radiation. Chinese Optics Letters , 2011, 9(SUPPL. 1I): S10205

245. Ho, I-Chen; Zhang, X.-C. Driving intervalley scattering and impact ionization in InAs with intense terahertz pulses. Applied Physics Letters , 2011, 98(24): 241908

246. Asada, Masahiro; Suzuki, Safumi. Terahertz oscillators using electron devices - an approach with Resonant tunneling diodes. IEICE Electronics Express, 2011, 8(14): 1110-1126

247. Hoffmann, Matthias C.; Hebling, János. Towards generation of mJ-level ultrashort THz pulses by optical rectification. Optics Express , 2011, 19(16): 15090-15097

248. Jiang, Feng Ling; Ikeda, Ikuo; Ogawa, Yuichi; Endo, Yasushi. Terahertz absorption spectra of fatty acids and their analogues. Journal of Oleo Science , 2011, 60(7): 339-343

249. Li, Chun; Zhou, Mu-Lin; Ding, Wen-Jun; Du, Fei; Liu, Feng; Li, Yu-Tong; Wang, Wei-Min; Sheng, Zheng-Ming; Ma, Jing-Long; Chen, Li-Ming; Lu, Xin; Dong, Quan-Li; Wang, Zhao-Hua; Lou, Zheng; Shi, Sheng-Cai; Wei, Zhi-Yi; Zhang, Jie. Effects of laser-plasma interactions on terahertz radiation from solid targets irradiated by ultrashort intense laser pulses. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2011, 84(3): 036405

250. Keun Yoo, Hyung; Kang, Chul; Yoon, Youngwoon; Lee, Hanju; Wook Lee, Joong; Lee, Kiejin; Kee, Chul-Sik. Organic conjugated material-based broadband terahertz wave modulators. Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99(6): 061108

251. Nanni, Emilio A.; Barnes, Alexander B.; Griffin, Robert G.; Temkin, Richard J. THz dynamic nuclear polarization NMR. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2011, 1(1I): 145-163): 6005338

252. Song, Ho-Jin; Nagatsuma, Tadao. Present and future of terahertz communications. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2011, 1(1): 256-263): 6005345

253. Wu, Xue; Zhu, Qiao-Fen; Zhang, Yan.Generation of arbitrary terahertz pulse in non-periodically poled lithium niobate. Hongwai Yu Haomibo Xuebao/Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2011, 30(3): 221-223+283

254. Zaks, Benjamin; Stehr, Dominik; Truong, Tuan-Anh; Petroff, Pierre M.; Hughes, Stephen; Sherwin, Mark S. THz-driven quantum wells: Coulomb interactions and stark shifts in the ultrastrong coupling regime. New Journal of Physics, 2011, (13): 083009

255. Li, Hui; Zhu, Chen; Liu, Kan; Zhang, Xinyu; Ling, Furi; Zhang, Tianxu; Shen, Xubang; Zhang, Cunlin; Ruan, Shuangchen. Terahertz electrically controlled nematic liquid crystal lens. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2011, 54(5): 439-444

256. Li, Lujie; Wang, Xiaolei; Zhai, Hongchen. Single-shot diagnostic for the three-dimensional field distribution of a terahertz pulse based on pulsed digital holography. Optics Letters , 2011, 36(14): 2737-2739

257. Mahjoub, Akram M.; Motooka, Shoutaro; Aoki, Nobuyuki; Song, Jungwoo; Bird, Jonathan P.; Kawano, Yukio; Ferry, David K.; Ishibashi, Koji (2); Ochiai, Yuichi. Towards graphene ghz/thz nanosensor , 2011, 50(7): 070119

258. Li, Dong; Shu, Shiwei; Li, Fangfang; Ma, Guohong; Ge, Jin; Hu, Shuhong; Dai, Ning. Transmitted properties of terahertz wave through metallic hole arrays. Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(SUPPL. 1): S10204

259. Nagatsuma, Tadao. Terahertz technologies: Present and future. IEICE Electronics Express, 2011, 8(14): 1127-1142

260. Yuan, Cheng-Xun; Zhou, Zhong-Xiang; Zhang, Jingwen W.; Xiang, Xiao-Li; Yue, Feng; Sun, Hong-Guo. FDTD analysis of terahertz wave propagation in a high-temperature unmagnetized plasma slab. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science , 2011, 39(7): 1577-1584): 5776702

261. Zhang, Shengbo; Zhao, Guozhong; Zhao, Xinying. Terahertz spectra of edible pigments. Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(SUPPL. 1): S10502

262. He, Mingxia; Han, Jiaguang; Li, Meng; Tian, Zhen; Yu, Yanjun; Zhang, Weili.Terahertz spectroscopy studies of far-infrared optical and dielectric signatures of melamine. Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(SUPPL.1): S10507

263. Han, Sang-Pil; Ko, Hyunsung; Kim, Namje; Ryu, Han-Cheol; Wook Lee, Chul; Ahn Leem, Young; Lee, Donghun; Yong Jeon, Min; Kyu Noh, Sam; Sook Chun, Hyang; Hyun Park, Kyung. Optical fiber-coupled InGaAs-based terahertz time-domain spectroscopy system. Optics Letters , 2011, 36(16): 3094-3096

264. Terashima, Wataru; Hirayama, Hideki. Spontaneous emission from GaN/AlGaN terahertz quantum cascade laser grown on GaN substrate. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 2011, 8(7-8): 2302-2304

265. Zhang, Man; Cai, He; Shen, Jing-Ling. Terahertz spectroscopic testing of food additive tert-butylhydroquinone. Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2011, 31(7): 1809-1813

266. Zhao, Hui; Tian, Lu; Zhao, Kun; Zhou, Qingli; Shi, Yulei; Zhao, Dongmei; Zhao, Songqing; Zhang, Cunlin. Identification of pour point depressant by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(SUPPL.1): S10505

267. Heinz-Wilhelm; Kimmitt, Maurice F.; Hiromoto, Norihisa; Brundermann, Erik. Terahertz spectroscopy: System and sensitivity considerations. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2011, 1(1): 321-331): 6005326

268. Baragwanath, Adam J.; Swift, G. Peter; Dai, Dechang; Zeze, Dagou; Gallant, Andrew J.; Chamberlain, J. Martyn. Micro-machined fluidic devices for terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 2011, 8(9): 2935-2937

269. Liu, Xiaohong; Liu, Guifeng; Zhao, Hongwei; Zhang, Zengyang; Wei, Yongbo; Liu, Min; Wen, Wen; Zhou, Xingtai. The quantitative monitoring of mechanochemical reaction between solid L-tartaric acid and sodium carbonate monohydrate by terahertz spectroscopy. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2011, 72(11): 1245-1250

270. Liu, Jia; Fan, Wenhui; Xue, Bing. Study on the transmission characteristic of terahertz pulse through packing materials. Chinese Optics Letters , 2011, 9(SUPPL.1): S10202

271. Nazarov, M.M.; Sarkisov, S.Yu.; Shkurinov, A.P.; Tolbanov, O.P. GaSe1-xSx and GaSe1-xTex thick crystals for broadband terahertz pulses generation. Applied Physics Letters , 2011, 99(8): 081105

272. Shi, Yu-Lei; Zhou, Qing-Li; Liu, Wei; Zhao, Dong-Mei; Li, Lei; Zhang, Cun-Lin. Terahertz wave polarization rotation in bianisotropic metamaterials. Chinese Physics B , 2011, 20(9): 094102

273. Clough, Benjamin; Liu, Jingle; Zhang, X.C. All air-plasma terahertz spectroscopy. Optics Letters, 2011, 36(13): 2399-2401

274. Andres-Garcia, Belen; Garcia-Munoz, Enrique; Bauerschmidt, Sebastian; Preu, Sascha; Malzer, Stefan; Dohler, Gottfried H.; Wang, Lijun; Segovia-Vargas, Daniel.Gain enhancement by dielectric horns in the Terahertz band. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation , 2011, 59(9): 3164-3170

275. Müller, Ralph; Hoehl, Arne; Serdyukov, Anton; Ulm, Gerhard; Feikes, Jörg; Ries, Markus; Wüstefeld, Godehard. The metrology light source of PTB - A source for THz radiation. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves , 2011, 32(6): 742-753

276. Rozban, Daniel; Levanon, Assaf; Joseph, Hezi; Akram, Avihai; Abramovich, Amir; Kopeika, Natan S.; Yitzhaky, Yitzhak; Belenky, Alexander (2); Yadid-Pecht, Orly. Inexpensive THz focal plane array imaging using miniature neon indicator lamps as detectors. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2011, 11(9): 1962-1968): 5701647

277. Comerford, Richard. Nano 'cupcakes' may open door to new applications of THz radiation. Electronic Products (Garden City, New York) , 2011, 53(8)

278. Wang, Xiaoyan; Zhao, Guozhong; Zhang, Cunlin. Investigation on terahertz transmission spectrum through Sierpinski fractal structures on copper foils. Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica , 2011, 31(SUPPL.1): s100507

279. Iwaszczuk, K.; Andryieuski, A.; Lavrinenko, A.; Zhang, X.-C.; Jepsen, P.U. Non-invasive terahertz field imaging inside parallel plate waveguides. Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99(7): 071113

280. Yang, Yihong; Mandehgar, Mahboubeh; Grischkowsky, Daniel R. Broadband THz pulse transmission through the atmosphere. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2011, 1(1): 264-273): 6005330

281. Zon, V.B.; Zon, B.A. Terahertz surface plasmon polaritons on a conductive right circular cone: Analytical description and experimental verification. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics , 2011, 84(1): 013816

282. Cooper, Ken B.; Dengler, Robert J.; Llombart, Nuria; Thomas, Bertrand; Chattopadhyay, Goutam; Siegel, Peter H. THz imaging radar for standoff personnel screening. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2011, 1(1): 169-182): 6005328

283. Jin, Ning; Li, Jiu-Sheng.ATerahertz wave bandpass filter based on metamaterials. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2011, 53(8): 1858-1860

284. Moon, Kiwon; Jung, Euna; Lim, Meehyun; Do, Youngwoong; Han, Haewook. Terahertz near-field microscope: Analysis and measurements of scattering signals. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2011, 1 (1): 164-168): 6005332

285. Viquerat, B.; Degert, J.; Tondusson, M.; Freysz, E.; Mauriac, C.; Letard, J.F. Time-domain terahertz spectroscopy of spin state transition in [Fe(NH2 - trz)3]2+ spin crossover compounds Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99(6): 061908

286. Jia, Wanli; Hou, Lei; Chen, Suguo; Hu, Xianjing; Wang, Shaoqiang; Shi, Wei. Thermal stability of GaAs photoconductive terahertz antenna. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters , 2011, 53(10): 2393-2395

287. Samoska, Lorene A. An overview of solid-state integrated circuit amplifiers in the submillimeter-wave and THz regime. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2011, 1(1): 9-24): 6005342

288. Nguyen, Truong Khang; Han, Haewook; Park, Ikmo. Numerical study of a full-wavelength dipole antenna on a GaAs membrane structure at terahertz frequency. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves , 2011, 32(6): 763-777

289. Jha, Kumud Ranjan; Singh, G. Analysis and design of enhanced directivity microstrip antenna at terahertz frequency by using electromagnetic bandgap material.International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields , 2011, 24(5): 410-424

290. Slingerland, Elizabeth J.; Jahngen, Edwin G.E.; Goyette, Thomas M.; Giles, Robert H.; Nixon, William E. Terahertz absorption spectra of nitromethane. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer , 2011, 112(14): 2323-2329

291. Tanaka, Koichiro; Hirori, Hideki; Nagai, Masaya. THz nonlinear spectroscopy of solids. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2011, 1(1Issue date:September 2011Publication year:2011): 301-312): 6005347

292. Booske, John H.; Dobbs, Richard J.; Joye, Colin D.; Kory, Carol L.; Neil, George R.; Park, Gun-Sik; Park, Jaehun; Temkin, Richard J. Vacuum electronic high power terahertz sources. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2011, 1(1): 54-75): 5993476

293. Jeon, Min Yong; Kim, Namje; Han, Sang-Pil; Ko, Hyunsung; Ryu, Han-Cheol; Yee, Dae-Su; Park, Kyung Hyun. Rapidly frequency-swept optical beat source for continuous wave terahertz generation. Optics Express, 2011, 19(19): 18364-18371

294. Wang, Y.Y.; Notake, T.; Tang, M.; Nawata, K.; Ito, H.; Minamide, H. Terahertz-wave water concentration and distribution measurement in thin biotissue based on a novel sample preparation. Physics in Medicine and Biology , 2011, 56(14): 4517-4527

295. Pereverzev, Andrey; Sewell, Thomas D.Terahertz spectrum and normal-mode relaxation in pentaerythritol tetranitrate: Effect of changes in bond-stretching force-field terms. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2011, 134(24): 244502

296. Ropagnol, Xavier; Morandotti, Robert; Ozaki, Tsuneyuki; Reid, Matt. THz pulse shaping and improved optical-to-THz conversion efficiency using a binary phase mask. Optics Letters, 2011, 36(14): 2662-2664

297. Friederich, Fabian; Von Spiegel, Wolff; Bauer, Maris; Meng, Fanzhen; Thomson, Mark D.; Boppel, Sebastian; Lisauskas, Alvydas; Hils, Bernd (1); Krozer, Viktor; Keil, Andreas; Loffler, Torsten; Henneberger, Ralf; Huhn, Anna Katharina; Spickermann, Gunnar; Bolivar, Peter Haring; Roskos, Hartmut G. THz active imaging systems with real-time apabilities.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2011, 1(1): 183-200): 6005341

298. Palka, Norbert; Szustakowski, Mieczyslaw; Trzcinski, Tomasz; Mozdzonek, Malgorzata. Comparison of spectra of materials measured by time domain and fourier transform spectroscopy in terahertz range. Photonics Letters of Poland , 2011, 3(2): 76-78

299. Naftaly, Mira; Dudley, Richard. Terahertz reflectivities of metal-coated mirrors, 2011, 50(19): 3201-3204

300. Zhu, Y.M.; Chen, L.; Peng, Y.; Yuan, M.H.; Wen, Y.; Zhuang, S.L. Temperature dependence of nonequilibrium transport time of electrons in bulk GaAs investigated by time-domain terahertz spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99(2): 022111

301. Zhang, Dainan; Wen, Qiye; Xie, Yunsong. Simulation and experiments for a broadband terahertz absorber. Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(SUPPL. 1): S10402

302. Lai, Chih-Hsien; Lu, Ja-Yu; Chang, Hung-Chun. Adding metallic layers outside terahertz antiresonant reflecting veguides: The influence on loss spectra. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 2011, 28(9): 2200-2206

303. Hofmann, T.; Schmidt, D.; Boosalis, A.; Khne, P.; Skomski, R.; Herzinger, C.M.; Woollam, J.A.; Schubert, M.; Schubert, E. THz dielectric anisotropy of metal slanted columnar thin films. Applied Physics Letters , 2011, 99(8): 081903

304. Skoromets, V.; Glinšek, S.; Bovtun, V.; Kempa, M.; Petzelt, J.; Kamba, S.; Malic, B.; Kosec, M.; Kuzel, P. Ferroelectric phase transition in polycrystalline KTaO3 thin film revealed by terahertz spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters , 2011, 99 (5): 052908

305. Lee, Eui Su; Lee, Sun-Goo; Kee, Chul-Sik; Jeon, Tae-In. Terahertz notch and low-pass filters based on band gaps properties by using metal slits in tapered parallel-plate waveguides. Optics Express, 2011, 19(16): 14852-14859

306. Wang, He; Zhao, Guozhong. Study on the THz spectra of four kinds of Nipagin esters. Chinese Optics Letters , 2011, 9(SUPPL.1): S10503

307. Gol'denberg, B.G.; Abramskii, A.Y.; Zelinskii, A.G.; Maslii, A.I.; Maksimovskii, E.A.; Kondrat'ev, V.I.; Korol'kov, V.P.; Kuper, K.E.; Petrova, E.V.; Pindyurin, V.F. Features of the manufacture of deep X-ray lithography masks in the siberian synchrotron and terahertz radiation center. Journal of Surface Investigation , 2011, 5(1I): 159-165

308. Zhang, Y.; Zheng, Y.; Xu, S.; Liu, W. Empirical study of nonlinearity tensor dominating THz generation in barium borate crystal through optical rectification. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics , 2011, 103(4): 831-835

309. Krüger, Matthias; Huang, Mian-Mian; Brundermann, Erik; Weingartner, Hermann; Havenith, Martina. Combined THz and microwave dielectric spectroscopy of intermolecular interactions in homologous protic ionic liquids. IEEE ransactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2011, 1(1): 313-319

310. Li, Fan; Shi, Yanli; Zhao, Lusheng; Xu, Wen. Simulation and calculation of I-V characteristics of GaAs MESFET in THz detection. Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering , 2011, 40(7): 1205-1208

311. Berres, Jay A.; Hanson, George W. Multiwall carbon nanotubes at RF-THz frequencies: Scattering, shielding, effective conductivity, and power dissipation. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2011, 59(8): 3098-3103): 5871281

312. Mahler, Lukas; Tredicucci, Alessandro. Photonic engineering of surface-emitting terahertz quantum cascade lasers. Laser and Photonics Reviews , 2011, 5(5): 647-658

313. Vodopyanov, K.L.; Hurlbut, W.C.; Kozlov, V.G. Photonic THz generation in GaAs via resonantly enhanced intracavity multispectral mixing. Applied Physics Letters , 2011, 99 (4 ): 041104

314. Wietzke, Steffen; Reuter, Marco; Nestle, Nikolaus; Klimov, Evgueni; Zadok, Uri; Fischer, Bernd M.; Koch, Martin Analyzing morphology and thermal history of polybutylene terephthalate by THz time-domain spectroscopy. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves , 2011, 32(7): 952-959

315. Xu, Xiong; Wei, Yanyu; Shen, Fei; Duan, Zhaoyun; Gong, Yubin; Yin, Hairong; Wang, Wenxiang. Sine waveguide for 0.22-THz traveling-wave tube. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2011, 32(8): 1152-1154): 5910356

316. Elkhatib, T.A.; Kachorovskii, V.Yu.; Stillman, W.J.; Rumyantsev, S.; Zhang, X.-C.; Shur, M.S. Terahertz response of field-effect transistors in saturation regime. Applied Physics Letters , 2011, 98(2): 243505

317. Chen, Z.; Gao, Y.; Decamp, M.F. Retrieval of terahertz spectra through ultrafast electro-optic modulation. Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99(1): 011106

318. Laurent, T.; Sharma, R.; Torres, J.; Nouvel, P.; Blin, S.; Varani, L.; Cordier, Y.; Chmielowska, M.; Chenot, S.; Faurie, J.-P.; Beaumont, B.; Shiktorov, P.; Starikov, E.; Gruzinskis, V.; Korotyeyev, V.V.; Kochelap, V.A. Voltage-controlled sub-terahertz radiation transmission through GaN quantum well structure. Applied Physics Letters , 2011, 99(8): 082101

319. Bakunov, Michael I.; Bodrov, Sergey B.; Mashkovich, Eugene A. Terahertz generation with tilted-front laser pulses: Dynamic theory for low-absorbing crystals. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics , 2011, 28(7): 1724-1734

320. Gobel, Thorsten; Schoenherr, Daniel; Sydlo, Cezary; Feiginov, Michael; Meissner, Peter; Hartnagel, Hans Ludwig. Reliability investigation of photoconductive continuous-wave terahertz emitters. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Abbreviated, 2011, 59(8): 2001-2007

321. Wang, Ying-Xin; Zhao, Zi-Ran; Chen, Zhi-Qiang; Zhang, Li; Kang, Ke-Jun; Deng, Jing-Kang. Performance of the continuous-wave imaging system based on a terahertz gas laser. Hongwai Yu Haomibo Xuebao/Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves , 11, 30(3): 193-197+236

322. Takeuchi, Hideo; Tsuruta, Syuichi; Nakayama, Masaaki. Terahertz spectroscopy of dynamics of coupling between the coherent longitudinal optical phonon and plasmon in the surge current of instantaneously photogenerated carriers flowing through the i-GaAs layer of an i-GaAs/n-GaAs epitaxial structure. Journal of Applied Physics,2011, 110(1I): 013515

323. Camerlingo, Carlo. Terahertz pulse driven Josephson junctions .Phys C Supercond Appl, 2011, 471(17-18): 493-496

324. Ma, Y.; Saha, S.C.; Bernassau, A.L.; Cumming, D.R.S. Terahertz free space communication based on acoustic optical modulation and heterodyne detection.Electronics Letters , 2011, 47(15): 868-870

325. Ramakrishnan, Gopakumar; Planken, Paul C. M. Percolation-enhanced generation of terahertz pulses by optical rectification on ultrathin gold films.Optics Letters, 2011, 36(13): 2572-2574

326. Zhou, Yu; Sun, Jiandong; Sun, Yunfei; Zhang, Zhipeng; Lin, Wenkui; Liu, Hongxin; Zeng, Chunhong; Lu, Min; Cai, Yong; Wu, Dongmin; Lou, Shitao; Qin, Hua; Zhang, Characterization of a room temperature terahertz detector based on a GaN/AlGaN HEMT.Baoshun.Journal of Semiconductors, 2011, 32(6): 064005

327. Dietze, D.; Benz, A.; Strasser, G.; Unterrainer, K.; Darmo, J. Terahertz meta-atoms coupled to a quantum well intersubband transition. Optics Express, 2011, 19(14 ): 13700-13706

328. Swanson, Eric S. Modeling DNA response to terahertz radiation.Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics , 2011, 83(4): 040901

329. Kao, S.H.; Chiu, C.C.; Pao, K.F.; Chu, K.R. Competition between harmonic cyclotron maser interactions in the terahertz regime .Physical Review Letters, 2011, 107(13): 135101

330. Kuehn, W.; Reimann, K.; Woerner, M.; Elsaesser, T.; Hey, R.; Schade, U. Strong correlation of electronic and lattice excitations in GaAs/AlGaAs semiconductor quantum wells revealed by two-dimensional terahertz spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters,2011, 107(6): 067401

331. Zyaei, Majed; Rostami, A.; Haji Khanmohamadi, H.; Rasooli Saghai, H. Room temperature terahertz photodetection in atomic and quantum well realized structures.Progress In Electromagnetics Research B(28I): 163-182

332. Grant, James; Ma, Yong; Saha, Shimul; Khalid, Ata; Cumming, David R.S. Polarization insensitive, broadband terahertz metamaterial absorber.Optics Letters, 2011, 36(17): 3476-3478

333. Ozanyan, Krikor B.; Wright, Paul; Stringer, Mark R.; Miles, Robert E. Hard-field THz tomography. IEEE Sensors Journal A, 2011, 11 (10): 2507-2513): 5752807

334. Zhang, Ya-Xin; Qiao, Shen; Huang, Wanxia; Ling, Wei; Li, Liang; Liu, Sheng-Gang. Asymmetric single-particle triple-resonant metamaterial in terahertz band.Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99 (7): 073111

335. Chi, Mingjun; Jensen, Ole Bjarlin; Petersen, Paul Michael. High-power dual-wavelength external-Cavity diode laser based on tapered amplifier with tunable terahertz frequency difference.Optics Letters, 2011, 36(14): 2626-2628

336. Li, H.; Cao, J.C. Effect of injection coupling strength on terahertz quantum-cascade lasers.Semiconductor Science and Technology , 2011, 26(9): 095029

337. Deal, William R.; Leong, K.; Radisic, V.; Sarkozy, S.; Gorospe, B.; Lee, J.; Liu, P.H.; Yoshida, W.; Zhou, J.; Lange, M.; Lai, R.; Mei, X.B.. Low noise amplification at 0.67 THz using 30 nm InP HEMTs.IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters , 2011, 21(7): 368-370
338. Ji, Weixiao; Luo, Chenglin. Low noise amplification at 0.67 THz using 30 nm InP HEMTs. Physica Scripta, 2011, 84(3): 035802

339. Tuniz, Alessandro; Lwin, Richard; Argyros, Alexander; Fleming, Simon C.; Pogson, Elise M.; Constable, Evan; Lewis, Roger A.; Kuhlmey, Boris T.. Stacked-and-drawn metamaterials with magnetic resonances in the terahertz range.Optics Express, 2011, 19(17): 16480-16490

340. Kim, Yong Sung; Lin, Shawn-Yu; Wu, Hsin-Ying; Pan, Ru-Pin. A tunable terahertz filter and its switching properties in terahertz region based on a defect mode of a metallic photonic crystal.Journal of Applied Physics 2011, 109(12): 123111

341. Popovic, Zoya; Grossman, Erich N. THz metrology and instrumentation. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2011, 1(1): 133-144): 6005340

342. Karasik, Boris S.; Sergeev, Andrei V.; Prober, Daniel E. Nanobolometers for THz photon detection.IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2011, 1(1): 97-111: 6005334

343. Shalaby, Mostafa; Merbold, Hannes; Peccianti, Marco; Razzari, Luca; Sharma, Gargi; Ozaki, Tsuneyuki; Morandotti, Roberto; Feurer, Thomas (2); Weber, Anja; Heyderman, Laura; Patterson, Bruce; Sigg, Hans. Concurrent field enhancement and high transmission of THz radiation in nanoslit arrays.Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99(4): 041110

344. Liu, Shenggang; Zhang, Ya-Xin; Yin, Yong. A broadband and tunable MMW-THz quasi-optical cavity.Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2011, 44(37): 375105

345. Dezaki, Hikari; Tanabe, Tadao; Oyama, Continuously tunable ultra broadband terahertz generation implemented with 1.2 μm NIR pumping of GaSe.Yutaka Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi, 2011, 75(5): 315-319

346. Scherger, Benedikt; Wietzke, Steffen; Scheller, Maik; Vieweg, Nico; Wichmann, Matthias; Koch, Martin; Wiesauer, Karin. Characterization of micro-powders for the fabrication of compression molded THz lenses .Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 2011, 32(7): 943-951

347. Liu, Pengxiang; Xu, Degang; Liu, Changming; Lv, Da; Lv, Yingjin; Wang, Peng; Yao, Jianquan. P-polarized Cherenkov THz wave radiation generated by optical rectification for a Brewster-cut LiNbO3 crystal.Journal of Optics, 2011, 13(8): 085202

348. Ku, Cheng-Pin; Shih, Chih-Chang; Lin, Chia-Jen; Pan, Ru-Pin; Pan, Ci-Ling. Mol. Cryst. THz optical constants of the liquid crystal MDA-00-3461.Liq. Cryst., 2011, 541(ILCC 2010) : 65-70

349. Yang, Yuping; Zou, Bin; Chen, Xiao; Feng, Shuai. Terahertz spectroscopy of biochanin A. Guangxue Xuebao, 2011, 31(SUPPL.1): s100502

350. Andrianov, Alexander V.; Aleshin, Andrey N.; Truchin, Valeri N.; Bobylev, Alexander V. Electrical and optical properties of polyfluorene thin films studied by THz time-domain spectroscopy. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2011, 44(26): 265101

351. Rolland, A.; Loas, G.; Brunel, M.; Frein, L.; Vallet, M.; Alouini, M. Non-linear optoelectronic phase-locked loop for stabilization of opto-millimeter waves: Towards a narrow linewidth tunable THz source. Optics Express, 2011, 19(19): 17944-17950

352. Nguyen, Tho Duc; Liu, Shuchang; Vardeny, Z. Valy; Nahata, Ajay.Engineering the properties of terahertz filters using multilayer aperture arrays. Optics Express, 2011, 19(19): 18678-18686

353. Wang, Haiyan; Zhao, Guozhong; Wang, Xinqiang. Terahertz radiation from InN by femtosecond optical pulses of different wavelengths Chinese Optics Letters , 2011, 9(SUPPL. 1): S10203

354. Pu, Minhao; Hu, Hao; Galili, Michael; Ji, Hua; Peucheret, Christophe; Oxenlowe, Leif K.; Yvind, Kresten; Jeppesen, Palle; Hvam, Jrn M. (1) 15-THz tunable wavelength conversion of picosecond pulses in a silicon waveguide. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , 2011, 23(19): 1409-1411): 5954156

355. Piot, P.; Sun, Y.-E.; Maxwell, T.J.; Ruan, J.; Lumpkin, A.H.; Rihaoui, M.M.; Thurman-Keup, R. Observation of coherently enhanced tunable narrow-band terahertz transition radiation from a relativistic sub-picosecond electron bunch train. Applied Physics Letters , 2011, 98(26): 261501

356. Dragoman, D.; Dragoman, M.; Hartnagel, H. Terahertz generation using a resonant-tunneling-like configuration in graphene. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109(12): 124307

357. Tanvir, Huda; Rahman, B.M.A.; Kejalakshmy, N.; Agrawal, A.; Grattan, K.T.V. Evolution of highly confined surface plasmon modes in terahertz quantum cascade laser waveguides. Journal of Lightwave Technology , 2011, 29(14): 2116-2125

358. Freeman, Joshua R.; Brewer, Anthony; Beere, Harvey E.; Ritchie, David A. Photo-luminescence study of heterogeneous terahertz quantum cascade lasers. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 110(1): 013103

359. Takano, Keisuke; Yokoyama, Hiroshi; Ichii, Akira; Morimoto, Isao; Hangyo, Masanori.Wire-grid polarizer sheet in the terahertz region fabricated by nanoimprint technology. Optics Letters , 2011, 36(14): 2665-2667

360. Chisum, Jonathan D.; Grossman, Erich N.; Popovi, Zoya. A general approach to low noise readout of terahertz imaging arrays. Review of Scientific Instruments , 2011, 82(6): 065106

361. Udomariyasap, P.; Noppanakeepong, S.; Mitatha, S.; Yupapin, P.P. THz light pulse generated and storage by using a Gaussian pulse within a waveguide system. Optik, 2011, 122(17): 1515-1519

362. Chen, Yi; Ma, Yong; Lu, Zheng; Qiu, Lixia; He, Jin. Terahertz spectroscopic uncertainty analysis for explosive mixture components determination using multi-objective micro-genetic algorithm. Advances in Engineering Software , 2011, 42(9): 649-659

363. Stebunov, Yury; Leiman, Vladimir; Arsenin, Aleksey; Gladun, Anatoly; Semenenko, Viacheslav; Ryzhii, Victor. Detection of modulated terahertz radiation using combined plasma and mechanical resonances in double-carbon-nanotube device . Applied Physics Express, 2011, 4(7): 075101

364. Virk, Kuljit S.; Sipe, J.E. Optical injection and terahertz detection of the macroscopic Berry curvature. Physical Review Letters , 2011, 107(12): 120403

365. Groppi, Christopher E.; Kawamura, Jonathan H. Coherent detector arrays for terahertz astrophysics applications. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2011, 1(1): 85-96

366. Xue, Bing; Fan, Wenhui; Liang, Yuqing. Rapid data acquisition in terahertz imaging. Chinese Optics Letters Lett., 2011, 9(SUPPL. 1): S10501

367. Redo-Sanchez, Albert; Zhang, Xi-Cheng. Self-referenced method for terahertz wave time-domain spectroscopy. Optics Letters, 2011, 36(17): 3308-3310

368. Chen, Ming-Yang; Fu, Xiao-Xia; Zhang, Yong-Kang. Design and analysis of a low-loss terahertz directional coupler based on three-core photonic crystal fibre configuration.Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics , 2011, 44(40): 405104

369. Hishida, M.; Tanaka, K. Long-range hydration effect of lipid membrane studied by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters, 2011, 106(15): 158102

370. Baragwanath, Adam J.; Freeman, Joshua R.; Gallant, Andrew J.; Zeitler, J. Axel; Beere, Harvey E.; Ritchie, David A.; Chamberlain, J. Martyn. Terahertz near-field imaging using subwavelength plasmonic apertures and a quantum cascade laser source. Optics Letters , 2011, 36(1): 2393-2395

371. Baragwanath, Adam J.; Freeman, Joshua R.; Gallant, Andrew J.; Zeitler, J. Axel; Beere, Harvey E.; Ritchie, David A.; Chamberlain, J. Martyn Engineering electromagnetic response of composite terahertz metamaterial with broken symmetry. Optics Communications , 2011, 284 (19): 4815-4819

372. Shin, Young-Min; Baig, Anisullah; Barnett, Larry R.; Luhmann Jr., Neville C.; Pasour, John; Larsen, Paul. Modeling investigation of an ultrawideband terahertz sheet beam traveling-wave tube amplifier circuit. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , 2011, 58(9): 3213-3218): 5971777

373. Jha, Kumud Ranjan; Singh, G. Design of highly directive cavity type terahertz antenna for wireless communication. Optics Communications , 2011, 284(20): 4996-5002

374. Delga, A.; Doyennette, L.; Buffaz, A.; Berger, V.; Jasnot, F.R.; De Vaulchier, L.A.; Péré-Laperne, N.; Liu, H.C. Space charge mediated negative differential resistance in terahertz quantum well detectors. Journal of Applied Physics , 2011, 110 (1): 013714

375. Gayen, Dilip Kumar; Chattopadhyay, Tanay; Pal, Rajat Kumar; Roy, Jitendra Nath. All-optical prefix tree adder with the help of terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer. Chinese Optics Letters Abbreviated , 2011, 9(6): 062001

376. Ng, B.; Hanham, S.M.; Giannini, V.; Chen, Z.C.; Tang, M.; Liew, Y.F.; Klein, N.; Hong, M.H.; Maier, S.A. Lattice resonances in antenna arrays for liquid sensing in the terahertz regime. Optics Express , 2011, 19(15): 14653-14661

377. Chattopadhyay, Tanay. Eliminating the additional input beam in all-optical XOR gate using Terahertz Optical Asymmetric Demultiplexer (TOAD) based interferometer: A theoretical analysis. Optik, 2011, 122(16): 1486-1491

378. Ulisse, Giacomo; Brunetti, Francesca; Di Carlo, Aldo. Study of the influence of transverse velocity on the design of cold cathode-based electron guns for terahertz devices. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , 2011, 58(9): 3200-3204

379. Gu, Chao; Qu, Shao-Bo; Pei, Zhi-Bin; Xu, Zhuo; Bai, Peng; Peng, Wei-Dong; Lin, Bao-Qin; Zhou, Hang. Design of a wide-band and quasi-omnidirectional tabulate metamaterial absorber in the terahertz regime. Hongwai Yu Haomibo Xuebao/Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves , 2011, 30(4177): 14099-14107

380. Qin, Q.; Hu, Q. MEMS-plunger platform for tunable terahertz wire laser at at ~5 K . Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2011, 21(7): 075004

381. Ajito, Katsuhiro; Ueno, Yuko. THz chemical imaging for biological applications. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2011, 1(1I): 293-300

382. Stacey, Gordon J. THz low resolution spectroscopy for astronomy. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2011, 1(1I): 241-255): 6005346

383. Stacey, Gordon J.. THz low resolution spectroscopy for astronomy. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2011, 1(1): 241-255

384. Moeller, L. ; Federici, J. ; Su, K. 2.5Gbit/s duobinary signalling with narrow bandwidth 0.625 terahertz source. Electronics Letters , 2011, 47(15): 856-858

385. Hanson, G.W.; Monreal, R.C.; Apell, S.P. Electromagnetic absorption mechanisms in metal nanospheres: Bulk and surface effects in radiofrequency-terahertz heating of nanoparticles. Journal of Applied Physics , 2011, 109(12): 124306

386. J oseph, Hezi; Kopeika, Natan. S.; Abramovich, A.; Akram, A.; Levanon, A.; Rozban, D. Heterodyne detection by miniature neon indicator lamp glow discharge detectors. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2011, 11(9): 1879-1884): 5669324

387. Chen, Zhao; Zhou, Xibin; Werley, Christopher A.; Nelson, Keith A. Generation of high power tunable multicycle teraherz pulses. Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99(7): 071102

388. Blanchard, F.; Golde, D.; Su, F.H.; Razzari, L.; Sharma, G.; Morandotti, R.; Ozaki, T.; Reid, M.; Kira, M.; Koch, S.W.; Hegmann, F.A. Effective mass anisotropy of hot electrons in nonparabolic conduction bands of n-doped InGaAs films using ultrafast Terahertz pump-probe techniques. Physical Review Letters , 2011, 107(10): 107401

389. Deal, William; Mei, X.B.; Leong, Kevin M. K. H.; Radisic, Vesna; Sarkozy, S.; Lai, Richard. THz monolithic integrated circuits using InP high electron mobility transistors. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2011, 1(1): 25-32): 6005329

390. Tao, K.; Qiu, G.; Zheng, G.; Liu, Q.; Li, L.; Ouyang, Z. Terahertz subwavelength filters based on a 2D lattice of metal wires. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics ,101(1-2): 305-310

391. Kulesa, Craig. Terahertz spectroscopy for astronomy: From comets to cosmology. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2011, 1(1): 232-240): 6005336

392. Bratman, V.L.; Zorin, V.G.; Kalynov, Yu.K.; Koldanov, V.A.; Litvak, A.G.; Razin, S.V.; Sidorov, A.V.; Skalyga, V.A. Plasma creation by terahertz electromagnetic radiation. Physics of Plasmas, 2011, 18(8): 083507L

393. Cho, Sang-Heum; Lee, Sang-Hun; Chan, Nam-Gung; Oh, Seoung-Jun; Son, Joo-Hiuk; Park, Hochong; Ahn, Chang-Beom. Fast terahertz reflection tomography using block-based compressed sensing. Optics Express, 2011, 19(17): 16401-16409

394. Zhang, Hui-Yun; Gao, Ying; Zhang, Yu-Ping; Wang, Shi-Fan.Independently tunable multichannel terahertz filters. Chinese Physics B , 2011, 20(9): 094101

395. King, Matthew D.; Ouellette, Wayne; Korter, Timothy M. Noncovalent interactions in paired DNA nucleobases investigated by terahertz spectroscopy and solid-state density functional theory. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2011, 115(34): 9467-9478

396. Zhou, H.; Ding, F.; Jin, Yi; He, S.L. Terahertz metamaterial modulators based on absorption. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 2011, 1(19): 449-460

397. Popov, M.A.; Zavislyak, I.V.; Srinivasan, G. Sub-THz dielectric resonance in single crystal yttrium iron garnet and magnetic field tuning of the modes. ournal of Applied Physics,2011,110(2): 024112

398. Gao, Z.; Wang, Z.-Y. Terahertz plasmonic cross resonant antenna. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2011, 25(11-12): 1730-1739

399. Lai, Chih-Hsien; Sun, Chi-Kuang; Chang, Hung-Chun. Terahertz antiresonant-reflecting-hollow-waveguidebased directional coupler operating at antiresonant frequencies. Optics Letters, 2011, 36(18): 3590-3592

400. Chowdhury, Dibakar Roy; Singh, Ranjan; Reiten, Matthew; Chen, Hou-Tong; Taylor, Antoinette J.; O'Hara, John F.; Azad, Abul K. A broadband planar terahertz metamaterial with nested structure. Optics Express, 2011, 19(17): 15817-15823

401. Tanvir, Huda; Rahman, B.M.A.; Kejalakshmy, N.; Agrawal, A.; Grattan, K.T.V. Evolution of highly confined surface plasmon modes in terahertz quantum cascade laser waveguides. Journal of Lightwave Technology , 2011, 29(14): 2116-2125): 5765414

402. Taylor, Zachary D.; Singh, Rahul S.; Bennett, David B.; Tewari, Priyamvada; Kealey, Colin P.; Bajwa, Neha; Culjat, Martin O.; Stojadinovic, Alexander; Lee, Hua; Hubschman, Jean-Pierre; Brown, Elliott R.; Grundfest, Warren S. THz medical imaging: In vivo hydration sensing. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2011, 1(1): 6005348

403. Vitiello, Miriam Serena; Tredicucci, Alessandro. Tunable emission in THz quantum cascade lasers. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2011, 1(1): 6005349

404. Chattopadhyay, Goutam. Technology, capabilities, and performance of low power terahertz sources. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2011, 1(1): 33-53): 6005327

405. Maruyama, Kazunori; Itani, Norihiko; Hasegawa, Shin-Ya; Wakana, Shinichi. High-speed terahertz spectroscopic imaging using noncollinear electro-optic sampling and a multistep mirror. Optics Express, 2011, 19(18): 17738-17749

406. Pearson, Andrew J.; Palastro, John; Antonsen, Thomas M. Simulation of terahertz generation in corrugated plasma waveguides. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics , 2011, 83(5): 056403

407. Schuster, Franz; Knap, Wojciech; Nguyen, Valérie. Terahertz imaging achieved with low-cost CMOS detectors. Laser Focus World, 2011, 47(7): 37-41

408. Savenko, I.G.; Shelykh, I.A.; Kaliteevski, M.A. Nonlinear terahertz emission in semiconductor microcavities.. Physical Review Letters, 2011, 107(2): 027401

409. Yang, Yuping; Singh, Ranjan; Zhang, Weili. Anomalous terahertz transmission in bow-Tie plasmonic antenna apertures. Optics Letters, 2011, 36(15): 2901-2903

410. Jackson, J. Bianca; Bowen, John; Walker, Gillian; Labaune, Julien; Mourou, Gerard; Menu, Michel; Fukunaga, Kaori. A survey of terahertz applications in cultural heritage conservation science. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2011, 1(1): 220-231): 5993477

411. Kemp, Michael C. Explosives detection by terahertz spectroscopy - A bridge too far?. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2011, 1(1): 282-292): 6005335

412. Heshmat, Barmak; Pahlevaninezhad, Hamid; Beard, Matthew Craig; Papadopoulos, Chris; Darcie, Thomas Edward. Single-walled carbon nanotubes as base material for THz photoconductive switching: A theoretical study from input power to output THz emission. Optics Express, 2011, 19(16): 15077-15089

413. Pickwell-Macpherson, Emma; Huang, Shengyang; Kan, Kanis Wai Chi; Sun, Yiwen; Zhang, Yuan Ting. Recent developments of terahertz technology in biomedicine.Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 2011, 1(1): 29-44

414. De Rijk, E.; MacOr, A.; Hogge, J-Ph.; Alberti, S.; Ansermet, J-Ph. Note: Stacked rings for terahertz wave-guiding. eview of Scientific Instruments, 2011, 82(6): 066102

415. Deng, Xianjin; Wang, Cheng; Lin, Changxing; Chen, Qi; Zhou, Chuanming; Zhang, Jian; Liu, Cangli; Yao, Jun; Xiao, Shiwei; Su, Wei (1); Liu, Jie; Wu, Shangyun; Huang, Qingzhong; Zhang, Qianmei; Yan, Jun; Xiao, Yong. Experimental research on 0.14 THz super high speed wireless communication system.Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu/High Power Laser and Particle Beams , 2011, 23(6): 1430-1432

416. Reid, Caroline B.; Fitzgerald, Anthony; Reese, George; Goldin, Robert; Tekkis, Paris; O'Kelly, P.S.; Pickwell-acpherson, Emma; Gibson, Adam P.; Wallace, Vincent P. Terahertz pulsed imaging of freshly excised human colonic tissues. Physics in Medicine and Biology , 2011, 56(14): 4333-4353

417. Köhler, C. ; Cabrera-Granado, E.; Babushkin, I.; Bergé, L. ; Herrmann, J.; Skupin, S. Directionality of terahertz emission from photoinduced gas plasmas. Optics Letters, 2011, 36(16): 3166-3168

418. Han, Jiaguang; Tian, Zhen; Gu, Jianqiang; He, Mingxia; Zhang, Weili. Composite metamaterials with tunable chiral properties at terahertz frequencies. Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(SUPPL. 1): S10401

419. The terahertz frontier. Terahertz encoding approach for secured chipless radio frequency identification. Applied Optics, 2011, 50(23): 4648-4655

420. Wanke, Michael C. ; Lee, Mark.The terahertz frontier.. IEEE Spectrum, 2011, 48(9): 44-48+60-61): 5995900

421. Chen, Yi; Ma, Yong; Lu, Zheng; Peng, Bei; Chen, Qin. Quantitative analysis of terahertz spectra for illicit drugs using adaptive-range micro-genetic algorithm. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 110(4): 044902

422. Liu, Feng; Li, Yanfeng; Xing, Qirong; Wang, Changlei; Hu, Minglie; Chai, Lu; Wang, Qingyue. Study on nonlinear rocesses affecting terahertz radiation generation from undoped GaP crystal. Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(SUPPL. 1): 0201

423. Santoro, M; Gorelli, FA; Scopigno, T; Krisch, M; Sette, F; Ruocco, G, Pressure behavior of the sound velocity of liquid water at room temperature in the terahertz regime, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol: 84  no: 9, SEP 20 2011 

424. Balocco, C; Kasjoo, SR; Zhang, LQQ; Alimi, Y; Song, AMM,Low-frequency noise of unipolar nanorectifiers, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol: 99,  no: 11, SEP 12 2011 

425. Sensale-Rodriguez, B; Fang, T; Yan, RS; Kelly, MM; Jena, D; Liu, L; Xing, HL,Unique prospects for graphene-based terahertz modulators, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol: 99, no: 11, SEP 12 2011 

426. Kovalev, SP; Kitaeva,Kitaeva, G. Kh, Two alternative approaches to electro-optical detection of terahertz pulses, JETP LETTERS, vol: 94, no: 2, pp: 91-96, SEP 2011 

427. Shen, YC, Terahertz pulsed spectroscopy and imaging for pharmaceutical applications: A review, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS, vol: 417, no: 1-2 , SEP 30 2011 

428. Flayac, H; Solnyshkov, Solnyshkov, D. D; Malpuech, G, Bloch oscillations of exciton-polaritons and photons for the generation of an alternating terahertz spin signal, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol: 84, no: 12, SEP 15 2011 

429. Hlinka, J; Simon, E; Bogicevic, C; Karolak, F; Janolin, Janolin, P. E, Geometric resonances in far-infrared reflectance spectra of PbTiO(3) ceramics, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol: 84, no: 9, SEP 13 2011 

430. Andres-Garcia, B; Garcia-Munoz, Garcia-Munoz, Enrique; Bauerschmidt, S; Preu, S; Malzer, S; Dohler, Doehler, Gottfried H; Wang, LJ; Segovia-Vargas, Segovia-Vargas,Daniel,Gain Enhancement by Dielectric Horns in the Terahertz Band, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, vol: 59, no: 9, pp: 3164-3170, SEP 2011 

431. Camerlingo, C, Terahertz pulse driven Josephson junctions, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, vol: 471, no: 17-18, pp: 493-496, SEP 2011 

432. Ma, FY; Su, Su Jian-Po; Gong, QX; Yang, J; Du, YL; Guo, MT; Yuan, B, Measurement of the Optical Constants of Thin Metal Films by THz Differential Time Domain Spectroscopy, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, vol: 28, no: 9, SEP 2011 

433. Lv, L; Ren, GJ; Liu, B; Yao, JQ, Temperature influence on propagation characteristics of liquid crystal photonic crystal fiber of terahertz wave, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, vol: 13, no: 7-8, pp: 755-759, JUL 2011 

434. Garnov, SV; Shcherbakov, IA, Laser methods for generating megavolt terahertz pulses , PHYSICS-USPEKHI, vol: 54, no: 1, pp: 91-96, 2011 


436. He, MX Han, JG; Tian, Z; Gu, JQ; Xing, QR, Negative refractive index in chiral spiral metamaterials at terahertz frequencies, OPTIK, vol: 122, no: 18, pp: 1676-1679, 2011 

437. Bonfield, DG; Jarvis, MJ; Hardcastle, MJ; Cooray, A; Hatziminaoglou, E; Ivison, RJ; Page, MJ; Stevens, JA; de Zotti, G; Auld, R; Baes, M; Buttiglione, S; Cava, A; Dariush, A; Dunlop, JS; Dunne, L; Dye, S; Eales, S; Fritz, J; Hopwood, R; Ibar, E; Maddox, SJ; Michalowski, MJ; Pascale, E (Pascale, E.); Pohlen, M; Rigby, EE; Rodighiero, G; Serjeant, S; Smith, DJB; Temi, P; van der Werf, P,Herschel-ATLAS: the link between accretion luminosity and star formation in quasar host galaxies, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol: 416, no: 1, pp: 13-21, SEP 2011 

438. Coppin, KEK; Geach, JE; Smail, I; Dunne, L; Edge, AC; Ivison, RJ; Maddox, S; Auld, R; Baes, M; Buttiglione, S; Cava, A; Clements, DL; Cooray, A; Dariush, A; De Zotti, G; Dye, S; Eales, S; Fritz, J; Hopwood, R; Ibar, E; Jarvis, M; Michalowski, MJ; Murphy, DNA; Negrello, M; Pascale, E; Pohlen, M; Rigby, E; Rodighiero, G; Scott, D; Serjeant, S; Smith, DJB; Temi, P; van der Werf, P, Herschel-Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey: detection of a far-infrared population around galaxy clusters, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol: 416, no: 1, pp: 680-688, SEP 2011 

439. Grant, J; Ma, Y; Saha, S; Khalid, A; Cumming, DRS, Polarization insensitive, broadband terahertz metamaterial absorber, OPTICS LETTERS, vol: 36, no: 17, pp: 3476-3478, SEP 1 2011 

440. Wang, F Lin, L; Zhang, H; Hao, JK; Zhang, BC; Liu, KX, Amplitude and phase stability studies in a DC superconducting injector, CHINESE PHYSICS C, vol: 35, no: 9,pp: 855-858, SEP 2011 

441. Maksimov, EG; Karakozov, AE; Voronkov, AA; Gorshunov, BP; Zhukov, SS; Zhukova, ES; Nozdrin, VS; Haindl, S; Holzapfel, B; Schultz, L; Wu, D; Dressel, M; Iida, K; Kallina, P; Kurth, F,Two-Band BCS Mechanism of Superconductivity in a Ba(Fe(0.9)Co(0.1))(2)As(2) High-Temperature Superconductor, JETP LETTERS, vol: 93, no: 12, pp: 736-742, AUG 2011 

442. Ezerskaya, AA; Ivanov, DV; Bespalov, VG; Kozlov, SA,Diffraction of single-period terahertz electromagnetic waves, JOURNAL OF OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY, vol: 78, no: 8, pp: 551-557, AUG 2011 

443. Valtchanov, I; Virdee, J; Ivison, RJ; Swinyard, B; van der Werf, P; Rigopoulou, D; da Cunha, E; Lupu, R; Benford, DJ; Riechers, D; Smail, I; Jarvis, M; Pearson, C; Gomez, H; Hopwood, R; Altieri, B; Birkinshaw, M; Coia, D; Conversi, L; Cooray, A; De Zotti, G; Dunne, L; Frayer, D; Leeuw, L; Marston, A; Negrello, M; Portal, MS; Scott, D; Thompson, MA; Vaccari, M; Baes, M; Clements, D; Michalowski, MJ; Dannerbauer, H; Serjeant, S; Auld, R Buttiglione, S; Cava, A; Dariush, A; Dye, S; Eales, S; Fritz, J; Ibar, E; Maddox, S; Pascale, E; Pohlen, M; Rigby, E; Rodighiero, G; Smith, DJB; Temi, P; Carpenter, J; Bolatto, A; Gurwell, M; Vieira, JD,Physical conditions of the interstellar medium of high-redshift, strongly lensed submillimetre galaxies from the Herschel-ATLAS, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol: 415, no: 4, pp: 3473-3484, AUG 2011 

444. Lee, SG; Kee, CS; Lee, ES; Jeon, TI,Photonic band anti-crossing in a coupled system of a teraherz plasmonic crystal film and a metal air-gap waveguide, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol: 110, no: 3, AUG 1 2011 

445. Avetisyan, YH; Hakobyan, HS; Tadevosyan, VR Analysis of plasmon terahertz waveguide formed by a dielectric ridge on semiconductor surface, JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS-ARMENIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, vol: 46, no: 5, pp: 234-238, OCT 2011

446. Kashiwagi, T; Yamaki, K; Tsujimoto, M; Deguchi, K; Orita, N; Koike, T; Nakayama, R; Minami, H; Yamamoto, T; Klemm, RA; Tachiki, M; Kadowaki, K, Geometrical Full-Wavelength Resonance Mode Generating Terahertz Waves from a Single-Crystalline Bi(2)Sr(2)CaCu(2)O(8+delta) Rectangular Mesa, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, vol: 80, no: 9, SEP 2011 

447. Jin, W; Zhang, YL; Dong, XZ; Duan, XM; Zhao, ZS, Engineering electromagnetic response of composite terahertz metamaterial with broken symmetry, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol: 284, no: 19, pp: 4815-4819 , SEP 1 2011 

448. Lai, CH; Lu, JY; Chang, HC, Adding metallic layers outside terahertz antiresonant reflecting waveguides: the influence on loss spectra, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, vol: 28, no: 9, pp: 2200-2206, SEP 2011 

449. Lanzillotti-Kimura, ND; Fainstein, A; Perrin, B; Jusserand, B, Theory of coherent generation and detection of THz acoustic phonons using optical microcavities, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol: 84, no: 6, AUG 30 2011 

450. Chmielak, B; Waldow, M; Matheisen, C; Ripperda, C; Bolten, J; Wahlbrink, T; Nagel, M (Nagel, Michael); Merget, F; Kurz, H,Pockels effect based fully integrated, strained silicon electro-optic modulator, OPTICS EXPRESS, vol: 19, no: 18, pp: 17212-17219, AUG 29 2011 

451. Pu, MB; Hu, CG; Wang, M; Huang, C; Zhao, ZY; Wang, CT; Feng, Q; Luo, XG, Design principles for infrared wide-angle perfect absorber based on plasmonic structure, OPTICS EXPRESS, vol: 19, no: 18, pp: 17413-17420, AUG 29 2011 

452. Zhang, YX; Qiao, S; Huang, WX; Ling, W; Li, L; Liu, SG,Asymmetric single-particle triple-resonant metamaterial in terahertz band, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol: 99, no: 7, AUG 15 2011 

453. Giovine, E; Casini, R; Dominijanni, D; Notargiacomo, A; Ortolani, M; Foglietti, V, Fabrication of Schottky diodes for terahertz imaging, MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, vol: 88, no: 8, pp: 2544-2546, AUG 2011 

454. Fan, F; Guo, Z; Bai, JJ; Wang, XH; Chang, SJ, Magnetically tunable magneto-photonic crystals for multifunctional terahertz polarization controller, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,vol: 60, no: 8, AUG 2011 

455. Que, CT; Edamura, T; Nakajima, M; Tani, M; Hangyo, M, Terahertz Emission Enhancement in InAs Thin Films Using a Silicon Lens Coupler, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol: 50, no: 8, AUG 2011 

456. Suzuki, S; Karashima, K; Ishigaki, K; Asada, M, Heterodyne Mixing of Sub-Terahertz Output Power from Two Resonant Tunneling Diodes Using InP Schottky Barrier Diode, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol: 50, no: 8, AUG 2011 

457. Sakhnov, SN; Leksutkina, EV; Smolyanskaya, OA; Usov, AV; Parakhuda, SE; Grachev, YV; Kozlov, SA, Application of femtotechnologies and terahertz spectroscopy methods in cataract diagnostics, OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY, vol: 111, no: 2, pp: 257-261, AUG 2011 

458. Xu, XL; Peng, B; Li, DH; Zhang, J; Wong, LM; Zhang, Q; Wang, SJ; Xiong, QH, Flexible Visible-Infrared Metamaterials and Their Applications in Highly Sensitive Chemical and Biological Sensing, NANO LETTERS, vol: 11, no: 8, pp: 3232-3238, AUG 2011 

459. Zhu, YK; Tian, GY; Lu, RS; Zhang, H A Review of Optical NDT Technologies, SENSORS, vol: 11, no: 8, pp: 7773-7798, AUG 2011 

460. Hashim, AM、; Mustafa, F、; Abd Rahman, SF、; Rahman, ARA、, Dual-Functional On-Chip AlGaAs/GaAs Schottky Diode for RF Power Detection and Low-Power Rectenna Applications, SENSORS,vol: 11, no: 8, pp: 8127-8142, AUG 2011 

461. Shalygin, VA、; Vorobjev, LE; Firsov, DA ; Sofronov, AN; Melentyev, GA; Lundin, WV; Nikolaev, AE; Sakharov, AV; Tsatsulnikov, AF, Blackbody-like emission of terahertz radiation from AlGaN/GaN heterostructure under electron heating in lateral electric field (vol 109, 073108, 2011), JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol: 110, no: 2, JUL 15 2011 

462. Ahmed, Z; Chou, SG; Siegrist, K; Plusquellic, DF, State-resolved THz spectroscopy and dynamics of crystalline peptide-water systems, FARADAY DISCUSSIONS, vol: 150, pp: 175-192, 2011 

463. Niehues, G; Heyden, M; Schmidt, DA; Havenith, M, Exploring hydrophobicity by THz absorption spectroscopy of solvated amino acids, FARADAY DISCUSSIONS, vol: 150,pp: 193-207, 2011 

464. Rizzo; Plusquellic; Meuwly; Fischer; Havenith; Hynes; Zwier; Simons; Buma; Klug (Klug); Wynne; Pratt; Continetti; Nesbitt; Osterwalder; Muenter; Duxbury; Walker; Miloglyadov; Rijs (Dr. Rijs); Mullin; Haase; Meijer,General discussion , FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,vol: 150, pp: 257-292, 2011 

465. Turton, DA; Corsaro, C; Candelaresi, M; Brownlie, A; Seddon, KR; Mallamace, F; Wynne, K,The structure and terahertz dynamics of water confined in nanoscale pools in salt solutions, FARADAY DISCUSSIONS, vol: 150, pp: 493-504, 2011 

466. Yamaguchi, S; Tominaga, K; Saito, S, Intermolecular vibrational mode of the benzoic acid dimer in solution observed by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, vol: 13, no: 32, pp: 14742-14749, 2011 

467. Duan, HP; Li, HB; Xie, J; Panikov, NS; Cui, HL, Agent Identification Using a Sparse Bayesian Model, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,vol: 11, no: 10, pp: 2556-2564 , OCT 2011 

468. Luo, L; Jia, WL; Lei, CH; Liu, JX; Huang, H,Tunable enhanced transmission of terahertz radiation through an array of subwavelength holes perforated on a semiconductor film by applying external static magnetic fields, PHYSICS LETTERS A, vol: 375, no: 36, pp: 3213-3217, AUG 22 2011 

469. Luong, TQ; Verma, PK; Mitra, RK; Havenith, M, Do Hydration Dynamics Follow the Structural Perturbation during Thermal Denaturation of a Protein: A Terahertz Absorption Study, BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol: 101, no: 4, pp: 925-933, AUG 17 2011 

470. Poghosyan, TN, TE Modes in Parallel Cylindrical Surface Waveguides, JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS-ARMENIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, vol: 46, no: 4, pp: 180-183, AUG 2011 

471. Rigby, EE; Maddox, SJ; Dunne, L; Negrello, M; Smith, DJB; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J; Herranz, D; Lopez-Caniego, M; Auld, R; Buttiglione, S; Baes, M; Cava, A; Cooray, A; Clements, DL; Dariush, A; De Zotti, G; Dye, S; Eales, S; Frayer, D; Fritz, J; Hopwood, R; Ibar, E; Ivison, RJ; Jarvis, M; Panuzzo, P; Pascale, E; Pohlen, M; Rodighiero, G; Serjeant, S; Temi, P; Thompson, MA, Herschel-ATLAS: first data release of the Science Demonstration Phase source catalogues, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol: 415, no: 3, pp: 2336-2348, AUG 2011 

472. Riss, U, Theory of long distance interaction between antibodies and antigens, EUROPEAN BIOPHYSICS JOURNAL WITH BIOPHYSICS LETTERS, vol: 40, no: 8, pp: 987-1005, AUG 2011 

473. Jing, L; Yao, JQ,Single Mode Condition and Power Fraction of Air-Cladding Total Refractive Guided Porous Polymer Terahertz Fibers, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, vol: 28, no: 8, AUG 2011 

474. Marboutin, L; Petitjean, H; Xerri, B; Vita, N; Dupeyrat, F; Flament, JP; Berthomieu, D; Berthomieu, C,Profiling the Active Site of a Copper Enzyme through Its Far-Infrared Fingerprint, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, vol: 50, no: 35 , pp: 8062-8066,, 2011 

475. Liu, Y; Liu, JS; Wang, KJ,Numerical study of threshold gain behavior for a THz random laser in a two-dimensional active disordered medium with a three-level atomic system, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, vol: 56, no: 25, pp: 2664-2667, SEP 2011 

476. Maestre, H; Torregrosa, AJ; Fernandez-Pousa, CR; Pereda, JA; Capmany, J,Widely Tuneable Dual-Wavelength Operation of a Highly Doped Erbium Fiber Laser Based on Diffraction Gratings , IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, vol: 47, no: 9, pp: 1238-1243, SEP 2011 

477. Samanta, GK; Ebrahim-Zadeh, M,Dual-wavelength, two-crystal, continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator, OPTICS LETTERS , vol: 36, no: 16, pp: 3033-3035, AUG 15 2011 

478. Benseman TM.  Koshelev AE.  Gray KE.  Kwok W-K.  Welp U.  Kadowaki K.  Tachiki M.  Yamamoto T.,Tunable terahertz emission from Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ mesa devices,Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol.84, no.6, 1 Aug. 2011, 064523 (6 pp.).

479. Zhang, ZJ; Park, K; Lee, BJ,Surface and magnetic polaritons on two-dimensional nanoslab-aligned multilayer structure, OPTICS EXPRESS, vol: 19, no: 17, pp: 16375-16389, AUG 15 2011 

480. Arlinghaus, S; Holthaus, M, Generalized acceleration theorem for spatiotemporal Bloch waves, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol: 84, no: 5, AUG 8 2011 

481. anov, NA; Kosareva, OG; Andreeva, VA; Savel'ev, AB; Uryupina, DS; Volkov, RV; Makarov, VA; Shkurinov, AP, Angular distribution of the terahertz radiation intensity from the plasma channel of a femtosecond filament , JETP LETTERS,vol: 93, no: 11, pp: 638-641, AUG 2011 

482. Ivchenko, EL; Ganichev, SD,Ratchet effects in quantum wells with a lateral superlattice, JETP LETTERS, vol: 93, no: 11, pp: 673-682, AUG 2011 

483. Vilaithong, T; Singkarat, S; Yu, LD; Thongbai, C; Kamwanna, T; Songsiriritthigul, P,Accelerators and Related R & D Activities in Thailand, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY vol: 59, no: 2, pp: 534-541, AUG 2011 

484. Torrezan, AC; Shapiro, MA; Sirigiri, JR; Temkin, RJ; Griffin, RG,Operation of a Continuously Frequency-Tunable Second-Harmonic CW 330-GHz Gyrotron for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, vol: 58, no: 8, pp: 2777-2783, AUG 2011 

485. Joseph, CS; Yaroslavsky, AN; Neel, VA; Goyette, TM; Giles, RH, Continuous Wave Terahertz Transmission Imaging of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers, LASERS IN SURGERY AND MEDICINE, vol: 43, no: 6, pp: 457-462, AUG 2011 

486. Kats, MA; Woolf, D; Blanchard, R; Yu, NF; Capasso, F, Spoof plasmon analogue of metal-insulator-metal waveguides, OPTICS EXPRESS, vol: 19, no: 16, pp: 14860-14870, AUG 1 2011 

487. Periasamy, P; Berry, JJ; Dameron, AA; Bergeson, JD; Ginley, DS; O'Hayre, RP; Parilla, PA, Fabrication and Characterization of MIM Diodes Based on Nb/Nb(2)O(5) Via a Rapid Screening Technique, ADVANCED MATERIALS, vol: 23, no: 27, pp: 3080, JUL 19 2011 

488. Caumes, JP; Younus, A; Salort, S; Chassagne, B; Recur, B; Ziegle, A; Dautant, A; Abraham, E,Terahertz tomographic imaging of XVIIIth Dynasty Egyptian sealed pottery, APPLIED OPTICS, vol: 50, no: 20, pp: 3604-3608, JUL 10 2011 


490. Fu, XX; Chen, MY,Terahertz transmission optical fiber with low absorption loss and high birefringence, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, vol: 60, no: 7, JUL 2011 

491. Guo, Z; Fan, F; Bai, JJ; Niu, C; Chang, SJ, Magnetically tunable magnetic photonic crystal for terahertz switch and filter, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, vol: 60, no: 7, JUL 2011 

492. Zhao, YT; Zhang, Q; Bai, J; Fu, SF; Zhou, S, Terahertz wave propagation of one-dimensional antiferromagnetic/dielectric qusi-periodic photonic crystals, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, vol: 60, no: 7, JUL 2011 

493. Pascale, E; Auld, R; Dariush, A; Dunne, L; Eales, S; Maddox, S; Panuzzo, P; Pohlen, M; Smith, DJB; Buttiglione, S; Cava, A; Clements, DL; Cooray, A; Dye, S; de Zotti, G; Fritz, J; Hopwood, R; Ibar, E; Ivison, RJ; Jarvis, MJ; Leeuw, L; Lopez-Caniego, M; Rigby, E; Rodighiero, G; Scott, D; Smith, MWL; Temi, P; Vaccari, M; Valtchanov, I, The first release of data from the Herschel ATLAS: the SPIRE images, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY,ol: 415,no: 1, p: 911-917, JUL 2011 


495. Chen, HY; Hou, JH; Dayal, S; Huo, LJ; Kopidakis, N; Beard, MC; Luther, JM, A p-Type Quantum Dot/Organic Donor: Acceptor Solar-Cell Structure for Extended Spectral Response, ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, vol: 1, no: 4, pp: 528-533, JUL 2011 

496. Lupi, S,Terahertz Spectroscopy of Novel Superconductors, ADVANCES IN CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS , 2011 

497. Mikulics, M; Kordos, P; Gregusova, D; Adam, R; Kocan, M; Wu, SA; Zhang, J; Sobolewski, R; Grutzmacher, D; Marso, M, Monolithic Integration of Ultrafast Photodetector and MESFET in the GaN Material System, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, vol: 23, no: 17, pp: 1189-1191, SEP 1 2011 

498. Joseph, H; Kopeika, NS; Abramovich, A; Akram, A; Levanon, A; Rozban, D, Heterodyne Detection by Miniature Neon Indicator Lamp Glow Discharge Detectors, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, vol: 11, no: 9, pp: 1879-1884, SEP 2011 

499. Dai, L; Xia, J; Jiang, C, Ultrawideband air-core plasmonic slow-light waveguide with ultralow high-order dispersion, APPLIED OPTICS, vol: 50, no: 23, pp: 4566-4573, AUG 10 2011 

500. Stewart, SM,TERAHERTZING VISIBLE LIGHT, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, vol: 79, no: 8, pp: 797-797, AUG 2011 

501. Belonenko, MB; Lebedev, NG; Yanyushkina, NN, Negative differential conductivity of bigraphene controlled by an external voltage in a magnetic field, PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE, vol: 53, no: 8, pp: 1694-1698, AUG 2011 

502. Stanec, JR; Barker, NS, Fabrication and Integration of Micromachined Submillimeter-Wave Circuits, IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS,vol: 21, no: 8, pp: 409-411, AUG 2011 

503. He, XJ; Qiu, L; Wang, Y; Geng, ZX; Wang, JM; Gui, TL, A Compact Thin-Film Sensor Based on Nested Split-Ring-Resonator (SRR) Metamaterials for Microwave Applications, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES,vol: 32, no: 7, pp: 902-913, JUL 2011 

504. Tang, MC; Xiao, SQ; Wang, D; Xiong, J; Chen, K; Wang, BZ, Negative Index of Reflection in Planar Metamaterial Composed of Single Split-Ring Resonators, APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL ELECTROMAGNETICS SOCIETY JOURNAL, vol: 26, no: 3, pp: 250-258, MAR 2011 

505. Pors, A; Tsukerman, I; Bozhevolnyi, SI, Effective constitutive parameters of plasmonic metamaterials: Homogenization by dual field interpolation, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, vol: 84, no: 1, JUL 29 2011 

506. Goldflam, MD; Driscoll, T; Chapler, B; Khatib, O; Jokerst, NM; Palit, S; Smith, DR; Kim, BJ; Seo, G; Kim, HT; Di Ventra, M; Basov, DN, Reconfigurable gradient index using VO(2) memory metamaterials, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol: 99, no: 4, JUL 25 2011 

507. Shalaby, M; Merbold, H; Peccianti, M; Razzari, L; Sharma, G; Ozaki, T; Morandotti, R; Feurer, T; Weber, A; Heyderman, L; Patterson, B; Sigg, H, Concurrent field enhancement and high transmission of THz radiation in nanoslit arrays, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,vol: 99, no: 4, JUL 25 2011 

508. Santambrogio, G; Meek, SA; Abel, MJ; Duffy, LM; Meijer, G, Driving Rotational Transitions in Molecules on a Chip, CHEMPHYSCHEM, vol: 12, no: 10, pp: 1799-1807, JUL 11 2011 

509. Chen, LJ; Wang, ZP; Zhuang, SD; Yu, HH; Zhao, YG; Guo, L; Xu, XG, Dual-wavelength Nd:YAG crystal laser at 1074 and 1112 nm, OPTICS LETTERS, vol: 36, no: 13  pp: 2554-2556, JUL 1 2011 

510. Nguyen, TK; Han, H; Park, I, Numerical Study of a Full-wavelength Dipole Antenna on a GaAs Membrane Structure at Terahertz Frequency, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol: 32, no: 6, pp: 763-777, JUN 2011 

511. Rabbaa, S; Stiens, J, Charge density and plasmon modes in a triangular quantum well model for doped and undoped gated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, vol: 44, no: 32, AUG 17 2011 

512. Gabay, M; Triscone, JM, SUPERCONDUCTORS Terahertz superconducting switch, NATURE PHOTONICS, vol: 5, no: 8, pp: 447-449, AUG 2011 

513. Dienst, A; Hoffmann, MC; Fausti, D; Petersen, JC; Pyon, S; Takayama, T; Takagi, H; Cavalleri, A, Bi-directional ultrafast electric-field gating of interlayer charge transport in a cuprate superconductor, NATURE PHOTONICS, vol: 5, no: 8, pp: 485-488, AUG 2011 

514. Hartmann, RR; Shelykh, IA; Portnoi, ME, Excitons in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol: 84, no: 3, JUL 26 2011 

515. Kocherzhenko, AA; Siebbeles, LDA; Grozema, FC, Chemically Gated Quantum-Interference-Based Molecular Transistor , JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, vol: 2, no: 14, pp: 1753-1756, JUL 21 2011 

516. H. Yin, D. Bowes, A.W. Cross, W. He, K. Ronald, A. D. R. Phelps, D. Li  and X. Chen. Pseudospark-sourced Micro-sized Electron Beams for High Frequency klystron Applications. JTST, Vol.4, No.3, September 2011. PP.71-75

517. Liang Zhang, Wenlong He, Craig R. Donaldson, Adrian W. Cross, Alan D. R. Phelps, Paul McElhinney and Kevin Ronald. W-band Gyro-BWO with a Four-stage Depressed Collector. JTST, Vol.4, No.3, September 2011. PP.76-84

518. Y. Ma, S.C. Saha, A. L. Bernassau and D.R.S. Cumming.  Terahertz Acoustic Optical Modulator and its Application on Free Space Communication. JTST, Vol.4, No.3, September 2011. PP.85-89

519. Bo Zhang, Byron Alderman, Zhe Chen, Yong Fan, Xiaofan Yang and Xiaobo Yang. The Design of a 200-240-GHz Sub-Harmonic Mixer Based on RAL’s Planar Schottky Diodes. JTST, Vol.4, No.3, September 2011. PP.90-94

520. Yangjun Zhou, Paul Grimes,  Ghassan Yassin and Jamie Leech. The design of a 230GHz unilateral finline SIS mixer. JTST, Vol.4, No.3, September 2011. PP.95-98

521. J.F. Molloy, M. Naftaly, and R.A. Dudley. Characterisation of Terahertz Beam Profile and Propagation through Complex Quasi-Optic Systems. JTST, Vol.4, No.3, September 2011. PP.99-103

522. Hairui Liu, Junsheng Yu, Peter Huggard and Byron Alderman. Measurements of Schottky-Diode Based THz Video Detectors. JTST, Vol.4, No.3, September 2011. PP.104-108

523. G. Savini, J.Zhang, P.Ade, P.D.Mauskopf. Advances on Polarization Modulator Technology and Methodology for Future Improvements. JTST, Vol.4, No.3, September 2011. PP.109-115

524. Neda Khiabani, Yi Huang, Yao-chun Shen and Stephen Boyes. Time Varying Conductance in THz Photoconductive Antennas. JTST, Vol.4, No.3, September 2011. PP.116-122

525. Boon-Kok Tan and Ghassan Yassin. Josephson Pair Tunnelling Influence on the Performance of an SIS Mixer near its Superconducting Gap. JTST, Vol.4, No.3, September 2011. PP.123-127

526. Yu Guan, Koji Mizukoshi, Kazuki Yonekura, Kei Takeya, Kodo Kawase. THz techniques using metal mesh sensor for human skin measurement. JTST, Vol.4, No.3, September 2011. PP.128-131

527. Hirohisa Uchida , Takashi Sugiyama , Koji Suizu , Takashi Osumi , and Kodo Kawase. Generation of Widely Tunable Terahertz Waves by Difference-Frequency Generation Using a Configurationally Locked Polyene 2-[3-(4-Hydroxystyryl)-5, 5-Dimethylcyclohex-2-Enylidene] Malononitrile Crystal. JTST, Vol.4, No.3, September 2011. PP.132-136

528. Yandong Gong, Hui Dong and Zhining Chen. Cross-polarization Response of a Two-contact Photoconductive Terahertz Detector. JTST, Vol.4, No.3, September 2011. PP.137-148


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